Chapter 108 Throw all the garbage here? (4K)

"I only see your hypocrisy and selfishness."

After finishing speaking with a sneer, Mian Ma took out an injection filled with red liquid from her arms.

Then, under the horrified eyes of Uchiha Itachi, he injected it directly into Sasuke's neck.

In an instant, a gentle force gradually soothed Sasuke's mental pain, and even calmed down the violent mood swings after opening his eyes.

Under the guidance of this injection, the two diametrically opposite chakras that seem to be of the same origin produced a little fusion reaction.

Sensing the changes in Sasuke, Mianma narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"What will happen if the gene fusion solution of Asura's reincarnated person is injected into Indra's reincarnated person?"

The last person who tried to do this was Uchiha Madara.

But the plaque is only the transplantation of intercolumnar cells to the body, which belongs to the transplantation at the cell level.

So, will the transplantation at the genetic level have different changes?
In Mian Ma's eyes, this is just a simple experiment.

But in the eyes of Uchiha Itachi, the masked man in front of him is hurting his younger brother!

"What did you inject Sasuke with?!"

Hearing Uchiha Itachi's angry questioning, Mian Ma also came back to his senses, his eyes met his four eyes coldly.

And the next second.

Itachi's left eye was bloodshot densely, and scarlet blood gush out from it.

"Monthly Reading!!"

For a moment, Mianma felt that everything in front of him became blurred and distorted.

When the eyes are clear again, they have already appeared in a hell-like space with only black and red.

Mian Ma was tied to a cross and his limbs were bound.

And countless itachis stood in front of them with cold expressions and blades in their hands.

"This is my space. Everything here, including time, place, quality, etc., is under my control."

Itachi's repeated noisy sounds, coupled with the strange scene of trial, all of which make people feel frightened.

But Mian Ma just frowned.

Is this the monthly reading world?

There is a false taste everywhere, which is really disgusting.

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan is also known as the eye of spiritual portrayal."

Mian Ma looked around, looked at the countless Uchiha Itachi and sneered: "Since you have awakened the Pupil Technique Tsukuyomi, it proves that you have the ambition to control everything, but unfortunately, all of this is nothing more than illusion."

"You are just a chess piece, manipulated by others."

Kong has great strength, and he keeps saying that he wants to protect the village, but in fact he doesn't even know what the target he wants to protect is.

The village that lost everything is just an empty shell.


When Itachi heard this, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and countless Itachi raised the blade in their hands.

The injury suffered here is a mental injury, and the pain suffered is exactly the same as the pain in reality.

The few days in the monthly reading space are actually only a few seconds in the real world.

Under normal circumstances, Yuedu cannot be cracked, and only those with higher pupil power and mental strength can crack it.

So far, Itachi has never met anyone who can break Tsukiyomi.

Even the man who calls himself Uchiha Madara can only avoid his edge when facing Tsukiyomi.

"Next, I will force you to find out your origin, your purpose, and everything about you. I hope you can stay under my command for a long time."

Facing Uchiha Itachi's threat, his numb face remained unchanged, and three hook jades also appeared in the dark blue eyes.

Different from normal Sharingan.

His eyes are blue-black, and the three jades are scarlet, revealing an evil intention everywhere.

Uchiha Itachi was also stunned when he saw this, his eyes were full of surprise.

Writing wheel eye? !

This guy actually has Sharingan?

Could it be that he is actually from the Uchiha clan?

But in the face of the kaleidoscope, what is the three hook jade?
The moment the thought arose, Uchiha Itachi suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes.

Dingling ~ Roar! !

Immediately afterwards, there was a clear and pleasant ringtone, but it seemed extraordinarily weird.

There were faintly terrifying low roars echoing in his ears.

"where is this place……"

Itachi Uchiha came back to his senses, his eyes became extremely horrified.

At this moment, his place is no longer Yuedu Space.

In front of him was a spooky, majestic and majestic ancient palace.

In front of the palace was a hideous and terrifying giant mouth, and the stench rushed towards the ferret.

"Is this an illusion space?"

Itachi Uchiha frowned, and his heart sank suddenly: "What's going on, I was pulled into the illusion space by a three-goed jade sharing sharing eye?"

Tick ​​tock!

At this moment, a drop of blood dripped onto the calm water surface, causing layers of ripples on the water surface, and finally turned into a sea of ​​scarlet blood.

Countless skeletons emerged from the darkness, and piled up on the sea of ​​blood to form an incomparably terrifying mountain of corpses.

And on the top of the white bones, a man wearing a long white coat and a three-eyed cat face mask stands on top of it, like the king of this hell.

"Do you throw all the garbage here?"

The man looked down at the Itachi under the mountain of corpses, and the disgust in his eyes was undisguised: "My world doesn't welcome you, a disgusting guy."

Between the words, a violent scarlet aura enveloped the man's whole body, and the original white robe was gradually dyed blood red.

Gudoo!Gudoo! !

The sea of ​​blood under his feet suddenly boiled, and a shrill scream like a ghost rushed into his ears, making Itachi feel an uncontrollable palpitation.

"Solution! Solution!"

After Uchiha Itachi tried to dispel the illusion to no avail, his expression became more dignified.

It was at this time.

puff! !
His right arm was like a disassembled building block, suddenly breaking off from his shoulder.

Itachi couldn't help showing a look of astonishment: "What, what's going on?"

But it's not over yet.


The left leg is separated from the body.

puff!puff!puff! !
Several cracks appeared on Itachi's body, making him look like a disassembled doll.

The moment Itachi came to his senses, his broken limbs fell to the ground, but his body was strangely fixed in midair.

Every crack sprayed out beautiful arcs of blood, making him instantly become a bloody man covered in blood.

The disintegrating blood mist turned into rainwater, washing Itachi's body, sucking his blood, squeezing his flesh and blood, and even crushing his bones.

Muscles, skin, and even nerves, everything seemed to be shredded.


The almost distorted tearing and pain instantly flooded Itachi's brain, making him unable to help but let out a scream.

This weird and grotesque ability almost makes people lose their sanity.

"Oh, can you hold on?"

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the man on the mountain of corpses, and then it turned into playfulness.

In this world, all flesh and blood are under his control.

The man looked down at the struggling Itachi at the foot of the mountain, and slightly stretched his arm in front of him, making a gesture of wiping his neck.

The next moment, a bloodstain appeared on Itachi's neck.

This tiny bloodstain was even thinner than a hair.

However, when the bloodstains spread deeper, until the blood-red throat was seen.

The kaleidoscope in Itachi's eyes suddenly began to spin rapidly, and blood slowly flowed from his eye sockets.

The hell-like space of this sea of ​​blood and corpses suddenly became blurred, and the bloodstain seemed to be stuck by something, stagnating at a position where the bones could be seen.

"A block from the outside world?"

As if realizing something, the man suddenly lost interest in the plaything in front of him, and sat back a little bored.

"Then I can't help it, but it's just what that guy wants."

In the next second, everything in front of him began to distort, and everything in front of him returned to normal.

He reappeared in the Uchiha clan land.

Uchiha Itachi panted heavily with horror in his eyes.

Instinctively, he raised his right hand and touched his neck, but he really touched a wet scarlet blood.

At the same time, a crimson chakra slowly gushed out from Itachi's body.

A huge spine visible to the naked eye emerged behind him, followed by ribs, etc., until it completely surrounded his body, protecting him in a skeleton.

"Have you escaped from the illusion with Susano?"

Mianma looked at Uchiha Itachi who was faintly wrapped in red chakra in front of him, and licked his lips expectantly.

Sure enough, Uchiha Itachi has now mastered Susano.

Susano is the ultimate power that resides in the kaleidoscope's Sharingan. It is the ultimate pupil technique that integrates offense and defense after materializing a huge chakra.

It will even make Susano grow in stages as the user's pupil power strengthens.

Susanohu is strong enough, and can even resist the light of Infinity Tsukiyomi.

Naturally, it can also resist the illusion that Mian Ma exerted with all his strength.

And Mianma had already expected that in the face of that powerless situation, Uchiha Itachi could only use Susanoo to escape the danger.

"Is this what you want?"

Blood continued to flow from Uchiha Itachi's cheeks, but he still stood up with his body strong.

He stared at the numb face in the distance, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

He knew very well that the masked man in front of him was forcing him to use Susanoo.

His attack method is actually not single, whether it is in ninjutsu or illusion, he is second to none in the ninja world.

But in the face of a guy whose attainments in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu are all above him, he can only forcefully use the Susanoo, which can damage his eyes.

"I didn't expect such a powerful person to be missed in the information."

Uchiha Itachi's face hesitated a little: "Do you want to use something like that?"

Although there is still an artifact that has not been found, it was originally the hole card left for Uchiha Madara in the future.

But if we don't get rid of the masked man in front of us now, I'm afraid Danzo will not be able to hold back!
Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi gritted his teeth, and the kaleidoscope Sharingans in his eyes became scarlet.

Immediately after two or three breaths, red muscles and meridian-shaped chakra grew out of Susanoo's skeleton, and were gradually wrapped by the coat-shaped chakra.

Nearly 20 meters tall, the second form of Susano holding a swirl shield in his hand appeared in front of Mianma.

"Susano, is that so? But why is there only one artifact?"

Mianma stood there, quietly watching Itachi using Susanoo's second form, and many thoughts flashed in his mind.

This is not the first time he has faced Susano, but it is the first time he has felt the changes of Susano so closely.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, after seeing Itachi's process of opening Susanoo.

Mian Ma felt that her Sharingan began to move around as if being provoked, and a powerful force hidden in it began to gradually wake up.

"Did you feel it? This is the real power of Sharingan."

Hearing Uchiha Itachi's indifferent words, he touched his eye sockets with numbness, and smiled indifferently.

"is it?"

Susanoo, absolute defense?

The smile on Mianma's face gradually dissipated, his knees were slightly bent, and his right hand was also lifted up, with four fingers as straight as a sharp sword.

Immediately, he took a step forward lightly.

Phew...boom! !
Just heard a bang.

Dazzling blue lightning shot out from Mian Ma's body, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

The blue-black figure collapsed wherever it went, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed straight to Susano.

Buzz! !

The four fingers flashing with blue lightning pierced towards Susano.

Those four slender fingers in front of the huge Susanoo seemed like a child poking a burly man with immature fingers.

The two don't seem to be on the same level at all.

But the terrifying power is like a rough sea wave, rolling towards Uchiha Itachi overwhelmingly!
Uchiha Itachi, shrouded in this powerful aura, has a strong sense of crisis.

"So fast! Is this Yun Yin's Hell Spike?!"

The moment the thought arises.

Accompanied by a deafening thunderstorm.

Two terrifying forces collided at this moment.

In an instant, a terrifying air current swept across all directions.

The ground under his feet was the first to be unable to withstand such a force and fell apart.

Under the impact of this force, the surrounding buildings collapsed into ruins.

Facing this incomparably powerful force, Susano almost backed up a little.

Click! !
The place hit by his blow actually cracked with large and small cracks, as if it might be broken at any time.

"This power..."

Feeling the power of this move and seeing the shattered absolute defense, Uchiha Itachi's expression became dignified again.

Four fingers, that is, four hands.

Only four hands have this kind of power, and the last one...

This kind of physical strength, is this guy a monster in human skin?
Realizing this, Itachi clenched his teeth and directly controlled Susanoo to swing the shield, slapping the face in front of him aside.

"At least I still have the artifact, the Yata Mirror. In short, use Susano first, and then use Amaterasu..."

After seeing the face numb flying upside down, Itachi secretly planned in his heart.

But at this moment.

Boom! !
Feeling the shock under his feet, Uchiha Itachi almost staggered in Susano's eyes.

He looked forward in a daze.

What's wrong with this?
What is that masked guy going to do again?
"The warm-up is almost over here..."

The mianma that flew back landed steadily on the ground, but the three scarlet jade jades in Shulunyan began to spin rapidly.

There was a little smile in his tone: "I want to thank you for letting me see the power of Susanoo."

"In order to repay you, let you taste the same taste."

 The keyboard I bought for 100 yuan was damaged by me, and we still can't buy keyboards here. . .

  The four thousand was typed out with the small keyboard of the notebook, and it took several hours to code, which was really uncomfortable. . .

(End of this chapter)

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