I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 119 Sitting on the Monument of Heaven, Son of Destiny


The little girl stepped forward timidly.

I saw a ray of primordial power condensed between Yuenv's brows, falling on the little girl.

After a while, she slowly nodded and said: "The aptitude is good, but you can go to Lingyue Peak. So, there is still a strong labor..."

Then, she turned her gaze.

He looked at Yang Gang beside the little girl.

"It's just you. The one with the cleanest face, come out."


Yang Gang silently stepped forward.

Unexpectedly, one day, she would be chosen like a concubine.

In the long river of fate, cause and effect are entangled.

All coincidences are arrangements of fate.

That peak master of Lingyue, Fairy Moon... Could it be this life, the future Immortal Wangchen.

In the Northland, you have been my maid for two and a half years.

In this life, karma retribution, let me be your slave?

Yang Gang smiled silently.

The identity of the Moon Fairy is yet to be discussed.

Having experienced the Northern Land Spear Demon in his previous life, he knew that it must not be so simple to meet the Lord!
The brilliance in Yuenu's hand flashed.

An invisible force captured Yang Gang and the little girl, and the three of them turned into a stream of light and flew towards the mountain above.

The wind is fast and the clouds are clear.

After a while.

The three of them landed halfway up a scenic mountain.

Here, there are high mountains and flowing water, waterfalls and green shades, cranes often come and go, and elk neighing is heard from time to time.

Where the three of them landed, there was an ordinary blue-tiled building.

Yang Gang raised his head and looked up.

A majestic purple palace can be vaguely seen in the clouds and mist, filled with dense and extraordinary style.

He knew that it must be the fairy residence of the Lingyue peak master, Lingyue Xianzun.

He couldn't help thinking about how he could meet her and see if there were two plum blossom marks on the corners of her eyebrows.

"You guys go take a shower first, and go to the house to change into clean clothes. It's so dirty..." Yue Nu's voice was a little disgusted.

Every place on Lingyue Peak is clean and free from smoke and dust.

The attires on the two of them are really inconsistent here.

If Qinglingdongtian hadn't experienced a great battle and suffered heavy casualties, it would never have been their turn to go up the mountain to serve the immortal.


The little girl replied timidly.

But stood there blankly.

Taking a shower...she doesn't know where to go!
"Come, follow me." Yang Gang gently took the little girl's hand and walked towards a pool behind a building.

Yue Nu nodded in satisfaction.

This servant is quite clever, and should be qualified for the labor of Lingyue Peak.

"What's your name?"

Yang Gang asked as he walked.

"I, my name is Erniu." The little girl said weakly.

"Second girl?"

Yang Gang couldn't help being startled, "Then what's your last name?"

"My surname is Zhao, and my name is Zhao Erniu." The little girl summoned up her courage and said.

Then Yang Gang found out her origin.

Zhao Erniu was born in Zhaojia Village, [-] miles away from the previous town. She was burned, killed and looted by bandits three months ago, and all five members of her family died.

Because she is a girl and she is still young, she was taken away by the bandits to sell for a good price.

As a result, on the way, the bandit was greedy and wanted to make another vote, but was wiped out by a knight-errant.

The little girl was only ten years old, and she had to be a beggar for three months after suffering such an accident. She never had a full meal and was often beaten. It was really pitiful.

But here, her fate has completely changed.

"You must practice hard in the future. This is your chance to change your destiny, understand?" Yang Gang rubbed her chicken coop-like hair.

"Oh, I see."

"Thank you big brother!"

Zhao Erniu nodded firmly.

Then he said in a sticky voice, "Big brother, what's your name?"

"I...my name is Yang Erniu." Yang Gang thought of it, and chose a name casually.


Zhao Erniu said pleasantly: "Brother Erniu, your name is Erniu, and I am Erniu. We are really destined to be together!"

"Yeah, yes!" Yang Gang chuckled.

Fate, yes!The fate that I forced to change...

If this little girl who has appeared by his side since the beginning of the game will become the Immortal Wangchen who exiles herself in the world of mortals in the future, then the two of them... aren't they destined to be perfect?
Yang Gang is looking forward to her now, or that Lingyue Xianzun will attain the Tao sooner and achieve the name of Xianjun.So I can get the Sutra of Zuo Wang Xian from them!

As for the next.

Yang Gang intends to hang on first, to be a quiet dog.

In this life, he is not going to fight anymore, but to cultivate the way of killing.

Instead, he intends to wait for the release of Qinglingdongtian's exercises, to practice diligently on the surface, and to practice the Heart Art of Zhanqing in secret, to hide his strength and lay the foundation for future practice of sitting and forgetting the scriptures.

Then in Lingyue Peak, establish a good relationship with the future Wangchen Xianjun in advance.

As long as he gets to the real Wangchen Immortal Monarch, he will have the opportunity to obtain the Sutra of Sitting Wangchen easily.

The only worry now is that Qinglingdongtian, who has just experienced a big battle, does not know whether the enemy has been completely solved.

In the future, don't mess up and disturb his clean up.

Yang Gang secretly said in his heart: "In this life, I am just a small servant of Lingyue Peak, and the fighting and killing has nothing to do with me... Fellow Taoists in Qinglingdongtian, you must be careful!"

Three quarters later.

Yang Gang and Zhao Erniu finished cleaning.

He put on a rough gray servant's coat, and the little girl followed behind him in a loose blue maid's dress.

The two followed Yuenu on the bluestone road to the main peak of Lingyue.

"From now on, you will serve the Immortal Venerable together with me. You must not be negligent. You are responsible for washing the Immortal Venerable's clothes and bedding, and cleaning the Lingyue Palace. As for you, you will boil water and cook. Occasionally, the Immortal Venerable will go there when he has the desire to eat and drink. Immortal Food Peak is here to write spiritual food. There are not many things, but it must be meticulous!"

The moon girl carefully said: "Lingyue Peak disciples have many boys and children, and they usually cultivate separately. Only the immortal has me as a maid. During this time, the immortal is retreating and recuperating. When you need it, you can listen to my orders." That's right."

"This opportunity can be said to be once in a thousand years. If you can grasp it, it is not out of the question that you will be accepted by the immortal master in the future and become a direct disciple of Lingyue Peak."

"Do you remember?"



Yang Gang and Zhao Erniu nodded together.

He couldn't help thinking: "Immortal Venerable...should be the second level of the Longtai Dharma of the Extreme Earth, the level of the Earth Immortal, right? In the future, the source of good fortune will step into the third major level of the Extreme Earth, and only then can we be called Immortal Lords."

"Immortal Monarch Wangchen..."

Yang Gang looked at the purple palace above his head, and couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation for the Lingyue Immortal Venerable he was about to meet.

Will there be two plum blossom marks on the corners of her eyebrows?
And Zhao Erniu beside her.

Looking at Yue Nu, his eyes were full of gratitude.

This big sister gave her a chance to eat enough, she can practice in the future, and she won't be bullied again. She is really a good person!
at last.

The three came to the purple palace.

Yuenu took the two of them to salute the palace.

Then he lowered his head and said, "Honorable Immortal, Yuenu has brought two new servants. Do you want to see the honorable Immortal?"


A soft voice sounded.

With a 'creak' sound, the main hall of Lingyue Palace suddenly opened.

At the end of the palace, there was a dignified and majestic woman in a luxurious purple robe.

Looking at them from afar.

"Meet the Immortal Venerable."

The three hurriedly bowed.

Yang Gang's gaze swept across her face.

My heart is strange.

This Fairy Lingyue didn't even have a plum blossom mark on her face.

Zhao Erniu didn't have it on her face, and neither did she, it's really strange!

Immortal Lingyue looked at Yang Gang and Zhao Erniu quietly.

half an hour.

He opened the mouth and said, "These two people have good qualifications. If they succeed in cultivation in the future, they can be included in my Lingyue Peak as an exception. For the time being, you should teach them well..."

"Yes, Immortal Venerable."

Moon Girl bowed her head respectfully.

"If you have nothing to do, go down. You still have injuries on your body, and you need to cultivate a lot."

"Thank you Xianzun."

When Yuenu heard the words, she immediately showed a flattered expression.

The majestic gate of the purple palace slammed shut.

Lingyue Xianzun continued to retreat and recuperate.

"Let's go."

Yue Nu said with a full smile.

It seemed that she was very happy to have the concern of the immortal.

the next few days.

Yang Gang and Zhao Erniu began to get familiar with the things on the mountain, took over various chores from Yuenu, and served Lingyue Xianzun.

In fact, it is said to serve, they don't even have a chance to get close.

The person who really served Lingyue Xianzun personally was the moon girl in the realm of Yuanshen.

It's just that she was busy recovering from her injuries, and left many chores that belonged to her to Yang Gang and Zhao Erniu.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for two ordinary people to rise to the top and get this opportunity to serve by the side of the immortal?

The duo also got new names.

Immortal Master Lingyue felt that their names did not match those of Qinglingdongtian and other worldly fairy mountains, so he gave them new names, one was Yang Pingxin and the other was Zhao Lingyi.


The two settled down completely in Lingyue Peak.

Yang Gang also gradually found out the reason for the previous battle in Qinglingdongtian.

Everything started from a 'Zuo Wang Tian Monument'.

Not bad.

Sitting on the monument.

This treasure is said to have been left behind by the Immortal Zuo Wang thousands of years ago.

Spread since ancient times.

Those who are destined to get it, and understand the Dao, can become the next sitting and forgetting fairy.

This point seems to be different from the Beihan Tribulation Stele in the Northland.

Although there are several immortals in Qingling Cave who have obtained the status of Earth Immortal, they are all far away from the position of Immortal Lord.

Ten years ago, they got this treasure and naturally regarded it as a treasure.

And their opponent is named 'Han Tian Xianzong'.

Although it does not have the name of Dongtian, the younger generation has emerged in large numbers over the years, and its strength has greatly increased, and it is not far from Qingling Dongtian.He is the leader of all the immortal sects in Qingling Tianyu except Qingling Dongtian.

A year ago, the news leaked.

Half a month ago, the Hantian Immortal Sect joined hands with the other three major Immortal Sects in the Qingling Tianyu to attack the Qingling Cave, forcing them to hand over the Sitting Monument.

Qingling Dongtian naturally refused, and the two sides fought.Several immortals in Qingling Cave came out together, and the mountains and rivers in this area were turned upside down, and countless peaks fell.

Finally, with a tragic victory, the four great immortal sects were forced to join forces.

"Sure enough, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!" Yang couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Qinglingdongtian has obtained the Zuowangtian Monument, which has become a favorite in the eyes of the surrounding forces.

Using all the strength of the entire cave, it was nothing but a miserable victory.

The future must be precarious and the situation is critical.

But at this time, due to destiny, a son of destiny must stand up, carry the banner, turn the tide, and lead Qinglingdongtian to resist the enemy.

So, who will be the child of destiny?
Yang Gang immediately thought of Jiang Jiang's past life, the future 'Wangchen Xianjun'.

Whether it's Lingyue Xianzun or Zhao Lingyi beside him.

this life.

He should just practice silently and wait for the boss to lead him to fly.

A while later.

Yang Gang and Zhao Erniu obtained the exercise "Qingling Daojing" issued by Qingling Dongtian, and began to embark on the road of practice.

That Zhao Erniu...

Well, it should be called Zhao Lingyi now.

She is indeed of extraordinary aptitude, and she shined brilliantly from the very beginning of practicing the Qingling Taoist Sutra, and she made rapid progress. In just half a month, she has almost completed the satin bone stage.

But what everyone doesn't know is.

On the surface, Yang Gang practiced the "Qingling Dao Jing", but his progress was slow, but in fact he secretly practiced the Art of Slashing Hearts... ten days of satin bone, five days of opening the veins, and three days of golden body.

This practice, which uses emotions to promote cultivation, does not require too many resources.

Practicing in Lingyue Peak, where there is plenty of celestial energy, his cultivation speed is much faster than Zhao Lingyi's!

The only problem he needs to face in the future is, Zhanqing asked how to get through that level, so as to gather the primordial spirit, and then step into the fairyland.

"I have nothing to worry about in this life, so it shouldn't be a problem if I come to a specious desperation, right?" Yang Gang thought silently.

this day.

An astonishing news spread throughout Qingling Cave.

Several immortal venerables jointly made a major decision, and they wanted to open the Sitting Wangtian Monument to everyone in the Qingling Cave, so that the disciples in the sect could learn and practice.

Whoever can realize a thing or two from it can be accepted as a true disciple, and from then on, he will rise to the top and be vigorously cultivated by the Xianzong.

Even the identities of Yang Gang and Zhao Lingyi's servants were given a chance to observe.

Zhao Lingyi was so happy that he jumped three feet high.

The ten-year-old girl threw herself into Yang Gang's arms, jumping and jumping happily.

"Big brother, I will definitely succeed, right?"

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