I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 121 Seven Years of Silence, One Knife Startled the World

"Zhanqing asked, sitting and forgetting a knife..."

Yang Gang pondered for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Zuo Wang in the fairyland, I can't cut it now, but what if... cut myself?"


"Anyway, it's not like I haven't died before... In the worst case, I failed, and I will do it all over again!"

"However... will this cause me to end this life directly and completely lose my relationship with the Immortal Zuo Wang?"

Yang Gang didn't know.

But this level has trapped him for a long time.

He had no choice but to give it a try.

Right now.

A streak of yellow silk suddenly fell from the sky, which was the decree of Lingyue Peak.

[Decree of Immortals: Servant Yang Pingxin, with low talent and no desire to make progress.Now that he is punished to serve in the Yingke Peak, he will not be able to...step half a step further into Lingyue Peak in this life. 】


Yang Gang was taken aback for a moment, then sneered.

"Did you really come?"

Everyone on Lingyue Peak knew about his closeness to Zhao Lingyi.

Now Zhao Lingyi has suddenly emerged and soared into the sky, becoming the treasure of Qingling Cave, the seed of fairyland.

Naturally, they couldn't allow Zhao Lingyi to stay with his despicable servant any longer, lest they be affected by Dao Xin.


Yang Gang, who was about to cut his heart and ask questions, was also happy.

I packed my bags and went down the mountain directly, walking very simply.

Afterwards, he worked as a servant to receive foreign guests in the peak of welcoming guests, and was gradually completely forgotten by people.

And Zhao Lingyi... never came to look for him again.

This is the end.

The two walked away.

There is a cold and peerless fairy Zuowang in the sky of Qingling Cave, and there is an ordinary servant who is as low as dust at the foot of Yingke Peak.

Five years later.

After the repair of the Hantian Immortal Sect, once again united with various forces to attack the Qingling Cave.

After five years of preparation, Yang Gang was finally fully prepared.

In a corner where no one cares about.

He sat cross-legged.

A power of sitting and forgetting was gathered between the brows, facing his sea-conscious soul—slashing it down with a single blow!


Earth shakes.

At this moment, the entire time and space suddenly became illusory.

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.He slashed himself on the Yingke Peak, and finally asked with emotion, and got a glimpse of the threshold of the fairyland.Evaluation: It is ruthless in the ordinary. 】

[A blue chance has been transformed. 】

[The opportunity can be retained and saved until the end of the first life.You can also choose to pick up. 】

"Are you back?" Yang Gang couldn't help being taken aback.

In his previous life, he was obviously a true soul.

After Zhan Qing asked, he was also a primordial spirit, right?Why... did I have to peek at the threshold of the fairyland?
Is Zhan Qing Xin Jue so awesome!

[You participated in the study of the previous life and experienced reincarnation.Cultivate silently in the Qingling Cave, let the vicissitudes of the world stand still. 】

[Evaluation: Cultivating Taoism in the world of mortals, a glimpse of the original heart. 】

[Accumulation in previous lives transforms the power of participating in research for 70 years. 】

"Seventy... years?"

Yang Gang was even more surprised.

He obviously didn't do anything, why did the timeline of Immortal Wangchen's life span directly 70 years.

What is it that affects all this?
"Could it be... cut love?"


Then I saw that the long river of fate began to deduce.

[After cutting love, in the first year, you practiced silently, and gradually forgot about the lust in the world. 】

【the second year.The battle between Qingling Dongtian and Hantian Xianzong was temporarily suspended, and he seemed to feel a gaze silently watching from a distance.But you didn't have any reaction, since you are alive like a walking corpse, you are desperate and practice silently. 】

【fifth year.You heard that Zhao Lingyi shined in the battle, beheading countless Yuanshen masters.In the end, he was seriously injured by a Hongchen fairy.You are still indifferent...]

[The tenth year.Qingling Tianyu was completely plunged into war.The surrounding forces were coerced into joining the battlefield one after another.Qingling Dongtian retreated again and again, defending the main peaks, and you also retreated to the foot of Lingyue Peak. 】

[You often feel that a gaze on the mountain is silently watching you. 】

[But you remember the decrees of the immortals back then, and you have never stepped half a step into Lingyue Peak. 】

[No. 15 years. 】

[You have completely cut off lust, cultivated to cut off the soul, and survived the three calamities of the soul alone.Stepping half a foot into a certain mysterious and mysterious realm...]

【This year.You heard that Zhao Lingyi stepped into the fairyland, beheaded three mortal immortals by himself, and made great contributions to Qinglingdongtian.But he was seriously injured, and was taken into the mountain by Lingyue Immortal Venerable to heal his injuries...]

[No. 16 years.Lingyue Peak trembled, and Immortal Master Lingyue died inexplicably... Zhao Lingyi announced ten years of seclusion. 】

[You are still unmoved, you only know how to practice silently, and finally stepped into the realm you dreamed of. 】

[No. 20 six years. 】

[Zhao Lingyi left the customs, stepped into the realm of the earth fairy, swept Liuhe, and was invincible in the Qingling Tianyu. 】

[Since then, I have experienced more than [-] years of hard work.In the year you cut love, she finally wiped out the surrounding enemy sects and drove the Han Tian Xianzong into the Northern Cold Heaven Realm. Because of her cruel and ruthless methods, she won the title of Ruthless Immortal Venerable. 】

【And that gaze on Lingyue Peak, silently watching you every night, is gone...】

【You are still indifferent. 】

Yang Gang quietly watched the derivation of the long river of fate, and felt a palpitation inexplicably.

"What exactly did Zhao Lingyi experience on Lingyue Peak?"

Severing love heart formula, sitting and forgetting the fairy scriptures... Slashing love and asking, exile in the world of mortals...

This technique is too evil!
Do you really want to practice?

at the same time.

Jiang Jiang in Yang's residence was dressed in snow-white obscene clothes.

She was sitting on the bed with her knees hugged in a daze, her expression was sweet at times, at times she seemed to be thinking of something, and a shyness flashed in her eyes.

Right now.

Her face suddenly changed.

He tightly covered his heart.

Inexplicably felt a piercing pain.

"What's the matter...why is this happening?" Jiang Jiang held his heart in his hands with a dazed expression on his face.

On her body, a sense of mortal aura became stronger and stronger.

However, Jiang Jiang himself didn't seem to feel anything.

Changting Street Courtyard.

Yang Gang rubbed his eyebrows.

[Time is long, love cut No. 70 years. 】

[Zhao Lingyi repelled the powerful enemy's Qinglingdongtian, but it showed signs of decline.An immortal master fell inexplicably, and the disciples in the sect became more and more powerless...]

[And at this time. 】

[The Hantian Immortal Sect has made a comeback, this time, they brought all the fairylands in the Northern Cold Heaven Region. 】

[More than a dozen immortals shot together, dragging Zhao Lingyi into an unprecedented desperate situation.The disciples of the Qingling Cave suffered heavy losses, and the Wangtian Monument was robbed...]

【You still sit idly by. 】

【Until... a fairy sword fell on top of your head. 】

[Seventy years of ups and downs in the world, you understand that in this life, you will not be able to survive after all. 】

The memory is finally over.

Memories of 70 years flowed in Yang Gang's mind.

He rubbed the center of his brow, feeling a little sad.

Zhao Lingyi, a pretty good little girl.

But in his heart, she was just a little sister worth protecting.Even in Jiang Jiang's previous life, it was very difficult for him to have a romantic relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

According to the deduction of Changhe's fate, the first change she will experience may be related to the mysterious Lingyue Immortal Venerable.

Immortal Venerable Lingyue died.

Zhao Lingyi no longer paid him any attention.

The second one, I'm afraid it was also affected by the Zuo Wang Tian Monument.

It's a pity that some things are destined to have been swept into the dust of history.He wanted to know what he found at that time, so he had to go to the past life of Immortal Wangchen to ask Zhao Lingyi.

There was a cock crowing outside the window.

Yang Gang turned his head to look, it turned out that he had been sitting for a whole night without realizing it.

The sky outside the window is already bright.

days thereafter.

Yang Gang did not re-enter the previous life of the 'Wangchen Immortal', but silently digested the memories of those 70 years, and realized that magical power that was enough to shake the world and weep ghosts and gods-the magical power of the fairyland, sitting and forgetting a knife.

And Jiang Jiang didn't show up either.

After the impulsive kiss that night, she seemed a little afraid to face Yang Gang.

Until half a month later.

Yang Gang finally digested the memory of 70 years thoroughly.

Also on this day, Jiang Jiang came.

She brought two messages.

Doubu is going to attack Qinglingdongtian, and God Doumu will personally command it.

And Jiang Jiang will also join the battle as one of the pioneers.


Yang Gang looked surprised and couldn't help but hold Jiang Jiang's hand.

"Is it dangerous?" he asked.

"Hmm, it's okay." Jiang Jiang's tense body froze, and he explained: "Qinglingdongtian has long since fallen, and now there is only one immortal, a few mortal immortals. There is Doumu Shenjun sitting in the town... …should not be dangerous."

"Well, that's good." Yang Gang heaved a sigh of relief.

The first battle of the eight new establishments.

Doumu Shenjun is even more of an immortal monarch, and the Doubu's all-out move this time is probably about to show off its prestige!


Yang Gang thought for a while, and asked, "Have you awakened from the past life of Xianjun Zuowang?"


Jiang Jiang was taken aback by the question, which seemed very strange.

"I just awakened my previous life, how could I awaken my second life so quickly."

Yang Gang nodded silently, with some suspicions in his heart.

Could Jiang Jiang... have awakened his previous life, but forgot it.

Like Zhao Lingyi, because of the sutra of sitting and forgetting, she actively forgot the past life full of the power of sitting and forgetting.

Or maybe it's because her Burning Soul III has completely burned the memory of the Zuowang Xianjun in the previous three lives into a blank?
Sitting Forget Immortal Monarch, Burning Soul III...

If it was a coincidence, it would be too much of a coincidence!
"However, I have obtained some information from the Doubu regarding Zuo Wang Xianjun." Jiang Jiang said again at this time.

"Is it related to the Qingling Cave?" Yang Gang laughed.


Jiang Jiang nodded, "The Qingling Cave is the place where I became enlightened in my previous life."

"Then you..." Yang Gang hesitated.

"Don't worry. I have nothing to worry about." Jiang Jiang shook his head.

"The current Qingling Dongtian is no longer the Qingling Dongtian in the past. Because of the Zuowangtian Monument... After the disappearance of the Zuowangtian Monarch and the Zuowangtian Monument, the disciples of the Qingling Dongtian became obsessed with love and desire. Practicing the way of forgetting one's feelings too much has already entered the wrong path."


Yang Gang said in his heart, 'Sure enough'.

At that time, Qinglingdongtian made people comprehend the sequelae of sitting and forgetting the monument.

Now Jiang Jiang, the person who once saved Qinglingdongtian... put an end to all of this with his own hands.Perhaps it is the fulfillment of the phrase 'cause and effect cycle, all have retribution'.

Those immortals in Qinglingdongtian back then were not good things either!

"What about the second news?" Yang Gang asked.

"The little white dragon of Xingyue Island has achieved a fairyland." Jiang Jiang said cleanly.

"So fast?"

Yang Gang was a little surprised.

"Yes. The old Dragon King spared no resources this time, just to get back his face before you step into the fairyland."

A trace of worry flashed in Jiang Jiang's eyes, and he said, "I'm afraid Xingyue Island's letter of war will be delivered in a few days. When the time comes..."

At that time, Yang Gang and Ao Bai will be of the same generation, the mythical arrogance in Qingyun Pavilion.

Is this gauntlet accepted... or not?

Yang Gang is still in the Realm of Realm now, even if he can step into the Yuanshen... This battle is very hanging in the eyes of outsiders.

Do not pick up.

It is not shameful, nor is it a glorious thing, to say that the mythical Tianjiao avoids fighting in the fairyland.

In this way, the goal of Xingyue Island has been achieved.

"Do not worry."

Yang Gang patted Jiang Jiang's hand.

If it was before this, he might still have some scruples.

But now he has comprehended that kind of fairyland supernatural power, and has many experiences of stepping into the primordial spirit.

A small dragon in the wonderland of the East China Sea...

A cold look flashed in Yang Gang's eyes.

I'm afraid you haven't tasted the feeling of being skinned and cramped, have you?

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