I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 115 Dayi shoots the sun, Shenzhang conjectures, new store opens


Yang Gang froze on the spot.

It never occurred to him that such a proud and noble goddess would 'pooh' after breaking her defense.

"be honest!"

Yang Gang patted Su'e on the face.

Lock her jaw and stop her from doing such disgusting movements again.

Then he said seriously: "I'm really not from the Sun God Palace as you said. Everything I came here was accidental. Please believe me!"

"Do not believe."

Su'e turned her head, and said in a pissed off manner like a little girl.


Yang Gang was speechless again.

What ancient gods, that's it?She knows how to practice for hundreds of thousands of years, but she has never gone out, right?
Without any choice.

Yang Gang could only threaten again: "If you don't cooperate honestly, do you believe that I will light you up on a sky lantern? You'll be turned into jerky!"


Su'e glared at him viciously, with an angry look on her face.

"Your brain... are all gods like you?" Yang Gang said helplessly.

Believe when you tell lies, but don't believe when you tell the truth?


Su'e turned her head and did not answer.

"Okay, I don't have the patience to dawdle with you. As long as you answer my words, I'll let you go." Yang Gang said.


Su'e looked in disbelief.

Apparently, her past experience made her hate someone like Yang Gang who possesses the real power of the sun.


Yang Gang nodded affirmatively, and took the initiative to loosen his strength a little to show his sincerity.

"it is good."

Su'e was dubious, but finally let go.

Anyway... these news are not very important, she thought in her heart, and said: "My name is Su'e, and I am a goddess living in the lunar star. Master Yuetiandi..."

"Moon Heaven Emperor?"

Yang Gang had never heard of this name.

Obviously, in later generations, the other party is not well-known.

Su'e glanced at Yang Gang, "You should be very clear about the reason why I appear here. The Sun God Palace invaded the Taiyin Star, killed my race, and destroyed my homeland...I fell into this Yanggu, so I am not Thanks to you!"


Yang Gang frowned, he seemed to have heard of this name before.

"When the sun rises, don't you know the place where the ten golden crows will be born?" Su'e said sarcastically, obviously still thinking that he was putting on an act.

This goddess who suffered a catastrophe is full of vigilance against anyone.

"I see."

Yang Gang suddenly realized.

In this way, in the ancient times of this world, there are also myths and allusions similar to the myths he knows.


Here their opponent has become the Lunar Star.

The residence of the 'Moon Emperor'.

But now that the lunar star is broken, who else in this world can save the creatures on the earth?

Yang Gang couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

'Guanghan Immortal Prison...Goddess Tribulation...'

"Da Yi shoots the sun..."

A thought suddenly flashed in Yang Gang's mind.

"If I imitate Dayi shooting the sun, can I become the one in myths and allusions in the future who shoots the sun?"

"If it succeeds, the world of this great week will be chaotic in the future. With this layer of hidden identity, it may be much easier for me to do things..."

"Open a small red dust fish shop in Shengjing, sell it back and forth, and get in touch with different kinds of people."

"The identity of the sword demon Yang Gang is on the bright side. Who would have thought that I am not only the sword demon, but also Dayi, Yang Jian, and mythical figures who lived in the past... You can awaken the ninth world, I can also awaken the ninth life, or even the nineteenth life..."

"The holy king interprets his supreme immortal dynasty, and I create mythical bodies one by one in the long river of history, and build an ancient heaven..."


Thinking of this, Yang Gang couldn't help but a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"I've finished all I can say, can you let me go?" Su'e said coldly.

"it is good."

Yang Gang regained his senses, let go of his hand slowly, and stepped back a few steps.

"Uh..." Su'e couldn't help being taken aback.

He actually, really let himself go?

Right now.

The surrounding space felt unreal.

The world is getting darker and darker, and everything loses its color.
Yang Gang's eyes went dark, then lightened slightly, and he withdrew from the world of Guanghan Immortal Prison.

Back to the small courtyard on Changting Street in the moonlight.

"You're back?" He was surprised.

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.Rescue the goddess from the catastrophe, so that she will not fall into the eternal frozen state.Evaluation: Good and evil are rewarded, and the future is unpredictable. 】

[A cyan opportunity has been transformed. 】

[Through the current "robbing chapter", you can keep the opportunity and save it until the end of the first life.You can also choose to pick up. 】

Yang Gang suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be the same as when I left Linbei City. When I awakened Hanxiang's previous life, it was regarded as passing a 'pass' temporarily. I can choose to transform the opportunity immediately, or save it to the next pass, or the end of Guanghan Immortal Prison."

Yang Gang understood in his heart.

Next time, when he enters Guanghan Immortal Prison again, what happened before will become an established fact.

"So, Aunt Hanxiang has awakened part of her past life memories."

"With the ability of Goddess Su'e, even if she is only awakened a little bit, it may be enough to step into the fairyland after digesting it..."

"And in the future..."

Regarding whether to enter Guanghan Immortal Prison, Yang Gang couldn't help hesitating.

This misunderstanding, coupled with repeated deaths, made him a little numb, and caused some frivolous actions to the goddess Su'e.

If it's someone you don't know, forget it.

But for Han Xiang, the woman he has called 'aunt' for a long time, it is really a bit disrespectful.

Although she has no kinship with herself.

Even the relationship with the mother... probably dates back to the previous life.

Although I was forced to subdue her only because I wanted to explain clearly...

"Forget it, what's the use of talking about it now... Anyway, there are so many past lives, for the time being... let's think it over before we talk about it!"

Immediately afterwards, another message came:
[You participated in the study of the previous life and experienced reincarnation.With the picture of the great sun burning the gods, gather a great sun god in the ancient world, practice silently, and participate in the study of good fortune. 】

[Evaluation: There is a small benefit. 】

[Accumulation in previous lives transforms the power of participating in research for a hundred days. 】

Thousands of rays of light bloomed in the long river of fate.

The colors of the three colors turned into swimming fishes like water, penetrating into Yang Gang's soul.

Followed by.

The long river of fate began to deduce.

[On the first day, you overwhelmed the goddess Su'e, and finally cleared up the misunderstanding with her. 】

[On the second day, you walked out of the waning moon ice crystal, Su'e suddenly closed the waning moon small world.You don't know why, and there is no way to enter. 】

Yang Gang frowned directly.

Sure enough, this proud goddess was not so easy to tame.

[On the third day, the sky suddenly became hotter and hotter. 】

[On the seventh day, you practiced hard, but felt that your body full of the power of the sun was gradually unable to bear the temperature of the sun. 】

[On the tenth day, the ground dried up, flames filled the sky, and the second Golden Crow rose from the distant land. 】

[No. On the 11th, the second day turned into the sky, and you were lying on the ground dying.Su'e walks away from the ice crystal of the waning moon, and kills you with a sword.You suddenly exploded and once again subdued the ancient goddess...]

"Two days into the sky." Yang Gang frowned.

This world of three-color life rank is indeed countless times more difficult than imagined.

After two days, is there still three days, five days... the last ten days?
A big sun golden crow is already so fierce, who will be able to contain them in the future?

【No. On the 15th, the calamity of fire filled the world.You and Su'e are hiding in the small ice crystal world of the waning moon, and there is nowhere to escape. 】

[No.17, you think you should go out and find a way out. 】

[No. On the 20th, Su'e rebelled again and was suppressed by you. 】

[No. 20 five days, you get nothing...]

【No. On the 30th, a golden crow flew across the sky, and things finally turned around.You have witnessed with your own eyes a tall ancient god-man, striding a thousand feet, chasing the great sun, and fighting bloody battles with him...]

[The blood of the Golden Crow spilled on the ground, the gods cried blood and mourned, gradually dying...]


Yang Gang couldn't help sighing.

This is the battle of gods and men.

In that era, perhaps not only the Lunar Star, but people, gods, and beasts in the entire world were rebelling against the tyranny of the Sun God Palace.

They want to turn the whole world into a world full of pure yang and true fire, belonging to the sun.

And he...

There, he was just a small mortal, even if he had the heart of a big Yi, he had no ability to be a god.

If you want to achieve the feat of Dayi shooting the sun, you should first cultivate your own strength to the fairyland!

Han Xiang's three-color life rank definitely surpassed the blue life rank of ordinary Yuanshen masters by several levels.

The current world of Guanghan Immortal Prison is still too difficult for him...

thought here.

Yang Gang directly activated the blue opportunity.

Suddenly, a puff of blue smoke burned and melted into the river of fate.

Then he just had to wait quietly.

Long night.

Yang Gang slept soundly, but he always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.

And somewhere in the palace of Doubu.

The moonlight shone into the cabin and fell on the pink sheets.

The fairy-like woman suddenly opened her eyes.

A pair of eyes, quiet and deep.

At this moment, the moonlight in the sky seems to be solidified, flowing into the room from the window sill like a slurry.

"You cowardly thief..." Han Xiang cursed inexplicably.

She subconsciously covered her red lips.

Sitting under the quilt, with black hair hanging loose.

For a moment, there was a huge gap between the elegant and dignified fairy and the dirty words in her mouth.

It's just that Han Xiang doesn't care about these anymore.

"Finally awakened, my second life..." She closed her eyes, and the short memories of the previous life emerged before her eyes.

But for a moment.

Han Xiang suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw a small Yuehua sword gradually condensed between the two plump fronts of her clothes.

Since then.

A scripture of Taiyin flashed through her mind, and the floating moon sword energy in her body was circulating, and gradually began to transform into pure and noble power of Taiyin.

Han Xiang thought about it.

The little Yuehua sword shot out instantly.

at the same time.

Her figure flashed subconsciously, as if she was avoiding something.

It turned out to be empty.

He fell headfirst on the soft quilt.

Han Xiang couldn't help but froze there, lying quietly on the bed.

A face that was baked by the sun as dark as charcoal flashed in his mind.

"In my previous life, I met such a nasty little thief as soon as I was born?"

"It's so frivolous, it's really hateful!"

Han Xiang clenched her silver teeth.

She has always kept herself clean, but when encountering such a thing, she will naturally be angry.

"Sigh... Fortunately, I already have the experience of awakening in the first life, and I can block my emotions."

Han Xiang couldn't help sighing quietly.

But there is still a little resentment in my heart.

"Speaking of which, this little thief looks somewhat similar to that kid Yang Gang."

"In a few days, his new store will open. When the time comes, go and have a look at Caiyi. It would be great if everyone respected their elders just like that kid..."


The two faces seem to be superimposed.

"Hmph~~~ What am I thinking about!"

Han Xiang immediately stuffed her hair under the quilt, her nose was fragrant, and she was upset.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was the third day.

this day.

Yang Gang's Red Dust Fish Shop was finally ready, and it was seated next to Zhenbao Pavilion.

The address was found by Jiang Jiang for him, and the money was exchanged for a wisp of Qingyun Xianqi.

The three wisps of innate green energy have been absorbed, and Yang Gang can't use it now, so the benefits are naturally left to Jiang He.

They are all from their own family, not from outsiders.

This made Jiang He overjoyed.

The quasi-"brother-in-law" paid a lot of money directly, bought a whole shop and a house, and asked someone to renovate it, and bought a lot of precious wood for Yang Gang's carvings.

Under Jiang Jiang's supervision, it can be said that he is extremely attentive.

The new store opened today.

The first guest finally arrived.

"Congratulations on opening, business is booming!"

Han Xiang came in a long moonlight dress.

The whole body seems to be bathed in Taoist moonlight, which is extremely noble and heart-wrenching.

Yang Gang stood in front of the door and turned his head immediately.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, and their hearts trembled.

A strange color flashed in Han Xiang's eyes.

'not good! 'Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.

He finally remembered what he had forgotten before.

In the world of Guanghan Immortal Prison, I... seemed to appear in my true colors!

She wouldn't think that was my previous life!

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