I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 127 Today, those who dare to cross this dragon gate - beheaded! [6700-word chapter]

Chapter 127 Today, those who dare to cross this dragon gate - beheaded! [6700-word chapter]

The seemingly ordinary blind child smiled foolishly, and the extraordinary-looking golden koi swam to the bottom of the Longmen Grottoes in a daze.

hold head high--

At this moment, a dragon chant that seemed to come from ancient times resounded across the East China Sea.

Above the sea and sky, the wind and clouds suddenly surged, and waves set off thousands of feet of water walls.

The magician Pang Yuan and the swordsman in the cloud Lang Baiyun released powerful breaths at the same time, and rushed towards the dragon gate.I saw Lang Baiyun took out something from his bosom halfway, opened his mouth and blew, and the thing turned into a zhang-long ice coffin in the air.

Lying in the ice coffin was a beautiful, pitiful woman with a pale face.

Above the sea and sky in the distance, countless dragons from the East China Sea swarmed over.

In the chaos, no one saw the two small figures hidden in the waves under the Longmen Grottoes.

"Big fish, big fish, what's wrong? There seem to be a lot of people here..." The blind child patted the koi under him in panic.

"Gulu Gulu~~~" The koi spit out a series of bubbles, but couldn't speak out. A pair of golden eyes were full of curiosity and innocence, staring at the dragon gate above the head, as if eager to try.

Right now.

I saw a golden light piercing through the sky, connecting the nine heavens and affecting the whole world.

An ancient and desolate world looms above the Longmen Grottoes.

Among them are dragons and phoenixes hovering, unicorns stepping into the sky, and countless rare and exotic beasts, living comfortably in a world of ancient scenery.

"This is……"

Yang Gang looked up at the sky.

"Longmen reappears, there must be destiny! The dragon god has appeared, the ancient dragon god has appeared!" The old man dressed as a fisherman suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the Longmen Grotto.

Rows of figures knelt down...

Many mortals living by the sea are devoutly worshiping the Longmen Grottoes at this moment.

"The fishermen on the banks of the East China Sea pass it down from old age that if the dragon gate reappears, there must be a destiny to come to the world."

Li Jin explained from the side: "There is also a rumor in the practice world that when the Dragon Gate reopens, there must be a real dragon. Today coincides with the second day of February, and there is another dragon blood bathing the Dragon Gate Grotto... which caused the Dragon Gate to open wide."

"Perhaps in the field at this time, there is a Destiny Dragon, whose destiny level matches the Dragon Gate, and is about to jump over the Dragon Gate, reborn, and go back to the ancient origin."

"Then they..."

Yang Gang frowned and looked at the magicians Pang Yuan and Lang Baiyun.

At this moment, the two who had been hostile to each other joined forces to resist the desolate atmosphere of the ancient dragon gate, pushing the ice coffin little by little, towards the ancient world manifested above the dragon gate.

Standing on the rocky cliff by the sea, he felt a faint pressure.

This pressure seems to be more oppressive on the stronger the person. It is conceivable what kind of pressure the two people in the sky are pushing forward at this time.

And behind them, Ao Jiufeng, the demon fairyland of the ancient Ao clan on Hei'ao Island, is also running against the wind, chasing after the two of them, with some unknown purpose.

After the reappearance of the ancient dragon gate, the scene was completely chaotic.

"They... oh..."

Li Jin is obviously a person who knows the story of the year.

He shook his head and let out a long sigh, and sighed: "The two people back then had no intersection at all. It was all because of a woman named Jiu Jixi, a renowned musician... even the iron-blooded and ruthless Earth Demon Palace mage, They all had a real affection for her."

"Perhaps only the two parties involved know the details and emotional entanglements. All I know is that Lang Baiyun was on his way to Qingyun at that time. When the news came, he was deeply hurt and lost in the third stage of Qingyun."

"After ten years of seclusion, I finally forgot about my love, entered the fairyland, and started looking for the magician for revenge."

Li Jin looked at the two people in the sky and the icy light with complicated expressions, envious and regretful.

"Jiangxi..." Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.

"Could it be that they came here today to take advantage of Ao Bai's death to revive the ancient dragon gate, and then... resurrect to commemorate Xi?"

"I also guessed the same way. It is rumored that the ancient dragon gate has the ability to surpass the heaven and the earth and return to the energy of yin and yang. Therefore, it can make the dragons in the heaven and earth rebel against the ancient times and leap into the dragon gate." Li Jin nodded.

"Perhaps they want to...do the act of stealing the sky and changing the sun. They just don't know how to recover from the dragon gate as a human race?"

"Then what state are they in now?" Yang Gang said.

"Probably at least... above the third heaven of Shenqiao." Li Jin looked solemn.


Yang Gang nodded and pondered slightly.

The first major realm of fairyland is called Tiandi Shenqiao.

Shenqiao Kunou, corresponding to the awakened Ninth Life Rank.

Taking the ninth life as the order, every time one awakens, one more divine bridge will be added.If you have great magic power, you can also condense the dragon platform dharma in advance-to become a mortal immortal and an earth immortal.

And if you can step into the realm of the earth fairy with the perfect state of the nine-story divine bridge, and condense the magic form on the dragon platform, it is said that you will be invincible in the world and climb to the top of the nine heavens.

Of course, why there is such a legend, no one understands.

Because throughout the ages, there are very few people who can awaken the Ninth Life Rank, like a drop in the ocean.

Most of the earth immortals he met in the Qingling Cave were the existences of the first and second awakened life ranks, which is why they are so weak.

"Just wait and see."

Li Jin sighed.

The two stood on the rocky cliff, neither of them planned to step forward to join hands.

The reappearance of the Dragon Gate is the lifelong wish of Pang Yuan and Lang Baiyun.Whoever dares to intervene at this time will definitely suffer a blow from the two peerless geniuses and pay a heavy price.

This matter has nothing to do with them, so naturally it hangs high.

But they think so, others may not necessarily.

I saw Ao Jiufeng, the black Ao island in the sky, catching up with Pang Yuan and Lang Baiyun from behind, who were moving slower and slower in the blink of an eye.His figure changed, and he turned into a black turtle with nine wings on his back.

One of the nine black wings broke through the strong wind and flew towards the ancient dragon gate at an extremely fast speed.


Lang Baiyun's expression turned cold, and suddenly he drew a blazing white sword light, falling behind Ao Jiufeng.


The magician Pang Yuan was even more decisive, and thirteen punches went straight to the void in front of him.

Then he saw the thirteen shadows of fists appeared behind Ao Jiufeng as if transcending the void.


Ao Jiufeng snorted, two of the nine black wings on his back suddenly flashed colorful streamers, and met the sword and punch.

The sword light shattered.

The shadow of the thirteen fists almost disappeared, but they still landed firmly behind Ao Jiufeng, and he was resisted by the carapace on his back.Immediately, his whole body was shaken, and he opened his mouth to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

However, the figure continued to fly towards the dragon gate, only a little slower.

The magician Pang Yuan also paid the price, his face was red, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the two sides fought, the magician Pang Yuan resorted to a desperate move.

And this time.

The long-delayed Dragon Race Wonderland finally arrived at the scene.

The first one is the golden-cloaked dragon king, Ao Xingyun, whom Yang Gang had seen on Qingyun Contest.He gave Yang Gang a cold look, then turned around and turned into a golden dragon, flying straight towards the dragon gate in the sky.

The breath of Longmen, which caused great pressure to everyone, seemed like a breeze to him.

One after another, the fairylands of the Dragon Clan arrived in front of the Longmen Grottoes.

"Then Ao Xingyun should have come here so quickly because he was spying in the dark. This is the domain of the Dragon Clan. I'm afraid more and more Dragon Clan fairylands will come in later. And you just killed Ao Bai..."

Li Jin looked solemn, and said: "You will bring many dangers by staying here, so let's go first."

"What about you?" Yang Gang asked.

"I...as the soon-to-be general guard of Chentang Pass, I sit at the gate of the East Sea, and Li has no reason to leave." Li Jin's face was solemn, and there seemed to be a strong belief in his heart.

The scene became more and more chaotic.

But no one noticed that under the Longmen Grottoes, the ten-year-old boy and the golden-red koi drifted with the tide and gradually came directly under the Longmen.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

The golden red koi spits bubbles towards the sky.


It raised its head and pushed the boy on its back with difficulty, and the Lingyu looked back, his eyes showing a trace of attachment and joy.

"Big Yu'er, do you want to... jump on it?" The blind boy tried his best to open his eyes wide.It's a pity that his blurred vision was a vast expanse of whiteness, and he could only vaguely see a huge portal in the sky.


Koi nodded happily.

"Then we..." The boy giggled.

Pressing his upper body tightly against the fish's back, he shouted, "Let's go!"


The koi spit out a mouthful of bubbles and sank slightly into the water.

Then the fish tail swung vigorously, and the long body suddenly jumped out of the water.


The sky was golden.

An illusory dragon gate phantom fell straight into the midair.

As if with divine help, the koi swung its tail in the air, as if it was also in the water, and jumped straight into the illusory dragon gate.

In an instant.

The dazzling golden light caught everyone's attention.

People only saw a golden-red koi with a blind boy on its back, swimming against the wind from the sea, swimming in the void.

Streams of golden light merged into the koi's body, and its scales turned into a piece of pure gold in the blink of an eye.

One person and one fish quickly swam towards the ancient dragon gate above the dome under everyone's amazed eyes.

"Destiny Koi!"

"Three children!"

Several exclamations sounded beside Yang Gang's ears.

But what surprised him the most was Li Jin's "san'er".

"Brother Li, this child..." Yang Gang turned his head and said.

"This is my useless child, Li Xiaoyu." Li Jin's face was dark, staring at the boy in the sky.

"Li Xiaoyu?"

Yang Gang was slightly taken aback, what a common name!
"No, I have to go and bring him down. He accidentally got into this situation, and if he is not careful, he will end up in pieces!" Li Jin looked anxious, watching Li Xiaoyu and the big koi getting closer and closer to the dragon gate As it got closer, it attracted the cold gazes of magician Pang Yuan and others.

Immediately, he raised his sword impatiently and flew towards the sky.

"Destiny Koi?"

Yang Gang stood on the rocky cliff and didn't move for a while.

His identity is sensitive, and he is afraid that if he makes a move, it will cause backlash from the dragons in the sea. It would be counterproductive to help Li Jin at this time.It's better to look at the situation first, after all, Li Jin's goal is to bring back his son.

But having said that.

However, his hand was already tightly grasping the long knife at his waist, ready to strike at any moment.

Watching the big koi swimming against the current in the sky.

No one would have thought that today's shocking change was caused by a big carp that seemed to have not yet cultivated into the Primordial Spirit Demon Pill.

"hold head high--"

I saw the koi leap over the illusory dragon gate, grow its mouth towards the sky, and let out a weak and crisp moan. In an instant, clusters of golden halos overflowed from its body, and the koi's figure was in the air. Jin Guangzhong gradually became slender.

The top of the head is raised, like a bulge of two dragon horns.


The blind boy laughed happily and patted the back of the fish, as if he could control the destiny koi, one person and one fish happily flew towards the ancient dragon gate.

All eyes fell on him.

Destiny koi, boy riding a dragon.

Why is a destiny koi that activates the ancient dragon gate being ridden on the crotch by an ordinary boy?

Ao Xingyun, Dragon King of Xingyue Island, had a golden light in his eyes.

He stared at the koi that was about to transform into a dragon, showing excitement.

There is a reason for the appearance of Longmen!
If such a destiny koi succeeds in transforming into a dragon, it will be infused with the original power of the ancient dragon gate, and its future achievements will not be inferior to any genius in the nine heavens and ten earths.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the magician Pang Yuan.

Seeing that the koi was about to overtake him and Lang Baiyun, he silently raised his fists.

"Nizi, come down quickly!"

At this moment, Li Jin's voice came from behind him.


Li Xiaoyu's playful expression froze, and his face suddenly became bitter.

Although he couldn't see anything, he never forgot his father's majestic voice.

"It's over! Big Yu'er, I have to go home..." Li Xiaoyu said with a bitter smile.

"hold head high--"

The big koi held its head high and continued to fly towards the sky.
It seems that he wants to carry the boy on his back and enter the world inside the Dragon Gate together.

"Big Yu'er, stop, my father is calling me!" Li Xiaoyu yelled again.


The big koi seemed to turn a deaf ear to it, and only wanted to carry him to swim to the Longmen, as if he wanted to take Li Xiaoyu with him to be reborn.

The violent fist wind suddenly fell.

The big koi bumped its head up and flew out tumbling, most of the fish's body was dented suddenly.

"Magician, do you dare to prevent my Dragon Clan's destiny from becoming enlightened?"

Ao Xingyun was furious and stopped in front of Pang Yuan.

"Step aside."

Pang Yuan said coldly, but his eyes fell on the big carp.

I saw the golden light flashing.

The big carp was bathed in the golden light falling from the dragon gate, and its flesh and scales grew rapidly again, returning to its original state in the blink of an eye.

"hold head high--"

The big koi groaned softly, glanced innocently at Pang Yuan, then looked up at the ancient dragon gate, and continued upstream.

In its innocent eyes, it seems that everything today is the test of the Dragon Gate.

Pang Yuan's expression darkened.

I understand that today I must not let this Destiny Koi take the lead and step into the Dragon Gate.

Otherwise, all their efforts will be in vain!

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and Pang Yuan and Ao Xingyun fought together.

Lang Baiyun pushed the ice coffin, looked at Ao Jiufeng who was getting closer and closer to the phantom world of the ancient dragon gate, gritted his teeth, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and drank the fiery red liquid inside.


The sky seemed to suddenly heat up.

A phantom of a flaming unicorn emerged behind Lang Baiyun, and his seven orifices gushed out streams of crimson flames, burning his beard and hair.

This swordsman in the cloud seems to be desperate for swallowing the Qilin's blood that is inconsistent with his own zodiac!

Then he saw his body speeding up suddenly, and with the blessing of the Qilin phantom behind him, his speed was no less than that of the Koi of Heaven's Destiny, and he caught up with Ao Jiufeng in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The two reached the ancient dragon gate at the same time.

Bumped in.

The dull thunder seemed to come from ancient times.

Endless golden thunderbolts split from the world of Longmen and landed on Ao Jiufeng and Lang Baiyun.


Ao Jiufeng was the first to respond, and when he stretched out his figure, there was a trace of dragon aura emerging from his body.

This fairyland of the ancient Hei Ao actually has a trace of dragon blood!
Lang Baiyun yelled wildly, burning all his magic power in the fairyland, and the breath of Qilin's essence and blood was extremely strong.

The two tried to break into the ancient dragon gate again.

A sound of drumming seemed to come from the ancient world.

It hit the hearts of everyone on the bank of the East China Sea.

Yang Gang felt his heart tremble.

Then looking at the sky, two figures fell into the sky like birds, flinging feebly.

"Is that possible?" Ao Jiufeng asked in disbelief.


A deep sigh.

Lang Baiyun hugged the ice coffin beside him, looked up at the sky, and then slowly closed his eyes.

It seems that there is nothing to love.

How can anyone in this world be able to really do it.His swordsmanship...if it could be stronger, maybe he has already entered the world of Longmen, right?

Unfortunately, everything is just self-deception.


Ao Xingyun, who was fighting against Pang Yuan, sneered.

"Destiny has been revealed, except for this destiny koi, no one can jump this dragon gate today! You... think too highly of yourself!"

ooh ooh-

In an instant, countless dragon chants sounded.

There are horned dragons, pan dragons, and jiaolongs in the primordial spirit realm, golden dragons and white dragons in the fairyland...the entire Longmen Grottoes are full of dragons in the sky and on the ground.It seemed that the entire Dragon Clan in the East China Sea was alarmed.

Pang Yuan, Li Jin, and Lang Baiyun stared at the sky one after another, as if saying: You are surrounded!
This scene immediately stunned the people watching the battle on the coast.

Does the reappearance of the ancient dragon gate have such a big impact on the dragon clan?
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Xingyue Island Dragon King Ao Xingyun laughed loudly.

"Today, the Dragon Clan lost a white dragon in exchange for a destiny koi that will soon transform into a dragon. This transaction is totally worth it!"


His eyes suddenly fell on Li Xiaoyu.

"Despicable boy. You, too, want to ride the dragon and share the luck of the destiny koi?"

He reached out and swept it away.

A gust of wind blew past, and directly swept Li Xiaoyu on the back of the big koi into the void.

"Ah!!! Daddy save me!"

"Three children!"

Li Jin's eyes were about to burst, but he was blocked by several dragon fairylands. He drew his sword and slashed furiously, causing dragon blood to splatter, but he was still unable to break through the encirclement.

"hold head high--"

The big koi suddenly turned its head and direction, trying to catch the falling Li Xiaoyu.

However this time.

But a figure suddenly appeared in front of it.

The magician Pang Yuan flew towards him with bare hands and endless chill in his eyes.

Lang Baiyun suddenly said: "Pang Yuan, what do you want to do?"


Pang Yuan said coldly: "If you can't cross the Dragon Gate, if you pick this koi pearl, you can change the world and change your life. Save Nian Xi."

"You..." Lang Baiyun was stunned.

"You think too much!" Ao Xingyun said.

At the critical moment, he stopped in front of Pang Yuan and blocked the fatal blow for the big koi.

And the big koi finally put Li Xiaoyu back on its back, swung its head high and swung its tail, and continued to swim stubbornly above the dragon gate.

This obsessive big koi is only thinking of being reborn together with the ordinary boy on his back...

Bang bang bang!
Ao Xingyun fought with Pang Yuan, Li Jin fought with several real dragons, and Ao Jiufeng and Lang Baiyun seemed to be surrounded by dragons.

Then several real dragons came and joined Ao Xingyun's station, helping him besiege Pang Yuan and liberating Ao Xingyun.


With a flash, Ao Xingyun chased after the big koi.

He waved his palm and hit Li Xiaoyu.


"Ang—" The big koi seemed to sense the crisis behind it, curled its tail, and jumped forward vigorously.

Then he opened his mouth and spit out.

A crystal bead emerged from his mouth.

Bathed in the golden light of Longmen, the brilliance is shining.

The big koi carried Li Xiaoyu on its back and suddenly accelerated. In this special place, even Ao Xingyun couldn't catch up.

I saw the big koi crashing headlong into the dragon gate, knocking the phantom of the ancient dragon gate into an invisible ripple.


When it rolled, it was overturned by the power of the ancient dragon gate.

The onlookers were suddenly stunned.

This ancient dragon gate actually shuts out the Destiny Koi?
"You can't succeed if you carry him on your back."

Ao Xingyun appeared behind one man and one fish, stretched out his hand, and knocked Li Xiaoyu off the back of the fish again.


He looked at Li Xiaoyu coldly, and suddenly stretched out his claws.

"Kill you, and the Destiny Koi will never have any more worries!"

"Ahhh, let me go, let me go! You stinky dragon!" Li Xiaoyu struggled frantically, staring blankly at the increasingly clear shadows in front of him.Suddenly, his eyes froze.

There seemed to be countless strange pictures flashing in front of my eyes.

next moment.

Li Xiaoyu's white eyes flashed streaks of scarlet.


A mournful roar, like a dragon but not a dragon, like a phoenix but not a phoenix, resounded across the East China Sea.

In an instant.

The bodies of countless dragons were crumbling, and they hugged their heads subconsciously.Ao Xingyun's paw paused in the air, and he looked at him in astonishment.

This strange scene.

It also caused Yang Gang, who was about to make a move below, to stop temporarily.

"The body of the evil dragon!"

"It's actually the body of a dragon!"

"Kill him!"

"The body of the evil dragon?" Dragon King Ao Xingyun's expression was suddenly extremely cold, and he looked at Li Xiaoyu solemnly.

I saw that he seemed to be covered in blood, with clusters of crimson flames sprouting from the top of his head and limbs, as if they could burn up everything in the world.

It was terrifying, like a flame without a trace of temperature.Ao Xingyun just glanced at it and felt chills all over his body.

"I see... no wonder you can ride on the back of the Destiny Koi. The body of the dragon that has disappeared for thousands of years... good, good, good, you... really deserve to die!" Ao Xingyun gritted his teeth and looked at Li Xiaoyu .

His eyes seemed to reveal endless hatred and a trace of imperceptible fear.Dragon evil is the great enemy of all dragon creatures in the nine heavens and ten earths!Maybe there is another name in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of the Dragon Clan, all dragon evils——deserve it!

"kill him!"

"Kill him quickly!"

Countless dragons roared in unison, and the situation was surging.

"Stop! You...stop!" Li Jin looked at the son in the sky, his eyes were tearing apart.

He fought bloody like crazy, but he couldn't break free from the entanglement of several real dragons.

"A ten-year-old kid, you can do it! Dragon Clan, I, Li Jin, are at odds with you!" Li Jin almost gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with endless resentment.

At this moment, he hates it so much!
I really hate it!

Hate my incompetence!Hate the shamelessness of the Dragon Clan.To kill a ten-year-old child!
The body of the evil dragon... what exactly is it?

Ao Xingyun let out a dragon cry, and grabbed Li Xiaoyu hard with his huge dragon claws.

Li Xiaoyu stared blankly at the sky.

Although strange flames gushed out of his body, he was only ten years old and didn't know how to use his own power at all.

"Father, help me..." At this moment, the eyes of the ten-year-old child were full of confusion and panic.

The wind suddenly died down.

The clouds and mist above the East China Sea also suddenly stopped rolling.

A bright long knife appeared lightly in front of the golden dragon claw.

This most common long knife in the world easily blocked the giant claws of the dragon fairyland.


A soft sigh.

Yang Gang's figure was standing beside Li Xiaoyu at some unknown time.

Touched his head.

Said: "Little fish, don't be afraid, there is uncle here!"


Li Xiaoyu raised his head blankly, and vaguely saw a tall figure showing a smiling face at him.


A strong sense of security rose in his heart.

"I'm your father's friend, my name is... Yang Gang." Yang Gang said gently.


The ten-year-old child was stunned for a long time.

"Well, Uncle!" Finally, he nodded his head and smiled again.

He suddenly pointed.

"Uncle, they want to snatch Xiao Yuer's big fish, can you help me...help me beat him up?"

"Okay, Xiao Yuer is good. Uncle help you, beat him up!"

Yang Gang smiled gently, this child~~~ is indeed a bit silly by nature.

He looked into Li Xiaoyu's innocent eyes.

Those white eyes reminded Yang Gang of a person in the Northland.A young man who tirelessly followed behind him and kept calling for Master.

That boy's name is 'Yang Wuhui', he is his apprentice.

It is also the reincarnation of his former savior, Xueshan Laomo.


Ao Xingyun roared: "Yang Gang, the old man has not avenged you for killing me Long Er. How dare you protect Long Nie today..."

"To shut up."


A bright long knife was pointed at Xingyue Island Dragon King Ao Xingyun who was full of fright and anger.

Yang Gang looked stern.

A trace of murderousness flashed in his eyes.

Whether it's Li Jin's son or his apprentice Yang Wuhui.

In this life, who would dare to touch his relatives and friends.

Even if it's all over the world and all the dragons.Even if the sky is turned upside down and the sea is filled up, he...will not hesitate!

"Yang once said to an elder that in my whole life, I only focus on the word 'keep'. Who dares to hurt my relatives and friends..."

He held the knife in one hand and rested on Li Xiaoyu's shoulder with the other.

Just like that, Shi Shiran stood on the Longmen Grottoes, pointing the blade towards the East China Sea, all the dragons.

Sen Ran said: "Today, those who dare to cross this dragon gate - beheaded!"

 This chapter is 6700 words, people are confused, so let’s do it

(End of this chapter)

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