Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 287 Honeymoon Night

Sang Xiaoyu acted both hard and soft, which made Li Junhao on the right track again.

Li Junhao said: "The plane arrived in two hours. He sent someone to pick me up. I told all about the situation. My elder brother said that I did some research. The hotel's operation is really good, but I didn't hear that you belonged to her." Boy friend."

Li Junhao patted Sang Xiaoyu's face proudly and said: "You said how lucky you are, at this moment you forced me to marry you, and I immediately showed him the marriage certificate.

He said, did you do the show for investment?I said brother, do I have the guts?Besides, Sang Xiaoyu is a stubborn bull, I can't pull her back, if she didn't take the initiative, I can't do anything.

I also mentioned Jiang Chunhui's matter to him. He said he knew this person. I said that this person has been chasing you for several years. You are still classmates. She really didn't stay with me just for show. Chunhui itself is a big money..."

Sang Xiaoyu punched him and said, "Who is the stubborn bull?".

Li Junhao said: "I never thought that he would agree, and he would give out 700 million at once. He said that he believed in me, and he also believed in my vision.

But he is conditional. "

Sang Xiaoyu nodded.

Li Junhao said that he would come to Meilanjiang tomorrow and wanted to meet you.

Sang Xiaoyu said: "I am not worried that he will see me, I am worried that his money is not clean, if there is a problem with his money, I will not do anything."

Li Junhao waved his hand and said: "I guarantee this, absolutely not. I don't know what he did before, but now there is no problem at all."

Sang Xiaoyu wanted to ask again, Li Junhao said: "You can ask him whatever you want when you see him, now is our precious time, I don't want to waste it on these things."

Sang Xiaoyu was extremely grateful.

Sang Xiaoyu was also very emotional, she said: "Junhao, if I want to marry you after you take the 700 million, will you doubt me?"

Li Junhao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't think about this question at all.

Sang Xiaoyu asked him to think about it now.

Li Junhao said with certainty: "You are not such a person. If you were, Jiang Chunhui would have more than 700 million."

Sang Xiaoyu became gentle immediately, and she liked Li Junhao's straightforwardness. Although he was a rough person, he could hit the point with a single word, and her understanding of Sang Xiaoyu was fundamental.

Seeing that Sang Xiaoyu was as gentle as water, Li Junhao couldn't hold back anymore.

Li Junhao couldn't stop tossing, Sang Xiaoyu said: "What do you want with my body?"

Li Junhao said: "I think you were quite satisfied just now."

Sang Xiaoyu blushed and said, "Nonsense."

Li Junhao didn't care about that, and said: "Women are habitually duplicity, talking nonsense just to..."

After talking about Mount Tai, it is usually necessary to use force again.

Sang Xiaoyu raised her hand to beg for forgiveness, saying that better days are to come.

Li Junhao touched her face and said, "Xiaoyu, I'm not fooling around, I just can't believe it, I can't believe that the girl I've wanted all my life is really sharing the same bed with me today.

I'm afraid it's not true, God is so kind to me, why can I be so happy? "

Sang Xiaoyu returned his infinite tenderness and said: "In the future, we will love each other and accept each other. I don't want you to change anything, as long as you can love me exclusively."

Li Junhao hugged her excitedly and said: "Xiao Yu, I love you, this is something I knew since I was a child..."

Sang Xiaoyu said emotionally and gently: "Junhao, I love you."

Li Junhao held her face and looked at her in disbelief and said: "I never thought that one day such words would come out of your mouth, I am so happy, it is so unreal."

Sang Xiaoyu looked at him like a child and said, "Can't I fall in love with someone? How old am I? I long for a warm home every day. Now that my mother is happy, I am even more anxious."

Li Junhao said dissatisfiedly: "Why did you go so early? Do you think I can stop torturing you now? I want to make up for all the lost time..."

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and made him toss.

In fact, I don't believe that there are people like Sang Xiaoyu herself.

She never thought that she and Li Junhao could be together like this. She thought of all the things they had together, and she felt that sometimes suffering is a good thing, and it gave her the opportunity to understand a person more deeply.

If she didn't put her heart into getting to know Li Junhao, Sang Xiaoyu would never entrust her life to him. Giving it to him would be tantamount to getting farther and farther away from the romantic days she originally liked.

Li Junhao is like a child, besides forgiving him, he also has to teach him how to carry on the love.

Sang Xiaoyu thinks it's very interesting, she loves him, but she has to devote twice as much energy as him to maintain this relationship, he is a natural expression of truth, and Sang Xiaoyu's truth needs a little art.

It was late at night, but Li Junhao was still too excited to fall asleep.

He stretched out his arms, took Sang Xiaoyu into his arms and asked, "Xiaoyu, what do you want most?"

Sang Xiaoyu said without thinking: "The present world is stable, and the years are quiet and good."

"Do you have any wishes? Tell me about your greatest wish in this life? I want to realize one of your most wanted wishes, let alone roses and the like, let alone those that can be achieved in minutes."

Sang Xiaoyu thought for a long time before saying: "I'm not the most loyal fan, I really want to watch the scene once, witness the frenzy like a tsunami, and choose a knockout game at the scene..."

Li Junhao didn't expect Sang Xiaoyu to say this.

"What's the name of your favorite person? Anyway, it's not Maradona and Pele..."

For football, Li Junhao knows these two names.

Sang Xiaoyu smiled happily and said: "I also like these two people, they are the ceiling of the football world.

But my favorite current star is the Dutchman named Arjen Robben; there is also a handsome Uruguayan named Cavani and Modric from Croatia..."

Li Junhao became jealous and said, "Well, you are beautiful when you talk about football stars. Can you name a dozen or twenty? They are all old men. What's there to like?"

Sang Xiaoyu turned her back and said, "Didn't you tell me to say it?"

Li Junhao pushed her over and said, "Is this considered mental derailment?"

Sang Xiaoyu quit and said, "You still like Zhou Xun, and you even said that you want to die or live."

Li Junhao rubbed his head and smiled, and said, "I don't know me at all, I just like it in my heart."

Sang Xiaoyu said, "They know me?"

Li Junhao laughed and said: "That's right, it's impossible to like people who are out of reach.

It's not impossible to go to the scene, but it's a waste of time and money. "

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said: "It's not a wish, it's not bad to realize it when we are old. Let's go to the 2030 World Cup and let the children accompany us."

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