I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 116 Golden Crow Divine Blood, Immortal Fate Rank

"Welcome, welcome, hahaha, Fairy Hanxiang, please come inside!"

Jiang He's hearty voice broke the strangeness between the two.

Yang Gang and Han Xiang restrained their minds together.

"Yang Gang met my aunt." Yang Gang took the initiative to salute.


Han Xiang nodded calmly.Trying to maintain the personality of a cool fairy.

But Yang Chan, who had been by her side all this time, disappeared for a while.

After the conflict between Yang Gang and the Yang family broke out completely, although she had always stood by Han Xiang's side, she was always a little embarrassed to meet Yang Gang again.Moreover, everyone in the Yang family has really had a bad time during this period of time.

The arrival of Hanxiang seemed to activate a certain signal.

There was an endless stream of people who came to give gifts in front of the small shop.

All of them are princes and nobles in the holy capital, people from the four divisions of the world and the eight divisions of the sky have come.

The transcendent identity of Qingyun Pavilion, the first mythical arrogance in 500 years, deserves everyone to win over and establish a good relationship in advance.

However, they were also sensible, they only gave gifts, but none of the real masters came.In case Yang Gang ignores it, it will only increase the embarrassment.

Since then.

With a sound of firecrackers.

The red cloth on the plaque in front of the store slowly fell down.

【Red Dust Carved Fish】

The four big characters are full of ancient rhyme.

Many people watching from the dark were all surprised, thinking about the intentions of this Qingyun youth.

Having won the name of the young Tianjiao, he didn't rush to enter Qingyun Pavilion, but instead opened such a small shop first, what is his intention?
'Red Dust Carved Fish'.

Could it be that he... really doesn't have fame and wealth in his heart?Ready to hide in the city in the holy capital and practice silently in the world of mortals?
The big shots above didn't care about it, and acquiesced in his actions.Perhaps, it really complied with the sentence "Cultivation is practice in the fairy mountains outside the world, and practice is also practice in the world of mortals"?
Everyone has their own way of practice.

This is a mythical arrogance who has come this far by himself, and no one will interfere with his choice.

"Hahaha, what a mortal fish. Qingyun youth is really different from ordinary people." A voice full of ancient rhyme sounded from outside the hall.

Everyone turned around immediately.

Surprised in their hearts, they bowed and said: "I have seen Yuan Tianshi, and I have seen Feng Bo and Yu Shi two heavenly masters."

It turned out that Yuan Tianshi and Feng Boyu, the three great masters of the fairyland of Qingyun Pavilion, have arrived together!
The dignitaries of Shengjing who were observing secretly were all shaken in their hearts.

Yang Gang's face is big enough, before he formally entered Qingyun Pavilion, he opened a small shop, but alarmed the three powerful Qingyun Pavilion.

Ordinary dignitaries know that they are not qualified to disturb Yang Gang, and they also know that the status of the people who can come to this store today may be extraordinary.

Unexpectedly, three celestial masters came directly today!
From now on, every move of this Qingyun youth who lives in Hongchenyu's shop will stir up the situation in Shengjing.

This time, Yang Gang really soared into the sky!

"Three celestial masters, please come inside."

Yang Gang led the three big shots into the store, and sat down to serve tea.

Haven't spoken yet.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing of sword energy outside the store, and there was a lot of atmosphere.

Outside the holy capital, there seemed to be a fairy sword flying from outside the sky, arousing countless breaths.Just listening to the sound of 'Zheng', the sharpness of the sword energy flew across the sky like a guzheng, and all the breaths were suppressed.

next moment.

The fairy sword turned into a figure in the sky and landed in front of Hongchenyu's shop.

The three celestial masters got up early and stood in front of the door.

"Fellow Daoist Qingyun, please."

"Feng Bo, Yu Shi, I have seen the Sword Immortal."

"Hahaha, Li came here uninvited, and I'm nagging you all!" Qingyun Sword Immortal Li Chunyun's figure was illusory, like a figure condensed with sword energy, but it was countless times stronger than the one on Qingyun Road.

Yang Gang stepped forward to salute: "I have seen Senior Qingyun."

"No need to salute."

Li Chunyun held Yang Gang's arm in the air, "You and I are both people in Qingyun, we should be friends of the same generation, if you don't mind, just call Brother Chunyun."


Yang Gang couldn't help hesitating.

Li Chunyun's willingness to come today was far beyond his expectation.For a big shot who became famous thousands of years ago, how dare he call him a brother?
"What are mothers-in-law and mothers doing!" Li Chunyun smiled, raised his hand and threw something at Yang Gang.

"In this box is the treasure that I obtained by beheading a big monster in southern Xinjiang yesterday. It is a congratulatory gift for you to open a shop. Hahaha, Mr. Li will go..."

"I'll be waiting for you in Wonderland!"

In an instant.

Thousands of sword qi flowed across the sky of Shengjing like a river of green.

The mountains and rivers are full of vigor, and the pomp is huge.

Li Chunyun's sword energy figure just disappeared without a trace.

It can be said that it is free and easy to come and go freely.

The demeanor of the sword fairy makes people yearn for it.

Yang Gang held the box blankly and stood there for a long time.

He never imagined that Li Chunyun, who met only once on the road to Qingyun, unexpectedly brought him a special congratulatory gift with his Sword Qi avatar not far away.

For a moment, I only felt that the gift box in my hand was heavy.

"This Li Chunyun...he's trying to build momentum for you!" Yuan Tianshi couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"Hahahaha, Qingyun Pavilion is in the same line. After this incident, I see who in the Great Zhou Wonderland will dare to bully the small with the big, and bully you, the little brother of the Sword Immortal."

Chen Yushi laughed heartily.

Feng Bolu raised his head and proudly agreed.

This is their Qingyun Pavilion, everyone is a genius.

Once entering Qingyun, the status is detached.

Even the newly established Upper Eight Departments cannot be compared.

After a while.

The three Celestial Masters of Qingyun Pavilion drifted away.

Only a few words left, "After you settle down, go to Qingyun Pavilion to register and register. We have already taken your household registration from Jing Zhaoyin. After that, it is up to you how you want to practice. This is the purpose of Qingyun Pavilion ..."

"Most of your senior brothers and sisters have entered the fairyland and are scattered all over the world. They either cultivated hard in the fairy mountains outside the world, or realized the Tao in the world of mortals. If you have this heart, you don't need us to chatter."

"We are looking forward to your future... with the ultimate power, smashing the gate of the fairyland."

"Thank you all the immortals."

Yang Gang saluted the crowd's backs from afar.

Wait for the outsiders to leave.

Yang Gang just found an empty corner and opened the box that Li Chunyun gave him.


A pure yang breath emerged.

In the middle of the box, there is a drop of blood with a golden luster, and there is a faint divine power that seems to come from ancient times.


Yang Gang subconsciously closed the box.

Take a long breath.

"This drop of blood..."


He closed his eyes, entered Guanghan Immortal Prison, and appeared in the ice crystal of the waning moon.

He looked up at the drops of Golden Crow's blood falling in the sky.


Yang Gang only felt a scorching heat gushing out of his body, even though he was in the ice crystal of the waning moon, he was instantly burned by the flames, directly burning into a wisp of ashes.

Su'e next to her stared blankly at this scene.

"How dare you comprehend the blood of the Golden Crow, why is the little thief courting death like this?"

[You rebelled against yin and yang, reversed reincarnation—failure.He failed to leave any traces in Guanghan Emperor's brilliant life.Evaluation: Spying on the blood of the gods, burning the body with fire.No causal chance was obtained. 】

"Sure enough, with my current ability, I can no longer survive in the Yanggu where the Golden Crow is raging."

Yang Gang looked thoughtful.

far away.

Han Xiang faintly cast a look.

The ray of pure yang breath that overflowed from the box caught her attention.

This fairy-like woman couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart.

"I have a connection with his previous life."

"It must not be a coincidence that their appearance is so imagined..."

"Well~~~ Fortunately, the little thief in his previous life was not a cowardly person. Thinking about it carefully, his actions were all caused by misunderstandings, and he... didn't really violate me... "

Han Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she didn't have any emotional entanglements with Yang Gang in her previous life, everything would be fine.Otherwise...she really doesn't know how to face Yang Gang, and how she will face her good sister from the previous life when Lan Caiyi wakes up in the future.

the other side.

Yang Gang looked at the box in his hand.

Compared with the drops of golden blood dripping from the sky in memory.

Muttered: "Golden Crow... blood!"

The congratulatory gift that Qingyun Sword Immortal Li Chunyun gave him was actually a drop of Golden Crow's blood that fell from ancient times!

This treasure is really too precious!

Yang Gang thought about it.

Sensing that there seemed to be a change in the river of fate, he immediately understood that this was the activation of the blue opportunity.

"A drop of Golden Crow's blood is blue? Among them, I'm afraid there is a bonus from Li Chunyun..."

After entering the Guanghan Immortal Prison several times, he got a total of three green chances.

A picture of the great sun burning the sky, a ray of the real fire of the sun passed down in ancient times, and a drop of the blood of the mythical Golden Crow.

From this, Yang Gang also understood that the benefit of this green opportunity also depends on which world it is obtained from.

And there is also some relationship with the associated person.

The value of a single drop of ancient Golden Crow's blood definitely exceeds that of the Great Sun Burning the Sky Map and the True Sun Fire.Li Chunyun's identity meant that what he gave would not be bad, which brought a little bonus to the green chance.

Now this drop of Golden Crow's blood has gone through time from ancient times to the present, and the power of the violent sun's real fire has been much milder.

If he can keep it by his side to comprehend it all the time, maybe...he can really comprehend one or two rhymes and gain the ability to walk in Yanggu.

Yang Gang pondered for a long time.

Then put away the box and continue entertaining guests.

In fact, they were guests, except for Han Xiang, Jiang Jiang, Jiang He, and a few maidservants who were temporarily called from Jiang's residence to bring tea and water were left.

A few of them were in the backyard, drinking tea and eating melons and fruits.

At this time, they were all their own people, and the few of them chatted slowly.

Thinking of Emperor Guanghan's three-color fate, Yang Gang asked: "After practicing for so long, Yang Gang has always been unclear about one thing. May I ask this world's awakening fate, besides white, cyan, and blue, what other grades are there?"

"There are also purple, gold and... three-color colors." Han Xiang took the conversation.

She said softly: "The three colors of white, blue, and blue all belong to the mortal world. The master of the soul with blue fate also has the opportunity to visit the fairyland and turn this life into purple."

"Purple, gold, and three-color life ranks correspond to the red dust immortals, earth immortals, and immortal kings in the fairyland."

"It is for the three major realms of the heaven and earth bridge, the dragon platform, and the original good fortune."

"Only these three realms have stumped countless heavenly prides throughout the ages. Mythical heavenly prides have also been trapped in it, unable to break through for thousands of years, and turned into fly ash in the long river of time."

"Yang Gang, you must not be proud and complacent because you have won the name of the mythical arrogance, thinking that from now on, you will be invincible in the world..."

"Yeah. Thank you, aunt, for the tip."

Yang Gang couldn't help nodding.

With a long river of fate, traveling through ancient and modern times, he is naturally very sober.

There are countless powers in this world.

He is invincible in the world, and he is still in Xinshou Village, which belongs to the category of awakening the first and second lives.

And the top powerhouse in the world.

The lifespan is long, and most of them have awakened the third, fifth, and even seventh and ninth lives.

Going back to ancient times and tracing back to the source of life, it must have been extended to the ancient and ancient world.As he saw in the Guanghan Immortal Prison, a dog or a weed at that time would probably be able to kill an ordinary strong person in the fairyland now.

Han Xiang nodded slightly.

Continued: "The human world and the extremes of the earth are already two worlds. The powerhouse in the fairyland has the treasure book of the earth, and the power is unimaginable. Your current strength can be in the world, but it is still far from the power of the fairyland. far."

"For the current matter, we should break through the primordial spirit early and enter the fairyland again."

"Excuse me, Fairy Hanxiang, where is the extreme of the earth? What is the realm after the fairy king?" Jiang He suddenly asked, with a curious expression on his face.

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