On the sea from the Land of Fire to the Land of Snow, an unremarkable freighter squeezed through the waves and approached the coastal port of the Land of Snow.

It was in the lowest cabin of this small freighter.

Mianma leaned against the wall, perceiving the picture from the illusion consciousness with great interest.


When I saw Uchiha Izumi's beast-like posture, almost killing Uchiha Itachi to death, I couldn't help being stunned for a long time.

Immediately, a smile of appreciation appeared.

"A beast that cannot be underestimated. As long as it bites its prey, it will not let go. It is really worth looking forward to."

at this time.

Uchiha Izumi, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

She stared at the scarlet kaleidoscope Sharingan, staring fixedly at the ceiling of the cabin.

There was still a little killing intent and death in his eyes.

But after I came to my senses.

Unimaginable pain hit Quan's brain and eyes.


Quan couldn't help groaning, covered his left eye in pain, and couldn't help but sweat.

And the bleak blood that slowly flowed from the eyes added a bit of ferocity to that beautiful face.

"It seems that you have obtained a good strength."

Mianma just stood there quietly, with his hands folded around his chest, staring at Izumi Uchiha whose forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He probably already understood Uchiha Izumi's pupil technique ability.

——The principle is like a video tape.

The left eye "Huangquanjin", the full name of Huangquan Biliangsaka, is the boundary separating the living and the dead, the world and the underworld in mythology.

The function of this pupil technique is to "pause".

The right eye "Tao against the gods", also known as the Great God of Seating Huangquanhu, is a god who was turned into a god in mythology by blocking the thousand guide stones of Huangquan Biliangban.

The function of this pupil technique is to "play backwards" on the basis of "Huangquanjin".

And judging from the difference between Uchiha Izumi's two use of pupil technique.

It seems that the scope and duration of the pupil technique can also be adjusted?
If it can be used proficiently, then it is simply a bug-level ability.

The severe pain gradually dissipated, and Uchiha Izumi slowly woke up.

"I am, where is it?"

She looked around blankly and muttered incessantly.

When seeing a cabin that is both familiar and unfamiliar.

He froze for a moment, and the memory temporarily obscured by the illusion also began to wake up.

Uchiha Izumi didn't come back to his senses until he saw the lazy figure wearing a three-eyed cat mask and a black coat.

"...So, are those two superimposed illusions?"

This also proves that her mother and clan members are already dead.

She just experienced the genocide that happened that night in the illusion.

"Looks like you've figured it out."

With his arms crossed, he leaned casually against the wall.

Looking at Quan with a bitter smile, he said calmly, "Then what are you going to do next?"

"Is it to avenge Uchiha Itachi and Konoha's high-level officials, let my only relatives, and those Uchiha undead who died tragically rest in peace, or..."

The numb tone suddenly became low.

"Let go of the hatred in my heart and choose to forgive those people?"

As soon as these words came out, the cabin fell into silence.

And Mian Ma didn't say much, just observed quietly.

Although he already knew Quan's choice, he was still waiting patiently.

Waiting for the beast in front of him to say what he wants to hunt.

"...forgive him?"

Uchiha Izumi was silent for a long time.

In a trance, her mother's kind and gentle smile floated in front of her eyes again.

But in the next second, everything shattered.

The face turned into a staring, blood-stained horror.

"For the brother he loves, for the peace in his eyes, for the village he loves, do you have to sacrifice my mother and the people?"

Quan laughed miserably, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Why?!"

Why, only his younger brother is special? !
Why.As long as he wished, would he ruthlessly sacrifice infant children? !
No matter what high-sounding reason she used for such a cruel act, she couldn't understand it.

"If you just forgive him like this, I, who bears Uchiha's surname, have no face to meet them!"

Uchiha Izumi's hysterical voice was full of strong anger and hatred.

"Since that man is a selfish ghost, then I am a beast who lives to kill him!"

Tears welled up from those scarlet eyes and kept falling down his cheeks.

The kaleidoscope in his eyes was spinning rapidly because of the violent mood swings.

Uchiha Izumi made no secret of his hatred for Uchiha Itachi.

She did have a crush on Uchiha Itachi, but she hadn't reached the point where she couldn't help herself.

If so, forgive Uchiha Itachi.

After she died, how did she face the painstaking efforts to raise herself and give all her love to her mother without reservation?
There are also those old people who take care of themselves during the day, the companions who have played since they were young, and the tribesmen who are still talking and laughing on the street during the day...

Their anger, hatred, hatred, sorrow...

And who can calm down?!

"grown ups!"

Uchiha Izumi suddenly half-kneeled in front of the numb face, and said with a sad face: "As long as I close my eyes, I can see the Uchiha ghosts who died tragically begging me to avenge them."

"No matter who you are, as long as you give me the power of revenge, I will follow you to the death!"

Uchiha Izumi's handsome face was extremely cold, and his eyes were full of determination and hatred.

Although she is crazy, she is also very calm.

She knew very well that her strength was too weak.

She alone is not enough to kill those high-ranking Konoha and Uchiha Itachi.

In order to gain the power of revenge, even if you sell your soul to the devil, it doesn't matter if you fall into hell yourself!
"Is that so?"

Mian Ma chuckled, stretched out his hand to pull Quan up from the ground, and said softly, "Then, you are welcome to join Chi Yue."

"From now on, you will be Yueyue Ming."


at the same time.

The night fell slowly, and pale snowflakes fell from the sky.

Thick white snow accumulated on the mountains and branches, adding to the chill.

A majestic city built on a tall snow mountain with a tall city wall is looming in the wind and snow.

——Snow City, the central city of Snow Country.

The Daming Mansion of the Snow Country is located here, so the guards in the Snow City are also extremely strict.

Some snow ninjas in blue and white armor and snowflake foreheads patrol the streets.

"Have you not found it yet?"

"No, captain, do you think those guys might still stay in Snow City?"

"I don't think they dare to stay in Snow City, but since Master Nutao has told you, they can only do so no matter what."

"Ah, what a hassle!"

Several Xueren gathered together and complained, completely oblivious to the strange gaze behind them.

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