Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 127 Third generation grandpa, are you sick?

Chapter 127 Third Generation Grandfather, Are You Sick?

The leaves under the moonlight are completely silent.

Click ~ click ~
Naruto stood quietly by the window, using scissors to trim the vines emerging from the pots.

Then he picked up the pot on the side, and poured clean water from the pot.

The white roses sway with the flowing water, and against the background of the night, they appear more pure and crystal clear.

It's just that the spikes on the vines and flower branches make it a little more coquettish.

Raising flowers and pets can allow Naruto to cultivate his sentiments and calm down in the process.

And right now.


A pure white dove flapped its wings and flew to the window.

Moreover, it is obviously not the feeling of a short knife piercing the flesh.

Bribie's hair stood on end with horror.

"what is this……"

Those blue eyes were staring at him closely.

"...Please come in."

This is Renzhuli, it is simply a supreme contribution.

Then he came to Naruto's side, reached out and grabbed his shoulder, and left with the instant body technique.

The lights suddenly turned on, and the whole room was instantly brightly lit.

Bribie's face showed horror, and he subconsciously wanted to escape.

It's a pity that Konoha's infiltration is too difficult, so those spies in Konoha cherish it very much.

The short knife directly pierced the bedding, but did not hear the familiar muffled hum.

No wonder the adults of the third generation were so eager to see him.

However, he didn't see it.


at this time.

But he suddenly realized that he was still in the hospital ward.

"The group of people in Yunyin Village are really wicked. Fortunately, old man, I have already prepared for it."

His vision gradually blurred, and he could only vaguely see the white dove in the masked man's hand.

"Heh, this should be the residence of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox."

My every move has already fallen into the eyes of the white pigeon by the window.


Bribie was only stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses again.

He didn't care about Naruto's vigilance, after all, he had just experienced an assassination,

Bribie's eyes widened suddenly, and his body stagnated in midair.

And after learning about Yunyin Village's small actions at the border, he had expected that Yunyin Village would definitely use hidden spies to assassinate him.

Naruto stopped his movements, clenched Kunai vigilantly, and looked at Anbu Ninja.

A wry smile appeared on his face, and the memories he had deliberately forgotten flooded into his mind again.

The lights suddenly went out and the room was plunged into darkness.

He is just Nine-Tails Jinchuriki who has not yet grown up, and Anbu, who is severely understaffed, should not monitor and protect him.

Konoha has indeed fallen.


But when he saw the person behind him, he couldn't help but pause.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was lying on the hospital bed with his brows furrowed, scanning the information scroll in his hand.

After all, he waved his finger lightly.

He turned into a black shadow, held up the short knife, and stabbed fiercely towards the bed.

A Jonin-powered spy has gone to Konoha Hospital, while Bribie has come to assassinate the less difficult Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Turning around following the sound, he clenched his dagger tightly and was about to slash at that person.

"who are you……"

But his real identity is actually Bribi, an intelligence officer arranged by Leiyin Village to Konoha in the early years.

When he reappeared next to Naruto's house, the old man's stooped figure also became erect.

puff! !

A deep sadness flashed in Sarutobi's cloudy old eyes.

The Anbu ninja wearing an animal mask was about to say something, but suddenly froze in place the next moment.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi clenched his fists, his face twisted, and he said bitterly:
"Chiyue, the center of heaven!!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed deeply, and subconsciously reached for the bong by the bedside.

After all, he bowed slightly politely.


After all, Hiruzaru Sarutobi is the third generation of Hokage, and the guards in the dark must be quite strict.

Bribie tightly held the long knife in his hand and walked into the dark room step by step.


Anbu ninja could not help but evoke a smile under his mask.

In the darkness, he could vaguely see the layout of the room, and his eyes were fixed on the bed.

In the end, as he expected, the spy posing as a medical staff obviously didn't expect this trick.

In that room, small figures were reflected in the windows.

Think of Kakashi's vague appearance.

"who am I?"

The chirping of birds and insects sounded from time to time in the dark night, which made Bribie's mood calmer.

As long as Hokage and Jinchuriki are killed, Konoha will not even have the power to fight against Yun Yin.

I saw a figure sitting at the table in the living room.

It's just that Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't expect that another spy was sent to assassinate Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

The name of the old man in Konoha is Uemura Nagano, and his identity is a widowed old man with no children.

So far, Bribie has only sent information to Yunyin Village a few times, and has never received an assassination mission.

"You, did you touch my flower?"

Although his mental state is not very good, Sarutobi Hiruzawa woke up yesterday.

Since he didn't notice anything unusual, he didn't care about the details.

"Did it just get scratched by a branch?"

"It's late, let's water later."

"Wind escape vacuum wave."

The slight sound of the door opening broke the tranquility of the night.

Naruto used ninjutsu and kunai to destroy his upper body including his brain and heart.


The white dove standing on Naruto's shoulder suddenly called.

When hearing that steady breathing sound.

Bribie slowly lowered his head to look at his heart, his eyes full of puzzlement.

There was a hint of fierceness in his eyes, and the speed of attacking the masked man accelerated again.


The old man sneered, and thought to himself: "What do those Konoha guys think, they let the villagers give Nine-Tails Jinchuriki such an obvious nickname."

Naruto is different.

Dead people can also speak.

Bribie took out the drug and slowly blew it into the bedroom.

After realizing that no one was paying attention to him, the figure of the old man disappeared instantly.

But in this world.

Then he pushed aside the grass in front of him, and looked at the small room on the second floor where Naruto lived.

And Naruto seemed to have just recovered, nodded in a daze and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, I haven't seen the third generation grandpa for a long time."

Just waited for him to react.


Sarutobi Hiruzen can probably understand Shinnosuke's tragic death.

With the recent internal turmoil in Konoha, Yunyin Village is preparing to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen and directly kill Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

A glint of tyranny flashed in Bribie's eyes.

The door of the ward was pushed open.


But the next moment.

Although with his apparent strength, killing a Chunin spy is not shocking.

Comparing with the blood on his hands, it looks even more coquettish and scarlet.

A gentle voice also sounded from behind Bribie.

Briby had already imagined what it would look like when Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was killed.

Even the Yamanaka clan couldn't get any information related to Naruto from the corpse.

And beside him.


Then subconsciously glanced at the ugly corpse beside him, and made some guesses in his heart.

"Little devil, go to hell!"

Perhaps just like what "Tian Zhi Yu Zhong" said, it is estimated that it has been broken into pieces, and it is difficult to retrieve the whole body...

Boom boom boom!
A knock on the door suddenly sounded, interrupting Sarutobi Hiruzaru's complicated thoughts.

As soon as the front foot stepped into the ward, the back foot was captured alive by Kakashi and Tenzo.

As expected of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he was able to kill Chunin at such a young age.

Choo Choo Choo……

Simply, there was a wave of tricks, so that all the lurking ghosts and monsters jumped out, and then they wiped them all out.

The eyes of that white dove were unusually sharp and scarlet.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, are you already awake?

He wiped the corners of his eyes, and his expression became calm again.

But it was only a moment before it turned into intense hatred and killing intent.

With the watering of blood, the original green vines were gradually dyed black and red.

At this time, on the street, the figure of an old man with a cane loomed.

Under the night, the red rose was still swaying.

The Anbu ninja came back to his senses, and was startled by Naruto's cold eyes, and quickly explained: "Our Anbu received the news that you have become the target of the enemy's spies. Now it seems that you should be fine."

Seeing that there was no movement in the bedroom, a sinister smile appeared on his face.

Naruto stroked the white dove's feathers, and said calmly: "The dead don't need to know."

"This is Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki? The vigilance is really bad, and it is completely incomparable with Sir Kirabi!"

"Oh, I hope Naruto is okay..."


If you are too calm, it will be a little abnormal.

Completely lost life.

But after landing, Bribie suddenly felt a tingling pain in his arm.

Bribie drew out the dagger, came to the door of the bedroom, and slowly pushed the door open.

Then he was sent to the interrogation department, and all the information he knew was searched.

Wait until ten minutes later.

In the ward of Konoha Hospital.

He didn't even have time to bite the poison sac and commit suicide.

"Ahem, don't get me wrong."

Naruto muttered to himself, then put away the pot, got up and went back to the bedroom.

Thinking of this, Anbu Ninja said softly, "Naruto Uzumaki, pack up, I'll take you to see the third generation."

"You're welcome."

A black shadow jumped into Naruto's room through the window.

Bribie's eyesight gradually lost, and he fell powerlessly to the ground.

After careful observation for a moment, he made sure that there was no Anbu guard nearby, and then let down his guard.

As life passed, Bribie's body softened, and he fell to his knees directly, and the short knife in his hand fell to the ground.

He cautiously looked at his arm, but only saw a fine wound.

But he didn't see a trace of thought flashing in Naruto's eyes covered by long hair.

The vines swayed like living creatures, constantly sucking the blood gushing from his heart.

As Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he is still playing house at the ninja school.

Naruto touched the white dove, and immediately got up and began to forge "battle marks".

The thorny vines that were like thorns directly entangled Bribie's heart.

Then he sneaked into the room gently, the whole movement was smooth and smooth, almost without any movement.

hiss ~ grunt ~
At some point, a thorny vine pierced his chest.

I saw Naruto standing in the bathroom, numbly washing the blood off his hands.

"It's not a nine-tailed ghost?"

Coupled with his current tone and behavior, Anbu Ninja couldn't help feeling a good impression from the bottom of his heart.

Turning into a black shadow, he sprang out from the grass and climbed directly to the window of Naruto's house.

When Naruto saw this, his movements were also paused, and he immediately looked up at the sky.

Naruto followed Anbe Ninja into the ward, looking at Hiruzaru Sarutobi with joy in his eyes.

But after noticing his pale face.

Naruto's expression changed from joy to worry again.

"Three generations of grandpa! Are you... are you sick?"

 At least, there are three thousand, see how much you can code, and send as much as you want
(End of this chapter)

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