Chapter 128 Reappearance of Classic Scene
"Three generations of grandpa! Are you... are you sick?"

Naruto trotted to Sarutobi Hiruzen's hospital bed, and looked at him openly.

Although the expression was very worried, but there was a calculation in his heart.

"From the surface, the injury is not too serious, but the spirit seems to be very weak."

So, did Brother Mian Ma kill his relatives?
Tsk tsk tsk, looking at the current posture, Mian Ma is going to make Hiruzaru Sarutobi a widowed old man.

Sarutobi Hiruzen first winked at Anbe Ninja.

After Anbu Ninja exited the room, he said in a gentle tone of relief: "It's okay, I'm getting old, but it's easy to get a little sick."

While speaking, his narrowed eyes also looked up and down Naruto.

When he found that there was no injury on his body, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's you, Naruto, as long as you are fine."

This sentence is very sincere, it can be said to come from the heart.


As soon as the words came out, Danzo immediately understood what he meant, and his face flushed instantly with anger.

Seeing Sarutobi Hirzen who knew what he was asking and had a smile in his eyes, Shimura Danzo also blushed for a moment.

Danzo's heart was bleeding crazily.

Although the expression was a bit reluctant, he still took the initiative to make a relief: "I'll go to see Sasuke next door first, and I'll see you when I have time."

He held the scroll tightly, staring at the tragic number on it.

Naruto shook his head sternly and said, "Grandfather of the third generation, your complexion is too bad, and you need to rest now."

Seeing this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi chuckled and said, "Naruto, you should stay here for a while, and make sure if there are any fish that slipped through the net."

"Regardless of his strength and talent, Naruto is just a child who hasn't graduated yet."

Naruto staying by his side is the most correct choice.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said without a doubt: "And before that, you just stay in the confinement room."


He led Naruto to sit on the chair, and said in a gentle tone of relief: "That is the enemy who sneaked into the village. You have eliminated a huge threat for the village."

But after hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Naruto showed hesitation.

And with such a nearly all-powerful team, Sarutobi Hiruzen actually said that they were killed by one person?

"You still ask me why?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hands indifferently and said, "It's okay, I've been resting for a long time, you..."

But Naruto hasn't graduated yet, and the first time he killed someone was unexpectedly caught off guard and without any psychological preparation.

"It's gone... It's really gone..."


Three generations of Hokage's concern for Nine Tails Jinchuriki?
Or, is it the concern of the three generations of grandfathers for Uzumaki Naruto?
"Three generations of grandpa..."

But as soon as these words came out, Danzo's complexion was pale, and he felt aggrieved in his heart.

What are you kidding? !

Danzo blushed, and continued to question: "I did all of this alone, and you can't imprison all the ninjas I sent out!"

"Who are you?"

——Man is like a tree, the more he longs for the sunshine in the high places, the more his roots will stretch to the dark ground.

It didn't take long.

But those root members were all cursed by him, and the so-called disbandment was just a formality.

This sentence almost reached Danzo's heart, and it also gave him a little more appreciation and recognition for Naruto.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi also pretended to have just woken up, and opened his eyes in a daze.

Although he was a little embarrassed and annoyed by Naruto, Danzo was undoubtedly relieved.

As soon as these words came out, Shimura Danzo's smile froze.

However, at this moment.

Whether it is an auxiliary ninja who specializes in perception, detection, and medical treatment, or an offensive ninja who specializes in ninjutsu, illusion, and body art.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi hesitated for a moment, then smiled gently and said, "Okay then, I'll rest for a while."


And Naruto on the side also seemed to be aware of the relationship between the two.

Under normal circumstances, in order to let the newly graduated ninja see the blood, the teacher who leads the team will accept the task of cleaning up the gangsters.

As long as he releases the news, those root ninjas will come back obediently.

As soon as Uchiha is dealt with, I'm going to throw all the blame on me!

"Go and see for yourself! Look carefully!"

Thinking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi stretched out his hand and touched Naruto's drooping head.

Then, the expression became serious and annoyed again.

At this moment, a warm feeling suddenly rose in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

Jiraiya is coming back soon, and he doesn't want Danzo to make trouble during this time.

"There was an old man who wanted to kill me, but I didn't expect him to be so weak, and it turned out..."

Danzo's face was full of disbelief, and finally even showed anger.

Even Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't tell why he was worried about Naruto now.

He wanted to see what Naruto was up to.

But after seeing Naruto with a vigilant face.

"Perhaps, I can take this opportunity to let Jiraiya take my place, and when Naruto grows up..."

That's not nearly a hundred pigs, nor is it an ordinary cannon fodder!

Nearly a hundred root ninjas were all killed by the Heavenly Emperor?

After that, he closed his eyes voluntarily, lay down on the bed and began to doze off.

Then I felt that someone lifted the quilt for me and tucked the corners of the quilt.

The gap is simply too great.

Hearing this, Naruto seemed to have thought of something, and palpitations visible to the naked eye appeared in his eyes.

"In a short time, I will disclose the treatment of you to all the ninja."

"Are you kidding me?"

After finishing speaking, he glared at Danzo pretending to be dissatisfied, then turned and left the ward.


If there is no accident, he must have been imprisoned by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The mature older son Sarutobi Shinnosuke is dead.

In other words, Zirai is coming back too.

A bold idea suddenly popped up in Sarutobi's mind.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sneered, and there was a bit of gunpowder in his tone: "Let me tell you the truth, those ninjas who are responsible for guarding the Uchiha clan have all been killed by that heavenly master!!"

"Damn it! How did you meet Nine-Tails Jinchuriki here?"

In order to eliminate Uchiha and get enough sharing eyes, he even colluded with the masked man who claimed to be Uchiha Madara.

Seeing the angry Danzo, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression also sank, and he directly threw the information on the side to his face.

The shadow of Sharingan was not seen, but the middle-level combat power at the root was completely wiped out!
Danzo stared at the information, his eyes almost burst into flames.

The rebellious second son Asuma Sarutobi did not agree with him, and even ran away from home.

Subconsciously, she swallowed back the words that followed, and immediately showed him a hypocritical smile.

But I never expected that the first meeting would be such an embarrassing scene...

Hearing Naruto's soft probing voice, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't make any response.

At least make a good first impression, and it will be convenient for him to pull Naruto into the root in the future.

Although he didn't finish speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen already understood the fate of the spy.

"I have been in charge of the roots for so many years, and I have spent so much effort to cultivate them, and there is not one left..."

As a result, I don't know why this time, none of the root ninjas he sent out came back.

Since Yunyin Village can insert a Zhongnin spy and a Junin spy, then spies from other villages may have sneaked in as well.

Everything is about comparison.

"It's okay Naruto, don't feel guilty."

Although he had great confidence in Konoha's enchantment, those two masked men had already proved that the enchantment was flawed with practical actions.

but now……


While he was thinking.

"……are you joking?"

Although it is not a specialization, but almost all of them are included.

The little grandson Sarutobi Konohamaru is just three years old, the age at which people hate dogs.

It is conceivable that he must be under a lot of psychological pressure at the moment!

It's just spitting blood like crazy.

The door of the ward was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

But while lamenting Naruto's strength.

Danzo stretched out his trembling arms, and slowly opened the information scroll.

Jiraiya appeared on the border of the Land of Fire, and after shocking the Four Great Ninja Villages, he began to rush towards Konoha.

But facing his smile, Naruto asked in displeasure: "You are so old, you actually pushed the door in without permission, don't you know what politeness is?"

Some of the elites were even the ones he personally visited several big families, and they wanted to come after earnestly and painstakingly! !

That's nearly a hundred root ninjas!

He was still suppressing his anger.

"If you are not punished, how many people's hearts will be chilled!"

With outsiders here, it's not easy for him to play well!

The "will of the root" used by the root is borrowed from Naruto's diary.

A sense of shame and embarrassment suddenly rose in my heart.

Just didn't wait for him to finish.

He had imagined what would happen when he met Naruto.

All were killed?

Sarutobi's expression also became serious, and he asked back: "Without my permission, you mobilized root ninjas to ambush in the Uchiha clan, do you think I should punish you?!"

Looking at Naruto whose body was trembling constantly and tears welling up in his eyes, Hiruzaru Sarutobi still sighed secretly, feeling compassion in his heart.


"Ri Zhan, why did you disband my roots!"

This kind of strength and talent is really too strong.

Isn't this killing the donkey? !
"Even so!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi cut this bastard!
Obviously he agreed to do this matter, but now it's me acting without authorization!

It is not that Sarutobi Hiruzen did not "disband" the roots before.

Whether it is to ensure the safety of "Nine Tails Jinchuriki", or to protect the safety of "Uzumaki Naruto".

"Ri Zhan, why did you disband..."

"Ha ha."

Naruto lowered his head, but judging from his breathing rate, his mood seemed to gradually regain his composure.

"Three generations of grandpas?"

"Three generations of grandfathers."

When he saw the casualty report, his flushed face instantly turned pale.

Unexpectedly, Naruto, who has not yet graduated from the ninja school, would be able to counter-kill a Chunin spy without any precautions.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi met the sensible Naruto when he was three years old, but he really couldn't like his mischievous little grandson.

An old man with bandages and a scowling face walked in, angrily about to question him.

Thinking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi remembered another thing mentioned in the information.

"Hehe, I imprison root ninjas?"

"Danzo? What do you want from me?"

However, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's words made Danzo stunned in place.

"But, if I stay here, will it disturb the rest of the third generation grandpa?"

He wants to say something.

But in the end, he just squeezed out those five words from between his teeth.

"You will regret this!"

"Tanzo, I am Hokage."

(End of this chapter)

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