I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 122 Slashing 1 Dragons with 5 Sword, Enlightenment of Qingyun Pavilion

Sure enough.

the next day.

A letter of war was sent from Xingyue Island in the East Sea to Shengjing not far away.

Five horned dragons came from the East China Sea, flying clouds and spreading rain with great momentum.

The leader Qiulong held the letter of war in his mouth, and threw it in front of the Hongchen Diaoyu shop.

Opening his mouth, he said loudly, "On the second day of February, on the bank of the East China Sea, in the Longmen Grottoes, Ao Bai on Xingyue Island challenged the Great Zhou Tianjiao—the sword demon Yang Gang, and he will never die!"

Yang Gang stood in front of the shop.

He reached out to catch the falling gauntlet, with a sneer on his face.

The sky in Shengjing was changing, and it started to rain lightly.

The entire capital city heard the horned dragon's voice, and there was an uproar.

The Dragon Clan of Xingyue Island is so fanatical, they want to challenge the new mythical arrogance!In a place like Shengjing... are they crazy?
Right now.

Suddenly, a sword light rose from the northwest corner of the holy capital, like a meandering snake in the rain, flying to the top of the five horned dragons.

The sword light snake around.


Five ferocious dragon heads flew into the air, and the dragon's blood rained down on the ground.

"If you disturb the important place of Shengjing, you should be killed." The calm voice contained endless evil spirit.

Yang Gang looked up to the northwest of Shengjing.

Qingyun Pavilion?

After so many days passed, it was time for me to report to Qingyun Pavilion.


He looked at the Dragon Clan War Book in his hand with serious eyes.

"February [-], does the dragon raise its head?"

As soon as I entered the fairyland, I couldn't wait to die.Really worthy of being... the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea!

The wind and rain in the sky gradually subsided.

Yang Gang stood quietly in front of the door.

The road in front of the store was stained red with dragon blood, and no one around dared to approach here.

Until the end of the street came a figure slowly.

The visitor is wearing a bamboo hat and a coir raincoat.

Holding a slender bamboo sheath sword in his hand.

Like a quack killer, a swordsman who doesn't touch his body.

He walked slowly to Yang Gang.

Yang Gang's eyes fell on the sword of the visitor, and his expression moved slightly.

"How about this sword?" The visitor asked quietly.

The voice was the same as before, the mysterious man who cut five dragons with a single sword in the sky.

"Good sword."

Yang Gang clasped his fists in salute, "Yang Gang, I have met Senior Brother Qingyun Pavilion."

"Li Jin."

The swordsman in coir raincoat calmly announced his name.

Yang Gang was suddenly surprised: "20 years ago, Qingyun Zhengdu No.1, Drizzle Sword Immortal, Li Jin?"

"It's Drizzle Swordsman." Li Jin corrected.


He said lightly: "Qingyun is number one, I am not as good as you."

At that time, he swept everything on Qingyun Ferry, and finally made the holy king fall into a talisman, and the road to Qingyun was revealed.

Li Jin climbed on the clouds, but lost in the second pass.

Compared with Yang Gang, the Qingyun youth personally recognized by the Qingyun class, he is indeed much worse.

"Brother Li was joking."

Yang Gang moved away, and wanted to invite Li to sit in the shop for a while.

Xindao was a swordsman of Xiaoyu back then, but now that he entered the fairyland, wouldn't he be a swordsman of Xiaoyu?
"No need."

Li Jin hugged Xiao Yujian in his arms, and said: "It's been more than half a month since the Qingyun battle has ended, and the dragon clan's war letter has arrived, you should go to Qingyun Pavilion for a walk."

"Yang Gang is about to go, please trouble Brother Li." Yang Gang smiled.

In the eyes of Qingyun Pavilion, it seems that he never thought that he would avoid the battle.

This is the spirit of the Mythical Chosen One, and it is also the spirit of the Heavenly Chosen Ones in Qingyun Pavilion!
They believe that people who are the same as themselves, or even better, cannot be timid.

"Well, please."

Yang Gang stretched out his hand to signal Li Jin to go first.

"Please." Li Jin nodded coldly.

The two of them stepped over five ferocious dragon heads, and then walked towards Qingyun Pavilion in the north of the city.

Qingyun Pavilion.

Located in the north of Shengjing, on a peak.

At the top of the peak stands a hundred-foot-tall building, facing the three-thousand-foot Qingyun Mountain outside the city.

There is an old man sweeping the floor in front of the door.

There are old people who are janitors, old people who grow vegetables, and old people who bask in the sun.

There are also old couples who are blushing over a small matter.

Only one young man was missing.


That aura of superiority was completely broken in Yang Gang's heart.

"This is Qingyun Pavilion?" Yang Gang was stunned.

Why is Qingyun Pavilion the same as a nursing home?

He looked at those old people carefully, and suddenly his heart trembled.He couldn't see through any of these old guys' cultivation.

"So... this is Qingyun Pavilion."

Yang Gang was stunned, followed Li Jin carefully bypassing those old people, and stepped into the Baizhang building of Qingyun Pavilion.

When his figure disappeared.

All the old guys froze suddenly.

Quietly gathered together, talking furtively.

"Old Zhao, what do you think?"

"That's right, it's half of my demeanor back then."

"Stop bragging!"

"Mythical Tianjiao has not been released for 500 years, and his future achievements are beyond the imagination of us old guys."

"Heh~~ The last mythical arrogance, didn't he die in the middle of seeking Tao?"

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense. Going deep into the domain of a hundred thousand monsters alone, trying to kill a million monsters... A Tianjiao who died young is not a Tianjiao." The old vegetable grower said: "You think, killing that little dragon this time, he wants to kill a million monsters... How many tricks do you use?"

"Three knives."

"I think five knives."

"I think one knife is enough..."

"Don't trust me, the old dragon on Xingyue Island must fully equip the little white dragon this time, it's comparable to the extraordinary mortals!"

"Then three knives."

"Heh~~~" The old man basking in the sun at the door moved the book off his face.

He looked at the golden crow jumping in the sky, and laughed silently.

"One sword? Three swords... With this kid's ferocious nature, why does the old man think that this time it's not how many swords he can cut, but how many swords he wants to cut? Xingyue Island, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea... the murder is coming, and how many times do you want to kill?" I don't know it at all!"

Step into Qingyun Pavilion.

The scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

Yang Gang is like entering a blue galaxy.

Under the feet is the void of the universe, and there is nowhere to settle.The stars in front of me are dotted, converging into a blue galaxy.


Yang Gang was a little surprised.

This Qingyun Pavilion is like a small thousand world, a cave world similar to Qingyun Road.

What you see.

On the cyan galaxy, every starlight is an illusory figure, recording a person's life.

"This is the Qingyun cabinet."

Li Jin's voice sounded beside him.

Holding the Drizzle Sword, he stood quietly in the void.

"Qingyun Pavilion has no distinction between superiors and inferiors. The Tianjiao in the pavilion are all Taoist friends. Each of them left their own Dao rhyme in Qingyun Pavilion, and discussed Taoism with martial arts, and learned from each other's strengths."

"Most of the people who leave their names in the pavilion are scattered all over the world, or enlightened in the ancient forests of fairy mountains. Or struggled in the world of mortals, feeling life..."

"Only a small number of people who have achieved the truth will be granted by the imperial court, get the name of celestial master and general, and enjoy the worship of the immortal court."

"Above the Eight Departments, outside the system, the status is detached."

Li Jin turned his head to look at Yang Gang, and said, "Now you understand why we let you open a shop outside and don't come to Qingyun Pavilion to report on your work for half a month?"

"Junior brother understands."

Yang Gang arched his hands, delighted in his heart.

He really likes the way Qingyun Pavilion works!
"Look—" Li Jin suddenly stretched out his hand.

All of a sudden, the sky was full of blue stars, falling from the sky.

Turned into the appearance of a book.

"Entering the Qingyun Pavilion, in addition to being able to go to the Qingyun Galaxy, use your own way to discuss with the sages and sages of all ages. These classics collected by the sages and predecessors for countless years are also one of my Qingyun Pavilion's heritage."

"Here are the three realms of body training, true strength, and primordial spirit. There is also a treasure book of earth treasures that point directly to the extreme fairyland of the earth. If you practice it, you can become a mortal or even a celestial being."

"These classics are all-encompassing, including the strange method of shielding armor, the technique of maneuvering and changing, the ability to open the eyes and listen to the sky, and the ability to call wind and rain..."

Li Jin looked at Yang Gang's expression and said quietly.

"so much?"

Yang Gang frowned.

Qing Yun Pavilion's skills are so rich, why is it unknown in the outside world, and there are not a few famous immortals.

At this time.

Li Jin said again:

"You have just entered the Qingyun Pavilion, you can choose three of them at will, as a way to get close."


The sky is full of stars twinkling, divided into various levels of white, cyan, blue, purple, and gold.It seems to correspond to various life ranks, quietly waiting for Yang Gang to choose.


Yang Gang looked at the sky full of stars, but didn't act immediately.

Instead, he fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Li Jin couldn't help showing a silent smile on his face hidden under the bamboo hat.


He praised in his heart, and then said: "Junior Brother Yang, do you know the difference between 'Tao' and 'Skill'?"

"Tao? Art?"

Yang Gang was taken aback by the question.

Immediately there was a loud bang in my heart, Daxueshan Demon God's Bone Casting Skill, Demon God's Nine Changes...Fentian Six Swords Fentian, Mountain Sea, Yuanshen, Zuowang, Mojie, Qingyun...and the heart-cutting formula...

These exercises are what he relies on to survive and survive.It seems to be the method that Li Jin said...

It is also the foundation of his cultivation.

But what is Tao?What is surgery?

They are both like art and Tao.


A light flashed in Yang Gang's eyes.

The figure on the Zuo Wang Tian Monument appeared in his mind, who seemed to be standing on the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, tirelessly practicing the fairyland "Zu Wang Yi Dao".

"I understand!"

His heart vibrated like a torrent of bells, rising infinitely suddenly.

Tao is art, and art is Tao.

Only by thoroughly understanding and turning the "skill" of the body into one's own perception and truth, can one achieve the original way of the fairyland.

Unable to understand the root cause, such as reading through hundreds of books but not understanding its meaning, is a 'skill'.

And the true way, manifested in the fairyland-is supernatural powers!
this moment.

Yang Gang exuded a mellow and natural Dao rhyme, which complemented each other with powerful Dao rhymes in the sky.

It caused the stars all over the sky to buzz and vibrate.

Li Jin on the side was holding the rapier, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Did you say something just now?Maybe not.

Then he didn't say anything... Why did Yang Gang realize it?

As a leading brother, did you fail a little bit?
Li Jin looked at Yang Gang, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, who had already comprehended the Dao Yun, and couldn't help but fell into a daze.

next moment.

Just heard a light scold.

Yang Gang's figure flashed, and he went straight into the void, sitting cross-legged in a cloud of blue dao rhyme.

Start to discuss the Dao with the Dao rhymes left by the sages in the blue galaxy.

With one's own Dao rhyme, and those sages who left their own Dao rhyme in the long river of Qingyun, across ancient and modern times, use theory of Dao to learn from each other's strengths.

Strands of Dao Yun began to collide violently in the Qingyun Galaxy.

Li Jin was completely at a loss.

He has stepped into fairyland?

Didn't it mean that only by reaching the fairyland can one condense the Dao rhyme and leave one's own imprint in the Qingyun Galaxy?
Time flies.

Once Yang Gang entered Qingyun Pavilion, he stayed there for half a month.

No one knows what happened inside.

Only a few old men at the door saw Yang Gang and Li Jin coming out half a month later.It was found that Li Jin was walking like falling clouds, his feet were soft, and the shock in his eyes could not be dispelled for a long time.

"Boy Li, why have you been here for so long? What did he choose?"

A group of old men gathered around.

Li Jin stared blankly at Yang Gang's leaving back.

"What did you choose... I, I don't know either."

"You do not know?"

"Why don't you know?" Everyone frowned.

"I...didn't watch it at the time." Li Jin couldn't help covering his face in shame.

"Seniors, stop asking. I want to be quiet..."


And this time.

Yang Gang returned to the store.

I asked about my mother's situation, and the sales of Hongchen fish during this period.

Then go straight back to the room.

The mind sank into the river of fate.

[Wangchen Xianjun: Three lives and three generations will never forget one person, the reincarnation of the world of mortals, just to wait for the king to return.The purple life stage (not fully awakened), can participate in research, can reverse the chaos of yin and yang, reverse reincarnation, and obtain causal opportunities. 】

[Currently you can enter the robbery chapter: Qingling kills the robbery, Hong Chen asked. 】

The purple light dissipated.

Yang Gang raised his head.

Looking at the top of his head quietly, a fairy sword fell like a meteor.

"February [-], it's not far away."

"After cutting out this knife, I should set off for the East China Sea."

"This knife... If it was half a month ago, I still don't have much confidence."

"And now..."

Yang Gang silently picked up a hatchet from the ground.

Strands of dazzling sharpness gradually condensed on the hatchet made by Fan Tie.

70 years of silence.

70 years without a knife.

Life. Only one knife.

With one strike, the ground fell apart from the sky, making the gods howl in horror.

all of a sudden.

The figures of countless people fighting subconsciously raised their heads.

Then I saw a horrifying light of a red dust knife emerging from the foot of Lingyue Peak, piercing the sky of Qinglingdongtian in an instant.

The figures of immortal gods turned their heads in astonishment.

Look towards the foot of Lingyue Peak.

"A... Red Dust Immortal?"

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