A figure wearing a hood and whose face could not be seen clearly stood on the street, looking at several Xue Ren who were talking from a distance.

Due to the cold weather in the Snow Country, his weird outfit didn't attract anyone's attention.

The hooded man glanced slightly out of the corner of his eye, and seeing that no one was paying attention, he turned directly into a dark alley.

At the end of the alley, there is a slightly dilapidated house.

Even the door of the room was tightly blocked by bricks.

From the looks of it, no one has lived here for a long time.

But the hooded man kept groping in the dark until he touched an inconspicuous brick.

There was only a crisp "click", and the brick was pressed down directly.

clack clack...

With the sound of gears turning, the brick wall in front of him actually began to open upwards.

Under the faint moonlight, one can see a bottomless stairway leading to the ground.

The hooded man kept going down the dark passage.

After walking to the bottom for 1 minute, an iron gate appeared in front of you.

dong dong!Boom!

The hooded man stood in front of the door and knocked lightly a few times with a special frequency.


After waiting for too long, the iron door was opened a crack from the inside.

The light reflected through the crack of the door, just shining on the face of the man in the hood.

It was an old man wearing round glasses and squinting slightly.

And the person who poked his head out from behind the door looked at the old man before his expression completely relaxed.

"The third wife has worked hard, please come in."

The person behind the door opened the door completely and let the old man walk in.

And the people behind the door were actually wearing blue and white armor like those Xueren outside.

"You're welcome, it's all to protect His Royal Highness Xiaoxue."

Mrs. Asama shook his head at Xue Ren, and then said in a sad tone: "There are more Xue Ren who are responsible for patrolling and searching outside. I am afraid that Fenghua Nutao has completely grasped all military power."

This means that Feng Hua Nu Tao has basically stabilized his position in the Snow Country.

"It appears that the situation is more serious than expected."

Xue Ren couldn't help sighing softly when he heard the words: "With us alone, trying to take back the Snow Country is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg."

These Snow Ninjas are Fenghua Zaoxue's only remaining cronies, but in the final analysis there are only more than 60 people.

Covering Fenghua Xiaoxue's escape from the Daming Mansion and protecting her from being found by Fenghua Nutao, this is their limit.

If no one was outside to respond, they would not even know how to send His Highness Xiaoxue out of the Snow Country safely.

"Don't worry, I've figured out a way."

Mrs. Asama shook her head, and comforted Xue Ren.

Immediately without explaining, he passed Xue Ren and walked further inside.


In a slightly cramped room, a girl in a fancy dress was lying quietly on the bed with her eyes closed.

But the fear on her face made it clear that she was actually in a nightmare.


The girl suddenly screamed and sat up, her pair of blue eyes widened, her petite body couldn't help shaking.

The huge palace engulfed by flames, the ferocious face of the wind, flowers and raging waves, and...

Her father, who was lying in a pool of blood, was as young as snow.

"His Highness Xiaoxue! What's wrong with you?!"

The door was pushed open abruptly, and two Xue Ren who were guarding outside rushed in with panicked faces.

When he saw the normal Fenghua Xiaoxue, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Your Highness, are you having nightmares again?"

A Snow Ninja said guiltily: "I'm really sorry, we will take you out of the Snow Country as soon as possible and find a safer country."

Fenghua Xiaoxue also came back to her senses, smiled very reluctantly and said: "It's good enough, I have to thank you all."

Not long ago, she was protected by the snow ninjas and wandered around.

I met Mrs. Asama some time ago, and now I have a safe place to stay.

Although Fenghua Xiaoxue was used to rich clothes and fine food since she was a child, Fenghua Zaoxue taught her well and did not develop a pampered temperament.

Just staying in the Snow City where the Wind and Flowers and Rages was located really made her very uneasy, and she would always think of that horrible rebellion back then.

at this time.

"Your Highness."

Santai Asama trotted into the room, then knelt in front of Xiaoxue on one knee: "I have found a way to leave the Snow Country, please prepare your luggage, we are leaving now."

After all, there was a hesitant expression on his face.

But in the end I still didn't say it.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was overjoyed at first when she heard the words, but her smile gradually disappeared after seeing the expression on the third husband's face.

"Get up first, Mrs. Third."


The two tacitly did not mention the matter of taking back the Snow Country.

Of course the third husband wants to regain power as the orthodox His Highness Koyuki.

But it is too early to say these things, and this matter needs to be discussed in the long run.

The officials and nobles who were loyal to Feng Hua Zaoxue may have been wiped out by Feng Hua Zaoxue.

Most of the snow ninjas are also obedient to the storm.

The most important thing right now is to send His Highness Xiaoxue out of the Land of Snow first, so as to escape this catastrophe.

Santafu stood up, looked at Xue Ren who was on the side, and said: "Now we need some people to attract the attention of the patrol team, and then I and the rest of the people will take His Highness Xiaoxue to leave Snow City and escape from the port by boat." country."

Just cause some confusion on purpose to attract the attention of the Snow City Patrol.

At that time, it was the best time to take His Highness Xiaoxue out of Snow City.

As long as he left Snow City, he would have the confidence to take His Highness Xiaoxue out of Snow Country.

But this plan has a drawback.


The third husband asked hesitantly: "Who would like to..."

Just didn't wait for him to finish.

Several Xue Ren present knelt down on one knee, and said in unison with firm expressions: "Leave this task to us!"

"We will definitely buy enough time for His Royal Highness Xiaoxue!"

These snow ninjas are very clear.

With their strength alone, facing the patrol team of the entire Snow City, that is almost a sure-fire ending.

Even so, they still accepted the task without hesitation.

Fenghua Zaoxue is undoubtedly a very popular virtuous monarch.

Not only in ruling the country, but also in being a person and doing things.

The Xueren present, including the third husband, are almost all confidantes cultivated by Fenghua Zaoyuki.

Now is the time to repay their kindness, and they will naturally die.


Looking at the Xueren who were kneeling in front of them with firm faces, Fenghua Xiaoxue couldn't help but freeze in place.

The fear of wind and flowers and raging waves in my heart is also gradually dissipating, and more emotions of emotion and guilt.

To be honest, before this, she had no idea about taking back the Snow Country.

She just wanted to stay away from this place that frightened her, away from the raging waves that frightened her.

but now……

"I understand."

Mrs. Asama watched several Xueren, and nodded solemnly.

I didn't say anything more after that.

These Xueren left the room directly, attracting the attention of the patrol outside.

The room also fell into silence.

And it didn't take long.

A violent tremor broke the silence at this moment.

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