Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 233 Disputes continue

Chapter 233 Disputes continue
The Spring Festival is approaching.

The shops are still hung with red lanterns, every household is also busy with the goods for the Spring Festival, and the streets are full of small vendors selling couplets.

Sang Xiaoyu has bought a plane ticket and is going to fly to Sanya.

Mother and son strongly beckoned her to come.

Sang Xiaoyu discussed with Song Yue before buying the ticket, and Song Yue said that all the tables for the Spring Festival are booked, if you feel at ease, you can leave, if you are not at ease, you can stay.

Sang Xiaoyu said that she was completely at ease, but she was left alone, and she went on a tour instead, and she was a little sorry. Song Yue said that it was the greatest reward for me if you left and let me manage alone.

It's the end of the year, you should also take a break, I find your nerves are too tense.

With Song Yue's promise, Sang Xiaoyu decided to fly to Sanya.

Cheng Weiting got her dream marriage certificate.

Complications and troubles cannot be exchanged for the attention of the lover. On the contrary, caring and caring is the best medicine.

Before the Spring Festival, Sister Wei wanted to launch a production line, but the funds were insufficient. She asked Zhao Weiguang to think carefully. If he wanted to join in, he would be considered the original founder.

It needs to invest 20 yuan, and as a shareholder, you can distribute bonus shares at the end of the year.

Zhao Weiguang discussed with Cheng Weiting, and Cheng Weiting couldn't afford so much money, so he decided to mortgage the house, which was an excellent opportunity.

Zhao Weiguang still hesitated, and Cheng Weiting said: "I put my whole life on you, and I will accept whether it is life or death."

The house finally bet 15, and they made up another 20.

Ge Yunsheng heard about it and said that she is a big fool with no brains, why did he marry you?It is to rationalize the property. You put the house on the house, and there are times when you cry.

Cheng Weiting said that she was willing, even if one day she was cheated out of everything by him, she would still be willing.

Ge Yunsheng scolded her as hopeless.

After becoming a shareholder, Zhao Weiguang got busy day by day. As soon as the foreign production line was put into production, the products doubled. He and Sister Wei tried every day to figure out how to sell the products.

Cheng Weiting also suggested to Sang Xiaoyu that the hotel import some seasonings, and use these seasonings to help the employees eat, which is fast and delicious, and also supports the work of the seasoning factory.

Sang Xiaoyu agreed.

Song Yue did not participate much in such matters.

Anyway, Cheng Weiting strongly supports her husband. He has no time to accompany her for a long time, and Cheng Weiting has no complaints or regrets. Zhao Weiguang said that he must struggle for a few years, and the house is his first goal.

He said that with the money, Cheng Weiting could live the life he truly created for her, and he wanted to shut up those who called him a jerk.

Jiang Chunhui's marriage was finally divorced.

It is impossible not to lose property, but within a controllable range, Jiang Chunhui had to fly abroad before the Spring Festival to accept his father's reprimand.

His father seriously warned Jiang Chunhui that if he continues to deal with women unscrupulously like this and loses money because of women, he will take back the management and management rights.

His father warned him earnestly, saying that he is not young anymore, don't hang around in the crowd of women, if this continues, all the property is reserved for these women, will he still have a good life?

The mother was also very angry, saying that if he sent him a granddaughter in a few years, she would not want to speak for him anymore.

Mother asked her to find an honest person to live a stable life, stop flirting with each other, you are not young anymore, you will regret it later.

Jiang Chunhui was taught a lesson by his parents for several days. He learned from the pain and decided to change his past.

It was Sang Xiaoyu who appeared in front of him.

Sang Xiaoyu would not lie to him, nor would he marry him for money, he decided to clean himself up again and flew to Sanya to confess to his goddess.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't accept his suggestion to come to Sanya at all. She said that she couldn't stay for a few days, and she would talk about it when she went back.

Jiang Chunhui's blood boiled with enthusiasm, thinking that Sang Xiaoyu would also be passionate, but he turned out to be tepid and didn't even want to see him at all, which hit his fiery heart.

Thinking of what he had done, he forgave Sang Xiaoyu again, and felt that if he returned to Mei Lanjiang, he would be able to win her heart by pleading guilty as soon as possible.

It seems to him that there is only one way to Huashan. How can a successful man be without a woman?If he really lived alone for a long time, he felt that he would be laughed at by the people around him.

When he returned to Meilanjiang, the first thing he did was go to Xingyu Hotel.

Only then did he discover Song Yue.

He felt that Song Yue didn't take himself too seriously, so he decided to invite a few friends to the VIP room for dinner and asked for a [-]% discount.

Song Yue didn't give any face at all. First, he said that the VIP room has already been booked out. If you want to use it, you must book in advance. Second, a [-]% discount is reasonable, and even a [-]% discount is not even considered.

Jiang Chunhui went mad, saying that this hotel was invested by himself, and even Sang Xiaoyu had to listen to him, so why do you act like a boss?
Song Yue said that I don't care about your matters. I only recognize Sang Xiaoyu. She gave me the right, and I will exercise it. Even if you are the chairman, it has nothing to do with me.

Jiang Chunhui was so angry that he called Sang Xiaoyu on the spot.

As a result, Sang Xiaoyu made everything follow Song Yue's arrangement.

Jiang Chunhui lost face and asked Sang Xiaoyu what he meant?
Sang Xiaoyu said that there are tens of thousands of Meilanjiang hotels, and your hotel is several grades higher than this one, so why do you have to feel uncomfortable here?Now that I have delegated the authority, I must implement it to the end.

Jiang Chunhui was so angry that he couldn't speak. He ran out with the phone and said loudly to Sang Xiaoyu, "What do you mean?"

Sang Xiaoyu immediately softened her attitude and said, "Who are you? What are you fussing about with her? Since I let her take full control, is there anything wrong with her doing so?

You also have management talents, isn't this the right way?If you eat in the hotel, I will sign the bill when I get back, and I won’t charge you anything, but when I’m not there, you can follow the rules and regulations.

The private friendship between the two of us cannot be covered by these few discounts. "

Jiang Chunhui felt pleasing to his ears after hearing this, and asked when Sang Xiaoyu would come back?Sang Xiaoyu said soon, the tickets are all booked.

Jiang Chunhui said he was going to pick her up at the airport, but Sang Xiaoyu said that's fine.

Putting down the phone, Jiang Chunhui removed the desk, and told Song Yue that all future losses would be on her head.

Song Yue didn't take it seriously at all. When the people around her talked about the relationship between Jiang Chunhui and Sang Xiaoyu, Song Yue's face was uncertain, and no one could see what she was thinking.

When Sang Xiaoyu found out that her biggest obstacle was not customers and employees but Jiang Chunhui, her heart was blocked again, and her happy time with her mother, son and Uncle Wang was also interrupted.

Mother asked her if something happened?

Sang Xiaoyu was afraid of spoiling her mother's mood, so she said lightly that it was nothing serious, it was a small matter for the employees.

Mother said, don't worry about such things.

Anyway, Sang Xiaoyu's good mood was ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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