I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 125 Above the Dragon Gate, Warm the Wine and Slay the Dragon

Chapter 125 Above the Dragon Gate, Warm the Wine and Slay the Dragon

"Am I compared to him?"

Li Jin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled dejectedly.

"I'm far inferior to him..."

"The sword in my hand, although I have never fought against the Swordsman in the Cloud's Turning Cloud Sword. However, I once met the magician Pang Yuan on the Jiangnan Road. With just one move... I was defeated by his invincible magic fist. "

"One trick... is the magician so powerful?" Yang Gang was surprised.

In his eyes, Li Jin, who was the first to step into the fairyland as Qingyun, was already quite extraordinary.

But Li Jin couldn't make a move under the hands of the magician, and it would be the same when he met Lang Baiyun.

Unexpectedly, there is such a big gap between Qingyun No. [-]!
"Junior Brother Yang."

Li Jin suddenly said solemnly: "I hope you can understand that the fairyland... is the real beginning for us. Before being under the Yuanshen realm, it was just a small fight."

"You must not be complacent and act recklessly."

"Otherwise, the legendary genius who went deep into the demon realm and killed thousands of demons alone is a role model!"

"Yang Gang is taught."

Yang Gang clasped his fists with a serious face.

But he said in his heart: You can lose so quickly, is it possible that you haven't met that... pagoda in your life?
"Old man, serve another jug ​​of wine."

Li Jin suddenly called out.

Then look up at the sky.


"This battle between you and Ao Bai, it stands to reason that they shouldn't have come...why..."

In the sky, the two geniuses of the previous generation could touch each other.

The magician Pang Yuan was unarmed, with a grim and strange expression.

Lang Baiyun, the swordsman in the cloud, looked calm, with a cloud-like white long sword, revealing a terrifying murderous intent.

In all directions of the Longmen Grottoes, countless sword weapons were aroused by this sword intent, buzzing and trembling.

"Brother Lang, we are not here today to fight for life and death." The magician Pang Yuan said flatly.

"...Okay. I'll kill you after this matter is over." Lang Baiyun calmly put away the cloud sword.

Under the cloudless and windy look, there seemed to be endless undercurrents.

"Here comes the wine!"

On the cliff.

The old man strolled over with a jug of wine in his arms.

He put down the wine jar and asked with a smile: "Guests, it's still cold, does this wine need to be warmed?"

"Hmm..." Yang Gang was about to speak.

Suddenly saw the distant sky, suddenly lightning flashed and thundered, and the clouds rolled.

A snow-white long dragon winds its way from the wind and waves, and behind it are thousands of aquariums, shrimp soldiers and crab generals, waving flags and shouting, and the sound of drums is loud.It can be said that the momentum is huge and the ostentation is amazing.


Li Jin put the wine glass on the table for a meal.

"It's time to come."

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Gang's mouth, and an allusion suddenly came to mind.

He turned his head and asked, "Old man, may I ask how long it will take for this wine to warm up?"

"About three quarters of an hour." The old man scratched his head.

"Three quarters of an hour... is enough." Yang Gang nodded and glanced at the sky.

Then put down the wine glass and chopsticks.

Standing up suddenly, he took off the hat on his head.

Then he turned his head to the old man and said, "Please ask the old man to warm the wine for me, Yang will come whenever he goes."

"Ah... just come when you go?" The old man held the wine jar with a blank expression on his face.


When the people around heard the words, they all cast surprised eyes.

Where is he going?

I saw a slender and strong boy dressed in black, with a handsome face, and an ordinary long knife pinned to his waist.Shi Shiran stepped out of the rocky cliff one step at a time, his feet dangling in the air, as if walking on flat ground.

"Who is he? At this moment..."

Everyone stared at the young man in a daze, and walked step by step through the air, towards the Longmen Grottoes, which were so high in the sky.

A thought suddenly came to mind.

"He wouldn't just be..."

"Mythical pride——Sword Demon Yang Gang!"

"It's him? It turns out that he has already arrived!"


The sky sank in a hazy color, and gusts of gloomy wind blew inexplicably.

Everyone's bodies trembled subconsciously, and they felt an inexplicable coldness coming from their bones.

"It's the most yin and wind calamity!"

"It sure is him!"

"This sword demon... actually wants to cross the Three Tribulations of Yuanshen before the Longmen Grottoes? Then..."

"Then reversely slay the real dragon! Use the primordial spirit to slash the fairyland. Completely fulfill his reputation as the pride of heaven!"

"It's worthy of being the number one in Qingyun in 500 years, with courage and courage!" Everyone became excited.

Because of Yang Gang's actions, a surge of heroic passion could not help but surge in his heart.

"A boy should be like this! A boy should be like this!"


An angry dragon cry.

Ao Bai in the distant sky finally saw Yang Gang's appearance at this time, and immediately roared angrily.He has just been promoted to Yuanshen now... It's too contemptuous of him in this fairyland!
"To kill you, oh... do you know how much I have suffered!" Ao Bai roared angrily, stretched out his [-]-foot-long dragon body, and flew under the Longmen Grotto, entwining the ancient Dragon Gate in circles. .

A pair of huge dragon eyes stared at Yang Gang who came step by step.

In his hand, the magic knife that once cut him in two with a single knife.

"Wait, where's your knife?" Ao Bai roared suddenly.

"Kill you... why do you need a sword?"

Yang Gang came from the air, and stood in front of the Longmen Grottoes, which was a thousand feet high, speaking calmly.

In other words.

Why use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken?


Ao Bai's dragon body suddenly wrapped around the Longmen Grotto, his expression extremely angry.

Yang Gang's tiny figure stood in front of him, like an ant facing a towering tree.


These words of contempt came from the mouth of this little 'ant'.

How can this make Ao Bai, who has just entered the fairyland and is proud and arrogant, not angry?

A white flame suddenly spewed out from Ao Bai's mouth.

It is also this mouthful of white flames that announces that the Battle of Longmen has officially begun!
Crisp vibrations resounded through the sky.

The mortal knife on Yang Gang's waist appeared in front of him at some unknown time.

Holding the knife with one hand, he lightly pressed against the white flame soaring into the sky.

It is the most common steel knife in the world, with a sharp and flexible edge, and in the hands of a peerless swordsman, it may easily cut through any flesh and blood body in the world.But facing the white flame in this fairyland, it seems that it will collapse at any time.


It is also the most common long knife in the world, but it stubbornly withstood Ao Bai's fairyland dragon flame.

There was neither wind nor waves in front of Yang Gang.

At this moment, the breath of the whole body was condensed to the extreme.

Li Jin, Pang Yuan, Lang Baiyun, Ao Jiufeng... the wonderland of the audience, their eyes showed admiration.

Yang Gang's comprehension of the principles of the human world has reached the pinnacle, even far surpassing Ao Bai who has been honed in the Yuanshen realm for decades before entering the fairyland.

Even though he has only... just entered the primordial spirit.


At this time, Yang Gang was still going through the three tribulations of Yuanshen, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

The endless wind seems to be everywhere, and the golden body of the Demon God with the power of nine dragons and nine elephants can't resist the invisible wind.

The dark wind blows into his sea of ​​consciousness, and blows on that huge sun of primordial spirit.

But no matter what...it couldn't make a wave.

It's just a matter of Yinfeng Jie, but there is nothing to do with the current Yang Gang.

He raised his head and let out a soft sigh.


all of a sudden.

The clouds and mists in the sky dissipated, until the wind and wind had passed.

Since then.

Just after the wind calamity, the fire calamity came again.


Terrifying flaming yang energy descended from the clouds of fire, burning Yang Gang's body and soul crazily.

"good chance!"

Ao Bai's eyes lit up, and suddenly the dragon stretched out and flew straight towards Yang Gang.

Simultaneously spit out dragon flames from the mouth.

"Don't spray me with your saliva!"

Yang Gang frowned, showing disgust.

Then he waved his hand and it was a knife.

Layers of sword light, like mountains and seas, instantly pushed back the white flames that filled the sky.

Unable to defend himself, Ao Bai was sprayed back by his own Bai Yan, extremely embarrassed.


The sky seems to be furious.

Those clouds of Heaven and Earth Calamity seemed to see that the Pure Yang Fire Calamity could not help Yang Gang's terrifying physique at all.

Immediately, thunder rolled, and purple thunder disasters fell directly.

"That's it?"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Yang Gang's eyes.

This purple thunder calamity is called 'Pure Yang Hunyuan Thunder Tribulation'.

When he crossed the catastrophe in Bai Suqing that day, he had already experienced it.

How could the pure Yang Hunyuan Thunder Tribulation that even Bai Suqing couldn't help but make him feel pressured?


Yang Gang sighed.

Immediately, he didn't care about the thunder calamity from the sky hitting him one after another, and flew directly to kill Ao Bai.

There were bursts of cold light, and the sword was as long as yesterday.


Ao Bai in Wonderland didn't put a lot of pressure on him.

In fact, Yang Gang never paid attention to this former defeated general.

This trip to Longmen, he just wanted to use the pressure of his fairyland to let the Yuanshen Sanjie thoroughly refine his Yuanshen.

Wash away the strands of miscellaneous worldly atmosphere, and promote to perfection.


The Yuanshen Three Tribulations had come, and the huge Yuanshen Great Sun in his consciousness sea was still mottled with the miscellaneous atmosphere of the human world.

If this is the way to survive the calamity of the primordial spirit.

I am afraid that he will spend a lot of time and energy in the future to refine and grind his soul before he can step into the fairyland.

Sometimes, it is not necessarily a good thing to practice too strong a soul!


Ao Bai's body shone brightly, and a little bit of pure star power immediately merged into the dark dragon flames and sprayed towards Yang Gang.

at the same time.

The sky thundered.

He actually drove the dragon clan's ability to move clouds and distribute rain, and crazily amplified the power of thunder and calamity in the sky.

The two kinds of thunder were stacked together and fell on Yang Gang like raindrops.


He had no intention of resisting at all.

He even opened his arms and let the thunders blast into his body, with a hearty smile on his face.


Ao Bai was furious.

Yang Gang's contempt again and again made Ao Bai fall into a rage.

The dragon head turned.

It hit Yang Gang straight, and endless star power gathered between the dragon's horns.


Yang Gang still stood still.

Under the surprised eyes of countless people, Ao Bai was allowed to bump his head on top of his head.

The sky trembled, and the sea set off hundreds of feet high waves.

A sun-like primordial spirit suddenly rose above Yang Gang's head, facing the collision with Ao Bai's dragon horn.


The dazzling light seemed to explode from the sun, blinding everyone's eyes.


Above the East China Sea, all the people, immortals, and demons watching the battle were stunned.

This sword demon Yang Gang, the arrogant of the myth... what is he thinking?
why he...


Ao Bai's voice of astonishment and astonishment.

His voice was like a bell, resounding through everyone's eardrums.

"How dare you borrow the power of my consciousness to forcibly overcome the calamity of the primordial spirit to purify your own primordial spirit?"

(End of this chapter)

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