Li Junhao sang along unknowingly. In Sang Xiaoyu's impression, Li Junhao's singing voice was top-notch, with a magnetic voice, deep and pleasant.

Sang Xiaoyu answered a call from Jiang Chunhui in the car. His attitude was not very good, and he asked her where she was now.

Sang Xiaoyu said that he came to see the fish and was on his way back.

Jiang Chunhui hung up the phone without saying anything.

Sang Xiaoyu said to the phone: "What's going on again, as if I offended him."

Li Junhao knew who she was talking about, but he didn't ask.

The sky cleared up, Li Junhao speeded up, the car soon entered the highway, Li Junhao made Sang Xiaoyu lie down, and was about to enter the city.

When Sang Xiaoyu heard that he had entered the urban area, he sat up and asked where he was driving?Li Junhao said that of course it was a hospital.

Sang Xiaoyu refused, saying she wanted to go home and have a good rest.

Li Junhao said that you just listen to me, and I can rest assured after checking it carefully.

The car quickly drove into a hospital.

The weather in Mei Lanjiang was fine, and it didn't look like it was raining at all. Sang Xiaoyu didn't have the strength to argue with him, so he had to follow him into the hospital.

Li Junhao has a classmate who is in the logistics of this hospital. Before he came, he made a phone call, and Sang Xiaoyu was sent to be checked without even hanging up the number.

The doctor asked her if she had eaten?

Sang Xiaoyu said he took a bite or two.

The doctor immediately said to do other tests, and then gave her a bill to start the urine test and did various tests.

The doctor told me to come back for a blood test tomorrow to check various indicators.

Sang Xiaoyu was pushed for XT and color Doppler ultrasound, and finally pushed to the ward of the emergency room for intravenous drip.

Li Junhao was busy running back and forth, getting the medicine and paying the money, and when Sang Xiaoyu finished ordering a bottle, he was busy.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that her physical strength was seriously overdrawn, and when she wanted to sleep in a daze, the phone rang suddenly.

It was Jiang Chunhui.

Jiang Chunhui's tone was very bad.

Where is she?
Sang Xiaoyu said dissatisfiedly: "What does it have to do with you? What's wrong with you? How did I offend you?"

Jiang Chunhui was even more dissatisfied, and said loudly, "No matter where you are, get out of here immediately and go back to the hotel."

Sang Xiaoyu was mad with anger. She was very weak at first, and she was so out of breath after hearing this, she had to hang up the phone.

It was the first time that Jiang Chunhui disrespected himself for speaking like this.

After a while, Jiang Chunhui called again.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't answer and pressed the button.

Jiang Chunhui fought again.

Sang Xiaoyu pressed again.

The phone calls continued, and Sang Xiaoyu deleted them directly after blocking them.

Li Junhao came in.Seeing that her expression was not right, I asked what's wrong?
Sang Xiaoyu shook his head, said it was all right, and asked him to take a look at it himself, and take some medicine to heal a cold.

What kind of medicine does Li Junhao say a big man takes?I feel stiff when I have a cold.

Sang Xiaoyu was a little sleepy at first, but Jiang Chunhui's phone call made her very uncomfortable. She said she wanted to take a sleeping pill and was a little tired.

Li Junhao knew that she didn't sleep all night last night, so he went to the doctor.

As soon as he went out, the phone rang.

It was Jiang Chunhui.

Jiang Chunhui kept calling Sang Xiaoyu, but was blocked, so he had to call Li Junhao.

"Where are you two?" Jiang Chunhui asked bluntly.

"Do you care, love is where it is."

"I don't sound like I'm on the road."

"As I said, it doesn't matter where you are."

"Li Junhao, believe it or not, I fired you in minutes? I'm the chairman of the hotel, don't take my beanbags as dry food, tell me quickly, where are you two now, you don't know that she has promised me Have you? Do you understand what avoiding suspicion is?"

"At my house, what's the matter? What do I have to avoid with her? We have been together since we were young, and we haven't done anything shameful now. How can we avoid suspicion?" Li Junhao deliberately angered him.

Jiang Chunhui was really tricked. He said, "Isn't Sang Xiaoyu sick? Why did he run to your house?"

Li Junhao said boldly: "Because she is sick and you don't have time to take care of her, I can only take her to my house, so I will take good care of her."

"Don't be shameless!" Jiang Chunhui said angrily.

Li Junhao immediately hung up the phone, and then blocked him like Sang Xiaoyu.

When Li Junhao came back, Sang Xiaoyu had already fallen asleep.

With a high fever and a sleepless night last night, she couldn't hold on anymore.

Li Junhao also fell asleep while lying on the opposite side of her.

Sang Xiaoyu felt in a daze that someone was coming in and out, but Li Junhao didn't dare to sleep soundly like her, he wanted to look at the medicine in the hanging bottle.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't wake up until late in the evening. The doctor asked Sang Xiaoyu to observe him for another night and not to eat and draw blood tomorrow morning.

Li Junhao hurried downstairs to buy some food, but Sang Xiaoyu only took a few mouthfuls, but still felt uncomfortable.

Li Junhao forced her to eat, saying that if you don't eat anymore, you will have no strength, and if you think about it, you must eat.

Sang Xiaoyu shook his head when he saw that it was millet porridge and dumplings.

Li Junhao asked her what she wanted to eat.

Sang Xiaoyu said that he wanted to eat Liangpi and cornmeal porridge, Li Junhao put on his clothes and went out without saying a word.

When he was holding a convenient box of polenta and Liangpi, Sang Xiaoyu said he didn't want to eat it.

Li Junhao threatened her, saying that if you don't eat, I will pour you down.

Sang Xiaoyu just picked up the chopsticks and ate a few, feeling pretty good, so she ate two more bites and drank half a bowl of porridge, feeling much better.

The doctor came and said that there would be no drip at night, and gave Sang Xiaoyu two pills, telling her to take a good rest, saying that the test results were not optimistic.

Li Junhao was scared, what did he mean.

Did the doctor say she had an old disease?

Sang Xiaoyu said yes, and the doctor said that some of the indicators were not very good. We need to observe it, and the blood test will be confirmed tomorrow.

Li Junhao said don't be a disease, the doctor said no, it's just easy to cause old diseases, it's nothing serious.

Only then did Li Junhao feel relieved.

Sang Xiaoyu saw that he ate up all the food in a short while, and said, "You are really good, and illness doesn't affect your eating?"

Li Junhao said: "Take me like you? If you can eat like me, you will be fine."

Sang Xiaoyu took the medicine and soon fell asleep again.

Li Junhao couldn't sleep anymore.

He experienced yesterday, and his thoughts inevitably fluctuated.

Did Sang Xiaoyu really say those words in a daze or did she always have her own place in her heart?Li Junhao is not a man who loves to dream, and he doesn't understand the romance of a woman's mind, but he only stubbornly follows one thought in his heart, that is, he wants to see her.

As long as he sees her, no matter whether she is good or bad, that kind of fatal happiness will hit him, and he feels that this life is enough.

In fact, he has been serious about dating, but he always feels that there is a lack of meaning, especially after his wife left, it seems that Li Junhao can only find approval from Sang Xiaoyu.

In the rainy night just now, when Li Junhao felt his arms around Sang Xiaoyu's thin shoulders, at that moment, he felt that the whole world did not exist.

There is one person, like Li Junhao, who doesn't feel sleepy at all.

He is Jiang Chunhui.

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