Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 107 A person who knows anger should know sadness

The killing inside the Uchiha Clan has stopped, but the killing outside the Clan has just begun.

But this time the target of the slaughter was the root ninja who wielded the butcher knife in the past.

"Quiet... ah!!"

These dozens of elite ninjas from the roots are like weak children wielding small wooden sticks in front of their numb faces.

Their ninjutsu and secret techniques couldn't touch the face numbness at all, and they couldn't even tell where the silent attack came from.

And as long as there is a slight wind blowing.

Brush brush! !

The heads of several root ninjas fell to the ground again, like harvested weeds, falling down one by one.

The strong smell of blood wafts in the wind in this forest.

so horrible!

The masked man just stood there, just stood there quietly watching them.

The heads of the companions around him fell neatly from their necks like overripe fruits.

They can't even see where the attack is coming from, and even feel like they are in a hallucination.

like, like...

"It's like there's a Grim Reaper holding a scythe!!"

The breeze at the neck is like the sickle of death, and it doesn't know when it will fall.

Faced with this unknown fear of death, the well-trained root ninjas have an uncontrollable panic!

"Monster! Monster! Ah!!"

"Danzo-sama, I, I'm sorry for you!"

With the collapse of the first root ninja, the rest of Anbu's root ninjas, whose spirits were on the verge of collapse, couldn't hold back completely.

Knowing that escaping on the way might lead to execution by the seal, the few remaining root ninjas still ran to the distance with fear on their faces.

And Mian Ma stood there, just watching them flee in embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, there was no pursuit? !

Realizing that the scary masked man behind him did not catch up, several root ninjas couldn't help but look happy.

The footsteps running to the distance are much faster, and the hope in the eyes is getting stronger, almost bursting out.

But they obviously didn't realize that they had become prey in the eyes of hunters.

Just the next moment.

"Heh, witness the despair after hope is shattered."

Standing there, Mian Ma sneered.

And the few root ninjas who had already fled a hundred meters away, only felt that the picture in front of them was distorted and changed.

In an instant, they suddenly realized that they were back in front of that devil.

No, maybe... that's just their wishful thinking.

They never left the place from the beginning to the end.

"Illusion?! When..."

Unfortunately, no one has answered their doubts.

sassy sassy! !

The invisible wind blade blew by with the breeze, and the last few root ninjas were completely turned into blood clots.

At this point, all the root ninjas responsible for guarding the barrier were killed, and it was too late to even send out a signal to make any gestures.

But Mianma opened his eyes and looked at the Uchiha clan from a distance.

"It seems that it has come to an end."


Uchiha Sasuke walked in a dark clan land, resisting the uneasiness in his heart, and ran back home quickly.

But when he saw the figure in the meditation room, he pushed the door open and walked in in a panic.


"Father! Mom! Outside, Aunt Jing and Uncle Teyaki..."

Just as the door was pushed open, the pungent smell of blood came to the face.

Sasuke froze in place, with a look of panic gradually appearing in his eyes.

Because he saw it, saw the parents who fell in a pool of blood.

"Dad... Mom..."

In the next second, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the darkness.

tick tock~tick tock~
Uchiha Itachi slowly walked out of the shadows, and blood flowed slowly from the dagger.

The tears on his face had long since dried up, and those scarlet and evil Sharingan eyes were extremely cold.

Staring at Sasuke in front of him, staring at his beloved brother.

"Brother, brother?"

Looking at his blood-soaked brother, Sasuke's eyes widened, and a ridiculous thought suddenly rose in his heart.

But how could his brother do such a thing?
Fake, must be fake.

Sasuke couldn't believe his own thoughts, and forced a smile: "Brother, what's going on, why dad, mom..."

Just didn't wait for him to finish.

brush! !

A sharp kunai flew out suddenly, flew straight past Sasuke's shoulder, and slammed into the wall behind him.

Blood and sweat flowed out mixed.

"Brother, why..."

The severe pain in the shoulder made Sasuke's mind go blank, and he stared blankly at Itachi.

"My stupid brother, can't you recognize reality now?"

Uchiha Itachi's cold tone pierced into Sasuke's heart like a ruthless sharp blade.

Confusion, fear, anger...

All kinds of complicated emotions surged into his heart, causing the string in Sasuke's heart to break tightly.


Tears flowed from Sasuke's eyes, Sasuke's eyes gradually turned red, and two maggots emerged in his eyes.

Under the guidance of this inexplicable force, Sasuke's emotions burst out like volcanic lava.

He asked hysterically: "I'm asking you, why?!"

Seeing Gouyu in his younger brother's eyes, Itachi was happy at first, and then a little disappointed.

Seeing the corpses of his father and mother, is it only a matter of a little bit?

It seems that more stimulation is needed.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi said in a cold tone: "Why?"

"Of course it's to test my strength, to gain more power!"

Air volume?

When Sasuke heard this, bloodshot eyes gradually appeared in his eyes, and a feeling of absurdity rose in his heart.

He asked back in disbelief: "Just to test your mettle? Just for such a boring reason?! You just killed your parents?!"

"Are you kidding me, bastard!!??"

Sasuke suppressed the fear in his heart, and pulled out a handful of kunai from his waist with trembling arms.

Immediately, fine lightning flashed from his body, and he stabbed directly at Itachi with Kunai in his hand at an extremely fast speed.

Bang! !

In a blink of an eye, Sasuke was kicked by Uchiha Itachi and flew back backwards.

Before Sasuke could react, Itachi reached out and grabbed his slender neck for a moment.

The scarlet eyes of the two met each other.

Looking at the patterns in Itachi's eyes, Sasuke trembled and widened his eyes.

what is this?
"This is the Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

As if seeing his doubts, Uchiha Itachi said in a cold tone: "This is the power of the Uchiha clan, the power I obtained after killing relatives and friends!"

In order to cater to his own words, he also showed a ferocious and cruel smile.

Sasuke, on the other hand, stared at his brother in front of him.

It felt so foreign, so evil, so disgusting.

"Such disgusting eyes! Such evil power!!"

Sasuke gritted his teeth, the jade in his eyes twirled rapidly, and glared at Itachi angrily: "Is there anything to be happy about the power gained in this way?!!"

Even if this kind of power was given to him, he would not want it! !
And Uchiha Itachi actually...

"Hmph, what a naive idea."

Itachi Uchiha snorted coldly insincerely: "The reason why Mom and Dad will die is because they are too weak in front of me!!"

"My stupid brother, let you see the truth now!"

After the words fell, he lifted Sasuke, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan began to spin rapidly.

"Monthly Reading!"

For a moment, Sasuke's eyes widened, his body froze there stiffly, and there was a scream of terror from his mouth.

In the endless Tsukiyomi space, he saw his once gentle elder brother Itachi Uchiha harvesting the lives of his clansmen like a demon.

Those familiar uncles and aunts, those old people and children...

In the end, he even swung the butcher knife in his hand at his parents! !

"no no!!"

Seeing this scene, Sasuke let out a heart-piercing scream.

Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the Sharingan that had transformed into a double gouyu.

He suppressed the joy in his heart, and said in a cold voice: "My stupid brother, you are too weak now, and you are not even worthy of being killed by me."

"If you want to kill me, hate me, hate me! Then run away and live ugly!!"

"Wait until you have the same eyes as me, come to me again!!"

He threw Sasuke aside as if he was throwing trash.

But before he left, a voice came from afar.

"You just said, how far can your eyes see?"

Uchiha Itachi subconsciously turned his head when he heard the words.

Looking at the mysterious masked man who suddenly appeared in the distance, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.


He was about to say something, but just then.

Uchiha Itachi suddenly felt chills all over his body, and a strong sense of horror welled up in his heart, and he turned sideways to avoid it under a powerful instinctive reaction.

Buzz! !

The ear-piercing sound of wind blew past his ears, Uchiha Itachi only felt a sudden chill in his shoulders.

next second.

Bang! !

In an instant, two neat cracks were cut on the wall behind him, and the whole room began to crumble.

"Is this Unsealed Wind Escape, or Blood Successor Boundary?"

Feeling the coolness on the shoulder, Uchiha Itachi realized that his shoulder had been cut with a deep bone wound.

Suddenly, as if realizing something, he looked up at the masked man in front again.

Buzz! !

Sure enough, the familiar voice sounded again.

Is it from the front, or...


Thoughts arose, Itachi Uchiha was about to dodge sideways, but suddenly saw Sasuke behind him from the corner of his eye.

If he dodged like this, he would definitely hurt the unsuspecting Sasuke.

no!It must be blocked head-on!

But now it's too late to seal the seal!

"Only by the eternal fire!"

Thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, Itachi stopped in his dodging figure, and the shuriken pattern in his pupils spun rapidly.

Immediately looking directly at the masked man in front of him, his right eye was bloodshot.

A smear of blood flowed from the corner of his eye and across his cheek.


A mass of pitch-black flames emerged out of thin air, and blocked in front of him under the guidance of Tong Li.

This is Amaterasu Black Flame, a flame that can burn everything!

No matter what you face, Amaterasu will never go out until it burns out.

Teng! !

Facing the invisible wind blade, Black Flame directly burned it up!

But this is not the end.

After the black flame burned the invisible wind blade, it attacked the face numbness without stopping.

"Is it a flame that can never burn people? It's interesting."

Feeling the oncoming heat, the eyebrows were raised numbly, and the corners of the mouth rose slightly.

Immediately, the toes lightly stepped on the ground.

Bang! !

A large cobweb crack appeared on the ground, and the facial numb disappeared in place in an instant, leaving only an afterimage there.

In the end, Amaterasu Black Flame could only pass through the afterimage, and landed powerlessly on the wall, making a crackling sound.

"This speed...pure physical strength!?"

Uchiha Itachi also widened his eyes in horror, and kept looking for the figure of the masked man with blurred vision.

He never imagined that the masked man with such ninjutsu attainments also had such powerful physique attainments.

The guy was even fast enough to avoid the sight of him releasing Amaterasu.

And right now.

"Where are you looking?"

A playful voice came from behind Itachi, and what struck at the same time was a seemingly slender fist.

But after Itachi felt the punching wind, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

"This punch... is inevitable!"

Accompanied by a whistling fist wind, this seemingly light punch hit Uchiha Itachi's body directly.

boom! ! !
In an instant, Uchiha Itachi felt an incomparably majestic force falling on him.

Under this extremely terrifying power, Itachi's expression could not help but become extremely distorted and ferocious.


There was a crisp bone cracking sound.

Uchiha Itachi's figure was actually broken up directly and decomposed into black crows.

But the power of this punch will not be diminished in any way because of this sudden change.

Haw!Haw! !

Countless crows were directly blasted to pieces by this punch, and rotten flesh and blood fell from the sky like rain.

The exploded flesh and blood formed a blood mist, which floated in the air for a long time.

However, some crows exploded into white smoke and dissipated in midair.

"Quack quack!!"

The terrified crows of crows lingered in my ears, and the smelly flesh and feathers fell.

All this made Mian Ma frowned in disgust, and her originally good mood suddenly turned into a bad mood.

"The crow shadow clone technique?"

It's similar to the Orochimaru guy's Orochi-ryu substitute technique.

One is to use illusions and psychic beasts, and the other is to use super powerful body transformation techniques.

However, it is just as disgusting and unlucky.

The remaining crows kept making ugly calls, flapping their wings and flying towards the outside of the house.

In the end, they gradually entangled together, revealing the figure of Uchiha Itachi.


Although Uchiha Itachi reduced the damage of the punch, he still knelt on one knee and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Even more blood poured out from his eyes, nose and mouth, making him look like a blood man.

But facing his own injury, Uchiha Itachi raised his head regardless, and looked directly at the masked man in front of him.

The kaleidoscope in his eyes was spinning rapidly, and he said in an extremely cold tone: "Give it to me, let him go!!"

I saw that Sasuke, who was lying on the ground, was now held in his hands by the noodles.

At this time, Sasuke's eyes were dull, and he didn't respond to the encounter outside. Obviously, his spirit had been a little lax because of Tsukuyomi.

"Huh? Are you angry?"

Mianma's voice was low, and he said sarcastically, "Those who know anger should also know sadness."

"But I only see your hypocrisy and selfishness."

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