I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 118 Qingling Cave, Fairy Servant

a time.

Jiang Jiang only felt that Yang Gang's palm was very, very hot.

He wanted to struggle and resist, but his whole body seemed to be under a fixed spell, unable to make any movement of struggling.

He could only watch Yang Gang helplessly, and slowly took off the evil spirit mask on his face.


A cold and crystal-clear face, like flawless white jade, appeared in front of Yang Gang.The cold and slender willow eyebrows, the round and straight Qiong nose, and the slightly downward red lips together constitute a cold and world-weary face.

"It's so beautiful..." Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.


At this time, the owner of this face tightly pressed his lower lip, bit his teeth lightly, and his long eyelashes trembled, as if he was extremely nervous.

Yang Gang seemed unaware.

His eyes fell on the corner of Jiang Jiang's eyes.

Three red plum blossom-shaped imprints, seeming to be exuding a faint red aura due to the owner's emotional fluctuations.

"Sure enough..." He stretched out his index finger, and gently stroked Jiang Jiang's eyebrows with his fingertips.

After the last life of Zhao Lingran III, the plum blossom mark disappeared.Now that Jiang Jiang's soul has been completed because of him, the imprint of the plum blossom of Immortal Wangchen has also returned.

"You,, don't touch it."

Jiang Jiang's delicate body shook, and he grabbed Yang Gang's wrist nervously.

half an hour.

She asked nah-na: "I, I am like this, will I be ugly?"


Yang Gang repeated.

"Huh?" Jiang Jiang looked at him with burning eyes.

His eyes looked worried, scared, and even more hopeful.

"Of course...not ugly anymore."

Yang Gang laughed.

He pushed Jiang Jiang's hand away, and gently rubbed the plum blossom-shaped imprint, "This imprint is like icing on the cake, a plum blossom in the snow. Combined with your face that makes people want to conquer, it is the best in the world." beautiful."


Jiang Jiang froze for a moment, and murmured: "The world's most beautiful...conquer?"

"Ah uh, this, what conquest? You got it wrong." Yang Gang scratched his head immediately, pretending to be bewildered.

He swore it was a slip of the tongue, and he really didn't think anything wrong.


Jiang Jiang nodded obediently.

A charming smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Conquer, then conquer... I, I am willing." Her face suddenly moved closer to Yang Gang.


Yang Gang froze for a moment, and suddenly felt a heat on his face.

It seemed to be pecked lightly by the softest thing in the world.


There was a roar in my ear.

when he raised his head.

Just in time to see Jiang Jiang's back rushing out of the door, like a panicked bunny.

The courtyard door that had just been repaired was suddenly knocked out of a human-shaped gap.

She was holding a spear and running wildly, as if chasing a terrifying prehistoric beast behind her, she disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.


Yang Gang took a long breath.

Looking at the hole in the door, he was stunned for a moment.

I actually... was kissed by force?
Jiang Jiang, this Gao Leng Yujie, actually...she actually...

A strong sense of contrast caused Yang Gang's brain to completely shut down.


for a long time.

Yang Gang finally regained his composure.

Shaking his dizzy head, he turned and walked into the small courtyard.

Come and take mother's room.

At this time, Lan Caiyi had already fallen asleep.

Yang Gang quietly walked to his mother and sat down, a faint aura of primordial spirit condensed between his brows, like the moonlight in the sky, dripping into the sea of ​​consciousness between the brows of the blue colored clothes.

Shengjing's famous doctor, Jiang He, has asked several people to invite him.

Several people said that Lan Caiyi's mind had been traumatized, not only the soul, but the mind, the mind, naturally the heart and the god.

On this point, when the Zhongyong Hou Yang Tianyou returns to Beijing, he will come to question him personally.

And now.

As for the mother's healing method, the only way to do it is to nourish her with the power of the soul every day, and it needs to be done by the person she trusts the most.

Yang Gang did his part.

It's a pity that, with the power of his current state of mind, three days have passed, and the effect has been small.

Perhaps it is necessary to step into the Yuanshen or even the fairyland in the future to completely cure the mother's madness.

"The map of the Great Sun Burning the Gods is just a blue chance... It can become the primordial spirit, but there is no route after the primordial spirit."

"Others think that I will use my strength to prove the fairyland. After I become a primordial spirit, I will smash the gate of the fairyland with the ultimate strength... but I don't know that I can choose one by one in the previous life to find the suitable method of the primordial spirit."

Yang Gang pondered, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Obtaining the Immortal Sutra of Zuowang, the physical body and the soul are strong at the same time. This is the fairyland I pursue. Only in the future can I achieve higher achievements!"

Obtaining a high-level primordial spirit technique does not conflict with treating the mother.

and so……

Yang Gang closed his eyes.

The mind sank into the river of fate.

He easily caught Jiang Jiang's previous life Hongchen fish, and kicked a small three-colored fish that swam over to the side.

Then I thought about it.

Then it entered the body of Jiang Jiang's Hongchen fish, which belonged to the previous life of Wangchen Xianjun.

[Previous life can be selected: Wangchen Immortal Lord III]

[Wangchen Xianjun: Three lives and three generations will never forget one person, the reincarnation of the world of mortals, just to wait for the king to return.The purple life stage (not fully awakened), can participate in research, can reverse the chaos of yin and yang, reverse reincarnation, and obtain causal opportunities. 】

A little rich purple.

Like a fairy's skirt, slowly drifting away in front of my eyes.

"You have been called."

A voice sounded in my ear.

Yang Gang's heart was agitated, he almost thought that he had entered the wrong world, and entered the previous life of the Northern Spear Demon.

open one's eyes.

Only then did he realize that the group of people in front of him were several monks wearing black robes.

The leader is a tall and strong man with a long sword on his back, his face is stern, and he exudes the breath of the real realm.The dresses of the people behind them are also similar, they seem to be monks from a certain sect.

The surrounding environment was a dilapidated slum, and a group of ragged beggars squatted beside him.

"Almost a good start."

Yang Gang thought.

Immediately, his gaze shifted, looking for the woman with the 'two dots' plum blossom imprint on the corner of her eyebrows.

This time, he didn't even let go of the suspected man's figure.

Can find a circle.

"No?" Yang Gang couldn't help being at a loss.

Everyone here did not wear masks or helmets, and the beggars around could clearly see that there were no birthmarks even though their faces were dirty.

The only thing that caught Yang Gang's attention was a thin little girl.

A person was huddled alone in a corner, hugging his stomach. His body was covered with bruises and footprints, and there was still a little dry food powder left at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he had just been robbed of food and had been beaten severely.

"Will it be her?"

Yang Gang was not sure.

A dozen or so beggars followed the Xuanyi monk out of the door.

Then I saw him take out a small boat from his sleeve.

Really spit out.

The small boat suddenly grew bigger and turned into a three-foot-long flying boat.

"Is this... the magic weapon refined by the Primordial Spirit cultivator?"

Yang Gang's eyes were strange.

This kind of treasure seems to be used only by practitioners in the fairy mountains outside the world, right?
Could it be that in this life, he will meet Immortal Wangchen in a fairy mountain outside the world?
"Come up."

The monk in Xuanyi ordered in a cold voice.


A group of beggars naturally did not dare to resist.

They boarded the canoe one after another.

"Go to the stern and stay there, don't stain Daoist's clothes!" A foot kicked over.

Yang Gang subconsciously dodged the kick.

He turned his head and glanced coldly at the owner of this kick, a fat monk.

"Hurry up, don't waste time!"

The leading cultivator in Xuanyi urged.

"Yes, Senior Brother Li."

Everyone responded in unison, and the fat monk didn't dare to move anymore.

Yang Gang looked away silently, walked to the stern of the boat with a group of beggars and squatted down.

His current identity is a beggar.

Before entering that unworldly fairy mountain.

He will not resist, nor will he show his abnormality.

Even in this life, he didn't intend to practice the original exercises.

In this life of Immortal Wangchen, he wanted to try other exercises to condense the golden body, the true body, and focus on the cultivation of the primordial spirit.

of course.

If the fat monk just kicked his ass, it would be a different matter.

"When you arrive at Qingling Cave, you all should behave well. From now on, you will not only be able to eat every meal, but you will even have the opportunity to practice!"


Then Senior Brother Li finished the training.

Then he pinched the Yin Jue with his hand, and drove a real gang into the flying boat under his feet.

Immediately, the flying boat flashed a blue light and flew away through the air.

A group of beggars staggered to and fro on the spot, screaming in fright.

Where have they ever seen such a scene?Everyone was terrified, but their eyes were full of longing.

As a lowly beggar, how could he have the opportunity to join the Immortal Sect?

What a godsend!
Yang Gang glanced across the crowd, silently observing.

The dozen or so beggars were all teenagers, which was obviously done on purpose by the monks in Qingling Cave.

There are so many people in the world who want to join the fairy mountain outside the world.

What is their purpose in looking for a group of down-and-out beggars?
An hour later.

The flying boat landed on a misty and lofty fairy mountain outside the world.

Yang Gang finally knew what they were looking for some beggars for!
I saw that the fairy mountain, which was originally beautiful and shrouded in clouds and mist, was now in a mess, as if it had just experienced a tragic war.

Countless ants-like figures are cleaning up the mess on the peaks one after another, digging holes and filling soil, planting trees and collecting corpses.

These people... were dragged to Qingling Cave to do chores and coolies!


After using them, how many people will be left, probably depends entirely on luck!
But Yang Gang is confident that he can stand out among these people.

After a while.

The flying boat landed on a stone platform.

The deacon of the outer sect from Qingling Cave came to receive it.

Yang Gang and others just landed.

Suddenly, a stream of light flew from the sky.

Standing in the sky above the stone platform, there was a woman in purple with a noble aura.

However, she was dressed as a maidservant, which was very strange.

Yang Gang frowned.

Is it actually a Yuanshen master?
In this world thousands of years ago, Yuanshen Grandmaster was too worthless!
Or, was the strength of the Immortal Mountain outside the world at that time so powerful?
"I've seen a moon girl."

Everyone suddenly showed a look of surprise.

It seemed that she was very surprised why this honorable Yuenv of Lingyue Peak came to this place.

"In this battle, the Immortal Venerable was injured and retreated, and some servants are needed in the mountains." The moon girl had a lofty posture, and her status seemed to be several levels higher than those present.

"It turns out to be the Lord of Lingyue Peak, and Fairy Yue needs it. Lady Yuenu, please feel free." Shitai's deacon said respectfully.


Yue Nu nodded slowly, and turned her gaze.

Looking at the thin little girl behind Yang Gang, "You, come here."

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