I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 126 The Dragon Gate reopens, and the devil boy enters the sea

Chapter 126 The Dragon Gate reopens, and the devil boy enters the sea

"Arrogance! It's just too arrogant! How dare you! Ah—how dare you look down on me like this!"

Ao Bai roared resentfully and finally fell into madness completely.

Above the primordial spirit, it is called divine consciousness.

The world is impressive, and the details are extreme.

It can change all things and make good fortune.

At this time, Yang Gang, with his own primordial spirit, forcibly took over the power of Ao Bai's fairyland consciousness, and the violent thunder power from the thunder calamity, and used it to refine the Dayuanshen.

This time, it was absolutely dangerous.

But Yang Gang did just that.

The humiliation caused to Ao Bai has reached the extreme!

a time.

The big sun god floating above his head spun round and round, quickly purified under the pressure of countless forces, and then washed away the mixed worldly atmosphere little by little.After a while, I saw that the big sun god exuded a sense of mellowness.


There seemed to be a reddish-brown knife light condensed between Yang Gang's brows.

He slashed at his big Japanese god.

Hongchen cut himself off with a knife!

There seemed to be a cold wind blowing between the sky and the earth.

Senhan's saber energy condensed pieces of seawater into ice.

"Ah! I killed you!"

A long snow-white dragon in the sky frantically chased and entangled Yang Gang's tiny figure.


In the eyes of everyone, Ao Bai's madness is like a frantic clown...

"Ha ha ha ha"

Yang Gang suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed.

The Dayuan God seemed to have been cut off from the last mortal fetters in the world, and turned into a ray of Zhanqing Yuanshen and sank to his forehead little by little.

Breeze blows.

The thunderclouds in the sky dissipated immediately.

It seemed that the world also knew that Yuanshen Lei Jie had no choice but to take Yang Gang.

"It's really noisy!"

Yang Gang's expression turned cold suddenly, and he swung out the long knife.

Just after being promoted to Yuanshen, an incomparably pure power of Yuanshen poured into Fantie Long Saber.

Slashed with a knife.

Fen Tian's third knife - Yuanshen.


Ao Bai roared in pain, unable to dodge the sword of the primordial spirit.

The scales on his body suddenly burst into pieces, and a long wound was bleeding profusely.


Yang Gang pursed his lips, his eyes revealing a trace of disdain.

As a fairyland, but there is no trace of fairyland means.

What is not rubbish?
He held a long knife in one hand and put the other behind his back.

Indifferently said: "The mud will never be able to support the wall. If there is only this method, it should be cut here today."


Ao Bai was furious, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

After a few rounds of fighting, Yang Gang made a serious move, and Ao Bai in the fairyland had already shown his defeat.

And this time.

Time is but a cup of tea.

Three quarters of an hour is still far away!

"it is good."

Right now.

Ao Bai opened his mouth suddenly, and a dark blue pearl spit out from the dragon's mouth.

"I wanted to fight you in a dignified manner. You... forced me to do this!"

"The ancient jellyfish spirit bead?"

Li Jin on the cliff stood up abruptly.

"Xingyue Island old dragon, you don't talk about martial arts!"

Everyone's expressions suddenly became serious.

Even Ao Jiufeng, a native of the East China Sea in the sky, had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"This ancient jellyfish spirit orb is the treasure of the old dragon of Xingyue Island. It is said to be unparalleled in defense, and it is difficult for gods to break through. He shamelessly lent it to Ao Bai, a waste? Heh~~ This is interesting!"

The loud voice spread all over the place, as if it was intended for Yang Gang.

"Jellyfish Lingzhu, unparalleled defense?"

In front of the Longmen Grottoes.

Yang Gang held the long knife and looked at Ao Bai quietly.

Then he shook his head in disappointment.

Since the other party has come up with a magic weapon that surpasses his own realm, then this battle will lose its due meaning.

"In that case, it's over."

He raised the long knife again, his expression suddenly solemn.

"You have the treasure of defense against Wushuang. I also have a sword, perhaps the strongest attack in this world."

"I haven't really used this knife since I realized it."

"This knife can open the sky, suppress the sea, and... slay the dragon!"


At this moment, thousands of soldiers were shocked.

Above the sea and sky.

Countless primordial spirits, true gangsters, and even powerful men in the fairyland, the weapons in their hands were slowly slashed out with Yang Gang's knife, and they buzzed and trembled at the same time.

Like fear, like surrender...

Each figure raised its head in surprise, looking at the distant world.

Above the sea and sky, there seems to be a mirage.

On the other side of what seemed to be an endless sea, a young man in black stood on the shore, holding a reddish-brown long knife in his hand, and invisible forces from the world gathered on that strange knife.

next moment.

"Hongchen." Yang Gang in front of the Longmen Grottoes suddenly pushed his knife out.

This knife.

He poured all his strength in this life, burned his strength and emotions all his life, and made it brilliant.

Sitting and forgetting, into the world of mortals.

From ruthless to sentient.

above the sky.

The eyes of Lang Baiyun, the swordsman in the cloud, suddenly burst into divine light, staring at the knife in Yang Gang's hand.

"Ruthless, forget about love... and then, extremely love?"

Ao Bai's eyes widened in horror.

All of a sudden, he spit out the immortal energy, spraying it on the ancient jellyfish spirit pearl in front of him.

Strands of azure brilliance bloomed, forming a huge blue halo in front of him.


is that useful?
This knife is originally a knife of the world of mortals that surpasses the ultimate power in the world!
The three-hundred-foot-high azure light circle made a slight 'wave' sound, as if an eggshell was broken.

The reddish-brown knife light easily pierced Ao Bai's dragon body, and slashed across the dragon's horns above his head.

Crashing~~~Countless dragon blood splattered.

Ao Bai's body was split into two halves from head to tail, which was extremely tragic.The dragon's head, which was divided into two halves, stared at the sky and sea in disbelief with horrified and stunned eyes.


Yang Gang stood in the void, slowly withdrawing his knife.wonderland?In the fairyland that does not practice supernatural powers, it is estimated that Song Youque, the sky knife, can kill one or two with all his strength!

His face suddenly turned pale, and then returned to rosy.

This knife was regarded as his small test of the chopper, and it took three parts of his strength.

If it was in the life of Immortal Wangchen, he would definitely die.

But in this life, he has the golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations and the Great Sun Burning Heaven Primordial Spirit beside him.Slashing out with a knife is just a temporary damage to the ability by three points.

Slashing a dragon with one sword, tried out the limit of the "fairyland supernatural power" of Hongchen's one sword.

Totally acceptable!

On the bank of the East China Sea, the Longmen Grottoes.

Countless people stared blankly at the sky, the extremely small but dazzling figure under the Qianzhang Grotto.

"Mythical pride, worthy of the name." The magician Pang Yuan clapped his fists and said indifferently.

Suddenly, a strong fighting intent flashed across his evil eyes.

"I don't know how this knife compares with my Cloud Turning Sword?" Lang Baiyun, the swordsman in the cloud, was also thoughtful.

He seemed to have simulated the knife and sword battle with Yang Gang in his mind, his expression slightly solemn.

On the rocky cliff.

Drizzle Sword Immortal Li Jin let out a long breath.

Subconsciously looked at the stove aside.

The spirits on the stove had just started to steam, and the aroma of the wine was tangy.

"Hahaha! On the dragon gate, warm wine and kill the dragon. From now on, another good story will be spread in the nine days and ten places!"

"Good, good, good! Good wine, good knife!"

Li Jin felt extremely happy in his heart, and was about to raise his head to drink a glass of wine, when he suddenly remembered what Yang Gang said just now when he climbed in front of the dragon gate.

This wine...should wait for him to come back before drinking it!
In the sky.

Yang Gang stepped down step by step.

Landing next to Li Jin, he took a glass of fine wine from him.

"Brother Li, how about my knife?"

"Uh..." Li Jin couldn't help but think of Sheng Jingzhong, who also asked Yang Gang this question.I remember that at that time, he beheaded five small horned dragons in the primordial spirit realm with one sword.

Thinking about it now, Li Jin couldn't help but feel ashamed flashing across his face.

"Compared to Junior Brother Yang, my sword... is far inferior!"

"Senior brother is joking."

"Stop talking. Come on, do it!"


The two of them drank the strong wine in the glass in one gulp, only feeling a burning sensation in their throats.

It's like drinking the blood of the white dragon in the sky, and I feel extremely happy.

The two looked at each other and laughed loudly.

On Longmen Grottoes.

The blood of the three-hundred-foot-long dragon's body was like rain, and the two huge dragon pillars in the Longmen Grottoes were dyed blood red.

Yang Gang couldn't help frowning, and looked towards the sea.

Ao Bai is dead.

Why are those shrimp soldiers, crab generals, and aquatic creatures who seem to have been frightened out of their wits still not leaving, and the magician and the swordsman in the cloud...


He felt three extremely powerful auras slowly surging in the sky.

next moment.

The Longmen Grottoes suddenly shone brightly, crazily sucking the blood of the white dragon.

An ancient and vast atmosphere rushed over.

Pang Yuan and Lang Baiyun looked at each other.

They understood that the time they had been waiting for for a long time had finally arrived.

If Yang Gang didn't kill Ao Bai today, the two of them... would do it too.

On February [-], the dragon raises its head!
The day they dreamed of is today!


An ancient desolate aura emanated from the Longmen Grottoes, completely crushing Ao Bai's body to pieces.

all of a sudden.

The terrifying aura added another point.

Li Jin turned around abruptly and looked towards the sky.

"This...not good! Today is February [-]!"

"What happened on February [-]?" Yang Gang asked.

Li Jin looked serious.

"February [-]nd, a day of chance and coincidence. According to ancient rumors, if bathed in dragon blood, there is a slight possibility of this Longmen Grotto—reopening!"


Yang Gang was slightly taken aback.

Dragon Gate reopened?

He suddenly turned his head and looked towards the direction of the deep sea.

Countless violent dragon breaths rolled in from the sea, setting off huge waves.

Dragons are coming.

The general situation... is not good!

And at this time.

A direction that no one noticed.

The Chentang water system empties into the sea.

In the torrential river.

A silly boy about ten years old, wearing a red pocket, with two balls of red string tied around his head.His eyes were completely white, as if he couldn't see, he was laughing and riding on the back of a Zhang Xu long golden red koi.

"Hehe~~haha~~ It's fun, it's fun!"

Ordinary boys and extraordinary koi, one person and one fish playing constantly, just swam into the sea in such a daze.

Quietly, they came under the Longmen Grottoes.



Today, I was told by everyone that I don’t want to code.Obviously one day there will be 2 updates, seven or eight thousand words, and I have tried my best on this sunny day.

In the end, everyone was still dissatisfied, saying that I had a new update, and even said that they would go to BQ Pavilion to see me.

I was really disappointed at the time, and I was so angry that I banned all the book friends.

After thinking about it, forget it, all mistakes are my fault.

Today is tens of thousands, I hope you can subscribe during this time.Don't keep books anymore, really, if you want to keep them, wait until I order them.Or you can turn on automatic subscription.

I hope everyone can support me.

The follow-up subscription keeps dropping, which really hurts my confidence and my enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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