Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 126 Friendship can also be a deadly means

Chapter 126 Friendship can also be a deadly means

Snow country.

Several sleigh cars moved quickly on the snow-capped snow field.

On the largest sleigh cart, the leader Kusanagi, Fenghua Xiaoxue, Santai Asama, and Mianma were all sitting in it.

"My lord, thank you very much for your life-saving grace!"

The head of Kusanagi looked respectful, nodded and bowed to his face numbly and said: "With your help, we will definitely be able to leave the Snow Country safely."

Seeing that the Kusanagi he had hired with a lot of money turned out to be so double-standard, Santai Asama was also speechless in his heart.

"Where did all the arrogance towards me just now go? Why are you so humble when facing this grown-up."

It can only be said that it is worthy of the Kusanagi who is known as "the grass on the wall"?
"However, to make this arrogant guy so polite, even a little humble, I'm afraid the strength of this Heavenly Emperor is extraordinary."

Just when a bold idea popped up in Santafu's head.

"Leaving the Snow Country?"

Mian Ma suddenly chuckled, and slowly said: "I never said that I will protect you from the Snow Country."

As soon as these words came out, several people present were stunned.

"My lord, could it be..."

The head of Kusanagi came back to his senses, and said in disbelief: "Could it be that you want to help them regain the position of the king?"

Although Grass Ninja Village and Grass Country have always been jokingly called wall grass, claiming to be the sixth largest Ninja Village is also suspected of adding gold to his face.

But as a small country surviving in the cracks between big countries.

In order to stand alone in the ninja war, their ability to obtain information is naturally not bad.

As the leader of Kusanagi Murakami Shinobi, he naturally knows a lot of detailed information.

Among them is the mysterious organization "Chiyue" that was active in the ninja world before.

This man who called himself "The Imperial Palace of Heaven" was one of them.

And the strength is extremely strong, at least able to confront the "shadows" of the five great ninja villages head-on.

If Tianzhi Yuzhong is willing to help Asama San Taifu and others, then maybe...

It was only then that the third wife remembered that the lord had indeed said that when he appeared.

Rather than fleeing in such a mess, why not try his method?

It was only because the scene at that time was too horrifying that he reacted for a while.

"My lord, do you really want to help us regain the position of king?"

Faced with his doubts, Mianma did not respond, but turned to look at Fenghua Xiaoxue.

"Of course I can help His Highness Xiaoxue take back the position of Lord of the Snow Kingdom, but..."

Mian Ma said casually, and said in a meaningful tone: "Any wish requires a price, and it depends on His Highness Xiaoxue's wish."

Looking at the three-eyed cat mask, Xiaoxue subconsciously hid behind Santa Fu.

However, when she heard that she could regain the position of the king, her expression couldn't help but change.

However, the next second.

Fenghua Xiaoxue's spirit was taken away
"Impossible, you don't know the power of wind, flowers and raging waves."

Fenghua Xiaoxue suddenly lost her voice and said: "He controls all the snow ninjas in the Snow Kingdom. With only a few of us, there is no hope of taking back the position of the king from him."

She also wanted to avenge Feng Hua Nu Tao and avenge her father.

However, the psychological shadow left by Fenghua Futao who killed her father at the beginning was too deep.

If there were no accidents, she might not be able to get out of the shadows in her entire life.

at this time.

"Hmph! You don't know anything about real power!"

Izumi Uchiha on the side suddenly snorted coldly, and said in a tone full of disdain: "If Xue Ren is the kind of thing just now, there is no need for the master to take action personally, and I can kill them all by myself."

Even with the Chakra armor on, Xue Nin's upper limit of power is still there.

With the power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, you can easily kill all the snow ninjas headed by Feng Hua Nu Tao.

"do not worry."

After finishing the words, a numb face appeared beside Fenghua Xiaoxue, and gently stroked her hair.

Immediately, he said in a gentle tone: "You just need to inquire a little bit, and you should be able to know my strength."

He didn't care about Santa Fu's doubts.

After all, for an ordinary person without strength, it is really difficult for him to judge the strength of a ninja.

By then anyway.

They will naturally understand.

The santafu at the side secretly gave Kusunin's leader a look, trying to confirm the truth of what Mian Ma said.

Seeing him nodding his head solemnly, the third wife felt a little relieved.

Tianzhi Yuzhong's proposal really touched his heart.

Before that, he just wanted to protect His Royal Highness Xiaoxue so that she would immediately spend her life outside the Snow Country.

But when the situation permits, there is no courtier who does not want to be a minister from the dragon.

And Xiaoxue felt the slightly warm palm above her head.

"You, why are you helping me?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue raised her head in a daze, looking at the three-eyed cat face mask: "What do you want?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the fear in her heart dissipated a lot.

She knew very well that without the intervention of a powerful external force, it would be foolish to try to take back the Snow Country.

But it is also clear that there is no free lunch in the world.

"I hope that Snow Country can establish a close bond with Chiyue. In the future, we, Chiyue, will protect Snow Country. Snow Country will also become the starting point for us to change the ninja world."

After finishing speaking in a serious tone with a numb face, the expressions of several people present couldn't help but become stunned.


Hearing this bold plan, the head of Kusanagi couldn't help but gasp.

But when he noticed the eyes of everyone, he subconsciously covered his mouth, and his body shivered.

Too bad, he knows so much information, shouldn't he be killed? !
"What are you so afraid of? I won't kill you."

Facing the fear of Kusanagi leader, Mianma glanced at him, and said with a light smile, "But for our own safety, we still need to take necessary precautions."


Kusanagi opened his mouth in a daze, before he could react.

There was a faint sound of breaking wind.

"Oh! Gudong~"

The head of Kusanagi suddenly felt something fall into his mouth, and subconsciously closed his mouth.

After the swallowing movement was over, the leader of Kusanagi came back to his senses.

Then a strong sense of fear suddenly rose in my heart.

"Wait, wait! You..."

The leader of Kusanagi took a few steps back subconsciously, and asked with a look of horror: "Did you let me eat something just now?"

He was sure that he had just swallowed a small thing.

Moreover, it was thrown out by the man in front of him.

"If you're sensible, it's just a small seed."

With a numb face and neither joy nor sorrow, he said: "If you are not sensible, then..."

The moment the voice fell.


The leader of Kusanagi suddenly yelled in pain and fell to his knees.

Under the terrified gazes of several people, strange bumps appeared on his exposed skin.

It can be seen that there are some green things wriggling under the skin.

Finally, the skin was even drilled, revealing fresh green shoots.

It looks like...

A seed absorbing nutrients takes root and sprouts in the body, and then fills the whole body.

Until the end, break out!

"No! My lord, my lord!"

The leader of Kusanagi begged for mercy with a face full of horror: "I, I understand! I won't say it! Please believe me!!"

The things in the body are constantly absorbing his chakra, and then using it to grow continuously in his body.

But after begging for mercy, the weird pain gradually dissipated.

And looking down at the leader Kusanagi who was kneeling in front of him, panting constantly.

Mian Ma changed the subject, and said with a smile in her tone: "Don't worry, although the seed has penetrated into the heart, as long as you are obedient, there will be nothing abnormal."

"It can even strengthen your physical fitness."

As soon as these words came out, San Taifu Asama also came back to his senses.

Looking at the numb eyes, he also became extremely frightened.

"How can there be such a terrifying ninjutsu?!"

This is more painful and terrifying than killing directly! !

He clenched the dagger in his cuff, stared at his face, and was about to say something.

"You just said that you want to help me regain the position of king, right?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue looked up at Mianma, eyes flickering and said: "I accept, but I hope you don't forget your promise."

Now someone is willing to help her revenge.

No matter what price she has to pay the other party, it is the only life-saving straw in her hands.

"Your Highness Xiaoxue, I will put you on the throne with my own hands."

Mianma stroked her hair, and said in a gentle tone: "In the future, you will also be grateful for today's choice."

A person is a rough stone.

As for whether it is bright or not, it still needs to be carved.

Every choice, every willingness, is a refinement.

The third husband also knelt in front of Fenghua Xiaoxue on one knee: "Your Highness, you still have many subjects who support you, and we will sacrifice our lives to protect you!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue just glanced at Santa Fu, then looked at Mianma again.

A kindness and a smile flashed in her slightly narrowed eyes.

"Then, I'm looking forward to that moment."


At the same time, Konoha's peace was also broken by a piece of news.

The Uchiha clan, whose eyes were always higher than the top, was all killed by the Uchiha Itachi of the Uchiha clan.

Only one survivor named Sasuke Uchiha remained.

The high-level Konoha also issued a reward for the S-level traitor Uchiha Itachi.

Facing this kind of explosive news, the villagers of Konoha would discuss it in a low voice from time to time.

"A ninja clan has been exterminated? Oh, Uchiha, it's okay."

"Uchiha is to blame, but the remaining child is really pitiful. I heard that the murderer is his brother."

"It's really too tragic. Witnessing my brother killing his parents, the poor child must have collapsed."

Among these people, there are those who discuss normally, those who catch wind and spread rumors, and some who are originally dissatisfied with Uchiha.

All kinds of weird and even outrageous remarks came out.

But for the villagers, it doesn't matter whether the news is true or not.

As long as it is interesting enough, it will become their talk after dinner.

As for whether it will have any impact on the parties...

"Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen, but I'm telling the truth, aren't I?"

They unscrupulously vent their dissatisfaction.

But he didn't realize how ugly his face was at all.

At the same time, this news was spread to Konoha by some people through various channels.

The Uchiha clan, which has been passed down from the Warring States period to the present, was actually destroyed by a Uchiha clan.

This news shocked the entire ninja world.

The other four major ninja villages also tried to use spies to test Konoha.

Yunyin Village has even begun to mobilize its troops, trying to take this opportunity to attack Konoha.

But Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, suddenly appeared at the border.

Directly summoned a huge psychic beast, and suppressed the four big ninja villages that were about to move.

Although the Four Great Ninja Villages gradually calmed down, this was just a tactic to delay the attack.

Hiruza Sarutobi, who is the third Hokage, has not shown up for a long time, and the strength of Jiraiya alone is not enough to deter them.

The ninja war is still imminent.


In the ninja school, Naruto stepped into the classroom as usual.

But Naruto was keenly aware of the difference from usual.

Everyone, including Iruka, looked at Naruto strangely.

This made Naruto frowned slightly.


He hates the eyes of these people.

But in the blink of an eye, the previous calm was restored.

When Naruto settled down in his seat, a commoner student sitting behind him suddenly came up to him.

"Naruto, do you know? Uchiha has been exterminated!"

Hearing this, some students who had just heard the news came forward to discuss with surprise.

"Really, the Uchiha clan is very arrogant, but isn't it very strong? Will it be wiped out?"

"It should be true. The Uchiha clan has been blocked. When I passed by, the bloody smell almost made me spit it out."

"Oh my god, it's so scary, hasn't Sasuke, who hasn't come to school, already..."

"No, Sasuke is fine now."

Naruto, who was originally silent, interrupted directly, and said with a smile on his face: "He just needs to rest for a while, that's all."

"Eh! Is that so?"

The students who were a little sad about the death of a rabbit and a fox just now felt bored for a while.

"Isn't that only Sasuke survived?"

"No father and no mother, it's really pitiful."

... Poor?


Naruto smiled and echoed, "Really, it's pitiful."

You guys are really pitiful.

Several students who were discussing did not notice the strangeness in Naruto's tone.

Only Ino silently watched Naruto from the side.

When he noticed Naruto's flashing eyes, he couldn't help but froze.

"It turns out that Naruto is also angry?"


It wasn't anger, it wasn't anger, and it wasn't the usual smile.

That's disdain, indifference, disgust...

"Naruto, you..."

Just when Ino came back to his senses and wanted to comfort Naruto.

"Everyone be quiet."

Iruka stood on the podium, and when he saw everyone looking at him, he opened his mouth and said, "Line up and go to the practice field for actual combat training."

After all, the students in the classroom stood up one after another, and walked outside with a little excitement.

But Naruto didn't care about Ino who was hesitant to speak, and got up without saying a word to follow the others.

After a while, all the students were already standing in the empty practice field.

The actual combat training class this time is the same as in the past, two people will fight in groups of two or two, and they can also challenge each other directly.

But after Mr. Iruka finished reading the rules, everyone's eyes turned to Naruto.

Because in the previous practical lessons, Sasuke took the initiative to act as the object of Naruto's writing "serial training", which was read as "sandbag".

But Sasuke didn't come to school, so...

It's just not waiting for everyone to react.

Under their astonished gazes, Naruto stepped onto the ring alone with steady steps.


Naruto looked at Iruka and said humbly, "You know my situation is special, so I have a proposal."

"I want to challenge all the students present."

The voice fell, and the scene suddenly fell into silence.

Naruto, actually wants to challenge everyone alone?

"Ah, what a hassle."

Shikamaru came back to his senses first, and said weakly: "In that case, it's okay for me not to accept the challenge, right?"


Choji, who was on the side, also came to his senses after hearing the words, and asked with a naive expression: "Shikamaru, are you serious? Points will be deducted for this."

Although the actual combat class does allow you to refuse the challenge, Mr. Iruka is likely to deduct points from the actual combat class, so under normal circumstances you will not refuse.

"Deducting points is really troublesome, but it doesn't matter."

Shikamaru looked at Choji and advised, "If Choji doesn't want to be beaten, it's best not to accept the challenge."

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Naruto who was smiling gently on the stage.

"A certain person doesn't seem to be in a good mood today."

Compared to being deducted points, he doesn't want to be someone's punching bag.

And while the two were discussing in low voices.

The others also reacted, showing different expressions.

Surprised, angry, timid, confused...

One person challenges everyone, and only physical skills can be used.

Even if the opponent is Naruto, it's a bit contemptuous!
"Naruto, are you sure you want to do this?"

Iruka frowned, and reconfirmed: "You can only use physical skills."

Since the last time Sasuke and Naruto used ninjutsu and secret techniques to confront each other, they almost caused accidental injury.

He established the rule that "under normal circumstances, only physical skills are allowed in the actual combat class".

"I'm sure, Iruka-sensei."

Looking down at the students with different expressions, Naruto said with a relieved smile: "It's been so long, the students must have become a lot stronger."

"And, I will show mercy."

As soon as this remark came out, although there was no malice, it also made the faces of these young and energetic children turn red.

"Come on!"

One of the classmates was full of disbelief, and went directly to the ring and said: "I don't believe that there are so many of us, and we can't beat you alone!"

"When you get hurt later, don't cry!"

And with the first role model, the other students also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Finally, under the instigation of friends, they also stood on the ring together.

Only Hinata, Ino, and Choji were left in the arena.

Ino looked at Hinata at the side, and asked with some doubts: "Hinata, aren't you going too?"

She remembered that Hinata wanted to challenge Naruto once before.

I just don't know why, but Naruto decisively rejected it.

Now that the opportunity has come, why not accept the challenge?


Seeing that Ino took the initiative to come over, Xiao Hinata, who was looking up at the ring, immediately lowered her head.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally said: "I want one-on-one, and I don't want to bully the few with the more."

"Yes, is it? Ahaha."

Hearing this, Ino could not help but twitch his mouth.

Saying such words in a timid tone really has a strong sense of disobedience.

While the two were talking.

"Ah! Bastard! Why did you hit me?!"

"No, it wasn't me, it was him!"

"Ah! Who's hitting me in the face?"

There were bursts of shrill screams suddenly, but they turned into loud curses in an instant.

This strange voice instantly attracted the attention of several people in the audience.

On the arena, Naruto was alone facing a large number of opponents, constantly dodging and moving amidst the numerous punches and kicks.

The attack that was originally aimed at him was actually aimed at another person with a strange change.

For a moment, the sound of complaining, screaming and cursing filled the entire arena.

At the beginning, they could barely cheer up and attack Naruto together again.

But the repeated fights made some people completely anxious.

"It's the fourth time! You kid must have revenge on me on purpose!?"

"You were the one who hit me first! Ah! You bit me!"

The friends who used to look like brothers before, now they are actually fighting like enemies.

All kinds of ugly and vicious words spit out from their mouths, and the dissatisfaction that was usually hidden also burst out in an instant this time.

From the initial fight against Naruto, it has developed into an inexplicable mutual fight.

The whole process didn't even take more than 1 minute.

Iruka, who was standing in the audience, didn't care about the accidental injuries of these students.

Until they heard the sound of something breaking, and saw that everyone started to fight each other with their faces flushed.

"Wait! Stop it! Stop it!"

Only then did he react, and quickly shouted to try to stop it.

As a result, everyone's eyes were already red, and they couldn't listen to his persuasion at all.

Iruka jumped onto the ring in a panic and tried to pull them apart.

But at this time the arena was in chaos.

As soon as he pulled away a couple on his side, the two on the other side got entangled again.

Even he himself didn't know how many times he was punched and kicked during the pulling process.

And listening to all kinds of ugly and vicious cursing sounds in my ears, as well as those unsavory little secrets.

Iruka also seemed to be infected by this atmosphere, and his expression and mood became more irritable.

"Enough!! You..."

Iruka just roared.

But the next moment, I felt a chill.

"Water Escape·Takipot Technique!"

The moment Naruto's voice fell, a stream of water appeared above everyone's heads.

Afterwards, everyone on the stage was chilled.

The raging anger in my heart was gradually extinguished as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it.

"Sorry, Iruka-sensei."

Naruto stood on the pillar of the arena, apologetically said: "I didn't expect this to happen, it's all my fault."

And everyone subconsciously followed his gaze to look at the center of the ring.


They only reacted when they saw Iruka-sensei whose face was bruised and embarrassed.

The pain that had been suppressed by dopamine and adrenaline suddenly surged up, making them grin their teeth in pain and roll all over the floor.

And Iruka, who had become a drowned rat, gradually calmed down.


Looking at the messy arena, Iruka sighed deeply.

I thought Naruto would win or lose in the face of everyone's coordinated attack.

As a result, I didn't expect that Naruto hadn't done anything yet, but instead they started fighting among themselves, and finally developed to this point.

In this case, who can he blame?
Even he himself almost lost his mind just now.

If Naruto hadn't used the water escape, maybe it would have evolved to a more serious level.

Thinking of this, Iruka felt a sudden distress in his heart.

"Naruto, I can't blame you, these guys are too bad."

Iruka waved his hand, looked at the restless crowd and said, "Look at you, do you still want to graduate and become a ninja?"

"If you go to the battlefield, you are all companions who rely on each other, so why don't you fight each other first!"

"Don't hurry up and apologize to the other party!"

Iruka's tone of reprimand was very severe.

Everyone standing on the ring looked at the classmate they had just fought with.


"Feel sorry!"

Naruto stood aside, looking at the extremely embarrassed crowd.

Although the expression was somewhat apologetic, there was neither happiness nor sadness in his eyes.

He really hates the rotten smell of this village.

Such vicious words like no father and no mother would actually come out of these children's mouths.

And still in that incomparably innocent tone.

This made Naruto feel sick for a while, and even made him feel bad.

He was in a bad mood, so he also needed to vent.

And this is his little revenge.

Although they bowed their heads to apologize to each other, Naruto could still see their malice towards each other from their eyes.

Just like Mian Ma said.

"Friendship can also be a deadly means."

But their relationship is really more fragile than Naruto imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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