Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 283 Special Meeting

Sang Xiaoyu felt that it was too realistic to say that all men in the world were the same, just now he held himself up high and called him baby, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't want to make a call, but thought, whatever, I'll deal with him then.

The next morning, Sang Xiaoyu came to the hotel early and read all the required documents again. Jiang Chunhui came to her door slowly.

Seeing Sang Xiaoyu's ugly face, Jiang Chunhui asked her, "I don't want my enemies to meet, you forced me, and I don't want to do too much, so you can stay, I really don't have time to take care of it."

Sang Xiaoyu didn't speak.

"Li Junhao and Song Yue must leave, and the rest is up to you, but some management will also change, it's just..."

Sang Xiaoyu glanced at him, and said in a coaxing tone, "Shall we talk about it later?"

Jiang Chunhui waved his hand and said, "Do you have to make things big? You don't have any leverage."

Sang Xiaoyu thought for a while and said: "Can you not let Fei Jiani get involved? I don't want to see her during the meeting. She is ignorant and arrogant. Can you let me stand on the last post?" "

Jiang Chunhui smiled triumphantly and said, "I don't have the time to pay attention to her. She threw herself into her arms on her own initiative. If you say I'm a man, can I not follow?"

Sang Xiaoyu said with great disgust: "It's a matter between you, I'm not interested in inquiring about it, what I want to say is don't let her attend the meeting, I'm afraid she will embarrass you completely."

"Don't worry, she can't do anything except be the foreman. Aren't you the best sisters? I'll arrange her in the hotel, and you can slowly restore your relationship."

Jiang Chunhui was extremely proud.

Sang Xiaoyu's appearance was extremely confused, and she made a gesture of invitation.

When Jiang Chunhui walked to the door, he felt that he couldn't figure out what Sang Xiaoyu was thinking. He either kept silent for a long time, or it was all useless nonsense.

He turned around and wanted to say something, but Sang Xiaoyu had a calm smile on her face, and she was already out of her body leaning on the chair.

Sang Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Chunhui's leaving figure, and felt a sense of sadness. This man of his own age, who was almost forty years old, just revealed his true feelings.

They have fought side by side and carried each other through wind and rain, and now the Chu River Han Realm is on the opposite side. Everything that was once so real and specific will become fragmented and shattered under the immersion of time.

Formal meeting at ten o'clock.

Sang Xiaoyu went upstairs at 09:30.

She has to be fully prepared.

Zhao Chunling was with her all the time, and Sang Xiaoyu asked her if she saw Li Junhao?Zhao Chunling said no.

Sang Xiaoyu asked her to go to the security department to find him, and Zhao Chunling ran away.

After a while, Zhao Chunling ran up and said no.

Sang Xiaoyu was so angry, if it hadn't been for yesterday's incident, Li Junhao would never have dared to be late, now there is nothing he can do, and he doesn't bother to call him, he has to support everything by himself.

At this moment, Sang Xiaoyu answered a phone call, and it turned out to be Zhao Siyue.

Zhao Siyue has always cooperated with her very well. Now, her business has long been out of the established model, and she said more than once that even without the hotel business, she can live very well.

Sang Xiaoyu was very relieved, saying that she couldn't rely on anyone, even the man she liked, she still had the ability to leave.

Zhao Siyue often comes to deliver goods in person, she should have heard the news from the hotel long ago.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't have time to pay attention to her, there were too many things to do.

Zhao Siyue only had one topic on the phone, that is, she heard that the hotel was going to raise funds. She said that she would count it as a share, and if there was more, she could still get 1 yuan.

Sang Xiaoyu was really moved.

Someone who goes bankrupt and stays with you is a timely gift. Her 1 yuan is equivalent to all her belongings.

Sang Xiaoyu replied: "Siyue, I really thank you, but it's not to this point, you manage well, even if Jiang Chunhui has the final say, there will be no problem with your cigarettes, if he asks you to quit Now, don't be discouraged... Treat the next one well...

Zhao Siyue said quickly, "Sang Xiaoyu, don't worry, my business is already on the right track, and it's best if I can cooperate. If I can't, I won't be afraid anymore."

Sang Xiaoyu encouraged her a few more words, saying that she was about to have a meeting and would talk again when she had the chance.

Putting down the phone, Sang Xiaoyu felt that it was really difficult to distinguish between people. Some people you thought were your best friends would stab you at the most critical moment, such as Cheng Weize.

But a little Zhao Siyue has the ability to support herself, with infinite emotion.

Sang Xiaoyu rested her chin on both hands and rested her hands on the table, immersing herself in the innocent imagination that a violent storm is about to come.

People came up one after another.

Four long-lost investors are here.

They were all in suits and leather shoes, and Sang Xiaoyu nodded with them one by one. They were surprised to see that Sang Xiaoyu sat in the middle seat in advance.

Jiang Chunhui finally appeared, wearing the same suit and leather shoes, and his hair was not messed up. He habitually brushed his hair up, his face was cool, and it was ten o'clock.

Entering the house, he only saw Sang Xiaoyu fighting alone, and felt relieved, this Li Junhao is an idiot, and he ran away when encountering such a big incident, let alone Cheng Weize.

He called him, gave him a small profit, and he withdrew the funds. That's great, let Sang Xiaoyu see the reality again.

He was sitting on Sang Xiaoyu's right hand, and Sang Xiaoyu was sitting in the middle of the long table.

Sang Xiaoyu took a serious look at Jiang Chunhui. All the days they were together became blurred. At this moment, she couldn't tell the difference between sky and earth, day and night...

Gathering his mind, he glanced at his watch, cleared his throat, and Sang Xiaoyu began to speak.

She stood up, turned her body towards Jiang Chunhui, bowed her head and said, "Mr. Jiang, even if I, Sang Xiaoyu, forget the day I was born, I dare not forget your help to me.

Without you, I would not be who I am today, and everything I am is dependent on you. "

Jiang Chunhui didn't expect Sang Xiaoyu to start like this, and he was a little at a loss.

Sang Xiaoyu stood upright and said: "It is said that the kindness of dripping water is reciprocated by springs. I don't have a spring, so I can only repay with words. I want to thank you for your affection for me in the past few years.

I have never dared to forget everything you have done to me, including saving my life. It is impossible for me to sue you. We just have different political views. I also thank all the investors here. Without you, Xingyu would not be where it is today. "

Sang Xiaoyu took another step back and saluted everyone.

When Sang Xiaoyu raised her head, her eyes were already filled with tears. She was really emotional, thinking of Jiang Chunhui's way of nodding and bowing in order to find a specialist for her treatment, which was completely opposite to the boss's arrogance.

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