Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 241 The ignorant is fearless

Chapter 241 The ignorant is fearless

Cheng Weize's office is just across from Jiang Chunhui. He is now in charge of purchasing and stays away from home every day. He is indifferent to Jiang Chunhui's actions. Hearing from Cheng Weiting that his brother has a girlfriend now, he feels quite stable.

Cheng Weize and Jiang Chunhui would pinch each other when they met, especially Jiang Chunhui, who always talked about himself and Sang Xiaoyu.

Cheng Weize seemed a bit generous, trying to avoid him if he could.

When Sang Xiaoyu heard that he had a girlfriend, she thought she would be a little sad. After all, when he was with Fei Jiani, she almost fell ill.

But now, she didn't feel anything at all, and told Cheng Weiting that it was a good thing that he was safe.

It's just that Cheng Weiting said that her mother looked down on her a little bit, saying that she was good in everything else, but she was a little narrow-minded, and she was not that kind to Ziqiao.

Sang Xiaoyu said that these are normal, not her child, how good do you want her to be?

Cheng Weiting said, my mother said that as long as she treats these children badly, I will not approve of this woman. If he likes her, he should stop coming to me.

Cheng Weiting also said that she felt particularly uncomfortable with her brother working here with her ex-wife, and asked her if you have a particularly good relationship...

Sang Xiaoyu laughed, and didn't even bother to ask, feeling that Cheng Weize really had nothing to do with her.

Sang Xiaoyu met Cheng Weize several times in the corridor, and every time she wanted to ask him how he was emotionally.Son Ziqiao often goes to grandma's house, and Sang Xiaoyu is afraid that it will be inconvenient for them.

But Cheng Weize always avoided her as if he was afraid of her asking.

On the contrary, it was Li Junhao, who was particularly disgusted with Jiang Chunhui, saying that he was showing his power every day to the detriment of the hotel. Sang Xiaoyu said that he had no real power, and left after staying for a few days.

Li Junhao said that it doesn't look like it, he wants more rights.

The operation of the hotel is step-by-step. After the Spring Festival, it is a bit sluggish, but fortunately, some orders have been booked until the fifteenth day of the first month.

On this day, Sang Xiaoyu was checking the report in the office when someone knocked on the door.

Before Sang Xiaoyu could say "Please come in", someone came in.

is a lady.

She is about the same age as Sang Xiaoyu, wearing a sapphire blue coat and a pair of sunglasses.

The woman took off her sunglasses and asked her if she was Sang Xiaoyu.

Sang Xiaoyu nodded and let her sit down, wondering where this is sacred.

The woman introduced herself as Xu, and Sang Xiaoyu put the tea on the coffee table in front of the sofa, not understanding her purpose of coming.

The woman was quite calm, took off the silk scarf around her neck and put it in her bag, then said unhurriedly: "I am Cheng Weize's girlfriend."

Sang Xiaoyu's hand holding the water trembled unconsciously.

The woman smiled slightly when she saw it.

Sang Xiaoyu's panic came from the fact that she didn't want to cause trouble for herself, especially between men and women. She was fed up with this kind of trouble.

So he calmed down, sat back on the boss chair, and asked her what's the matter?
Sang Xiaoyu's attitude was surprisingly good.

The woman said, "You two were originally husband and wife?"

Sang Xiaoyu nodded, not understanding her real intentions.

"I really don't understand. You are obviously a divorced couple, why are you still getting together?"

Sang Xiaoyu understood a little when he heard this, and asked: "Shouldn't you tell him about this kind of thing? Because it's quite complicated because of why it's together, but if he can explain it clearly, you can ask me?" "

The woman said bluntly: "Of course I asked him, but he is too cowardly, so I have to stand up for him."

Sang Xiaoyu felt that this woman was so courageous that she dared to say that Cheng Weize was too cowardly in front of her, so she asked, "What do you want? Let him leave my place and withdraw the money?"

Sang Xiaoyu didn't believe that Cheng Weize would do this, if he really wanted to do it, he must have told him himself.

"I want to know how much money he invested?" The woman got a little aggressive.

Sang Xiaoyu spread her arms and said, "You just said you were his girlfriend, why did you ask me about such a private matter? Besides, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

The woman didn't lose her temper, but said calmly: "I don't want you to be together, I don't feel comfortable watching it, and it's even more uncomfortable listening to him."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "You can tell him directly about such things, and if you want to leave or stay, it's up to you."

"He's leaving?" the woman asked in surprise.

Sang Xiaoyu was also dumbfounded, and asked: "If he doesn't leave, who will leave? Me?"

The woman said unceremoniously: "Yes, you should be the one who left."

Sang Xiaoyu laughed unconsciously and said, "Okay, give me a reason."

The woman looked around and said slowly, "Don't think I don't know, he chose this store location, right?"

Sang Xiaoyu nodded.

"He also invested a lot of money, right?"

Sang Xiaoyu continued to nod.

"Then the one you said should go is you?"

Sang Xiaoyu was happy, and said: "If he dares to stand in front of me and say that I should go, I will go. Unfortunately, it is you, you don't have the weight."

The woman was dissatisfied, and said: "How about I say that he is cowardly? He told me that he always wanted to open a store by himself, but seeing that you wanted to open it too, he wanted to help you. What did you do again?
Cheng Weize has taken care of almost all the tiring and dirty work in this hotel, do you think he can balance himself? "

"If it's not balanced, let him come to me."

"Do you think I didn't call him? But he didn't want to, saying that there is still a family relationship between you, and you have a lovely child."

Sang Xiaoyu found that she didn't insult her child with any words, so she was quite calm in her heart, so she said: "He knows the ins and outs of this matter better than anyone else, you should let him explain it to you.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't understand, hearing from Cheng Weiting that they dated for at most a month, what kind of opportunity did Cheng Weize tell her this kind of thing so quickly, and he also said it in such detail.

The woman didn't intend to let Sang Xiaoyu walk with the rhythm at all, but said very gracefully: "I think it's more convenient for us two women to talk."

Seeing her calm expression, Sang Xiaoyu asked, "What do you do?"

The woman said arrogantly: "Engineer, an expert in roads and bridges."

Sang Xiaoyu nodded and said, "Well, science student, I thought you were a lawyer."

"You're right. My father is a provincial senior lawyer, so I have to analyze what I have heard and seen."

Sang Xiaoyu didn't plan to fight her for a long time, so he said: "If you really have the brains of a lawyer, you have to find out this matter before you come back. He was planning to open a hotel, but it was put on hold due to funding and other issues.

At that time, when I was in a hurry to find a place, he gave it to me, and he was willing to invest the money in the stock. That's the way it is, do you understand?

If you don't like him here, he can leave, I have no objection, but I need him to talk to me. "

The woman said proudly, "Are you the one who can leave? You report the difference."

(End of this chapter)

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