I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 120 Wonderland supernatural powers, young fairies

Qingling Dongtian has a vast territory.

Hundreds of mountains and thousands of peaks, scattered tens of thousands of disciples.

The Zuowangtian Monument is erected at the core of Qinglingdongtian, on a plain more than ten miles wide called 'Qingheyuan'.

During this period of time, Zhao Lingyi was very close to Yuenu, coquettishly borrowed a flying boat from her, and the two of them flew for half an hour before reaching Qingheyuan.

At this time, the place was already crowded with disciples from Qinglingdongtian.

Yang Gang and Zhao Lingyi were dressed as servants, making them stand out in the crowd.

However, there is no such thing as being looked down upon and pretending to be slapped in the face.

The two sat in a corner, quietly waiting for batches of personnel to rotate.

After half a day, it was finally their turn.

"You only have one hour to comprehend, go." said the law enforcement disciple of Qinglingdongtian who maintained order.

Holding the order talisman, the two went forward and sat down under the Zuo Wang Tian Monument.

The hundred-foot-tall Zuowangtian Monument is several circles larger than the Beihan Jie Monument back then.

Yang Gang estimated that he would not be able to carry it in this life.

Immediately, he began to comprehend in peace and stability.

From time to time, exclamations came from around, as if some disciples had comprehended a remarkable skill from it.

Yang Gang stared at the tall Zuo Wang Tian Monument, meditating silently.

In the Northland, the Beihan Stealing Stele can make people comprehend the exercises, because of the rhyme of sitting and forgetting the Tao on it, it can make people who have awakened the previous life remember some previous lives, and even the exercises of the previous life in advance.

It is equivalent to advance payment.

The same is true for Zuo Wang Tian Bei.

The rhyme of Zuowang Dao on it is many times stronger than that of Beihan Jiebei.

From time to time, people around directly awakened their previous lives, and then comprehended various miraculous exercises, and there were constant exclamations.

"But...doesn't it have any sequelae if we overthrow the seedlings and encourage them to grow?"

Yang Gang couldn't help but have some doubts.

It's been a long time.

He seems to be gradually sinking into the rhyme of sitting and forgetting the Tao, forgetting time, space, and everything around him...

He even forgot that he didn't actually have a previous life.

A person without a previous life cannot comprehend any exercises from the Zuo Wang Tian Bei.


Yang Gang was in the endless dao rhyme of sitting and forgetting, and seemed to sense something in the dark.

That is the purest form of forgetfulness.

He seemed to be floating in a sea of ​​mortal misery, being slapped and propelled by the waves of the power of sitting and forgetting, and gradually came to the end of a sea of ​​suffering.


He seemed to see a figure on the bank, practicing a knife.

Sit and forget a knife.

That saber technique seems to be the same as his Zuo Wang Yi Dao, but it is completely different.

Looking closely, the figure on the shore is clearly himself!


Yang Gang's Zuo Wang Yi Dao uses Zhen Gang and Yuanshen to promote the artistic conception of Zuo Wang, and its influence is external.But the 'he' on the shore seems to use the power of heaven and earth to force Zuo Wang to strike.

Zuo Wang Dao rhyme is natural, without a trace of acquired carving.

"Is this... a fairyland supernatural power?"

A flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Yang Gang's heart.

"This figure is me... and not me!"

"Or, this is another me that may exist after stepping into the fairyland in the future!"

"The Art of Slashing Love, the Way of Sit and Forget... It's really evil!"

He sat quietly.

A strange breath suddenly flashed around, like the clouds are calm and the wind is breezy, and it seems to be completely enlightened.

Just like the countless disciples of Qingling Dongtian.

Under the Zuowangtian Monument, Yang Gang...enlightened.

But different from others, what he realized was a magical power, a magical power that belonged to the fairyland.

With the heart of the world, cut and forget a knife.


With his current strength in this life, he can't cut this knife at all.


This sword in the fairyland, with a sword that has already entered the fairyland, he may not be able to cut it in his life.

This is wonderland supernatural powers.

If you don't enter the fairyland... Once you use the knife, you will definitely die.

But if he cuts out this decisive knife, with the power of severing love and desire and forgetting the world of mortals accumulated in his life, it will definitely be earth-shattering.

Life without a knife.

When the knife comes out, ghosts and gods are shocked.

"Huh... What a fairyland, a knife, a life-threatening knife! A life, a knife. The savings of a lifetime... just for this knife. It is so suitable for my life!"

Yang Gang let out a breath of foul air slowly, and opened his eyes.

He looked at Zhao Lingyi who was beside him.

The ten-year-old girl was staring at the Baizhang Zuowangtian Monument with wide-eyed eyes.

He looked at her sluggish and bewildered look.

Yang Gang couldn't help asking with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Big brother... I... I don't seem to understand anything. I... I failed..."

Zhao Lingyi looked like she was about to cry.

"When I saw this stele, my mind went blank! Brother, is Er Niu stupid?"


Yang Gang couldn't help being surprised.

Zhao Lingyi, who was suspected to be the second reincarnation of Immortal Zuo Wang, didn't realize anything?

This is a bit too strange.

The dao rhyme of the Zuowangtian Monument was activated by several immortals in Qingling Cave, and revealed to the outside, and all the disciples present have gained more or less.

Even Yang Gang, who has no previous life, has realized the way of sitting and forgetting in advance because of practicing the heart-cutting formula.

How could Zhao Lingyi's mind go blank...

and many more!

The way to sit and forget!

It is because I have not comprehended anything that I perfectly fit the way of sitting and forgetting!

Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.

Zuowang Xianjun is you, so you didn't run away!
This Zhao Lingyi should be the same as himself, a person with 'no previous life'.

The difference between the two is that one is that there is really no past life in this world, and the other is that due to the way of sitting and forgetting, one has completely forgotten his past life.

and so.

Yang Gang realized the real "Zuo Wang Yi Dao", the supernatural power in the fairyland.

Zhao Lingyi realized the way of sitting and forgetting, but because of the special way of sitting and forgetting, she didn't know anything and forgot everything!


Thinking of this, Yang Gang rubbed the little girl's hair.

He comforted him: "Who said that if you can't comprehend something, you won't be able to become a strong man in the future? There are still many people in this world who can't awaken their previous lives. Aren't they still able to achieve the primordial spirit or even the fairyland with their own hard work in this life?"


Zhao Lingyi looked up at Yang Gang with a bewildered expression.

"What I mean is that awakening the previous life is the same as comprehending the fairyland avenue from the Wangtian Monument. It is just for a person to gain some experience and understanding in advance."

Yang Gang crazily poured chicken soup for Zhao Lingyi's soul, "As long as you have perseverance and talent, you can succeed in this life without relying on these!"

"oh, I see……"

Zhao Lingyi was thoughtful, and gradually smiled again.

at the same time.

In Lingyue Peak.

Lingyue Xianzun and Yuenv stood in the hall, quietly looking at the moonlight water mirror in front of them, and the scene of Yang Gang and Zhao Lingyi's conversation at this time emerged.

"This child can comfort people."

Immortal Venerable Lingyue, wearing a purple robe fluttering, said softly.


Yue Nu respectfully stood aside, not daring to answer easily.

She really didn't understand why these two humble servants got the attention of the immortal.

At this time.

Immortal Lingyue withdrew his gaze.

He calmly ordered: "When they come back, you will announce. Zhao Lingyi's aptitude is extraordinary, and he has been promoted to a true disciple of Lingyue Peak."


Yue Nu looked stunned.

Extraordinary qualifications?

This Zhao Lingyi, who obviously didn't realize any skills from the Sitting Wangtian Tablet, why was he promoted to a true disciple?From the body of a servant, jumping several levels...

"Could it be that you have an opinion?" Fairy Lingyue said quietly.

"The moon girl dare not."

With a chill in her heart, Yuenv suddenly lowered her head.

She couldn't see the expression of Lingyue Xianzun in front of her, but felt a strong sense of suffocation welling up in her heart.

Since Ten Years ago, Xianzun obtained this Monument of Sitting Wangtian from outside, his temperament has become more and more eccentric...

Wait for the moon girl to leave.

Lingyue Xianzun continued to look at the moonlight water mirror with deep and far-sighted eyes.

the next day.

Yuenu summoned all the disciples of Lingyue Peak, and publicly announced that Zhao Lingyi became the true disciple of this generation, and also the first true disciple after the Zuowangtian Monument was opened.

Qingling Dongtian will open up a Zuowang Peak, and Zhao Lingyi will be promoted to the first true biography of Zuowang Peak, with a transcendent status!
This statement came out.

Suddenly set off a stormy sea, shocked countless people.

Everyone who heard it widened their eyes.

A little girl who was only in the realm of bone casting turned out to be a true disciple of Qinglingdongtian.

Even, a peak was specially created in the cave to make her the only true disciple!
Followed by all kinds of gossip.One by one, unconvinced people appeared in Lingyue Peak, trying to challenge Zhao Lingyi's true inheritance position.

Immortal Lingyue put down his words.

It is okay to challenge, but not to bully the small.

Whoever can beat Zhao Lingyi can take her place and become the first true disciple of Zuowang Peak.

She seemed to have absolute confidence in Zhao Lingyi.

for this matter.

Yang Gang was also surprised.

For a moment, my thoughts were running wild, and I couldn't help but speculate a little more about this Lingyue Immortal Venerable who had been excluded for a long time.

But Zhao Lingyi, who was only ten years old, fell into panic.

Has she ever experienced such a scene when she was still young?

From then on, Yang Gang found that Zhao Lingyi seemed to be completely enlightened, and he could learn everything at once, and he could understand everything.

Gradually, it began to soar into the sky, blinding everyone's life.

She didn't awaken any previous life, and she meditated in front of the Zuo Wang Tian Bei every day, but she didn't comprehend any exercises from the Tian Bei.

It's just that every time she comes down, her aptitude and understanding seem to be greatly improved.

Ten days to open the veins, five days to become a golden body...

Then follow the will of Lingyue Xianzun, comprehend hundreds of exercises, and learn by analogy.Three months later, she condensed her true strength, and defeated all the heroes in the annual contest held by contemporary disciples of Qingling Dongtian with a sword flying into the sky.

The same life as opening and hanging completely amazed everyone!In this life, she is different from Zhao Ling and does not need anyone's protection.


She is already invincible under the realm of Yuanshen.

It can even compete with some Yuanshen realms.

Zhao Lingyi became the proud son of Qingling Cave, and was cultivated as a fairyland seed.

She has completely deviated from her original life trajectory, and her status has gradually become unattainable.


Three years have passed.

The 13-year-old Zhao Lingyi ascended to Yuanshen and comprehended all the exercises of Qinglingdongtian.

Under the fairyland, there is no rival.

Now she is like a young fairy who is tall and high, her expression and temperament have been cultivated to become more and more cold.

Perhaps the only thing that remains the same is her relationship with Yang Gang.

When looking at Yang Gang, the affection in his eyes almost turned into substance.

"She's only 13 years old..."

Sitting on a cliff of Lingyue Peak, Yang Gang couldn't help rubbing the center of his brows.

At this time, he has already stepped into the real world, condensing the Dao Heart of Severing Love.

It is only one step away from condensing the primordial spirit.

But his Dao Heart of Severing Love... is fake.

Didn't really achieve desperation!

Not cultivating the golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations, and using a mortal body to promote the Realm Realm to condense the Dao Heart of Severing Emotion, has made him survive several times.

This body seems to have reached its limit.

"How can I cut off the relationship..." Yang Gang sat on the edge of the cliff, lost in thought.

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