Chapter 242
Sang Xiaoyu was happy, and said: "Don't be too confident, even if you have mountains of gold and silver, start your own business, I can't do it."

The woman was upset, and she stood up and said, "This is a matter of fulfilling each other. He has fulfilled you before, why can't you fulfill him? Is it different to start over after taking the money.

He told me that he had put a lot of effort into this store, and I wanted him to leave, but he was reluctant, saying that this store was like his own child..."

Sang Xiaoyu felt it was particularly ridiculous, and said: "If you only listen to his one-sided words, then you are not qualified as a real lawyer. He knows the ins and outs of this much better than you."

The woman was not reconciled, and said: "I am willing to fulfill him, and I will make up for the insufficient funds."

Sang Xiaoyu didn't look down on her, but felt that she was too simple-minded, so she said as if teasing her: "If I really give him the store, the funds will be short of at least 600 million, do you have it?"

The woman's face immediately turned red, and she said: "Don't open your mouth like a lion, at most 100 million."

After all, the woman is still a science student, and she immediately revealed her true self. When Sang Xiaoyu heard this, she laughed unscrupulously, which made the woman very uneasy.

Sang Xiaoyu laughed enough, and said with a gesture of leaving: "If you have so much money, help him start a new business. Wouldn't it be good to open a restaurant that is ten times better than mine?"

The woman panicked, feeling overwhelmed. She never thought that Sang Xiaoyu would say a quota of 600 million. Even if there was a water price in it, it might not be a problem that 100 million could solve.

Sang Xiaoyu achieved the result she wanted, and said very kindly: "I'm sorry, I still have something to do."

The woman stopped her and said, "We haven't finished talking yet, I want to ask some emotional questions."

Sang Xiaoyu unceremoniously issued the eviction order and said, "I don't need to answer you. If you have any questions, ask your boyfriend."

Sang Xiaoyu avoided her, opened the door calmly, stood outside the door, looked at the woman who couldn't come out, and said, "Please, I have a lot of things in my office, and I still have some important documents and cash, so I won't keep you." .”

The woman came out dissatisfied and said, "I need to consult a lawyer for some matters."

Sang Xiaoyu said without any change on his face, "Okay, I'll wait for your result."

Leaving this woman, Sang Xiaoyu was annoyed and funny, no matter what, she felt that this should not be Cheng Weize's favorite type.

But people will change, I have been reborn a long time ago, why don't others?
When Sang Xiaoyu thought that Cheng Weize would be with such a woman who believed in death and pure science, she laughed unknowingly.

Song Yue was passing her by, and asked casually: What are you laughing at, so happy, tell me and share.

She didn't mean to share at all, because the figure disappeared in a flash.

Sang Xiaoyu wanted to make a phone call to Cheng Weize, but then thought, why should I be distracted by such things?Glancing at his watch, he knocked on the door of an office and called Zhao Chunling out.

Zhao Chunling asked her if she was okay?

Sang Xiaoyu said that he would invite her to dinner.

Zhao Chunling cheered immediately, saying that you should have invited me a long time ago.

In fact, Sang Xiaoyu was entrusted by Aunt Bai to have a good talk with Zhao Chunling, but she was too busy and saw that this woman was too pestering today, so she remembered Zhao Chunling.

The two were eating in a small restaurant downstairs, Zhao Chunling said she was not sincere, why didn't she invite herself on the second floor?

Sang Xiaoyu gave her a blank look, saying that she took herself too seriously, and she wasn't afraid of people talking behind her back?
Zhao Chunling refused to accept it, saying that she didn't talk about me, so what does talking about you have to do with me?
Sang Xiaoyu said you don't think about me at all?
Only then did Zhao Chunling become more serious, saying that I would not go even if you invited me. Besides, her own restaurant is the most expensive dish, so it's just the same thing if you have eaten it.

Sang Xiaoyu smiled wryly, knowing that she was talking to herself.

Sang Xiaoyu is a little serious to Zhao Chunling in front of people. She doesn't want people to think that she is "related" with her, but Zhao Chunling is on the contrary, she is afraid that others will not know the relationship between them.

No matter whether she was in front of or behind the scenes, she always talked about Miss Xiaoyu. Sang Xiaoyu said about her several times, and even gave her an ultimatum before she changed her words.

Sang Xiaoyu said that the queen can be called whatever she wants, not even sister.

Only then did Zhao Chunling call Mr. Sang, which she found awkward.

The person who is most grateful to her is her mother—Aunt Bai.

She never expected that her daughter, who is not doing business properly, has worked honestly with Sang Xiaoyu for so long, and even gave her tens of thousands of yuan.

Zhao Chunling knew that her mother had never been optimistic about her, so she gave her the 1 yuan that Sang Xiaoyu had rewarded her, and the 3000 yuan she had saved, and asked her to save it for herself.

Holding the money, Aunt Bai's eyes were wet. This daughter, who is always palming her money online, will be able to earn money one day. She is very happy, and she is very kind to Sang Xiaoyu and her mother.

Sang Xiaoyu ordered two small green vegetables, and asked her to order one she liked. Zhao Chunling unceremoniously ordered a chicken and fish.

Seeing that the food was served, Zhao Chunling immediately picked up the chopsticks and said, "Let's talk when you're full. I know you must be busy."

After speaking, he started to eat like a wolf.

Sang Xiaoyu only ate some green vegetables, and kept watching her eat.

Zhao Chunling ate really deliciously, and the satisfied look of shaking her head was very cute.

Neither of the two asked for wine, but only ordered two bottles of drinks. Sang Xiaoyu saw that she was full and asked, "Do you know why I called you?"

"Is my mother looking for you again?"

Zhao Chunling is not stupid at all, she hits the nail on the head.

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Since you know your mother has looked for me, you know what's going on, right?"

Zhao Chunling took a sip of her drink and said annoyedly, "It's really annoying to talk on and on all day long."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Doesn't she care about you? Sooner or later, you will become a mother too, and then you will know what she is for."

Zhao Chunling wiped her mouth, and said helplessly, "The most annoying person in the world is my mother, aren't you sad?"

Sang Xiaoyu thought, didn't she also have such thoughts?Even when I was in high school, my mother kept nagging all day long, fearing that she would study too late and damage her eyes, and fear that she would not eat for the sake of her figure...

Sang Xiaoyu felt that when she treated her son, she tried not to speak in a nagging tone, because she was really annoying.

Zhao Chunling sighed and said, "Do you think I was unlucky? I found one partner after another, but I was still alone in the end. I fell in love when I was in junior high school, but now I am a poor commander. It's annoying to think about it, no wonder My mother is in a hurry."

Sang Xiaoyu asked: "A while ago, I heard that you talked about another one?"

Zhao Chunling said angrily, "Who said it? Someone knew about it in less than a month. It's amazing."

(End of this chapter)

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