I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 114 Goddess breaks defense and is suppressed

When Yang Gang entered the small world of ice crystals in the waning moon.

The pure yang power on his body immediately triggered a surge of cold and cold power.

In the ruins of the Moon Palace.

The dignified and beautiful goddess' eyelashes trembled, as if she was about to wake up.

Yang Gang walked into the ice crystal of the waning moon filled with the power of moonlight, and felt endless coldness rushing from the bottom of his heart to his limbs.

This is a cold that is completely different from ice and snow.

The power of Yanyang in the body suddenly felt a strong sense of repulsion.

"The moon... the sun..."

Yang Gang squatted beside the goddess.

He looked her body up and down.

Slender and plump, round and white, no different from ordinary people, but giving people a sense of nobility and nobility.

"Is the body structure of ancient gods and men the same as those of later generations?" Yang Gang's eyes flashed with curiosity.


He stretched out a hand, and gently patted the sleeping goddess's white cheek.

"Gu~~~ That sister, wake up."

The tide of the cold moon surged.

A pair of quiet and deep eyes suddenly opened.


Yang Gang froze, looking at the three black fingerprints on the goddess's face.

Silently withdrew the palm that had just scraped through the mud, and said with a sneer, "Sister...how are you?"

Su'e looked at the rough and dirty palm in front of her eyes.

An endless cold light flashed across his eyes.

call out--

The moonlight all over the sky suddenly gathered.

Yang Gang felt cold all over his body, and the surface of his body quickly condensed into ice.

A small moonlight sword condensed in the plump heart of the goddess, and stabbed suddenly, passing through his chest.


Yang Gang's blood froze completely, and the smile froze on his face.

Vital signs disappeared rapidly.

Can't touch it.

He was taken away by a sword, and his whole body turned into an ice sculpture.

"You lowly lackey of the Sun God Palace, how dare you touch my divine body..." The goddess' haughty voice echoed in my ears.

[You rebelled against yin and yang, reversed reincarnation—failed.He failed to leave any traces in Guanghan Emperor's brilliant life.Evaluation: A blasphemer deserves to die.No causal chance was obtained. 】

Changting Street Courtyard.

Yang Gang touched his chest with lingering fear.

"Aunt Hanxiang's previous life...was so fierce!"

He subconsciously glanced at the moonlight outside the window, feeling a little nervous.

I'm afraid that a small Yuehua sword will fall from the moon, and it will chug him again.

"Didn't you just touch your face? The reaction was so big... No, come again!"

This time, he was easily killed in seconds, which aroused Yang Gang's temper instead.

Re-entering the river of fate, vowing to conquer that proud goddess.

A small three-colored fish swam over, shaking its head and tail around Yang Gang, scratching its head and making gestures.

She behaved completely differently from the proud goddess in Guanghan Immortal Prison.

Yang Gang's thoughts froze, and he entered Hanxiang's previous life again.

[Current chapter of robbery - the great sun burns the sky: Goddess robbery. 】

The light converges.

Yang Gang opened his eyes, and his figure appeared directly in the ruins of the Moon Palace in the ice crystals of the waning moon.

A muddy palm was pressing on the face of Goddess Su'e.

next moment.

His gaze met a pair of quiet, deep eyes.


The tide-like power of the moonlight instantly froze Yang Gang into ice, and a small moonlight sword condensed on Su'e's chest, and instantly shot at Yang Gang's chest.

But this time.

But he was already prepared.

When he dodged sideways, blood splashed on his shoulder, but he managed to avoid the fatal blow.

Goddess Su'e's complexion suddenly changed.

Yang Gang directly pushed forward, half-lying on Su'e's body, holding her shoulders with both hands, and opened his mouth to spew out a scorching sun.


Su'e's power of the sun radiating from her body was suppressed, like a nemesis.


Yang Gang suddenly felt a chill in his back.

A small Yuehua sword passed through the chest from behind.

His whole body turned into an ice sculpture again, and the signs of life quickly dissipated.

"Disgusting sun breath, how dare you touch my divine body..." The haughty voice was full of disgust.

Yang Gang's expression froze, he opened his mouth, "It's a misunderstanding..."

This sentence has not yet been uttered, and it was completely frozen into slag again.

[You rebelled against yin and yang, reversed reincarnation—failed.He failed to leave any traces in Guanghan Emperor's brilliant life.Evaluation: Blasphemy is a crime worthy of death.No causal chance was obtained. 】

"So strong..."

Yang Gang froze in the small courtyard, his face full of helplessness.

That little sword condensed with moonlight belonged to the ancient times, and it was too powerful.

Han Xiang's previous body as a goddess should have been a fairyland.

The body of the Great Sun Demon God that he temporarily condensed is not an opponent at all!

And because of this physique, the opponent seems to have mistook him for some lackey of the Sun God Palace!

This is simply... Who can I ask for reasoning?

But just giving up like this, Yang Gang was still somewhat unwilling.

Since Mingjie Changhe left him in that scene, it means... that he actually has a chance to break the game!


Yang Gang closed his eyes, his mind sank into the river of fate.

Once again entered the past life of Guanghan Immortal Prison.

"running dog……"

After being killed again, Yang Gang continued to enter Hanxiang's previous life without saying a word.


"How dare you touch me!"


"You, you get up..."

Entering again and again, failing again and again, Yang Gang persevered, and was completely inspired by Hanxiang's arrogant attitude in his previous life.

Are you not proud?

it is good!
Die a thousand times ten thousand times, one time, I will let you admit defeat!
After so many deaths, Yang Gang has fallen into a daze, as if the long years have made him forget whose previous life the person in front of him is.

It's a pity that Hanxiang in her previous life was a goddess of the Moon Palace, and she used various magical methods frequently. Yang Gang attacked again and again, but was defeated by her unknown methods time and time again.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the three-color fate rank, and the people Yang Gang killed in his life may not have died as many times here.

a time.

He couldn't tell whether it was Goddess Tribulation or his Tribulation?


After a night of hard work and countless failures, he finally gradually figured out the details of the goddess.

Finally this time.

As soon as Yang Gang entered Guanghan Immortal Prison.

Almost instinctively turned to one side, dodging the deadly sword in front of the chest, and then bent down to press on the goddess Su'e.

He opened his mouth and spit out.

The scorching sun's power sprayed her face, and then enveloped her whole body.

My heart suddenly turned cold.

He rolled over with his arms around the goddess's body, and pointed her back directly at the little sword of Yuehua coming from the sky.


Yuehua Xiaojian froze in the air, the blade trembling.

Between lightning and flint.

Yang Gang wrapped his limbs tightly around the goddess, preventing her from having any chance to fight back.


This is not over yet.

The next moment, the waning moon ice crystal trembled suddenly.

An endless chill enveloped the entire Moon Palace in an instant.

Yang Gang's teeth chattered with the cold and his muscles became stiff.

Su'e in her arms was almost escaped.

He gritted his teeth.

A head hammer directly hit the goddess' forehead heavily, and the power of the sea of ​​consciousness surged.

Su'e's eyes stared at gold stars, her sea of ​​consciousness shook, and she swallowed the word 'photograph' directly in her mouth.


Yang Gang grinned.

Still want to use the power of Taiyin star soul to capture my soul?The young master has already died 36 times with this move, how can he suffer any more?
The two rolled wildly in the ice crystals of the waning moon.

Goddess Su'e made frequent tricks, but they were all resolved by Yang Gang one by one.

"how so……"

A flash of astonishment flashed in Su'e's eyes.

This person...why is he so clear about her methods?

Could it be that this is a magical power that can predict the enemy's opportunity?
Feeling the constant friction between the two bodies, and the heat from Yang Gang's body, she couldn't help but a trace of humiliation flashed in her eyes.


The goddess suddenly snorted coldly.

Waves of cold air like a tide poured into Yang Gang's body crazily from the parts where the two of them were in contact.

Yang Gang's expression froze.

He understands.

This time, the opponent will do everything possible to suppress himself with the original strength of his body.

In this move, Yang Gang died a total of 180 times!

Fairyland vs. mortal world.

The power of the sun in Yang Gang's body suddenly seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water. In this scorching world, his hands and feet felt cold.

There is a kind of weakness like being sucked out by a female ghost.

The strength levels of the two are not of the same magnitude at all.

Yang Gang's only advantage lies in his physical body, and he can't play a role at this moment!

He understands this is the most critical time.

As long as you survive this level, you can subdue the goddess and suppress her severely.

'Auntie, you can't blame me for this!You don't let me finish my sentence...'

Yang Gang suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

Bite hard on Su'e's snow-white neck, the teeth pierced through layers of flesh and blood, causing her to raise her slender neck in pain, and let out a long hiss.

"Don't - bite me!"

The goddess's haughty voice was full of anger.

But how could Yang Gang do as she wished?
Not only did he bite hard, but he even injected hot breath into Su'e's body through his mouth.

"You... No, don't!" Su'e froze all over, pushing and shoving Yang Gang in horror, but found that her hands and feet couldn't exert any strength at all.

The pure and noble power of the sun suddenly seemed to be polluted and polluted by sewage.

The chill that poured into Yang Gang's body began to subside little by little.

"No..." Goddess Su'e's expression turned into panic.

Yang Gang chuckled.

Still biting her neck tightly and not letting go, sucking her blood mouth by mouth, injecting the Yang power full of pure Yang breath into his body.

The pure and noble power of the sun is as deep as the sea, but there is nothing to do with the weak power of the sun.

The power of the sun was suddenly polluted by the power of pure yang.

Su'e's goddess body suddenly shook violently.

He fell limply to the ground, unable to resist anymore.

"How about it, do you still want to fight?"

Yang Gang waited for a while, then got up from her body, and said loftily.

"Don't..." came a weak voice.

The proud goddess lay softly on the ground, and finally broke through completely.

"I don't want to do this either. You forced me. Now, can you let me finish my sentence?" Yang Gang said.

"You... villain!" The goddess turned her head stubbornly, not looking at that hateful face.


Yang Gang couldn't help laughing.

Failed again and again, attacked again and again, and finally completely suppressed the ancient goddess.

If he said in his heart that he wasn't happy at all, he would be lying.

But this is Aunt Hanxiang's past life after all, so she can't go too far.

"do not move!"

"Tell me, why did you attack me for no reason? I have no malice towards you..."

Yang Gang had no choice but to finish.

But Lai Su'e sneered.

"The running dogs of the Sun God Palace, despicable mortals, you all deserve to die!" Su'e's eyes flashed deep hatred.


Yang Gang was speechless for a while, it seems that the goddess really misunderstood.

But he doesn't know how to explain his current situation.

So he could only pretend to be vicious, and threatened: "Tell me, what's your name. If you don't tell me, I'll kill you, skin cramps, and dry your meat in the sun."


The goddess who fell into the mortal world cast aside her eyes and said aggrievedly.

The body couldn't help but tremble.

Dried meat...

This is simply the most terrifying punishment for the gods of the Lunar Star.

This villain is indeed a lackey of the Sun God Palace!
"very good."

Yang Gang nodded, and continued: "What is your identity and why are you here. Also, what is this place?"


A trace of confusion flashed across Su'e's face.

Will the running dogs of the Sun God Palace fail to recognize her identity?

Do you know where the sunrise...is?


A flash of surprise flashed in Su'e's heart.

This nasty little thief really wanted to deceive him again!Wanting to gain her trust would be detrimental to Lunar Star!
thought here.

Su'e lay softly on the ground, looking at Yang Gang above, her eyes full of disgust.


"You deceitful little thief!"

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