Chapter 240 Exogenous Branches
Jiang Chunhui turned around on the ground, lit a cigarette, and after several puffs, he said, "Let me tell you a story you like."

At this time, he still has the heart to tell stories?Sang Xiaoyu had no choice but to accompany him and said, "Okay, I will listen with all my ears."

"Don't you really like "Legend of the White Snake"?"

Sang Xiaoyu nodded.

Jiang Chunhui said: "Why did Lady Bai marry Xu Xian?"

Sang Xiaoyu understood a little bit, and said with a smile: "Repay your kindness."

Jiang Chunhui laughed triumphantly, and said, "That's right. At first, she also wanted to repay her kindness, but it was only later that Fan Xin was moved. The love between the two has become an eternal story.

The White Snake is so great. For Xu Xian, she gave up thousands of years of practice, just in exchange for staying with her beloved. What a great love story you say.

In this world, only hard work will be remembered, and only protracted persistence can make things go smoothly. "

Sang Xiaoyu didn't know how he thought of it. In her heart, she was much more delicate than him. The White Lady is great, but what about Xu Xian?

He is timid and cowardly, and has to take care of the "lady" in many matters, but what about the white lady?Just because she was greedy for the world of mortals, she offended Fahai and suffered so much...

In the end, it was difficult for the husband and wife to stay together, and the mother and child were separated, causing tragedy in the world. In the end, they were imprisoned under the pagoda and never saw each other...

Thinking of this ending, Sang Xiaoyu didn't dare to think about it anymore, she thought, if she was really a white lady, would she regret it when she was lonely under the pagoda?

She didn't dare to ask Jiang Chunhui, if it was her, she felt that she would regret it.

Love is warm but short-lived, just like cherry blossoms in full bloom, blooming brilliantly, thanking in a hurry, apart from memories, only you know the warmth and coldness of the rest.

Looking at the triumphant Jiang Chunhui, I feel that ignorance and fearlessness are really at ease.

Jiang Chunhui was not a high-profile person, but in some matters, he was surprisingly eye-catching.

For example, his "big fight" and "big construction" office.

This room is so eye-catching, many people who come to Sang Xiaoyu for work often go to the wrong room.

Especially when the door is open, it is easy to misunderstand that this is the general manager's office.

Fortunately, Jiang Chunhui was not around often, as long as he was there, if he made a mistake, he would make a mistake and deal with the internal affairs of the hotel. Sang Xiaoyu warned him three or four times.

Sang Xiaoyu emphasized that you don't want to interfere in everything, otherwise the two of us will be incompatible.

For example, after a waitress went to the financial office to borrow money but failed, she ran to Jiang Chunhui's office and asked to borrow 8000 yuan, saying that her child was sick.

Jiang Chunhui swiped his pen: Agreed.

The waiter ran to the accounting room again with Jiang Chunhui's autographed note. The financial manager was in trouble, so she had to call Sang Xiaoyu.

Sang Xiaoyu was too angry to speak, so she called back and asked what Jiang Chunhui meant?
Jiang Chunhui said this is still a matter?When people are in trouble, isn't it your usual style to lend a helping hand?
Sang Xiaoyu said that I can do whatever I want, but you don't have the right.

Jiang Chunhui quit, saying why I don't even have seven or eight thousand property rights?Are you underestimating me too?

Jiang Chunhui's nonchalant tone made Sang Xiaoyu even more angry. She said that she couldn't open her mouth about this matter. We don't know what happened to her at all. Is it just based on her one-sided words?

Jiang Chunhui was not happy anymore, what if he said I just signed it?
Sang Xiaoyu said no!

The two were back and forth on the phone, but Sang Xiaoyu didn't give him any leeway at all. Jiang Chunhui was a little annoyed, and said that he had paid for the eight thousand by himself, and would not care about these boring things in the future, and said that he would not be on duty anymore.

Anyway, Jiang Chunhui took a step back. In fact, he was full of resentment and felt that Sang Xiaoyu was making a fuss over a molehill.

Thinking that his relationship with Sang Xiaoyu is now in a warming period, he felt that the man still had to give in, so he didn't bother with her, but he was extremely dissatisfied in his heart, thinking that Sang Xiaoyu was too self-righteous.

Sang Xiaoyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, he must not be tolerated in such matters, otherwise the hotel would be in chaos, there would be no second owner, and Sang Xiaoyu would not compromise on this aspect at all.

Jiang Chunhui said that she loves power too much, just like Empress Dowager Wu Zetian.

Sang Xiaoyu said that he had made an agreement in advance, if he wanted to steal the show, he would just go back to his hotel.

Jiang Chunhui said that this matter is not that complicated, and she didn't come to resign, it was just deducting her salary every month.

Sang Xiaoyu said that once this kind of thing is relieved, all the employees will stare at it. 8000 yuan is a lot, enough for them to work for a year.

Jiang Chunhui said yes, yes, yes, I don't care, right?I didn't take this little money seriously.

Sang Xiaoyu said that you should start a relief company next to the hotel, and you can help anyone who is in trouble selflessly.

Jiang Chunhui said that she was making trouble for no reason and did not want to continue this topic.

Just invite her to dinner tonight.

When Sang Xiaoyu thought of what he had done, she became angry and said: Don't go!Just hang up the phone.

Li Junhao said that this matter is not that simple. Jiang Chunhui is not a person who likes to strategize and stay behind the scenes for a long time. He likes to stand on the front desk and give advice, pointing the country with a wave of his hands. There will be such things in the future.

At that time, Sang Xiaoyu didn't take it seriously, saying that he was so busy every day that he couldn't take care of such a small shop.

After the Spring Festival, the Meilan River is still the coldest season when it is warm and cold, but the dead trees are no longer shrinking, but the branches become full, filled with water, waiting for the call of spring, and giving birth to emerald green branches.

In the cold air, there is also a humid breeze.

For a few days, Jiang Chunhui disappeared, neither came to the hotel nor asked her out again, so Sang Xiaoyu felt relieved.

Sang Xiaoyu found the waiter and asked about everything. She also got Jiang Chunhui's [-] yuan, so she was naturally grateful to Jiang Chunhui.

Sang Xiaoyu seriously warned her not to ask Jiang Chunhui for anything in the future. He is just a shareholder and has no real power.

In the future, if there is a change in the family, report it to yourself or the accountant as soon as possible, and they will find a way to solve it.

The waiter listened absent-mindedly, and Sang Xiaoyu asked her what happened?She said in a trance that it was resolved.

As soon as Sang Xiaoyu said you should go back, the girl ran away in a flash, afraid that Sang Xiaoyu would pursue it again.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that this matter was a matter anyway, and if she made such an opening, she would basically be unable to control it.

So I took the opportunity to hold a meeting, and first talked about some commonplace things, such as not being late and leaving early, and finally emphasized this point, and said that if someone deliberately ignores the rules and regulations of the store, they can leave.

Song Yue also made a speech at the end, saying that orders and prohibitions are the foundation of a team, and those who violate the rules will leave by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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