Chapter 110 Here is Konoha? (4k)


After a violent roar.

The last thing that appeared in front of everyone was a scarlet giant with four arms and a ferocious face like Shura.

It was completely different from the golden Susanoo who exuded majesty just now.

Although this scarlet Susanoo is only in the second form, its size is comparable to Uchiha Itachi's third form.

And it doesn't have any weapons, only four ferocious and terrifying claw arms like beasts, and the dark red mist around it can even melt the surrounding rocks and vegetation.

"I haven't felt this relaxed state for a long time..."

Looking at the scarlet chakra on his body, the corners of his mouth under the mask grinned slightly.

Immediately, he controlled Susano to raise his sharp claws, and was about to swing them towards Metkai.

Face numb suddenly felt body stiff.

At some point, a long and narrow shadow had spread to his feet.

The originally invisible shadow actually firmly fixed his body in place.

"Is it the shadow art of the Nara clan?"

His face was numb and his brows were slightly frowned, and he began to condense the Yin escape chakra in his body, trying to break away from the restraint.

At this time, the Anbu ninja who performed the shadow technique also felt a terrifying force trying to struggle with his ninjutsu.

A cold sweat suddenly broke out, and he shouted with some difficulty: "Quick! Take advantage of this time!"

And before he shouted, an Anbu ninja in a windbreaker had already made a move with both hands.

Buzz! !

A black cloud of bugs flew out from the wide sleeves, and rushed towards Mianma.

Looking at the black cloud, a trace of disdain flashed across his numb eyes.

The dense cloud of black insects rushed up and gnawed wildly at Susanoo's scarlet chakra with its mouth open.

"It's done!?"

The Anbu ninja of the oil girl clan showed joy in front of her face.

The group of bugs suddenly fell to the ground one by one at a speed visible to the naked eye, completely losing their sound.

"Here, what kind of chakra is this?"

Oily Ninja's complexion changed, and she hurriedly recalled Chongyun.

At this time, a huge figure spinning at high speed also fell from the top of the numb head.

"Eat my meat bomb chariot!!"

The scarlet gouyu in Mianma's eyes spun rapidly, and the black shadow under his feet seemed to be dispelled by some kind of force.

The black shadow was like a broken knot, and the numb shadow suddenly broke away.

"Ah! Be careful..."

The Nara ninja who performed the shadow technique felt a pain in his head, screamed in pain and subconsciously issued a warning.

Unfortunately, it's too late.


The meat bomb chariot stopped and rotated in the air, and scarlet blood dripped from the air.

"Why...cough cough!"

Looking at the scarlet claws piercing into his body, Akimichi Ninja's eyes widened and he coughed up a lot of blood.

The scarlet giant flicked lightly, and a figure that had lost its voice fell from the air with a plop.

"Don't get in the way!"

Mian Ma coldly glanced at the Konoha ninjas in front of him, sending chills down the spines of the surrounding Konoha ninjas.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to the oil ninja again.

The bug had already returned to the oil ninja's body, but he suddenly froze and his expression gradually became ferocious.


His head was filled with all kinds of violent, evil, and murderous dark thoughts, which caused his spirit and reason to collapse instantly, and he let out a irrational roar like a beast and fell to the ground.


There were countless bugs wriggling uncontrollably under the skin, and even directly pierced through his skin and flew out.

"Greedy children will be punished."

Looking at the miserable condition of the oil ninja, she said in a numb tone.

Not everyone can bear the hostility and malice accumulated for decades.

Obviously, the oil girl clan who prefers the Yang escape secret technique is not among them.

"Okay, what a scary Chakra..."

The sentient ninja in Anbu showed nervousness and couldn't help shivering: "Is this kind of battle really something we can intervene in?"

Is the power of this guy in front of him really something that a ninja can do?
"Don't be fooled by that guy!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi at the front looked stern, and said, "No matter how strong he is, he is only one person, and there are many companions standing behind us!!"

"I'm also here to fight side by side with you!"

After the words fell, he bit his fingers and patted the ground.

"The art of psychic!"

Following a puff of white smoke, a burly ape wearing a fur coat and a Konoha forehead guard appeared beside Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

As soon as the ape demon appeared, he asked, "Ri Zhan, are you in trouble?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi explained concisely: "That scarlet giant is an enemy, and I need your help now."

"Is that the enemy?"

Hearing this, the ape demon bared his teeth and looked at the two half-length giants.

Although I don't know what the situation is, I think it is the enemy.

However, this breath feels a little scary.

Feeling the violent breath of the scarlet giant, the hair on Sarutobi's body stood on end.

"Ape Demon, Vajra Wishful Stick!"

Although he was timid due to the habits of wild beasts, after hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Sarumo calmed down and calmed down.

"I understand!"

After hearing a "bang", the ape demon turned into a long stick.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi held it tightly in his hand, and the originally slender Ruyi stick actually began to grow longer and thicker.

Then swung suddenly towards the scarlet giant.

hum! !Boom! !
With the sound of breaking wind, the thick stick and the itachi's attack hit the scarlet giant again.

The scarlet giant's body was slid to the side by the combined attack of the two, breaking many buildings before stopping.

"It's no wonder Kyuubi was stabbed away by Sarutobi's stick. This old thing is really not old."

Feeling the power of Sarutobi Hiruzen's blow, his face was numb and he stood still with some difficulty.

The Anbu ninjas also reacted, and after suppressing the fear in their hearts, they formed mudras with both hands to attack Mianma.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Wind Escape · Tornado Technique!"

Several ninjas spewed flames and hurricanes from their mouths.

Then the flame mixed with the storm, and the flame spread rapidly, turning into a fire tornado with a terrifying howling sound, rushing towards the face.

The flames flew everywhere, and the firelight illuminated the darkness.

Kunai and the shuriken even collided with Susano, as if they wanted to open a gap in it and attack the numb body.

However, after encountering such a powerful attack, Hokage was annihilated, and Kunai turned into a pile of broken iron, falling to the ground like snowflakes, but only white marks were left on Susano, which was not broken.

Compared with physical attacks, the numb-faced Susanoo is significantly more resistant to ninjutsu.

That layer of blood-like chakra can directly corrode ninjutsu and flesh.

Many Anbu ninjas showed horror when they saw this scene.

But I don't want to consume any more of the numbness.

He chose to face Itachi Uchiha, not only to collect Sharingan, but also to develop his own Sharingan. It would be better if he could figure out the source of the artifact.

But now that they have obtained all they want, Nonaiyu and the others should have stayed away from Konoha Village.

These Konoha ninjas will be Naruto's property in the future, and he doesn't intend to slaughter too much.

But these guys are overreaching and want to block his way forward, so...

Looking at the Anbu ninja who had regained his fighting spirit, Susanoo raised his four clawed arms again.

Face numb said coldly: "I will give you the greatest respect and give you equal destruction and death."

Anyway, he once became the Hokage of Konoha in Tsukiyomi World.

In his heart, perhaps there is also a trace of unbearable.

But this is ninja fighting.

Both sides are fighting for each other's position.

That's it.

"Yan Luo, cut!!"

Under the watchful eyes of all the ninjas, the four scarlet giant claws slowly fell down.

At this moment, the world seemed to be silent.

Four scarlet chakras condensed and formed, and swept towards Uchiha Itachi, Mite Kai, Anbe Ninja, and Sarutobi Hiruzen mercilessly.

"Go back!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi roared with his eyes wide open.

But it's too late.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The bloody claws that were close to darkness swept out, and the scarlet blood mist spread to the surrounding area, smashing everything within the range.

Faced with such power, everyone present was enveloped in murderous and hostile aura, and their bodies fell into a short-term rigidity under the fear.

Only strong men such as Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Itachi, and Kakashi broke free from the shackles of fear with their strong willpower.

Use various means to defend or dodge in a hurry.

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

"King Kong Ruyi is great!"

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

"Day Tiger!"

Although they have tried their best to protect others while ensuring their own safety.

But in the face of this power, ordinary ninjas are extremely helpless and weak.

The dozen or so ninjas standing in front of Mian Ma had no time to dodge, and were directly swallowed, beheaded, and corroded by this blow, and collapsed at the touch of it.

Several cracks extended to the distance on the ground, all the pain returned to calm, and the tranquility of the heaven and the earth returned to chill.

clap clap clap...

Under the hazy moonlight, flesh and blood were flying, and a rain of coquettish flesh and blood was sprinkled, and the sound of mournful wailing was everywhere.


The ninjas who escaped the attack by chance stared at the numb faces with frightened eyes.

Face Ma controlled the scarlet giant, and his sharp claws were about to slash down again.

But right now.

"Yeah! Don't even think about moving forward!!"

A voice came suddenly, and Mianma subconsciously turned her head to look.

I saw that Maitkai's body was full of bruises, and blue steam was coming out of his body.

Bang! ! !
A ferocious fist hit and collided with it, and Susano was pushed back several meters.


Maitekai groaned in pain, and flew back backwards, spitting out blood.

But the blue steam on his body has not been extinguished, and the injury was quickly repaired by the continuous burst of chakra in his body.

That ferocious beast-like aura caused a gleam of splendor in his numb eyes.

"Maitekai? I didn't expect to have such courage to fight for my life now."

The Eight Gates Dunjia is a taboo technique that requires a huge price. After the eight gates are fully opened, all the restrictions of the human body can be opened in a short time, and unparalleled power can be erupted.

But in this state, the life of the operator will also be burned up.

And under the probing of the face, it can be seen that Maitkai's body has been tempered and left countless hidden wounds.

"Now I can barely open the eighth door, but it shouldn't be able to reach the level of kicking the finale..."

Mianma secretly appraised in his heart, but looked at Maitekai with a little more appreciation in his eyes.

"I recognize you, you are a true warrior."

Hearing the words of the mysterious man in front of him, Maitekai barely supported himself, and one of the Anbu ninjas came to his side and used medical ninjutsu to heal his wounds.

"I don't approve of an intruder."

And Kai, who was not in tune in the past, said solemnly: "I only know that you killed the compatriots of the Uchiha clan, and you are our enemy."

Killed the compatriots of the Uchiha clan?
"Hahaha, I killed the compatriots of the Uchiha clan!"

Hearing the words, the numb face couldn't help laughing, but the eyes gradually turned cold.

He glanced coldly at the indignant ninjas in front of him, and said two words softly:


The little goodwill that had just risen disappeared in an instant at this moment.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flickered, and he took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "No matter who you are, no matter what you say, there is no way out now."

There was confidence in his tone.

Uchiha Itachi, as well as Konoha's many elite ninjas, plus him, a ninjutsu doctor.

Facing such a lineup, absolutely no one can escape.

What's more, there is only one person on the other side.

"is it?"

Looking at the people in front of him, and Uchiha Itachi who had been silent for a long time.

On the contrary, the aura on Mian Ma's body restrained, and he regained his composure.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Uchiha Itachi, the hypocrisy of the two of you working together makes me sick"

He sneered and shook his head: "I originally wanted to kill you directly, but now it seems that this is too kind for you."

After the words fell, Mian Ma took out a scroll from his arms, and then unsealed it.

As a cloud of white smoke dissipated, dozens of cultivated white bodies and many pieces of flesh appeared in front of him.

"You guys, let's have a good chat with your Uchiha compatriots!"

Under the horrified gaze of the crowd, his face went numb and his hands formed seals, and finally he clasped his hands together and slammed them on the ground.

"The art of psychic!"

A terrifying and cold chakra erupted from him.

Under his feet, a mysterious technique unfolded, connecting Bai Jue and the blood clot.

Boom!Bang bang bang!
Dozens of coffins exuding a dark and decaying atmosphere rose from the spell.

The scene in front of him has surpassed the cognition of most of the ninjas present.

But Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes widened when he saw this scene, with an expression of disbelief.

"not good!!"

After reacting, he immediately formed a seal, and four clones suddenly appeared beside him.

Immediately, these four clones formed different seals at the same time, and the speed of forming seals was so fast that afterimages could be seen.

After the sealing was completed, the five "Sarutobi Hiruzen" spit out different types of large-scale ninjutsu respectively.

"Five Escapes·Dalian Bullet Technique!!"

The surging water escape, the fiery roaring fire escape, the thick and terrifying earth escape, as well as the wind escape and thunder escape...

The five attributes of ninjutsu were integrated into one, exuding a suffocating and terrifying power to attack Mianma.

Sarutobi Hiruzen tried to use the five escapes fusion ninjutsu to directly interrupt his technique.

boom! !

There was a violent roar, and the dust blown up by the explosion blocked everyone's sight.

But before the dust dissipated, another green light was projected.

Immediately, a familiar voice came, causing Uchiha Itachi to instantly show an expression of disbelief.

"This is... Konoha?"

 QAQ I also know that I am very short, I am already healthy, but recently my family is all dead, so I have to take care of my parents during the day QAQ
  I hid in the room at night and sneaked code words. If my parents found out, I would be nagged. In addition, the keyboard has not yet arrived, so there are very few updates recently. Please forgive me, I am really sorry.

  I try my best to restore the daily amount of [-] or [-] orz
(End of this chapter)

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