Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 271 Disagreement

Chapter 271 Disagreement
Jiang Chunhui called Zhao Chunling.

Zhao Chunling picked it up quickly, and Jiang Chunhui asked her if she called Sang Xiaoyu?Zhao Chunling said she was beaten. She was in the hospital and seemed to be ill.

Jiang Chunhui asked which hospital he was in?
Zhao Chunling said she didn't know.

Jiang Chunhui asked her to make another call now to find out.

Zhao Chunling called after a while after putting down the phone, saying that she had turned off the phone.

Jiang Chunhui thought that it must be because there was no charger in the hospital. No matter how troubled he was, he had nowhere to vent his anger.

He had to endure it.

Jiang Chunhui didn't sleep all night. He thought too much that night, but in the end it all fell on Sang Xiaoyu's head. He had a feeling that his woman was being taken over by others, and this feeling was very bad.

He asked himself, and felt that he still loved Sang Xiaoyu, especially when he heard about her being with other men, he felt more in love, as if there was nothing he could do, he was very sad.

Jiang Chunhui wished he could set the clock faster, he wanted to see her immediately, he wanted to question her, what exactly was he going to do?
He felt that he couldn't understand Sang Xiaoyu's heart. He felt that she also wanted him in her heart, and felt that they should be able to be together, but such expectations could not be taken seriously.

Obviously she agreed to him and gave him a year, and he didn't do anything against the "regulations". In the end, he thought that he had ignored her during this time, but didn't she also ignore him?
Jiang Chunhui realized that if he didn't look for her, she would hardly have looked for him. Jiang Chunhui didn't want to believe that Sang Xiaoyu didn't love him at all.

Jiang Chunhui turned off all the affairs of the unit, and drove to the hotel at eight o'clock.

The hotel opened at ten o'clock and went to work at nine o'clock. The quiet hotel was empty, and Jiang Chunhui felt that he was really lonely.

As soon as nine o'clock arrived, many people came one after another, and some even greeted him in the car, especially Zhao Chunling, who patted on the window and asked him if he found Sang Xiaoyu?
Jiang Chunhui was too lazy to speak, so he shook his head.

He started calling Sang Xiaoyu again, and he found that the phone was turned on, but it should be a busy voice, which meant that she hadn't pulled him back yet.

Jiang Chunhui was sitting in the car. It was only ten o'clock when he finally saw Sang Xiaoyu's white car turning around from the road. His heart was beating violently, and he didn't know what would happen to them.

Of course Sang Xiaoyu saw Jiang Chunhui's car, she went around the car, drove the car directly to the hotel entrance, got out of the car, walked in without looking at him.

Jiang Chunhui's anger suddenly reached its peak. Sang Xiaoyu despised him so much that his sleepless nights turned into anger. He also thought about it. If Sang Xiaoyu spoke kindly to him, he would disappear. This fire.

He followed, Sang Xiaoyu took out the key to open the door, he walked quickly, Sang Xiaoyu walked in without looking at him, Jiang Chunhui followed, kicked the door shut, and locked the door deliberately .

Sang Xiaoyu's face was still pale and bloodless, the doctor asked her to rest in the hospital for another day, but she refused to say anything, took the medicine and went home early in the morning.

She hung the things on the hanger in a hurry, then turned her head and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Chunhui was so angry that he felt that Sang Xiaoyu had become Zhu Bajie, and he had also learned the trick of beating him up.

"Who told you to go to the fishing village with Li Junhao? What do you say about a man and a woman? How come I heard that you are still sleeping together?"

Sang Xiaoyu's face turned red again, she was so angry that her hands shook, she said, "Which eye of yours saw us sleeping together?"

Jiang Chunhui said: "A man and a woman live in the same room, do you think you are innocent? Did you meet Liu Xiahui?"

Sang Xiaoyu stared at him and ignored him.

Jiang Chunhui asked: "You are a frank person, let me ask you, did you sleep together?"

"Sleep, what's going on."

Sang Xiaoyu looked at him provocatively.

Of course Jiang Chunhui didn't believe it, and said, "I don't believe it!"

Sang Xiaoyu said, "You still ask if you don't believe me?"

"Then why do you say that?"

"Because you don't believe me when I say I didn't sleep, and you just want to hear this sentence, don't you?"

Jiang Chunhui knew in his heart that they must not be together, but not being together does not mean that there is nothing between them, so he said: "Let Li Junhao go, I will be annoyed when I see him."

Sang Xiaoyu didn't back down at all and said, "What if I don't open it? He is also an investor, why do you want to open him?"

"Withdraw his money, and I'll make it up, anyway, I don't think he's happy."

"What if I don't open it?"

Jiang Chunhui said resolutely: "You really don't own this hotel alone. I brought four of the investors here. Do you think it's your right or mine?

I don't think I can let go too much. I want to manage all the business of the hotel. If you fire Li Junhao, I can ignore it. If you don't listen to me, then don't blame me for being rude. "

Sang Xiaoyu never thought that Jiang Chunhui would make such a request, so he said, "Didn't we agree, you don't care about the hotel, if you want to fully manage it, I couldn't open this hotel in the first place." hotel."

Jiang Chunhui knew that this was Sang Xiaoyu's sore spot, so he said: "At this time and at that time, I also have many dissatisfaction with your management, because I like you, so I let you go.

But it's different now, I can't let it go on, besides, I also respect and protect investors. "

Sang Xiaoyu knew that he was just giving himself eye drops, so he said: "I can't open Li Junhao, and I won't give you the right to manage it, just think about it if you have any ideas.

You are an imposing big boss, and you have to behave so childishly because of such a trivial matter. I really look down on you. "

Jiang Chunhui said disapprovingly: "Because I am the big boss, I have the capital to be self-willed. Even if the hotel loses money, I don't lose a penny or a fortune. On the contrary, you are homeless.

My request is not too high, just let Li Junhao go, it's not a big deal, is it? "

Sang Xiaoyu sneered and said: "Today you are going to fire Li Junhao, and tomorrow you may fire someone else. Will there still be my business here? You know how much effort I have put into this hotel, how can I not?" I didn't expect that the person who gave me a problem in the end turned out to be you."

Jiang Chunhui immediately said: "Sang Xiaoyu, you are too simple, do you think it is normal for this restaurant to run smoothly? Do you know how much I have done behind the scenes? How much hard work have I put into this hotel?

It's good for you, don't let me run the business, let me have no rights, if I don't love you, do you think there will be such a cheap thing in this world? "

Jiang Chunhui's cell phone kept ringing. He looked at the number and said, "I'll give you three days to unlock Li Junhao. We still have to discuss it."

After speaking, the person went out.

(End of this chapter)

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