Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 272 The Enemy Meets

Sang Xiaoyu really wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry, she had no tears, only anger.

Jiang Chunhui was going to be serious. In fact, he had long been dissatisfied with Sang Xiaoyu's behavior, especially Song Yue. He drove Li Junhao, and the second person was Song Yue.

Sang Xiaoyu was standing in front of the window holding a cup and saw Jiang Chunhui descending the steps while making a phone call. At this moment, Li Junhao's car turned up from the side of the road.

Sang Xiaoyu asked Li Junhao to call Lao Huang, saying that the rain had stopped there, and Sang Xiaoyu asked Li Junhao to go again with the contract and medicine gifts. Who knows why he came to the hotel.

Li Junhao got out of the car, shook the key with his hand, walked in, and looked up at Sang Xiaoyu standing in front of the window. Jiang Chunhui had been waiting for him.

When Li Junhao arrived in front of Jiang Chunhui, he didn't react at all. Jiang Chunhui swung his fist and scolded him for not understanding the rules.

Li Junhao has never been afraid of him. They are about the same size, but Li Junhao is from a Lian family. The punch was too sudden. He actually wanted to laugh at him, so he didn't have time to dodge it. hit on the nose.

Blood gushed out immediately.

Li Junhao was taken aback for a moment, but immediately came to his senses and started to fight back.

The pampered Jiang Chunhui was beaten to the ground by Li Junhao within a few rounds, cursing non-stop.

Li Junhao punched and kicked, and the more he beat, the more he enjoyed it. The waiter and security guard at the door felt bad. Is Jiang Chunhui someone who can be offended?They all rushed up immediately, pulling away Li Junhao who was in the vanguard, and Sang Xiaoyu also put down his water glass and hurried downstairs.

When he ran to the gate of the building, Jiang Chunhui stood up in embarrassment and difficulty, pointed at Sang Xiaoyu and said, "Hurry up and open him. It's not three days, it's today, now."

Then he pointed at Li Junhao and said, "You wait for me, we are endless."

After talking crookedly, he got into the car, and quickly started the car.

Li Junhao said loudly: "I'm waiting for you to see what you can do to me."

Everyone's eyes shot at Sang Xiaoyu's face like an arrow. This was the first time she and Jiang Chunhui had publicly confronted each other, and Li Junhao was also involved.

Sang Xiaoyu handed Li Junhao a tissue, he stopped the bleeding from his nose, and followed her upstairs.

Li Junhao asked everyone to disperse quickly, and go to their own business.

The crowd dispersed with a bang.

After entering the house, Li Junhao asked, "What's going on?"

Sang Xiaoyu spread her hands and said, "What else could it be? It's just living under the same roof as you for a night, and this makes me jealous."

Li Junhao was so angry that he clenched his fists and said: "Why is he so shameless? Is he a state official? He is only allowed to set fires, but others are not allowed to light lamps. What did he say? Are you going to fire me?"

Sang Xiaoyu nodded.

"Why are you so impulsive and so ruthless?" Sang Xiaoyu asked worriedly. Jiang Chunhui is not a generous person. He suffered a loss in front of so many people, and he would definitely not be able to swallow it.

"Elder Sister, did you see that he did it first, and I wasn't prepared at all. Besides, we didn't do anything?"

After speaking, he looked at her meaningfully with his eyes.

Sang Xiaoyu had no intention of joking, so he said, "It's better not to mess with him, after all, he is also a big investor in the hotel."

Li Junhao was obviously upset, and asked seriously: "What do you think?"

Sang Xiaoyu shook his head and said: "I can't listen to him, he fired you today, tomorrow he will fire others, he fired everyone, leaving only his own people, he just forced me in a disguised form. "

After hearing this, Li Junhao changed his face, "What are you going to do?" Li Junhao asked.

Sang Xiaoyu said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Li Junhao said: "Let's withdraw the funds and open another one, completely separated from him, even if it is smaller."

Sang Xiaoyu shook her head and said, "I've thought about it too. I've thought about it a long time ago, but it's too difficult to implement. How much effort have I spent on this hotel? Now it's just getting better, so I'm going to give up?
What about the people who follow me to invest?Besides, is it that easy to open another one? "

Li Junhao said: "Then what do you want to do? I don't care, even if you let me go, I can survive, or else promise him for the time being, and wait for him to calm down, and then we have to use the strategy of delaying the attack."

Sang Xiaoyu shook his head resolutely, and said, "No, if you take this step back, you will have to take every step forward, and there is no way to go back in the end."

"You should think about this well. If you sacrifice me alone, you may still have a plan to delay the attack. I don't think he will let me go. What do you want to do?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "I'll talk to him again, it's just that he just wants me to be soft."

Li Junhao said worriedly: "In his eyes, your limited tricks are just flimsy tricks. He is already an old driver in both the business world and the relationship between men and women. You have no room to use them."

"A dead horse is treated as a living horse, anyway, I want to try it."

"I don't care. Do it in your best interest. I won't leave you anyway."

Sang Xiaoyu looked at him with grateful eyes, and a warm current surged in her heart.

Li Junhao looks simple on the surface, but he is actually complicated.

He has rich experience, has learned from countless failures, and has also experienced great hardships in life. On the surface, he always has an indifferent attitude, but behind this disappearance, it is actually not without benefits.

Sang Xiaoyu told him to go to Lao Huang quickly, and the soup was also on the horse, and told Li Junhao that he would give Lao Huang a sum of money so that he would stop giving this folk recipe to others.

Li Junhao immediately understood that Lao Huang and Jiang Chunhui had a good relationship. Once this thing was put on the horse, Jiang Chunhui couldn't be unaware. Now he just doesn't know Sang Xiaoyu's attitude towards it.

If Lao Huang also gave Jiang Chunhui the folk recipe, then the meaning of this soup would not be great.

Li Junhao asked Sang Xiaoyu if he could handle it?Sang Xiaoyu nodded to reassure him.

Li Junhao went out.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that this was really not an easy problem to solve.

Jiang Chunhui loves face very much. If Li Junhao is not fired, he will never give up. He will not back down on this point. Sang Xiaoyu dare not think that if Li Junhao is fired, he will be cut off. Left and right arm, at least one side is missing.

Moreover, under Jiang Chunhui's lustful power, he was not the only one who opened the door. Jiang Chunhui was about to reach out. Sang Xiaoyu felt that peace was the most important thing, and tried his words, hoping that he could open the net at the critical moment. one side.

Sang Xiaoyu lingered in the room, constantly reminding herself to be calm, to seize the opportunity, to be persuasive, to have sufficient reasons, to use a safe method, and never to let herself fall into a dilemma.

It's an uphill battle.

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