I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 128 Fighting the Dragons Alone, Unparalleled Swordsmanship

Today, whoever dares to cross this dragon gate - beheaded?

How arrogant and domineering this sentence is... It simply treats the entire East China Sea Dragon Clan as nothing!


"Slaughter my dragon fairyland, bless the dragon! This son should be killed!"

"Kill, kill, kill—"

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and Yang Gang's words completely angered the entire East China Sea Dragon Clan.

An angry dragon chant resounded across the sea and sky, setting off boundless giant wolves.

"Well, you villain, you actually want to help the evildoers! Hmph, you think you can be arrogant if you learn the 01:30 type of supernatural powers, and think that my dragon clan is all footless loaches?" Ao Xingyun looked at Yang Gang coldly.

Slowly said: "Today, old man... I will let you see what a real fairyland is!"


The huge dragon's mouth opened suddenly, roaring suddenly.

I saw Ao Xingyun gathering wind and rain all over his body, and the stars were dotted. His huge body suddenly turned into a ten-foot golden dragon, and lightning flashed towards him. A golden five-claw seemed to be able to crush the stars, and went straight to Yang Gang's heart.

Xingyue Island dragon clan's supernatural power - Star Dragon Claw.

"The supernatural powers of the dragon clan... the third level of the heaven and earth bridge..."

Yang Gang put Li Xiaoyu's shoulders on his shoulders and stood in front of the dragon gate.

A clear light suddenly flashed in both eyes.

Qingling Tianmu.

This is Yang Gang's opportunity to burn a ray of blue in the Qingyun Pavilion, and secretly selected a primordial spirit technique, which came from the Qingling Cave Heaven back then.It is said that if this method is practiced to the depths, it may even turn into a fairyland supernatural power.

Qingling's third eye came out.

Ao Xingyun's body was immediately seen in the field of vision, and it seemed that three layers of stairs extending toward the nine heavens had condensed.

This is a red dust fairy who has accumulated many years in the third heaven of Shenqiao, not comparable to Ao Bai who broke through the fairyland in a hurry.


Yang Gang raised his knife silently.

He killed Ao Bai with only one blow, and the golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations rolled with energy and blood, and the loss of the three layers of power had basically recovered.

Others only thought that he had done his best with that knife.After all, comprehending a trace of divine channel rhyme in the realm of the primordial spirit is considered a peerless talent for ordinary people.

But - he is a mythical arrogance!

If he can only send out that one knife, how can he be worthy of the name of the first arrogant in 500 years?

Dragon Clan, underestimate him!

"Die!" Ao Xing Yunlong glared angrily.

With one claw, he grabbed Yang Gang and Li Xiaoyu under his claws.

He actually wanted to kill the two of them at the same time with one blow.


in his eyes.

Yang Gang raised his head slowly, and whispered softly: "This knife has [-]% strength."


Ao Xingyun couldn't help being taken aback, a little confused.

next moment.

Then he saw a knife filled with the atmosphere of the world, as if the most tragic knife in the world appeared in his vision.


Ao Xingyun's heart suddenly rang out.

With a loud roar, the dragon's claws deflected by an inch and stopped seven inches below the dragon's head.

Just for a moment.

The fierce knife light broke through the hard golden dragon's claws and penetrated into Ao Xingyun's chest and abdomen.

Above the East China Sea, everyone heard a shrill scream, and saw a golden dragon dancing wildly in the sky, like a loach that had been hacked, the dragon's body curled up in pain and struggled crazily.

Ao Xingyun's dragon body flew back into the sky, pools of golden dragon blood poured down like pours.

Countless people stood on the rocky cliff, their mouths widened in shock.

Ao Xingyun, who had been in the fairyland for hundreds of years, the father of Ao Bai, the current Dragon King of Xingyue Island, lost?And... also a knife?

The crowd watching the battle was suddenly in an uproar, and there were many discussions.

"how can that be!"

"The Dragon King's supernatural powers in the fairyland were defeated by the Sword Demon's..."

"It's a fairyland supernatural power! His knife is also a complete fairyland supernatural power!"

"What are you kidding?"

"Brother, can you comprehend supernatural powers in the fairyland in the primordial spirit realm? You really think he is a myth..." The unbelievable voice of the last person suddenly huh in his throat.

Only then did everyone suddenly remember.

The sword demon Yang Gang in front of him seems to be the first mythical arrogance to cross the road to Qingyun in 500 years!
It seems... reasonable for a young man who can leave his name in history to do some unreasonable things?

This knife was not Yang Gang's arrogance.

Ao Xingyun, who is clearly from the Dragon Clan... is beyond his control!

"Did you see it? Dragon Clan, it's nothing special."

Yang Gang stood in front of the ancient dragon gate and said to Li Xiaoyu.

at the same time.

Qi and blood in his body moved, and his pale face began to return to rosy little by little.

The golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations has entered the ultimate strength, another level above the primordial spirit.In terms of strength, it's no wonder that he has already entered the fairyland.

A knife with five levels of power is nothing to Yang Gang.

The real wear and tear is probably still above the mind.

The strength of the physical body can be recovered quickly, but the dao rhyme produced by the mental power is difficult to recover.

"Oh, yes!" Li Xiaoyu nodded blankly after listening to Yang Gang's words.

At this moment, he only felt that Yang Gang's image suddenly became infinitely taller in his eyes.

This Uncle Yang is amazing!

If Xiaoyu can learn skills from him, will he not be looked down upon in the future?A ten-year-old child with a dull talent, thinks so.A trace of yearning flashed in his eyes.

In the past, he had been looked down upon since he was a child because of his dull aptitude and natural stupidity. Even his brothers and sisters didn't like to play with him... The only playmate since childhood was this big koi.

Now suddenly there is a strong backer.

Yang Gang's position in Li Xiaoyu's heart jumped to the third place in an instant, only behind Mother and Da Yu'er...

ooh ooh-

A loud roar.

At some point, Ao Xingyun, who was severely wounded by a knife, has made a comeback, and brought with him five real dragons from the fairyland of the Shenqiao realm.

He broke off a dragon claw, and the dragon belly was bloody.

He stared at Yang Gang angrily.

"What a mortal sword, with supernatural powers in the fairyland. I underestimated you..." Ao Xingyun snorted coldly: "However, you use the supernatural powers of the fairyland in the body of the primordial spirit. How many times can you make such a knife? ?”

several times?

Yang Gang holds the knife with his head held high, unafraid.

Facing the six real dragons of the East China Sea fairyland alone, his straight back seemed to support a peerless arrogance, and he said coldly: "Whoever wants to die first, you can come and try."


"Everyone, go together!"

Ao Xingyun said sullenly: "He only has one knife, first drag him to kill Long Nie, and send the Destiny Koi into the Dragon Gate. Then we will fight together, and slowly consume the sword demon to death."

"Let your talents be as high as you want, even a dead genius is nothing!"


this moment.

Real dragons from the fairyland flew from afar to join the battle group.

Ten, twenty...

Even the real dragons who besieged Pang Yuan and stared at Lang Baiyun and the others abandoned their targets, and rushed straight at Yang Gang following Ao Xingyun's order.

Above the sea and sky, countless dragon shadows meander.

The people watching the game felt extremely desperate just looking at this lineup.

Faced with dozens of real dragons in the fairyland, Yang Gang, who is only in the realm of Yuanshen, how can he win?
What did he win?

"The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea... is too shameless, not only bullying the small with the big, but also bullying the young with the more!"

"No martial arts!"

"Besieging and killing a great Zhou Tianjiao for a dragon evil, today...does the dragon clan really lose any face?"

"Why hasn't Da Zhou's fairyland come yet? This place is obviously on the bank of the East China Sea!"


Li Jin finally beheaded two fairyland real dragons, but was still entangled by three dragons, unable to escape.

Looking at the scene above the dragon gate, he gritted his teeth thoroughly, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

"Dragon Clan, you are damned! Damn it!!!"

"Dragon Clan, you really deserve to die."

Yang Gang stood quietly in the air, with no waves on his face.

The aura on his body gradually condensed, and he finally became completely serious.


Ao Xingyun, who already had such a huge advantage, felt that it was not enough.

Just hearing a loud and clear dragon chant, a blue pearl flew up in the sea.It was the ancient jellyfish spirit orb that escaped into the sea automatically after Ao Bai died.


A thick blue halo enveloped Ao Xingyun in front of him.Compared with Ao Bai before, he used this ancient jellyfish spirit bead, and his defensive ability seemed to be several times stronger.

He landed in front of Yang Gang, formed a real dragon formation with dozens of dragons, and was the first to charge towards Yang Gang.

This time.

The Dragon Clan's attention to Yang Gang is unique.Forming such a formation is to kill him completely with one blow.

Even the well-known magician Pang Yuan and the swordsman in the cloud Lang Baiyun did not receive such treatment.


A strong fighting spirit surged in Yang Gang's eyes.

Pressing Li Xiaoyu on the back of the big koi, he suddenly flew up and rushed straight into the group of dragons.A long knife cut across the cold light, and the power that surpassed the ultimate power in the world surged.

A series of horrific sword lights streaked across the bodies of dragons in the fairyland.The ultimate power beyond the human world, and finally fully demonstrated his power.

Ao Xingyun?
You are a jellyfish spirit pearl with unparalleled defense, but your clansmen... have it?
After I kill all the real dragons in the fairyland, I will take your dog's life again!


Ao Xingyun was furious, and chased after him in the air.

"Hahaha, have fun! Kill, kill, kill!"

Sections of dragon remnants flew down, and streams of dragon blood splattered.Yang Gang cast his unparalleled sword light, like dancing wildly among snakes, killing until the sky is dark and the ground is dark, and his body is soaked in blood.

It's just that with the passage of time, his body has gradually begun to wear color.

A series of deep marks of dragon claws appeared on Yang Gang's body, and in the blink of an eye, he was restored to his original state by the golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations.


Despite his unparalleled physique, he also began to pant slightly as he slashed out.From the beginning, he was invincible, and he could seriously injure an ordinary fairyland real dragon with a single blow.Later, when the knife fell, only a moderate wound was left behind.

Everyone's eyes were shocked and admired.

At the same time, there was an infinite regret.

Today, most of the power under the earth immortals of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea is gathered here.

He can do this to an extent that is beyond anyone's imagination.

It's a pity...he is only in the realm of the primordial spirit after all!

Even with a peerless physical body, even with supernatural supernatural powers... This sword demon, Yang Gang, will always be exhausted at times!

He also had to protect Li Xiaoyu who was attacked by the real dragon in the fairyland from time to time.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea is really shameless!
Under the Dragon Gate.

A tall figure quietly walked towards Li Xiaoyu and the big koi in the sky.

It is Pang Yuan, a magician with a strange face.

He looked at Yang Gang, who was fighting bloody battle, with a complex look in his eyes.

"Fighting dragons alone, the way of the sword is unparalleled."

"Your talent, talent, and belief that you stick to are all admired by Pang. It's a pity... Pang also has his own beliefs in his heart, a pair of iron fists, and wishes to fight with you. Today, he wants to do such a villainous act... ..."

"After today, if you don't die, in the future, Pang will personally go to Shengjing, bend his knees...to make amends."

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