Sang Xiaoyu, Li Junhao, Wang Ximo, Zhao Chunling, Song Yue, Cheng Weiting, and Sister Li, the financial manager, were sitting around a table and eating. The scene was full of excitement like a wedding banquet.

Several people forced Sang Xiaoyu to drink, and said that such a big matter was not leaked at all.

Sang Xiaoyu explained: "I also just registered yesterday, that is to say, I registered as soon as I identified my relationship, and there was no time for everything."

A few people quit, chattering and insisting that they drink, Li Junhao was able to block the wine one by one for Sang Xiaoyu.

Sang Xiaoyu raised his glass and said: "In the future, we will have to rely on everyone here. It is not easy for the hotel to go through many difficulties in order to develop in a balanced way."

Several people said that she was too sensational and only talked about drinking.

Wang Ximo remained silent for a while. Sang Xiaoyu toasted him and said, "Ximo, the past is over. If you want to look forward, I am an example. I can only keep 56 of 50, and I will return the rest to you."

Wang Ximo quit and said, "That won't work, the [-] is interest, if you don't want it, you will look down on me."

Sang Xiaoyu asked him what plans he had next?If you don't dislike it, come to the hotel, do something that you can adapt to first, and then settle down slowly.

Wang Ximo shook his head and said, "I still plan to start a business. You can do it from the smallest one. How can I be decadent as a big man?"

Sang Xiaoyu has been encouraging him, and said that he can help him if he has difficulties.

Everyone turned to Li Junhao again, wondering how he got the money. Li Junhao mysteriously said that a mysterious person helped him.

A few people didn't believe him and called him dishonest.

Cheng Weiting was pregnant, and Zhao Weiguang soon came to pick her up. Seeing that Zhao Weiguang took good care of Cheng Weiting, Sang Xiaoyu was very satisfied, and teased Zhao Weiguang, "You like boys, don't you?"

Zhao Weiguang was a little embarrassed. When the few people saw Zhao Weiguang again, he was no longer dressed in the past.

Now Zhao Weiguang is the deputy factory director, and the seasoning factory has changed more and more, and the scale is the same.

Zhao Weiguang was already handsome, but now that he was dressed like a boss, he looked even more radiant, and he already looked like a boss in his gestures.

Looking at Cheng Weiting again, there is still not much change from the past. Now it is said that there is a 15-year age difference between the two of them, and people believe it, especially when she is dragging a heavy body.

Sang Xiaoyu was worried for Cheng Weiting in her heart. If this matter happened to her, she would definitely not have the courage to find a man who was so far behind her.

Zhao Weiguang said: "Boys and girls are the same, but I like girls, but she likes boys."

Cheng Weiting said proudly: "I like boys. If they are really boys, I will have both children."

The two hugged each other and left.

"I really admire them both."

Zhao Chunling looked at their backs and said.

The wedding date of Zhao Chunling and Sun Peng was set on the National Day of the [-]th. Sang Xiaoyu found that she was always envious of others and was not interested in her own wedding.

Zhao Chunling asked Sang Xiaoyu where to spend her honeymoon. Sang Xiaoyu pointed to Li Junhao and said, "I don't know anything about the money he brought now like you. I will go home and interrogate him later. As for the honeymoon, it will be arranged in later."

Only then did a few people feel that Sang Xiaoyu ate a little carelessly.

Because Li Junhao and Sang Xiaoyu had something to do, they couldn't live comfortably, so they left.

Li Junhao drove to Sang Xiaoyu's house.

In the car, Li Junhao glanced at Sang Xiaoyu, and Sang Xiaoyu asked him what he was looking at?
Li Junhao said: "I look at you with the eyes of my husband, but I don't think it's real. I will prepare a long needle tomorrow, and I will prick myself when I have nothing to do."

Sang Xiaoyu burst into laughter.

Li Junhao touched her with his hand, and Sang Xiaoyu warned him to drive carefully.

Li Junhao looked at the direction ahead and whistled. Sang Xiaoyu listened carefully, and it was still "Story of Time".

As soon as he entered the room, Li Junhao's hands and feet became dishonest.

Sang Xiaoyu ordered him to sit down, and told all the ins and outs of the matter, saying that he had been mysterious these past few days, what was going on, and if the money did not come from the right way, she would not dare to use it.

Li Junhao also came up to be stubborn, and insisted on going to bed.

Sang Xiaoyu pretended to be anxious on purpose, and said, "Do you want me to sit on the tiger stool and chili water?"

Li Junhao began to visit the room without pain or itching, he didn't say anything even if he was beaten to death, do you want to hear it?Conditional, go to bed!
Sang Xiaoyu had nothing to do with him, so she had to coax him to take a bath.

Li Junhao looked at her with good eyes, and said sincerely: "Your gestures are full of femininity..."

In the dim bathroom, the lighting is gentle and the atmosphere is romantic, and the air is full of ambiguous atmosphere...

The two had a long drought and rain, and it was a wedding night in the bridal chamber. After tossing until ten o'clock, Li Junhao was like a naughty child, still wanting to play tricks.

Sang Xiaoyu was really angry, and he became honest.

Didn't Li Junhao say that he has a mysterious big boss?We haven't heard from each other for several years. When something like this happens, I know what you think in your heart, so I thought of him.

Sang Xiaoyu asked puzzledly: "Why didn't you tell me anything? Also, don't you want to disturb him?"

Li Junhao said: "I don't tell you because I'm not sure, I don't want to disturb him, because this incident is too important to you, I want to gamble."

"Well, keep talking."

Li Junhao said: "I told him, I said that my girlfriend's hotel was in great difficulty, and I wanted to help her, and see if my brother could lend a hand."

"What did he say?" Sang Xiaoyu was extremely nervous.

Li Junhao said relaxedly: "When I made the first three calls, he was busy, and the first two times I just asked about the situation, and he also said that he would investigate.

The third call was the day we checked in. "

Sang Xiaoyu asked puzzledly: "No, it's only two days before I become your girlfriend."

Li Junhao said embarrassingly: "I did tell a lie. If I didn't say that, how could he help me? Of course, I said that this hotel also has my shares."

Sang Xiaoyu nodded.

"When we called on the third day, when we were hanging out, he asked me to take a plane to go to his place once. I didn't dare to tell you, because I was afraid that this matter would not work at all, and it would make you happy for nothing."

Li Junhao said with relief: "I took a plane to go to his place that night. That's why I didn't live in your house. Otherwise, do you think I would exercise my right to be a husband?"

Seeing that he was out of shape again, Sang Xiaoyu gestured to him with a fist, and said threateningly: "Keep talking."

Li Junhao hugged her fist and said, "Just because of this? I... my husband... Sang Xiaoyu, you are too much. You let me only talk about these things at this time. I will quit. Tomorrow Besides..."

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