Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 270 The Seeds of Suspicion

Chapter 270 The Seeds of Suspicion

Sang Xiaoyu and Li Junhao couldn't get through on the phone, and Jiang Chunhui was so angry that he wanted to kill.

For a whole few months, he was busy with the project. He had just started a real estate company and had a lot of thoughts. Originally, he also wanted to see Sang Xiaoyu. Seeing that Sang Xiaoyu was no less leisurely than him, he felt that it was very boring.

A successful man has free time, but no free woman waiting for him, so he continues to be busy, occasionally making phone calls, it is difficult for Sang Xiaoyu to have time to talk.

Sang Xiaoyu's restaurant didn't close until ten o'clock, and Jiang Chunhui came to her for dinner more than once, but she couldn't leave.

Fortunately, he believed in Sang Xiaoyu more.

In his heart, Sang Xiaoyu is an orchid in an empty valley. She admires herself alone and blooms in a deep valley. As long as she thinks of her, she will feel at ease in her heart, but now it is no longer possible. Someone wants to pick this orchid.

Just yesterday, he accidentally found out that Sang Xiaoyu had gone to the fishing village.

He also specially called the people at the hotel, wanting Sang Xiaoyu to see his strength.

He told Mr. Jiang of the hotel that he must accompany Sang Xiaoyu. That Mr. Jiang wanted something from him, so he offered Sang Xiaoyu like a god of wealth.

He didn't know that the person following her was Li Junhao until he received a call from Boss Jiang.

He always thought it should be Zhao Chunling.

He wasn't doing well at first, but when he called Lao Huang, he felt something was wrong.

Because it was raining heavily in the fishing village, Sang Xiaoyu and Li Junhao couldn't come back.

And he asked Lao Huang how they slept, and Lao Huang stammered that they were in the same room, but Sang Xiaoyu was sick, very sick.

Jiang Chunhui couldn't hear anything anymore, and when he heard that they lived in the same room, his heart was disturbed and he went mad with anger.

Sang Xiaoyu's illness is a cold, can a cold delay men and women from doing business?
The more Jiang Chunhui thought about it, the more angry he became, and the two of them still had the intention of not coming back. Of course, it was also Lao Huang's intention, saying that the water skiing was difficult and he wanted them to stay for another night.

Jiang Chunhui's brain began to search for every bit of her and Li Junhao's like a movie.

It turned out that he spent all his energy on Cheng Weize, and he didn't care much about Li Junhao. The reason was that the two of them were not in the same way at all. Li Junhao was uneducated, had a bad temper, and his appearance couldn't be compared with him and Cheng Weize. .

Because of these factors, although Jiang Chunhui didn't want to see him, he never took him to heart. Although there was a matter of him staying at Sang Xiaoyu's house during the Spring Festival, he believed it as soon as Sang Xiaoyu explained.

Thinking about it now, Cheng Weize really isn't the main target anymore, he has a new girlfriend now, and Sang Xiaoyu loves to ignore him, although the surface is passable, but there is no trace of warmth inside.

Thinking about it now, Jiang Chunhui realized that he was too insensitive. In fact, there were many clues to follow.

For example, why did Sang Xiaoyu let Li Junhao live in her home?Even if they really have nothing, it means that the difference between them has reached the point where gender differences are not taboo.

Sang Xiaoyu may not have regarded him as a candidate, but her dependence and attachment to him is incomparable to him. At the beginning, what made him angry the most was that Li Junhao only lent her [-] yuan, but she was thinking about the way she would never forget. Li Junhao's gratitude is not as obvious as it is to himself, but in his bones it is comparable or even worse than him.

The reason is that Li Junhao gave everything he had, while he himself gave generously for love and sex.

Jiang Chunhui told himself, don't panic, hold your breath, he called Lao Huang again and got the general idea of ​​the matter, which he thought was very important.

Thinking about the years he had been with Sang Xiaoyu, Jiang Chunhui felt that he had indulged her too much. He had invested huge sums of money, but he had no management rights. , I can't even worry about it, I can only applaud.

If it weren't for Li Junhao's business, Jiang Chunhui would have been so busy all day long that he didn't pay too much attention to it, but now the balance is out of balance. Why should I let you enjoy the country that Lao Tzu has laid down? , this matter weighed on his heart like a dark cloud, and he refused to dissipate for a long time.

Thinking of the painstaking efforts she put in when Sang Xiaoyu opened the business, how can she have a little stature in Sang Xiaoyu?If it weren't for his mediation, many departments would be stuck and refused to go through the review procedures.

They were the ones who covered the sky with one hand, and they made things difficult for him by delaying and prevaricating or even picking at the bones of the egg. He found someone and resolved them one by one. He was more attentive than when he opened the store.

He didn't tell Sang Xiaoyu about this, thinking that she must understand his painstaking efforts.

It's all right now, time has passed, and she only talks about repaying her kindness.

They felt that they could no longer let Sang Xiaoyu mess around like this. She has a bit of business sense, but if it wasn't for her to escort her, would it be up to her?
Jiang Chunhui sneered, feeling that the relationship between them could no longer remain in his submissive position, there were some things to be clarified, the conflict between them did not erupt suddenly, but had a long history.

I have been holding back in my heart, not vomit.

Jiang Chunhui drove to Sang Xiaoyu's house.

Based on what he knew about Sang Xiaoyu, it was impossible for her to go to Li Junhao's house to recuperate from illness, she could only stay at Sang Xiaoyu's house, and Li Junhao might be at her house.

The car drove out quickly. If Li Junhao was really at Sang Xiaoyu's house, Jiang Chunhui felt that he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart no matter what.

When he arrived at Sang Xiaoyu's house, he found that there was no light in Sang Xiaoyu's window, but Sang Xiaoyu's mother's house was brightly lit.

Maybe it was her mother who was taking care of her.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Chunhui felt better.

He went upstairs with heavy steps.

He came to Sang Xiaoyu's door first, and after listening for a long time when there was no movement, he knocked with his hands. The more he knocked, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help but work harder.

His knock on the door first alarmed the neighbors, an old man showed his head, and said that there must be no one, so stop knocking if it doesn't come out like this, it made my heart feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Chunhui didn't care and kept knocking.

Sang Xiaoyu's mother came up.

When she saw that it was Jiang Chunhui, she immediately said where Sang Xiaoyu had gone, and said it was fish in the pond, but I didn't understand.

When Jiang Chunhui heard that Sang Xiaoyu was really not at home, he couldn't be too presumptuous with her mother, so he slapped his head and said that he forgot, she had already told herself.

Sang Xiaoyu's mother asked him to come in and sit for a while, but he refused to say anything, and said that she should be back soon and he was going to greet her.

Jiang Chunhui no longer had the same patience as before. When he met Sang Xiaoyu's mother, he was just like his own mother. He used to treat Sang Xiaoyu the same way he treated the old man.

They must be in the hospital now.Jiang Chunhui tried to call the two of them again, but they were all turned off.

(End of this chapter)

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