Chapter 285 Extortion
In the temporary meeting room of the hotel, people dispersed.

Jiang Chunhui was the only one sitting on the seat.

Sang Xiaoyu's marriage was like a heavy cannon, which knocked him stupid.

His heart was disturbed, and his fighting spirit had already gone to Java.

After all, Sang Xiaoyu didn't go with the crowd, let alone follow the trend. Jiang Chunhui, who always claimed to be calm, was in a mess after all.

Fei Jiani broke in without knowing why, and it seemed that she deliberately dressed up very well today.

Even without the publicity of flowers, flowers and willows, nor the sex appeal of transparent suspenders, but carefully dressed as a professional person, Jiang Chunhui felt that she was imitating Sang Xiaoyu a little bit.

It can only be the fur, she will never see the core of Sang Xiaoyu.

Seeing that Jiang Chunhui was in a daze, she pulled him and said, "What happened? What happened? I saw everyone was quite mysterious. Did something happen?"

Jiang Chunhui was still silent in his own world and didn't bother to talk to her.

Fei Jiani continued to clamor and said: "I asked several people, but no one paid any attention to me. Is it because you didn't take my matter seriously?"

Jiang Chunhui gave her a hard look, and quickly made a "pause" gesture with his hand, indicating that this remark was a cliché.

Fei Jiani didn't understand, and kept chattering: "Don't keep using me, do you think I don't know what's on your mind? Don't you just want to use me to disgust Sang Xiaoyu?
What's the matter, do you feel distressed again at the critical moment?Can't do it anymore? "

Jiang Chunhui suddenly broke out and said, "Get out! Get away from me, I'll be annoying when I see you."

Fei Jiani quit immediately and said, "You were still talking sweetly last night, why, you've had enough fun in a few days, and you want to kick my old lady at this time?"

"Yes, how is it?" Jiang Chunhui looked fierce.

"Am I letting people play for nothing? Think about it before you speak."

Jiang Chunhui didn't want to pay any attention to her, and muttered, "I don't want to play for nothing..." and left.

Fei Jiani stood where she was, looking at the door with gloomy eyes...

Not reconciled, Fei Jiani went down to the second floor to Sang Xiaoyu's office.

The office was extremely lively, several people were asking for candy, and they said that Li Junhao was too picky, so they didn't mention such a big matter, and Cheng Weiting was also in the crowd.

Li Junhao said: "Isn't there a wedding yet? When we do it, you are indispensable. Now that you have returned to your respective posts, there is always time for excitement."

As soon as Fei Jiani entered the room, the room immediately became silent.

The waiter, Cheng Weiting and others dispersed in a rush.

Fei Jiani really doesn't understand, Sang Xiaoyu has already suffered a crushing defeat, and now she is still showing off her might?

Fei Jiani stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter, don't you need to get out today?"

Li Junhao said bluntly: "You are the one who wants to get out."

Fei Jiani said angrily, "Could it be that you two are on good terms?"

Li Junhao said proudly: "Yes, how about it, we are now a legal husband and wife, that Jiang Chunhui, hurry up and hug his thigh, it's okay if you don't become the wife and mistress..."

Sang Xiaoyu stood in front of Fei Jiani and said, "I never want to see you again, the farther away you are from me, the better."

Fei Jiani was too familiar with this. Just after Jiang Chunhui finished speaking, she came again, and Li Junhao said fiercely, "Don't be ignorant of flattery, she has a good temper, I can't do it!"

After all, Fei Jiani was still afraid of Li Junhao, and besides, she didn't need to stay, but she didn't know what happened.

She left Sang Xiaoyu's office, and only found out the truth when she inquired about the fifth person.

She looked back at Sang Xiaoyu's office in despair, and felt that she was a blessed person, someone could always help her resolve the crisis.

After going out, she called Jiang Chunhui.

Jiang Chunhui saw her number, and before she could speak, he said, "Don't bother me anymore, go to wherever you like, give me another call and don't blame me for deleting your number.

We are still old classmates, don't think about other things. "

Fei Jiani said angrily: "Jiang Chunhui, am I not your tool? Don't you just want to use me to disgust Sang Xiaoyu? Sang Xiaoyu didn't follow your example and married your rival in love. Now you Just dumped me so easily, there is no door."

"what do you want?"

"You promised me to be the boss, but I didn't, but I became your mistress. Can't you just show it?"

"How much do you want?"


"Are you worth it?"

"There's no need for you to tell me. If I don't get the money within a week, you... your good deeds will be heated up in Mei Lanjiang. Just wait for your exclusive news."

"I'm afraid of you?"

"Whether I'm afraid or not, I don't know. Anyway, the media likes things like this happening to you high-ranking bosses."

"Okay, 50 is 50. If you take this 50, get out of the way and don't let me see you again."

Seeing that Jiang Chunhui agreed, Fei Jiani immediately regretted it, thinking that the money would be less.

Thinking about it again, I can ask for it whenever I want, and the 50 is just an appetizer. Jiang Chunhui will not be so relaxed in the future, and the big meal will be served later.

The more Fei Jiani thought about it, the more elated she became, as if the money floated in front of her like winter snowflakes.

Fei Jiani said: "Don't transfer money to me, I want cash."

Fei Jiani was afraid that Jiang Chunhui would play tricks.

Jiang Chunhui readily agreed, and the two agreed on the time and place. Fei Jiani asked him, saying that if she regretted it, she could go back on it. Anyway, her goal was not money.

Jiang Chunhui said: "Do you want to be a wife? Do you want me to be a vegetable? Is my whole body green?"

Fei Jiani said: "Which of your wives is not a vegetable, they are so green that there is no edge, why can't you?"

Jiang Chunhui said: "Even if others can do it, you can't do it. I think you are dirty."

Fei Jiani was not angry, but smiled and said: "You can use the dirt, and don't regret leaving some souvenirs on your body..."

Jiang Chunhui was startled, and asked, "You are not really sick, are you?"

"Anything is possible." Fei Jiani said viciously.

"Smelly bitch, you are not human at all."

The two met the next day, and Fei Jiani wanted to impress him with her warmth, hoping to be the hostess of his family.

Fei Jiani even said that the two have their own lives, and it is good to have a family in the name.

What Jiang Chunhui longed for most was to enjoy the warmth of home. Hearing what she said, he didn't say a word, but Jiang Chunhui pushed the bag containing 50 yuan in front of her.

Satisfied, Fei Jiani opened the cable, and Cheng's money appeared in front of her eyes, and the police also appeared.

Fei Jiani yelled at Jiang Chunhui for not being a thing. Jiang Chunhui pointed at her and said, "You are an insatiable woman. If you can stop with 50 yuan, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, but you never will. I can only give you some." color."

Fei Jiani was taken away by the police.

She stepped back and got into the police car, her heart was dark.

She knew that she was doomed, and she still hadn't escaped from prison after all.

(End of this chapter)

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