Chapter 284
Jiang Chunhui was also a little moved when he saw Sang Xiaoyu's appearance.

In his dictionary, he has never cared so much for a woman. As the saying goes, the deeper the love, the more severe the hurt.

Jiang Chunhui was quite satisfied. Sang Xiaoyu was not on the verge of a sword attack, which might be a prelude to surrender.

Jiang Chunhui had never heard a sentence, that is, women who can make trouble are not scary, but women who don't make trouble are scary. Sang Xiaoyu didn't show any signs of making trouble.

Sang Xiaoyu was never the woman he thought in his heart, and compromise was just Jiang Chunhui's wishful thinking.

Sang Xiaoyu's tears rolled down unsatisfactorily, which perfectly set off the sad atmosphere.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the door.

Sang Xiaoyu asked Zhao Chunling what was going on, didn't they agree that no one would be allowed to enter?

Zhao Chunling was at the door and said, "I can't stop it."

Sang Xiaoyu said, "Let him in."

A tall man came in, with disheveled hair and a long beard. Sang Xiaoyu thought he was a beggar at first sight.

When this man saw Sang Xiaoyu, he knelt down immediately.

Hold Sang Xiaoyu's thigh and say: "I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you..."

Sang Xiaoyu was terrified, and Jiang Chunhui also looked back and looked carefully for a long time. He was the first to see that it was Wang Ximo.

"Isn't this Simo?"

Wang Ximo was recognized by someone, he stood up, picked up the bag under his body, opened the cable, poured all the money inside on the table and said: "This is 56, I will pay you back, don't you Sell ​​the hotel."

On Sujie's table lay a pile of bright red money.

Sang Xiaoyu pulled him up and hugged him and said, "Ximo, I read you right. I said back then that you would never lie to me. These"

Wang Ximo came to Jiang Chunhui again and said, "Mr. Jiang, I, Wang Ximo, am not a human being. Your lord helped Xiaoyu a lot. How did you treat Sang Xiaoyu? Let her go now. I know she treats this hotel as a own child..."

Jiang Chunhui also patted him and said, "No, really not."

Wang Ximo cupped his fists at everyone and said, "Men and young men, don't withdraw your capital. Sang Xiaoyu is the best woman in the world. She is righteous, courageous and responsible. As the boss, your money will never be lost..."

Sang Xiaoyu asked Wang Ximo to be sent back, and Zhao Chunling wanted to take the money to the accountant. Sang Xiaoyu thought about it, reached out and took [-], and took the rest to Sang Xiaoyu's office.

The appearance of Wang Ximo hit Sang Xiaoyu's soul like a warm bullet. She felt that she still had the capital to make a comeback because of the infinite trust these people had in her.

Sang Xiaoyu began to report the accounts.

I reported all the hotel's accounts, and finally said: "Mr. Jiang, I owe you a total of 30 private funds, and my salary is 37, which is under Xingyu's hotel account."

She raised the 40 yuan she got just now and said: "I just don't know how to make up another 10 yuan. Wang Ximo has helped me, and I decided to return you [-] yuan. These years, the interest of [-] yuan means nothing. , but I can only use one hundred thousand to express my heart."

Sang Xiaoyu threw 3 yuan in front of Jiang Chunhui and continued: "I have decided to withdraw from the hotel. We will handle all the formalities after the meeting. I have seven days to fully cooperate with you."

Jiang Chunhui stood up and said, "Xiao Yu, you don't have to be so desperate, I never wanted you to leave the hotel, it's just..."

Sang Xiaoyu waved his hand, interrupted him and said, "Please let me finish, now is my time to speak, and your time will be up soon."

Jiang Chunhui looked at her with good eyesight, and felt that Sang Xiaoyu must be hiding thousands of mountains and rivers in his heart at this time, but what he showed was a gentle breeze.

Sang Xiaoyu took out a contract and said with a heavy heart: "Once I sign this, the hotel will no longer be mine. I hope you will make the hotel prosperous.

Now, the soup in the hotel is the hottest, I not only keep the recipe, I also keep all the people, to repay Mr. Jiang for his devotion to me.

Sang Xiaoyu picked up the pen, and was about to write under the name of Party A, when the door was kicked open again, and Li Junhao broke in.

Holding a check in his hand, Li Junhao shouted at Sang Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, don't sign, the money is here."

Everyone looked at the door, and Sang Xiaoyu rushed to Li Junhao and asked, "What did you say?"

She couldn't believe her ears.

Li Junhao may have run too fast, a leaf was hanging on his ear, and it was falling down like a butterfly at the moment, he said incoherently: "Don't worry about it, but you can't sign it, what I brought is 700 million, let these people Get out!"

Sang Xiaoyu stopped him and said, "Don't talk nonsense, tell me what's going on."

Li Junhao proudly pushed Sang Xiaoyu back to the center, held up the check in his hand and said, "Mr. Jiang, you can go if you want. Without your money, we can still get through this difficult time."

Li Junhao's not-so-big eyes are almost crescent moons now, and his mouth is always plausible.

Jiang Chunhui couldn't get used to it. He felt that this kid was so arrogant that his nose was going up to the sky.

Li Junhao handed the check to the accountant director and said, "Enter the account, see if it will work."

Jiang Chunhui was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said, "Don't fool us with these useless things, the 700 million check? Have you really seen it?"

Several investors laughed together.

The accountant came back quickly, saying that the account had been communicated with the bank, and everything was OK.

There was an uproar in the arena, and Li Junhao hugged Sang Xiaoyu proudly.

Jiang Chunhui became anxious, pointed at Li Junhao and said, "Don't be too rampant, it's useless to lick Sang Xiaoyu, she won't take a liking to you."

"Really?" Li Junhao proudly took out two red marriage certificates from his pocket, put them on both sides of his face and said, "We are now a legally recognized loving couple, do you want to take a closer look?"

Jiang Chunhui didn't believe it, so he went forward and grabbed a copy, which clearly stated the wedding date and sweet wedding photos of the two of them.

Jiang Chunhui didn't believe it, and looked at Sang Xiaoyu.

Sang Xiaoyu nodded, and gave Li Junhao a coquettish look.

Li Junhao took Sang Xiaoyu and walked out, walked to Jiang Chunhui and said, "The cooked duck has flown."

Jiang Chunhui sat decadently on his seat, the 3 yuan on the table seemed to be mocking him, and he didn't understand when the people around him greeted him.

Li Junhao, who likes to pretend to be crazy, actually staged such a show at a critical moment. Jiang Chunhui felt that everything Sang Xiaoyu had done before meant that she was ignorant.

Who is Li Junhao begging for? 700 million?It is impossible for Jiang Chunhui not to know someone who can have such wealth. If he were in Meilanjiang, who would make himself difficult at this juncture.

Jiang Chunhui was not sad about the hotel, he didn't care much about whether he had it or not, but Sang Xiaoyu really married Li Junhao, this was a sad thing that made him cry.

For a moment, it seemed that all his fighting spirit was gone, and his life was a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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