Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 111 Uchiha Shisui's Faith Collapses

Chapter 111 Uchiha Shisui's Faith Collapses (4k)

"Five Escapes·Dalian Bullet Technique!!"

The surging water escape, the fiery roaring fire escape, the thick and terrifying earth escape, as well as the wind escape and thunder escape...

The five-attribute ninjutsu exuding terrifying power merged into one, and entangled in it.

The air was filled with violent fluctuations, distorted and deformed, the surrounding temperature rose sharply, and trees, buildings, etc. also turned into flying dust in an instant.

The wild dance of fire balls, thunder and lightning, storms, stone flows and water waves soaring into the sky dyed the night into one piece, flooding towards Mianma overwhelmingly.

Ninjutsu Doctor Sarutobi Hiruzen has thoroughly studied the changes in the nature of five-attribute ninjutsu. This is his ultimate ninjutsu.

Even though his body was old, this blow was enough to match his status as a "shadow".

But Mianma looked at the attack coming towards him, but he was expressionless and did not make any resistance.

In the next second, Wudun Ninjutsu collided with Susano.

Boom boom boom! ! !
What happened was a violent explosion, which made the whole earth tremble and reflected the night like day

"This, is this the true strength of Hokage-sama?"

Seeing this terrifying blow, some young Anbu ninjas swallowed their saliva and showed expressions of horror.

Most of the young ninja's impression of the third generation of Hokage is only his extremely rich ninjutsu reserves and profound knowledge.

Because of several ninja wars, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been sitting behind Konoha and never went to the front line.

Naturally, he has never shown his true strength.

However, after seeing the strength of the third Hokage, some young ninjas were shocked, and suddenly a bold idea popped up in their heads.

"Obviously with such strength, why didn't the three generations of adults go to the front line of the battlefield to fight like Raikage and Tukage?"

No matter in terms of range or damage, the lethality of this blow to ordinary ninjas has surpassed Tukage's dust escape and Raikage's ninjutsu.

If the three generations of adults can enter the battlefield, they will definitely reduce their own casualties and also form a deterrent to the enemy.

Of course Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know the "bold" ideas of these young people.

Although the chakra in his body had dissipated, the masked man hastily chose to resist the blow head-on.


He still let out a long breath and smiled.

"It's still too young, even the third Raikage wouldn't dare to resist my move, even Susano."

But just when he was happy.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the scene on the battlefield was revealed.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Hiruzaru Sarutobi gradually widened his eyes, his face was full of shock.

"how can that be?!"

I saw a green light flashing in the center of the explosion, and a half-length giant in green armor stood there.

This is the third form of Susanoo.

The larger green half-length giant protected the numb-faced scarlet giant, and also blocked the attack of the five escape ninjutsu.

Even though the green giant and the dozens of coffins located outside the Susanoo were severely damaged, they were under the protection of the two Susanoos.

Among them is the facial numbness, and the more than [-] coffins around him are unharmed!
"where is this place?"

A familiar voice suddenly came.

Even Uchiha Itachi, who was able to remain calm from the beginning to the end, could not continue to remain calm and calm when he heard that familiar voice.

"...Brother Zhishui?!"

The coffin closest to Mian Ma was pushed away from the inside, and the coffin board fell heavily on the ground, kicking up dust and scattering it.

Both hands were stretched out from the coffin to hold the edge of the coffin, as if a little unaccustomed to his body, he walked out of the coffin slowly.

I saw a man with a dumpling nose, wearing a black high-necked short sleeve embroidered with the Uchiha clan emblem, black trousers, and carrying a small sword appeared in front of everyone.

And the scene in front of him has surpassed the comprehension of most people present.

The person who walked out of the coffin was Uchiha Shisui who had been dead for two or three years.


And Zhishui suddenly opened his eyes, and in his scarlet eyes, strange pupils with four curved blades emerged, and the powerful pupil power burst out instantly.

But after seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Zhishui showed a bewildered expression.

"Here, Konoha? But am I already dead?"

His memory is still at the moment when he was killed by the masked man.

So when he woke up, he felt extremely strong chakra fluctuations, so he instinctively used his Susanoo.

"You are indeed dead, I pulled you up from the pure land."

The tone of face is full of smiles: "I said, your stupidity and innocence will drag the Uchiha clan into the bottomless abyss, and make the Uchiha clan completely extinct."

"Now, two years have passed since you died, let's witness the destruction of Konoha Uchiha with your own eyes."

Uchiha Shisui was a little dazed when he heard the words, and looked at everything in front of him in a daze.

"Three generations of adults? Itachi?"

The more age spots on Sarutobi's face, and the more obvious growth of Uchiha Itachi, let him understand that what the masked man said was true.

It really has been two years.

That Uchiha clan...

After recovering, Shisui looked at the familiar Uchiha tribe around him, and his heart sank.

A large number of houses collapsed, and the ground was scraped several layers. The originally clean and prosperous Uchiha clan land has almost turned into ruins.

A gust of cold wind blew from beside him, whining, as if countless innocent souls were crying.

Obviously, before he came out, there had been a tragic battle here.

However, apart from Uchiha Itachi, no one from the Uchiha clan was seen.

"Are you looking for your people?"

Hearing a slightly smiling voice beside him, Zhishui, who was in a mess in his head, turned his head to look numb.

Only then did they discover that there were dozens of coffins behind the two of them.

Bang bang bang! !

Before Zhishui could react, the coffins behind him were opened one after another.

In the coffin, there are Uchiha people wearing traditional Uchiha costumes.

Their exposed bodies have fine and weird cracks, giving people a feeling of breaking at any time.

These Uchiha people slowly opened their eyes.

The originally white eyes had been eroded by the ominous darkness, revealing a strange aura.

At the beginning, his actions and thinking were still a little stiff, but after that, he was not much different from a living person.

"here it is……"

Uchiha Hachimo looked at the surrounding environment blankly, but hadn't realized what was going on.

Hadn't he already been killed by that masked man?
But with this familiar feeling, there is no doubt that he is still in Konoha.

Uchiha Tiehuo, who was more calm beside him, came back to his senses first, and looked up at Uchiha Itachi in the distance.

Immediately, his expression gradually became ferocious, and he could faintly see the fear in his eyes.

Unlike Uchiha Yadai, he was not killed by the masked man, but was directly killed by Uchiha Itachi while awake.

And his children and his wife all died under the sword of Uchiha Itachi, and they all died in front of him! !
"Uchiha Itachi?!"

Uchiha Tetsuhuo roared full of resentment.

Losing his mind, he rushed towards Itachi regardless of whether his own strength could pose a threat to Itachi.

"Uchiha, Itachi?"

Some clansmen who were killed by Uchiha Itachi were also awakened by Tiehuo's roar.

Immediately, he also looked at Itachi in the distance with resentful eyes, and was about to rush up following Tiehuo's footsteps.

But it was stopped by Uchiha Shisui stretching out his arm.

"Tie Huo, Yadai, and everyone..."

Zhishui lowered his head, and the bold thoughts that popped up in his mind made his body tremble uncontrollably.

These clansmen who died like him, their resentment and fear of Itachi, and what the masked man just said...

The destruction of the Uchiha clan?

"……what happened?"

He suddenly looked up at Uchiha Itachi, showing a distorted expression that seemed to be crying and smiling: "Itachi, tell me, what's going on?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi, who was originally astonished and delighted, was taken aback for a moment.

But seeing the resentment in the eyes of those clansmen, and Zhishui standing in front of the clansmen.

The joy in his eyes quickly faded, and finally he became evasive and guilty.


He clenched his fist tightly, but when he saw Sasuke who was unconscious beside him, he looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi in the distance, and finally loosened his fist slowly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also noticed the way Itachi looked at him.

But Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes wandered, and various thoughts flashed through his mind, but he didn't respond in the end.

He has recognized the ninjutsu used by the masked man.

——Forbidden Art · Dirty soil reincarnation.

The S-class forbidden technique invented by the second generation of Hokage Senju Tomona can bring the dead back to life.

It is a forbidden technique developed by Senshou Himama in order to cooperate with the "mutually multiplied detonating talisman".

In other words, the Uchiha Shisui and the Uchiha tribe summoned by the masked man have their own memories and emotions.

Although I didn't know that the technique of reincarnation of dirty soil was leaked like this.

But his best choice now is to pretend to be ignorant and choose to remain silent, so that the blame for the extermination of the clan can be thrown on Uchiha Itachi.

"Itachi, this is the darkness you should bear. I will take good care of your little brother."

He can't have anything to do with the genocide, so Uchiha Itachi must leave Konoha, leaving Uchiha Sasuke is the limit he can accept.

And Uchiha Itachi was silent for a long time, and finally neither happy nor sad, he said expressionlessly: "The Uchiha clan has been destroyed by me."

"Whether it's an old man, a child, or my relatives, they were all killed by me, Itachi Uchiha."

Uchiha Itachi, destroyed the Uchiha clan?
As soon as this word comes out.

Whether it's those Uchiha people who don't know, or those Anbu ninjas who think Itachi is friendly.

Everyone present was taken aback for a moment, and after they realized it, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

"It wasn't that masked man who killed all the Uchiha tribe, but Uchiha Itachi who was Uchiha?"

Even the elderly and children, as well as your own parents, have you not let them go?

For a while, everyone looked at Itachi Uchiha with different eyes.

Dread, disdain, fear, resentment, anger, incomprehension...

There are all kinds of emotions, but only no understanding.

You must know that even if you are fighting in the ninja world, you can not kill the children of the enemy country without killing them.

They are ninjas, they are weapons, but they also have their own feelings.

And no matter how annoying the Uchiha clan is, they are still a part of Konoha, and they are compatriots of Konoha.

He is an extremely reliable companion on the battlefield, and once shed blood and sweat for Konoha.

What's more, those civilian children and old people are innocent.

Anbu ninjas can't imagine.

How ruthless and cruel can a person be to kill his parents and innocent children with his own hands?

"Even the group of guys at the roots wouldn't be so cruel, Uchiha Itachi can't be called a human anymore, can he?"

And Zhishui's body began to tremble violently, his fists clenched tightly.

"Why, how can you do this? Those are our relatives!!"

His lips trembled slightly, and he asked sadly and angrily: "There is a child who just turned one year old in there! How can you bear to do it?!"

Facing Shisui's questioning, Itachi was silent for a moment, pointing to his kaleidoscope Sharingan: "Of course it is to test my own strength, to gain more powerful power."

That emotionless tone seemed to be talking about an insignificant matter.

It seems that what he killed was just a group of ants.

Uchiha Shisui stood there in silence, staring blankly at Itachi, his eyes gradually lost their luster.

Then he opened his mouth to say something.

But the next second.


He suddenly knelt on the ground and retched.

Obviously a dead person, obviously no body organs.

But the smell of blood in the air, as well as this sudden blow, kept stimulating his nerves, making him feel that his three views had completely collapsed.

"You can kill me, but the future you said is absolutely impossible! Three generations of adults will never allow such a thing to happen!"

"Even if I die, Itachi will inherit my will and do my best to eliminate the barrier between Uchiha and the village!"

Zhishui knelt on the ground, put his hands on the ground, panting heavily.

Thinking of the words he swore at the beginning, Zhishui was filled with anger and sadness.

The person he regarded as hope not long ago has now become the executioner who will destroy Uchiha.

Those sensible children, those kind old people, and the future of the Uchiha clan...

"It's me! It's my fault! I believed in the wrong person!!"

"I chose to escape! I chose to pin my hope on him!!"

Zhishui couldn't restrain his sadness, he wanted to cry now, but he couldn't cry at all.

He could only tremble all over, open his mouth, and lose his voice in grief.

At this moment, the belief in Zhishui's heart was completely shattered.

Fragmented and never put together again.

clap ~ clap ~ clap ~
A burst of applause suddenly interrupted the strange silence at this moment.

Mian Ma looked at Zhishui, then at Itachi in front of him, and said with a sneer, "I don't think I'm a good person, but my knife point will never be aimed at my relatives."

"And you, Uchiha Itachi, are such an idiot that makes people laugh."

Mianma looked at Itachi with sharp eyes, his voice gradually became colder, and his words pierced people's hearts like a knife blade.

"In the end, you only implemented your own narrow justice and peace, and nothing else was achieved."

 Tomorrow I will recover to six thousand or eight thousand, and today I slept for thirteen hours, and my whole body seems to be alive, so comfortable.

  Thank you for your understanding, thank you very very much orz.

(End of this chapter)

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