Chapter 109 Susanohu·Sura Form (4k)


Dozens of black shadows leaped and flashed over the houses and trees, rushing towards the direction of the Uchiha Clan.

The Third Hokage had already "explained" the situation to them clearly.

The Uchiha clan was invaded and killed by several unknown ninjas, and the Uchiha compatriots now need their assistance.

As for the number, identity and strength of the intruders...

I don't know at all.

But in this slightly silent and depressing atmosphere, there was one person who seemed out of place.


Looking at Maitekai, who was running with arms waving and looking around, Kakashi twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "The one who summoned Anbu ninjas, why did you follow?"

It was obviously a very serious occasion, but when this rare beast appeared, it became extremely unfriendly.

I can't even take myself seriously.

Metkay came back to his senses when he heard the words, and grinned, his white teeth shining dazzlingly.

"This is youth, youth never stops!"

Kakashi held his forehead helplessly, and sighed inwardly.

No wonder the adults of the third generation did not agree to Kai joining Anbu, and even Danzo, who is not picky about food, did not agree to his application for admission.

Anbu's full name is the Assassination Tactics Special Forces. The members are excellent ninjas selected from the village. They mainly protect Hokage and prevent foreign enemies from invading Konoha. Sometimes they are also responsible for reconnaissance and assassination tasks.

Anbu members wear white masks imitating animals when they act, and the nature of the task and all other information are kept confidential.

If Kai joins Anbu, can Anbu still hide in the dark?
Enemy: who are you?Which village are you from?
Kay: I won't tell you!Take my move Konoha Gangli Whirlwind! !

"...Really, what the hell was I thinking?"

Kakashi shook his head to shake off these useless thoughts.

He looked at Kai who was about to say something, but suddenly raised his head to look at the horizon.

"Ah? Why did it stop suddenly?"

Matkai asked in astonishment, and immediately followed the direction of Kakashi's eyes.

boom! ! !
Accompanied by a huge roar, the ground also felt extremely strong.

All the Anbu stopped their progress and looked towards the distant direction together.

I saw a dazzling golden light soaring into the sky above the Uchiha Clan, which was particularly eye-catching in the dark night.

"What happened to Itachi?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face darkened in an instant: "Could it be that there was a battle with Uchiha Fugaku?"

He took Anbu to support, and he didn't even think about helping Uchiha out of the siege.

This is just a stopgap measure.

After all, even if Danzo can be blamed, doing nothing in the face of Uchiha's request for help will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the ninja.

But he has counted the time.

Uchiha's cleansing operation should have ended, why...

But before he could figure it out, there was a burst of loud noise from the direction of the golden light.

Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled.

"Hey, what's going on with this powerful chakra fluctuation?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes froze, and he clenched his teeth and ordered: "Everyone! Speed ​​up!"

Shinnosuke, don't let anything happen to you!


Inside the Uchiha clan.

A golden phantom was projected from the numb-faced body, and immediately a stream of materialized golden chakra gushed out of the body.

First, countless bones turned into a huge chakra giant, covering Mianma's whole body.

But it's not over yet.

The golden skeleton giant continued to condense chakra, then the meridians, then the muscles, and finally the golden coat.

In just a few breaths, a half-length giant wearing a golden chakra coat appeared in front of Itachi.

A domineering and majestic aura was released wantonly, causing the ground to shake, and countless sand and dust rolled in the air.


Itachi slightly stabilized his lower body.

Seeing the half-length giant in front of him, which was not inferior to him, and the bewitching and weird three-goal jade writing sharing eyes of the masked man, Itachi's eyes were full of shock.

"Susano in the second form? Are you kidding me!"

This is very different from the information he saw on the Uchiha stele.

Isn't Susano the pupil technique that can only be awakened by the kaleidoscope Sharingan? !
What's going on with this guy in front of him?

Is it possible to use Susano with a three-pointed jade writing sharing eye?
And unlike myself, this guy doesn't seem to be forced at all.

Under the shining of the golden light, Itachi's thoughts became confused again.

"Is it an illusion?"

This idea popped up in Itachi's head.

However, Mian Ma didn't give him more time to think.

Ka Ka Ka!
Mian Ma, who was standing inside the golden giant's body, lightly clenched his fist, and the golden giant also clenched his fist.

The speed of the Chakra giant was completely different from that of the bulky and tall figure. It moved extremely swiftly, and its fist suddenly fell towards the red half-length giant.

The ground was destroyed in an instant, and the hurricane that was set off swept the surrounding buildings into the air.

Crazy! !

Itachi came back to his senses and controlled Susano to hide the punch in a bit of embarrassment.

"This is not an illusion at all, that is to say, the Susano in front of me is almost real."

Itachi raised his head and looked at Mian Ma standing inside the golden giant.

Those scarlet three-goal jade sharing sharing eyes flickered, making Itachi's body stiffen involuntarily.

The eyes were once again plunged into darkness and scarlet, and the man sitting on the mountain of corpses seemed to cast a cold gaze on him again.

The scars raged on the body, and countless blood splashed out.

But it was only a short moment, Itachi broke away from the illusion again.

At the same time, a huge golden long knife appeared in the golden giant's hand, and it swung at him again with a strong wind.

This weapon is different from most long swords. The blade and blade of this weapon are straight and centered, but the spine of the blade is thicker than ordinary blades.

The sword moves thickly and the sword moves lightly, but this weapon has both the kingly style of the sword and the domineering spirit of the sword.

A mist of golden chakra surrounds the blade, instilling a visceral sense of awe in those facing the weapon.

From Mian Ma's point of view, this is more like Tang Hengdao from his previous life.


Because the time to dodge was delayed by the illusion, Itachi couldn't dodge the blow directly, so he could only hold up the Yata mirror to resist head-on.

boom! !

The moment the long knife and Yata mirror collided, a cloud of dust was thrown up, covering Mian Ma's vision and making it impossible to see the situation in the dust and fog.

However, he also felt that the Susanoo he controlled was blocked by a powerful force, and he couldn't even advance an inch.

"Is this the power of an artifact?"

The Yata mirror is an aegis that has existed for some time, it can defend against all physical and ninjutsu attacks, and it is also a defense that is known as invincible.

The absolutely defensive Susanoo, plus the invincible Yata mirror...

"Any technique and ninja tools are related to the chakra of the ninja itself. Once the amount of chakra required for defense exceeds the holder, then this will definitely lose its meaning."

The corners of his mouth were numb, showing a smile.

For the legendary artifact, he has long been itchy and wanted to test the power of this legend.

Wait until the dust clears.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Uchiha Itachi was panting heavily, blood still gushing from his eyes.

But the burly red giant's fully revealed figure was covered with Wutengu armor on Susano's original foundation.

This is Susano's third form, which is a head taller than Susano's condensed facial numbness, and the consumption of Chakra and pupil power has also increased significantly.

And I saw the red armor giant holding the Yata mirror, which perfectly blocked the attack of the face numbness.


Itachi Uchiha stood up reluctantly, and immediately waved the Yata mirror to take the golden giant aside.

Looking at the repelled golden giant, his eyes became more dignified.

"It's just the Sangouyu Sharingan, and I can use illusion to restrict my body."

Although it was only the Sangouyu Sharingan, he felt that the eye could not be deduced by common sense.

Because of this, he couldn't figure out where the upper limit of the guy's strength was.

In this way, even he has to fight with all his strength.

But Susano, who is now using the third form, will be very reluctant, and if the delay continues, the body will not be able to bear it.

If you continue to test the opponent's strength and hole cards, it is undoubtedly the most stupid decision.

"We must make a quick decision!!"

After the two giants separated, they stood not far away with numb faces, and a smile flashed in their eyes.

"Very powerful, very desirable weapon."

Feeling the powerful power of Susanoo, Mian Ma's mood of being messed up by Crow Clone and Tsukiyomi also improved a lot.

But I still have some doubts in my heart.

Susanoo's technique is actually the product of the combination of his own pupil power and Chakra, and the projected color corresponds to his own Chakra nature.

So in theory, the color of each Susanoo should be monochromatic, because the chakra nature of each person is the same.

The golden Susanoo is indeed majestic and domineering, but I don't know why...

"How do you feel that there is a more violent and evil power hidden in it?"

At this moment, a green figure exuding chakra mist suddenly appeared, shouting and rushing towards the numb-faced golden giant.

"Ah! Konoha Goriki Whirlwind!"

Bang! ! !
At the moment when the facial numbness did not react, a seemingly thin fist collided head-on with the golden Susanoo.

In the next second, under the gaze of the stupefied eyes, the coat of the second form of Susanoo unexpectedly cracked.

Ka Ka Ka! !

The golden chakra fragments scattered in the night sky, and finally turned into chakra and slowly disappeared in midair.


Uchiha Itachi on the side realized the opportunity, and no longer hesitated, and directly cooperated with the green figure to attack Mianma.

The Anbu ninjas, including Kakashi, were all shocked, looking at the two god-like giants, the green shit-stirring stick, and the Uchiha clan that had been turned upside down.

The trembling roar of the earth made people's eardrums hurt, and the flying gravel accompanied by the smoke and dust and the howling wind flew around, which was even more frightening.

Not to mention intervening in the battle, they even had to carefully stay away from watching the battle.

No one thought that the battle in the Uchiha clan would be so terrible.

Susanoo's kaleidoscope Sharingan pupil technique is beyond their understanding of ninjutsu.

Oh yes, and that kappa ninja who dared to go straight up...

"Who is that guy?"

An Anbu ninja couldn't help asking.

And looking at the green figure who inserted a hand from time to time, Kakashi also twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Ah~ Kay is really..."

They came to the land of the Uchiha tribe just now, and they didn't react when they saw the two Chakra giants.

This guy Kai yelled "youth burns", and directly opened the seven doors of the eight armors and rushed forward.

Should he be called courageous, or ignorant and fearless?
At the same time, Mianma was somewhat reluctant to deal with the attacks of Maitkai and Uchiha Itachi.

This guy Maitekai attacked him indiscriminately, which really caught him off guard!
"What a messy guy!"

Looking at the green figure who punched and kicked from time to time, he smiled helplessly with a numb face.

You know, forces are mutual.

If you want to smash Susanoo, Maitekai must have broken his fingers.

Such a guy is too much of a headache.

And just as Mian Ma blocked Itachi's attack and looked for the green figure again.

The green figure suddenly appeared behind the numb face, green chakra radiated around the blood-congested and red body, and even drove the air to overturn the ground when it moved.


With Jingmen's blessing, the chakra in Maitkai's body was full again.

And the body's recovery ability was further liberated. Kai directly snapped the broken finger back to its original position, and finally healed gradually, and the blood evaporated in the air.

Realizing that his own body couldn't shake the giant, Maitekai jumped into the air.

"Towards the peacock!!"

I saw him swinging his fist down in the air quickly, the speed of punching was so fast that the air friction caused balls of flames.

The flames scattered from the fist dyed the sky red, as bright as the sunrise, as dazzling as the peacock's tail feathers!
Bang bang bang bang! !
Under this attack, the golden giant slid backwards overwhelmed.

The violent impact didn't even give him any room to breathe, and even affected Susano's face numbness, making him feel a tightness in his chest.

"Konoha's blue beast, is it a mad dog?"

Seeing this scene, Mian Ma couldn't help feeling helpless.

What a troublesome guy!


Facing this kind of fist-to-flesh, non-sloppy style of play, a wanton smile could not help but appear on the corner of his numb mouth.

"This is not a ninja game, this is a real battle!!"

In an instant, Mianma's hands were joined together, the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger were connected, and the index finger and little finger were bent together, forming a mark that no ninja had ever seen.

In an instant, the Sharingan in his eye sockets shone with a strange scarlet brilliance, and a scarlet chakra full of ominous and violent aura spread all over his body, and his originally dark blue eyes, like the deep sea, were gradually covered by black.

The killing intent was completely undisguised, giving people a chilling and strange feeling, which made everyone present shudder!

Immediately afterwards, a dark red phantom projected from Mima's body, let out a roar like a beast, and Chakra gradually spread on the body of the golden half-length giant like a liquid.

The last thing that appeared in front of everyone was a scarlet giant with four arms and a ferocious face like Shura.

 When I got up and continued to code, I got a headache from writing.

(End of this chapter)

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