Such a purgatory scene actually happened in the center of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But no one came out to stop it.

It seems that... the above has already defaulted.

This killing and robbery was only to calm the hostility in the young Tianjiao's heart.

The bullying of more than ten years was gone in one day.Only in exchange for a bright world!
What they want to see is a Tianjiao with an outstanding heart, not a sword demon who has gone into extremes.

Yet no one knew.

If it was for himself, Yang Gang would never kill like this.

But they... shouldn't have treated his mother like this.A kind woman who has been insane for more than ten years and still loves her son like her own life.

They... really shouldn't!

The Blood Drinking Demon Knife frantically sucked streams of blood.

Yang Gang just killed and killed like this... until he killed the soul of the Yang family.

No one dared to appear in front of him until he was killed in Yang's residence.

After reaching Qingyun Mountain, the direct descendants of the Yang family finally arrived at the scene.

They looked at the long knife dripping blood in Yang Gang's hand in horror.

Looking at the Yang Mansion, which is full of flames, corpses, and seas of blood, and seeing the once glorious and majestic buildings falling into the ruins.

They all stagnated, not daring to go forward.

The fear in my heart magnified infinitely at this moment.

Yang Gang looked at them suddenly.

Everyone in the Yang Mansion trembled, and they all backed away, feeling their legs were so weak that they almost couldn't stand upright.


Yang Gang didn't look at them, turned around and entered the backyard of the Yang Mansion.

Everyone in Yang's family is innocent.

But if they were allowed to die so easily today, it would be really cheap for them.

The rest of my still very, very long.

And the price they paid was not enough, far from enough...

Each of them should live in infinite pain and suffering, just like their mother and child have lived in the past 17 years.

After a while.

Yang Gang stepped into the courtyard lightly.

Jiang Jiang stood quietly in front of the door with a spear in his hand.

The two looked at each other.

Suddenly, there was a warm feeling flowing slowly in my heart.

"Thank you."

Yang Gang nodded slightly.

"..." Jiang Jiang shook his head, put away his spear, and stood silently behind Yang Gang.

Some things don't need to be said.

And with Jiang Jiang's temperament... In fact, let her get along with Yang Gang now, and she still feels a little timid in her heart.

Not afraid.

Jiang Jiang, who had just completed some of the missing emotions, felt that this emotion should be what people often say... shy?
She glanced at the room subconsciously, thinking of the woman she was about to meet, she couldn't help lowering her head.

At some point, the crystal auricles quietly took on a rosy color.


Push the hut away.

Yang Gang walked into the dark room and closed the door.

"Son, my darling is here... Mommy hugs... Mommy just took a shower, you can hug me..." The woman's gentle voice was full of surprise and joy.

"Well, mother is really good."

Yang Gang gently put his arms around his mother.

He took out the black cloth from his bosom and wrapped it around Lan Caiyi's eyes.

"Is Gang'er going to play hide-and-seek with mother? Giggle, yes, yes...hide-and-seek is fun!" Lan Caiyi giggled without any resistance.

"Yes mother, let's play hide-and-seek." Yang Gang comforted his mother softly, and said, "Mother, let's go out in a while and play hide-and-seek in another house, okay?"

"This room is too small, Gang'er is tired of playing."

"Okay, okay, no! Not good!" Suddenly there was a terrified scream.

Lan Caiyi hugged Yang Gang tightly, and curled up in his arms.

Panicked: "No, we can't go out! There are bad people outside, they will bully Gang'er, mother must protect... protect Gang'er, we can't go out... no..."

There was a terrified sob in his arms.

Yang Gang hugged his mother's trembling body and comforted him: "It's okay, mother is okay. Everything is over, we can go out. We can finally go and see...the sky outside."

"You have to trust my child. From now on, no one will bully us again."

"Really, really..." Lan Caiyi raised her head timidly, with two tear stains on her filthy face.


Yang Gang nodded firmly.

"I guarantee that from now on, no one will be able to bully us."

"Then, mother, listen to Ganger's words..." Lan Caiyi nodded lightly, but her palms were still clutching Yang Gang's clothes, trembling with fear.

Agreeing to get out of this room, this poor crazy woman mustered a lot of courage in her heart.

Women are weak, but mothers are strong.

Back then, she ran to the Yang Mansion insanely for the sake of the young Yang Gang, and with the last shred of soberness, she found a way out for the child.

In the first few years, her condition was actually fine, and she cared for Yang Gang as he grew up.

It was Yang's misery that made her completely crazy in the end.

Now, also because of her own child, the weak woman has to muster up the courage to take this step firmly.

Get out of the cage that has trapped her in the Yang Mansion for more than ten years.


Yang Gang hugged his mother tightly, and the corners of his eyes gradually became moist.

Two worlds.

No matter how much suffering and setbacks he faced, he never cried.

For the first time today, in this dark room, two lines of tears fell, "Mom, you must be doing well in another world..."

The sky is getting dark.

The blood and fire of the Yang Mansion were submerged in the sparse drizzle.

The boy supported his mother, waded through the blood-red rain step by step, and walked towards the outside of Yang's mansion step by step.

Countless people watched the backs of the two silently.

Filial piety moves the sky, and Qingyun enshrines the gods.

This young man who shook the road to Qingyun finally took the most important step in his life.

leave the government.

Also in this short quarter of an hour.

Yang Gang's deeds on the Qingyun crossing were completely spread throughout Shengjing.

Countless people flocked here, princes and generals, noble ladies, poor teenagers, old people... Countless eyes watched Yang Gang silently walking through this ten-mile-long street full of dignitaries in Shengjing.

Go to Changting Street, walk into the dust, and light with the dust.

When he reached the intersection of Changting Street and Changting Street, he looked back silently and glanced behind him.

As if saying goodbye to the past.

Then he supported his mother and disappeared from people's sight.

Jiang Jiang held a spear and stood at the intersection, blocking everyone's way.

Yang Gang's mother is timid and cowardly, and should not be disturbed by others.

After a while.

Han Xiang's figure appeared at the street corner ahead.

She said softly: "I have already prepared a yard, which is suitable for you and your mother to live in temporarily."

"Thank you, aunt, no need."

Yang Gang nodded, then shook his head and said, "Three days ago, I rented a yard for one tael of silver."


Han Xiang nodded slightly, and the breeze blew up the hem of her palace dress, making it ethereal like a fairy.

"Next, what are your plans?"


Yang Gang subconsciously glanced at Han Xiang, then turned his gaze away.

"Open a small shop in the world of mortals, sell some small wooden carvings, and be an 'ordinary person'. First, heal your mother's illness and then talk about it... If you need it in Dazhou, you can enter the Qingyun Pavilion and conquer nine heavens and ten places."

"If you don't need it, you can enjoy the family relationship with the idle clouds and the wild cranes, and you won't miss this good time. With some people who love me..."

As he spoke, Yang Gang couldn't help but a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Have you never pursued fame and wealth in your life?" A smile appeared on Han Xiang's face.

This kind of life was exactly what she wanted.


With a holy will, even she who lives in seclusion in the fairy mountain will also fall into the mortal world and join the Doubu.

The world of mortals is rolling, and the general trend cannot be controlled.

Do whatever you want... At this moment, she does not have such qualifications.

Her aptitude in this life was slightly worse than in her previous life.Only by awakening to the second life with one heart can one step into the dreamland of dreams.

Han Xiang, who was devoted to the Tao, thought so.

Yang Gang supported his mother, and couldn't help sighing when he heard the words.

Shaking his head, he said, "Yang Gang's only belief in this life is the word 'Shou'. If he can protect everything he cares about and not get involved in worldly disputes, he will be satisfied."

This is a response to Han Xiang, and also a response to those behind her.

"Well, I look forward to seeing you do that."

Han Xiang nodded silently, glanced at Lan Caiyi, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes.

Turning around, he said, "When you settle down, remember to notify me when the shop opens."

"I may be able to help you with your mother's condition."

"Thank you auntie."

Yang Gang's calm expression was broken, and he thanked Hanxiang gratefully.

The two parted ways.

Yang Gang took his mother into an ordinary small courtyard.

Night fell gradually.

The clean and tidy yard and the brand-new environment made Lan Caiyi a little panicked.

Holding Yang Gang's arm all the time, he gradually fell asleep peacefully.

He stayed beside his mother, silent and lost in thought.

Hanxiang's words during the day came to mind.

"My plan..."

He has no long-term plans yet.The most important thing in the near future is naturally to cure the mother's madness first.Yang Gang didn't know the reason for her madness. After a while, he would find several famous doctors to diagnose Lan Caiyi.

Plus what Hanxiang said.

Maybe... After a while, the environment here can really make my mother recover gradually.

And his next plan.

It is practice.

Promoted to the realm of primordial spirit.

However, his current practice has completely entered an unknown stage, and he still has no idea how to proceed in the future.

Ordinary primordial spirit skills, so he naturally looks down on them now.At most, it will only be used as a reference, not for practice.

After breaking through the ultimate power in the world, his future path of cultivation may have to embark on an unprecedented path.

It still needs to be explored bit by bit.


Yang Gang closed his eyes and entered the river of fate in his mind.


He gently placed a red dust fish tied with a ribbon in his hand into Lan Caiyi's arms.

The light blooms in the star-studded long river, as if it is about to condense into the shape of a small fish.



The river of fate trembled.

The illusory little fish suddenly turned into white light and dissipated.

Yang Gang frowned suddenly.

"Sure enough, it's still the same as in the past. Mother's soul...should have been greatly traumatized. Even the River of Life cannot condense her past life."

"The soul is traumatized, and her life is thinner than paper. Her situation belongs to this is more serious than Jiang Jiang."

Right now.

A small fish with three colors swam over and stretched out in front of Yang Gang, as if it couldn't wait to open the door to him... A suction came.

Unable to guard against it, Yang Gang was sucked into Xiao Yu's body.

[Optional past life: Guanghan Immortal Prison]

[Guanghan Immortal Prison: The Goddess has a dream of eternal life and tears, and the sun will burn the sky for eternity.The three-color destiny (unawakened), can participate in research, can reverse the chaos of yin and yang, reverse reincarnation, and obtain causal opportunities. 】

[Currently you can enter - Great Sun Burning Heaven: Goddess Tribulation. 】

Endless flames!
When Yang Gang opened his eyes, he saw a world filled with flames.

above the sky.

A round of incomparably huge scorching sun was swallowing thick magma, continuously spraying heat to the earth.

"Come in again..."

Yang Gang couldn't help but smile helplessly.

In fact, after the end of the Northern Gun Demon and his experience with Jiang Jiang and Zhao Ling, he subconsciously didn't want to choose Hanxiang's past life.

After all, an elder!
Unexpectedly, this time, Aunt Hanxiang's three-colored fish was so proactive, as if sensing its original owner's eagerness to ask for Taoism, and pulled Yang Gang in.

Now that you're here, let's try the power of this ancient world-destroying catastrophe!

Let's see how long I can last this time!

Yang Gang stared at the sky, and a radiance suddenly gathered in his heart.

Mind together

In the empty sea of ​​consciousness, suddenly a silhouette that covered the sky and the sun was condensed.

In one breath, Yang Gang had already condensed into a big sun god.

It was countless times faster than when I entered Hanxiang for the first time!
next moment.

Countless flames threw themselves into the forest like swallows from the air, and crazily threw themselves between Yang Gang's eyebrows.

Turn into strands of pure yang energy from ancient times.

in a blink.

It helped him to create an unprecedented Great Sun Burning Heaven Primordial Spirit.

The sea of ​​consciousness shook wildly, and the weak barriers shattered piece by piece.

With a thought in Yang Gang's mind, he immediately absorbed the berserk power of the sun with his extremely strong control.

At the same time, drive the wisps of the sun's true fire and pure yang power into all parts of the body.

A few breaths of effort.

Then condensed a golden body of the Great Sun Demon God Yanyang.

Different from the golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations, this golden body with the power of three dragons and three elephants that he had condensed in the past was infused with the pure yang energy of countless sun fires, which gave him a feeling that was almost as different as that of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations.

"It's not bad that it is an ancient world, there are no restrictions at all!"

Yang Gang couldn't help sighing.


He tried to walk a few steps on the scorching sun.

The terrifying heat wave is like a gust of warm wind to him at this moment, and it can no longer cause any harm.

A gleam of joy flashed in Yang Gang's eyes, "In this way, I can walk freely in the world of Guanghan Immortal Prison."

Go forward step by step.

He began to observe this unknown world submerged in the long river of history.

The dry land, carbonized tree trunks, streams exposing the riverbed... the tragic scenes of annihilation are presented one by one.

A thought suddenly popped up in Yang Gang's mind.

'If there are living beings in this world, how many lives will be lost after this catastrophe?Tens of millions... billions...'

'But what does all this have to do with me? ' He couldn't help shaking his head.

I can't bear to witness it anymore, this is also what happened in the past.

for a long time.

Yang Gang was alone, like a god-man walking on the ancient land, and he never found a trace of life on this land.

Apart from condensing a round of the Great Sun God and the golden body of the Great Sun Demon God Yanyang, he had nothing to gain.

The problem is that these two things are simply impossible to achieve in the current environment.

In desperation, he planned to leave.

It's just that when he finally turned over a mountain, a huge pothole appeared in front of him.

It seemed that a fragment of a waning moon fell to the earth.

A piece of ice crystal like a waning moon lay quietly in the deep pit.

The bright moonlight exuded an incomparably icy chill, resisting the roiling heat waves in the sky.

Yang Gang stared blankly at the ice crystal of the crescent moon.

A woman frozen in a dilapidated palace.

She was dressed in a palace attire, with an aura like a fairy, her eyes were tightly closed, as if she was in a deep sleep.Like the noble and noble moon palace fairy in the sky, she is powerless to fall into the mortal world.

"Hanxiang... aunt."

Yang Gang hesitated for a moment.

In the end, he went up.

That elder cared and cared for him so much, Yang Gang had some guesses about her relationship with his mother.

He understands that it is easy for ordinary people to awaken in the first life.

To awaken the second life, the difficulty has increased by at least ten times.

That being the case...then let me help you awaken your second life, and repay your kindness!

Yang Gang has already made a decision in his heart. In this life, he must try his best to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Aunt... Yang Guo... It's easy to make mistakes in this relationship!

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