I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 123 Shocking 1 knife, the catastrophe of immortals and gods.

It turns out that under Lingyue Peak, there is actually a Hongchen Fairy hidden!

Seeing the figure of Yang Gang standing up, the world knew that the old man who had been silent for nearly a hundred years under the Yingke Peak... was actually a fairy of the world!

"Heh~~ A mere mortal fairy, dare to stand up at this time?"

"Qinglingdongtian has been dead for so many years, and there is still a mortal fairy hidden?"

"Don't pay attention to him, hurry up and kill the Ruthless Immortal Venerable Zhao Lingyi!"

All the immortals in the sky were about to turn their heads.

At the foot of the mountain, a saber light suddenly crossed a mysterious arc and landed on the head of an immortal.

"Uh, this..."

A head was thrown high.

Countless people looked at the sky in shock, their eyes shocked.

What about the Red Dust Immortal?

When the light of the knife wiped the neck of the first immortal, everyone fell into silence.

Yang Gang used his sword technique to tell the world that the immortals of the world...can also kill the immortals of the earth.

This is a knife that has been silent for 70 years and has never been shown in front of the world.

This is the supreme swordsman of the Northland, the most brilliant sword in his life.


One after another, the immortals of the earth and the immortals of the world are facing a formidable enemy.

However, that saber light did not stop because of this.

Zhao Lingyi, who was besieged in the sky, suddenly lowered her head and stared blankly at the figure at the foot of the mountain.

Right now.

Yang Gang's plain voice rang in the ears of Zhao Lingyi and everyone in Qinglingdongtian.

"Sister Lingyi, big brother will teach you one last move. In your life, you can abandon everything and concentrate on practicing. You can forget everything and me, but..."

"You have to remember, you can't forget yourself. You can't forget why you came to this world for a while."

"Cultivation, practice. It's for cultivating the self. If you forget yourself, then the practice in this life will completely lose its meaning."

"I see clearly..."

"This knife is for 'forgetfulness'. Then...extreme love."


I saw a saber light that seemed to be the most splendid in the world, smearing across the neck of an immortal.At this moment, everyone could only stare blankly, unable to resist, unable to react... let alone describe the style of this knife.

Forget about love first, and then... over love?
Zhao Lingyi had a calm and lonely expression.

At this moment, it seemed like a pool of clear water, suddenly rippling.

The light of the knife wiped across the necks of the ten immortals and the necks of the mortals one by one, like the most splendid rainbow left in the world.

At the same time, it was deeply imprinted into Zhao Lingyi's deep eyes.

Like a imprint of Dao rhyme, it will be unforgettable for a lifetime....

"Today I will let you see the difference between Taoism and art, reason and law, immortal law and supernatural power."

The heads of the fairyland flew up one after another, and everyone was terrified, but they found that they had no ability to resist in the face of such a knife!

This knife exhausted all the strength in Yang Gang's body.

The sum of accumulated energy in one life is no less than any Earth Immortal's all-out blow.

Compared with Li Jin's sword slashing five dragons in Shengjing, it is like the light of fireflies competing with the sun and the moon.

Standing at the foot of Lingyue Peak, the middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life quickly aged, his black hair turned into strands of white hair, his resolute face became haggard, and his straight waist gradually bent.

Yang Gang sighed silently in his heart, "In the last life, you were desperate for me and burned your soul at all costs for the third life.In this life, let me break my body and burn everything for you! '

Life without a knife.

One knife...just for one person.

This knife was extremely brilliant, burning all the strength and emotion of his life, pouring into it.

This knife turns into a sitting and forgetting, and enters the world of mortals.

This knife went from ruthless to sentient.

It amazed the world, passed in front of everyone's eyes, and then disappeared into the distant sky.

After the stunning knife passed.

The entire Qingling Cave was completely silent.


All the immortals above the fairyland are dead!

Today——not the calamity of the Qingling Cave, but a calamity of immortals!
Under Lingyue Peak.

An old figure gradually faded away.

In the blink of an eye, it dissipates between heaven and earth, without leaving a trace of dust or nostalgia.

In the sky.

Only Zhao Lingyi was left staring blankly at the empty foot of the mountain under Lingyue Peak.

Muttering to himself: "Big brother?"

"Big brother……"

A cold and unparalleled figure fell from the sky, and Zhao Lingyi stood blankly at the place where Yang Gang disappeared.

"Big brother, why did you do this..." She bit her lip.

At this moment, endless remorse and self-blame.

And countless emotions buried deep in her heart suddenly flooded into her heart like a tide.

"Lingyi has not forgotten you, has not forgotten you..."

"Why...why are you so stupid?"

"Why don't you believe in Lingyi? Why don't you believe in Er Niu? Why... throughout his life, Lingyi has never forgotten you! Lingyi really didn't intend to snub you!"

"Why did it become like this? Why!" Zhao Lingyi looked up to the sky and cried out in grief, as drops of crystal tears rolled down her upturned face.

The Immortal Venerable who was once aloof, suddenly looked like a little girl in the mortal world at this moment.

His feet went limp, and he collapsed on the ground where Yang Gang was standing before he disappeared, with tears streaming down his face.

The emotions that had been frozen for decades collapsed at this moment.

"Big brother woooooo...don't leave me! I don't want you to leave me! Even in the future, I can only watch you silently on Lingyue Peak forever...Big brother, I beg you, please Please don't leave me, okay?"

"Spirit... Please..." The girl was crying, just like when she was ten years old.

As if back in the past, the helpless little girl who followed Yang Gang behind.


Heaven and earth are silent.

The breeze blew across the mountain, taking away the last ray of dust left by Yang Gang.

Zhao Lingyi froze in place.

A sense of surprise rose in my heart.

There is no one in this world who can respond to her 'big brother'.

"Ah—why is this happening!" Zhao Lingyi suddenly looked up to the sky and cried out mournfully, like crazy.

A head of black hair turned reddish brown in an instant.

"I hate!"

"I hate it so much!"

"Damn Zuo Wang Tian Bei, why did you give me this love disaster!"

"70 years, I made him wait for 70 years!"

"Why!!! Why is it 70 years, why can't I see through the love disaster in 70 years!"

"Why... I can't break the fate of sitting on the Wangtian Monument! Why!!!"


The hundred-foot-tall Monument of Zuowangtian buzzed and trembled, and turned into countless fragments, and turned into strands of Taoist rhyme in the sky, which merged into Zhao Lingyi's body.

She froze in place.

for a long time.

A smirk gradually appeared on his cold face.

"You want to assimilate me?"


"Big brother said that man will conquer heaven..."

"I control my own life!"


The mournful cry echoed in the sky of Qingling Cave.

Yang Gang's eyes darkened.

Completely lost consciousness.

Time and space trembled, and everything became illusory and blurred at this moment.

when he opened his eyes.

I went back to my room in the small courtyard on Changting Street.

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.After 70 years of silence, he slashed a shocking sword at the foot of Yingke Peak, and glimpsed the way of love in the ruthless.Forget about love first, and then be extremely emotional. 】

[Evaluation: Shocking. 】

[A purple chance has been transformed. 】

[Currently there is one (blue) and one (purple) karmic opportunity left, which can be claimed at any time. 】

"Shocking the world..." Yang Gang remained silent.

The emotions in my heart seem to have been slightly affected by my experience in Xianjun Zuowang's previous life.

It took a long time to calm down.

Then he remembered his last knife.

That knife was his life's savings, and it was indeed a world-shattering knife, astonishing beyond comparison.


If you use all your strength to cut out this fairyland, the enemy will die, and so will he.

If he hadn't encountered a life-and-death situation in the future, Yang Gang would definitely not mess around in this world.

After he enters the realm of the primordial spirit, with the full power of the primordial spirit, he may be able to show the demeanor of one sword in this fairyland.

[You participated in the study of the previous life and experienced reincarnation.Comprehend the supernatural powers of the fairyland - a knife in the world of mortals.Understand the meaning of life, the meaning of Tao and art, reason and law. 】

[Evaluation: Talented. 】

[Accumulation in previous lives transforms the power of participating in research for 1000 years. 】


Yang Gang took a deep breath.

This time I was really surprised.

1000 years?

"Well, it's definitely not that simple."

With a flash of his eyes, he quietly watched the fate of Changhe begin to postpone.

[Cut Love No. 70 Years.The killing and calamity in Qinglengdongtian ended, and the ruthless immortal fused with the Zuowangtian Monument to fully understand the way of Zuowang. 】

[100 years have passed.She silently practiced the way of sitting and forgetting in Qingling Cave. 】

[200 years have passed.She silently practiced the way of sitting and forgetting in Qingling Cave. 】

[300 years have passed...]

Yang Gang watched silently.

The plain retreat, the lonely cave, reveals a kind of complete despair for the world.

He only felt a strong force of sitting and forgetting rushing towards his face.

The power of sitting and forgetting is ten times and a hundred times stronger than the way of sitting and forgetting that he cultivated from his Zhanqing Xinjue.

Therefore, it only took him 70 years to break through the way of sitting and forgetting, from ruthless to sensual.

But Zhao Lingyi has been trapped in it for 300 years, unable to break through.

Or... don't want to be broken.

Because once she breaks the way of sitting and forgetting, she will break through the ruthless state and face endless pain and regret.

[400 years have passed...]

[In the 500th year, Zhao Lingyi finally comprehended the origin of life and creation, and stepped into the realm of the fairy king. 】

【The power of sitting and forgetting all over her body has been completely transformed into the power of the world of mortals.She seems to have forgotten everything, but also seems to remember everything.Then step into the world of mortals... as if silently looking for something. 】

[Time flies, she exiles herself in the world of mortals, gradually forgetting time, space, and even herself.I only remember one name...]

[My whole life is just to find one person. 】

[It's a pity that thousands of years have passed, time is long, the world is small, there are billions of creatures in the world, and there is no one who can make her call out: 'Big Brother...']

【"Big brother, where are you..." The mournful and desperate voice resounded through the world. 】

This is the end.

The memory is completely over.

Yang Gang silently watched the star-studded Mingjie Changhe, and fell into a long silence.

a long time.

He finally let out a long sigh, feeling lost in his heart, only felt that the 1000 years of strong power of sitting and forgetting made his understanding of the way of sitting and forgetting a little deeper.

Yang Gang quickly recovered his mind.

"By the way, why did I enter Wang Xianjun's previous life this time?" He was startled suddenly.

Finally remembered his purpose this time.

Then I was taken aback.

Sit and forget the scriptures...

"I entered the past life of Immortal Zuowang to find the Sutra of Zaowang."

"But... Didn't I already know that there is no such thing as Zuo Wang Sutra in this world the moment I fused the Zuo Wang Dao Yun on the Northern Cold Stele when I was in the Northland?"

"In this world, there is only the rhyme of sitting and forgetting the Tao, but there is no Sutra of sitting and forgetting the immortals."

"Why...why do I still think about the Sutra?"

Yang Gang frowned in thought.

After tossing and turning, I finally gradually understood in my heart.

"It turns out that I was also influenced by Zhan Qing Xin Jue and Zuo Wang Dao Yun in the dark!"

"However... the 70 years of silence is worthwhile. I have figured out how to take the road after Yuanshen..."

"Zuo Wang Sutra... Isn't the "Zu Qing Xin Jue" Zuo Wang Suo?"

"Just like the comprehension in Qingyun Pavilion, the 'art' that I have thoroughly understood is my own 'Tao', which can be transformed into a fairyland supernatural power."

"In the future, when I promote the Art of Zhanqing to the Treasure of Ksitigarbha, I will be able to realize a sutra of sitting and forgetting."

"In this way, I have reached the point where the cultivation of the physical body and the primordial spirit go hand in hand!"

"You can go to the East China Sea..."

the next few days.

Yang Gang silently carves the red dust fish in the store, and sells them when he is not around.

With his current reputation, a red dust fish has been sold for a thousand taels of silver, which is already in short supply.

The Zhenbao Pavilion next to it even sold for a high price of 5000 taels.

But worldly money is nothing to some people.

What Yang Gang did was nothing more than selling the red dust fish to various classes, and even scattered them all over the Zhou Dynasty.

For the past few days, he has been searching in the river of fate.

Thousands of little fish in the world of mortals, as long as they are about 'fish', 'dragon', 'shrimp and crab', etc., or past lives with keywords such as Donghai and boy, he carefully studied them one by one.

It's just that the little girl named Zhao Lingyi is always unforgettable in my heart.


He was always inexplicable, separating her from Jiang Jiang.

It felt really weird.

Three days later.

Yang Gang went to Babu to meet Hanxiang.

"Auntie. I want you to promise me something." Yang Gang said.

"Well, tell me." Han Xiang sat quietly, surrounded by moonlight.

She seems to be very, very close to that step from the fairyland.

It's just that under her seemingly calm expression, her heart trembled because of Yang Gang's words.

'What does he want? '

Yang Gang got up suddenly and bowed solemnly to Hanxiang.

Said: "I would like to ask my aunt to promise me. During my absence, if Zhongyonghou Yang Tianyou returns to Beijing, he must not be allowed to step into the Hongchen Diaoyu shop."

"Huh?" Han Xiang was slightly taken aback, with a puzzled look on her face.

just this?

"Auntie please agree." Yang Gang said solemnly.

"Okay. I promise you." Han Xiang nodded seriously.

Yang Gang suddenly felt certain.

He believed in Hanxiang. Apart from Jiang Jiang who was not at home in this holy capital, the person he trusted the most was Hanxiang.


Yang Gang left Doubu and went to Qingyun Pavilion.

It took him half a day to come down from the mountain, and his expression seemed to be much more relaxed.

a day later.

Yang Gang was alone, so he even stayed in the shop to protect his mother with the blood-drinking magic knife.

when he walked out of the store.

Suddenly, he saw a figure leaning in front of the store.

"Brother Li?"

Yang Gang couldn't help being taken aback.

"You are..." He looked at Li Jin's appearance, with bamboo swords and coir raincoats, and a bag behind his back, as if he was about to go out.

"Go to the East China Sea." Li Jin said casually.

"Are you going too?" Yang Gang asked in surprise.

"As your guiding brother, if I don't go, what if you are bullied in the East China Sea?" Li Jin laughed.

Seeing the expression on Yang Gang's face, he immediately smiled.

"Actually, I went to Donghai to work."


"Yes. Shengjing issued an edict. The Chentang water system adjacent to the East China Sea has often had conflicts with the East China Sea people recently. Let me go to the East China Sea to serve as the gatekeeper. Not only me, but my whole family will also follow. "

"From now on, my old Li's family will probably leave this prosperous place in the holy capital and die by the East China Sea!"


Yang Gang was startled suddenly.

A flash of light flashed through his mind like lightning.

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