Chapter 106 Gao Yuhunming·Naruto (4k ask for a monthly ticket, please!)

Kyuubi's tone was very serious: "I just felt a strong chakra fluctuation. I didn't care about it at first, but just now there was a very strong pupil power fluctuation!"

"It's the unique evil pupil power of Kaleidoscope Sharingan!"

The expression on Naruto's face froze for a moment, and his eyes froze.

But in a blink of an eye, he returned to normal, took out his wallet and paid by phone.

"Guest, welcome to come next time!"

Naruto walked out of the Yile ramen shop with unhurried steps amidst the enthusiastic voice of his hands.

Immediately, he opened Kagura's heart eyes, and looked solemnly in one direction.

"Uchiha tribe... Sasuke!"

Naruto was about to go to the direction of the Uchiha Clan in an instant.

brush! !

There was a burst of wind around, and three masked ninjas appeared directly in front of Naruto.

One of the ninjas said coldly: "Master Hokage has ordered that the whole village be under martial law, go home now!"

Naruto paused when he heard the words, and asked with a smile on his face, "Is it not allowed to go to my classmates?"

Although there was a smile on his face, there was no smile in his eyes when he looked at the three people in front of him.

In the face of Naruto's rhetorical question, the three ninjas did not reply, but stared at Naruto with cold eyes.

"is it?"

Naruto's eyes flickered, but he didn't intend to tangle with them.

Under the watchful eyes of the three, he turned around and walked in the opposite direction of the Uchiha clan, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.

In the sealed space at this time.

"Hmph, did you see it? This is your Konoha."

Kyuubi snorted coldly, and said to Minato next to him: "It is always said that I am the embodiment of evil, but in my opinion, the malice of you humans is really terrible."

This guy Namikaze Minato is a very good ninja in all aspects.

Outstanding talent, superb ninjutsu, strong affinity...

But this guy still made a mistake in trusting people's hearts too much, and trusting the kindness of those strategists too much.


Minato also smiled wryly when he heard the words: "I am too naive."

I thought Sarutobi Hiruzen's malice was already at its limit, but now it seems that something happened to the Uchiha clan.

Is it everyone's village that I'm guarding, or the village of Konoha's high-ranking people?

Suddenly, Minato remembered the words of that Tenno Ochu.

"An idealist is incurable. If he is thrown out of his heaven, he will create another ideal hell."


"So, what are you going to do?"

And at this moment, Naruto, who had already returned home, was standing in front of the window.

He looked at the leaves swaying in the wind on the big tree outside, his blue eyes narrowed slightly.

"These guys are really haunted."

Suddenly I miss Shiramo Anbe from the previous years.

After all, that guy always likes to touch fish, and sometimes even if he sees something, he will treat it as if he didn't see it.

Naruto closed the curtains, turned off the lights, and the room became very dark.

After confirming that his actions would not be monitored by Anbu outside, Naruto opened the cabinet.

Inside is a three-eyed cat face mask engraved with leaf-like patterns, and a letter is placed beside it.

After opening the letter, the first sentence made Naruto heave a sigh of relief.

"When you read this letter, the night of Uchiha's genocide may have already begun."

Uchiha, the night of the genocide...

It seems that Mian Ma has already made corresponding plans, so he doesn't need to care too much about Sasuke's safety.

No matter what happened tonight, it had nothing to do with him, he was just the nine-tailed man Zhuri who didn't know it.

Thinking of this, Naruto sat on the bed and began to read the letter quietly.

Immediately, he saw the function and significance of this mask.

"Can you psychic the mask of the nine-faced beast Qinglong, and... Chiyue's Gao Yuhunming?"

Naruto stared at the mask with a smile in his eyes.

Brother Mian Ma told him many myths before, among them was the story of Gao Yuhunming.

Gao Yuhunming, the full name of Gao Yuchan, Sun God, also known as Gaohuangchanlingshen, Gaohuangchanlingshen, also known as Gaomushen, which means transformed from trees.

Like the god of heaven and the god of Yuzhongzhu, the God of Gaoyu and the god of birth and nest are the first gods of solitude and invisibility to appear in Gao Tianyuan, so they are called the "three gods of good fortune" together with the god of heaven and the god of Yuzhong.

The two gods, Gaoyu Channi Sun God and Shen Nest Sun God, are yin and yang to each other, and they are the gods in charge of reproduction and fertility.

As for the name Chi Yue...

"Brother Mian Ma is really... a bad taste, but it really fits."

Naruto shook his head with a grin, and then slowly put the mask on his face.


The leaf-shaped lines on the forehead flashed a green light.

"From now on, I am Chi Yue's Gao Yuhunming."


At the same time, in the land of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fugaku faced each other, and the invisible pupil competition took place between the two kaleidoscope owners.

After an unknown amount of time, the kaleidoscope in their eyes stopped spinning.

Uchiha Itachi's figure trembled slightly, but he still tried his best to maintain vigilance and stability.

It's just that the eyes looking at his father are a little more dignified and serious.

In the illusion competition just now, he lost to his father.

The black and white illusion space is the same as his Yueyue, it is the illusion pupil technique of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

And compared to his father who had opened his eyes for many years, his pupil power was still slightly inferior in the end.

"I didn't expect that my father would be so strong. Do you want to use that trick?"

Uchiha Fugaku, on the other hand, folded his hands around his chest, his body remained motionless, and his eyes looking at Uchiha Itachi were a little more complicated.

"Is this the future you want me to see?"

The Uchiha clan will perish, but the blood of Uchiha will continue in Sasuke, and Sasuke will grow up safely.

And Itachi will die in Sasuke's hands, Sasuke transplanted Itachi's eyes to obtain an eternal kaleidoscope, and finally became the hero of Konoha.

This future...

"This is the future of the village, the future of the clan as I see it."

Uchiha Itachi's tone was firm, the dagger was clenched tightly in his hand, and he was ready to continue fighting at any time.

But looking at his son's determined eyes, the scarlet color in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes suddenly faded away.

"Really? Sasuke..."

With the murmur in the mouth, it fell.

Under Uchiha Itachi's astonished gaze.

Bang! !

A burst of white smoke suddenly exploded, and Uchiha Fugaku's figure disappeared in front of him.

"...A shadow clone?"

Uchiha Itachi was also silent for a moment when he saw this, the corners of his mouth became a little bit bitter, and his footsteps staggered.

The illusion competition just now made his brain a little dizzy, and it turned out that the father he was competing with was just a shadow clone.

Such strength...

Uchiha Itachi let out a long breath, and raised his hand to wipe away the dried blood on his face.

Sharingan looked even scarlet and evil under the reflection of blood.

"Father, my worst enemy, this will be a real contest between two Kaleidoscope Sharingan ninjas."

But no matter what, he has already made all preparations.

Immediately, Uchiha Itachi came straight to his home for a moment.

However, when Itachi carefully looked at his father's room through the gap, he suddenly froze in place.

"Huh? Why is there no one?"

There was no one in the room in front of him, but the candles were still burning, and there was still a trace of warmth in the room.

All these signs indicated that the father was still in the room just now.

For a while, Uchiha Itachi immediately became vigilant.

But at this moment, in the silent courtyard, a familiar voice suddenly came from the next room.

"it's here."

Itachi suddenly followed the sound and looked there.

It was originally a room for meditation.

Seeming to be wary of him, the people in the room said again: "There is no trap, come in."

Itachi was slightly taken aback by the indifference and relief in his tone.


He cautiously opened the door, and the crisp sound of opening the door sounded in the room.

But I saw two figures kneeling quietly in the room like that.

Under the moonlight outside, the two of them just knelt and sat without saying a word, as if they were waiting for something.

When Uchiha Itachi saw this, not only did he not have the slightest joy, but a pain arose in his heart.


"I don't want to kill each other with my own son." Uchiha Fugaku looked straight ahead and said in a relieved tone.

When Itachi heard this, his figure paused, and his calm expression finally showed some fluctuations.

"Father, mother, I..."

However, he still slowly raised the knife in his hand.

Uchiha Mikoto said gently: "We understand, Itachi."

The mother's gentle voice made Itachi's hand holding the knife tremble.

He had already made a decision, but he actually began to doubt whether his current actions were right or wrong.

However, there is no other way...

"Itachi, finally promise me."

And Uchiha Fugaku's lips grumbled for a moment, as if he had a lot to say.

But in the end, thousands of words were reduced to one sentence: "Sasuke, I entrust it to you."

It was because he didn't see clearly how heavy the burden was in Itachi's heart. He let Itachi see the cruelty of war too early, which made Itachi gradually become paranoid, and thus fell into the enemy's trap and became a sharp blade for the enemy to deal with Uchiha.

Itachi seems to be acting according to his own will, but from beginning to end, whether it is extermination of the clan or loyalty to Konoha, it is the result of the guidance of those guys.

The Uchiha clan has failed completely, and in that case, let him be selfish as a father for once.

The blood and tears on Itachi's face intertwined and flowed down, and he walked slowly behind the two of them.

The room was silent, except for the sound of Itachi's approaching footsteps.

Holding a dagger that was dripping blood, he walked behind the two with a dull expression.

In the distance of these few steps, he felt that his footsteps were as heavy as a thousand weights, and every step was slow.

Behind the two of them, Itachi closed his eyes in pain, blood flowed down his cheeks, and the blade in his hand trembled slightly.

"Don't be afraid, this is the path you decide. Compared with you, our pain is only a moment."

Uchiha Fugaku's tone sank and said: "Even if I think differently, I'm still proud of you."

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Itachi clenched his teeth and clenched the dagger in his hand.

A cold light flashed, and blood spattered all over the place.

There was silence in the room, only the sound of blood dripping from the blade to the ground.

Itachi lowered his head, staring at the corpses of his parents lying on the ground, his eyes stared blankly, and tears welled up in his eyes.

That is this time.

Suddenly there was the sound of eager running in the corridor outside the house, and then the door was pushed open.

"Dad! Mom! Outside..."

Hearing Sasuke's flustered voice, Uchiha Itachi's eyes flashed scarlet in Sharingan.


At the same time, outside the barrier of the Uchiha Clan.

The root ninjas hiding in the dark are watching the Uchiha clan with all their attention.

They are still waiting, waiting for the final finishing work, waiting for the final curtain call of the Uchiha clan.

At this time, a Genbu ninja wearing an eagle face mask seemed to notice something, frowning slightly and looking around.

"Just now, was there any strange sound?"

However, it was very quiet in the woods at this time.

It was so quiet that the chirping of insects seemed to have disappeared.

There are only the sound of wind, the sound of branches and leaves being blown, and the faint breathing of the rest of the ninjas.

And the root ninja looked carefully.

I saw the trees standing quietly, the bright moonlight of the full moon passed through the shadows of the trees, and the branches and leaves around were swaying with the wind, as if there were countless figures hidden in them.

And right now.

tick tock~tick tock~
Vaguely, there was the sound of something dripping from the tree.

A gust of wind blew by, Genbu Ninja's nose trembled slightly, and his eyes froze.

It was a faint smell of blood, which was permeating the air with the wind.

And, very close!

The root ninja was about to sound a reminder, but felt another breeze blowing by, and lost consciousness in the next second.

Unfortunately, this sound still alarmed some root ninjas present.

"There is an exception!!"

Everyone immediately became vigilant and looked around.

But when they saw this, they were stunned for a moment.

I saw that half of the root ninjas just squatted in place, completely unresponsive.


A root ninja wearing a goblin mask comes back to life.

Immediately, he cautiously stretched out his hand and pushed the silent teammates beside him.

And the next second.


An extremely complete head fell straight from the neck to the ground.

"Here, quick! Check it out!!"

The rest of the people came back to their senses when they saw this, and immediately shook the body of the person beside them.


In an instant, more than ten heads fell to the ground like overripe apples.

The strong smell of blood filled the entire forest, stunned many root ninjas present.

The root ninja who took the lead suddenly came back to his senses.

"Dog! What's going on?!"

He turned his head and yelled angrily at the position behind him.

Although the tone is full of anger, if you listen carefully, the words are more fearful.

For this operation, only forty ninjas came in total!
And more than a dozen root ninjas died silently like this?
The "dog" as a perceiving ninja has no hint...

"Are you looking for him?"

A low and hoarse voice suddenly came, attracting everyone's attention and vigilance.

All the ninjas followed the sound.

A masked figure was seen standing next to a root ninja in a dog-head mask.

Oh no.

The body of that root ninja has lost its head.

The head was being held by the masked man, and it kept shaking with the wind.

"Hey, did you hear that?"

Faced with a group of root ninjas, Mian Ma tilted his head and said with a playful smile, "It's the wind."

 Calvin, I'm so stuck!

  Let me think about how to abuse Uchiha Itachi to be comfortable, the first draft I wrote now is too hip!It's not cool enough QAQ!

  Finally, I have the cheek to ask for a monthly pass QAQ!

(End of this chapter)

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