I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 129 I have 1 knife, from ancient times

The black figure leaped across the fairylands of the Dragon Clan like lightning.

Appeared in front of Li Xiaoyu.

Pang Yuan stretched out his hand and threw Li Xiaoyu over the fish's back, but he didn't hurt his life.

Then he punched the big koi hard on the head.

"hold head high--"

The big koi also seemed to feel the crisis of life and death.

But at this moment, it suddenly looked back at Li Xiaoyu who was thrown away, and deep nostalgia flashed in its innocent eyes.

It's like...a farewell.

The big koi, who hadn't even reached the realm of Yuanshen, knew that he couldn't escape this fatal punch.

"Big fish!" Li Xiaoyu cried out sadly.

A muffled sound touched the minds of countless people.

Everyone looked at Yang Gang who suddenly appeared in amazement.

He stood in front of Pang Yuan, pulling the horn of a frantically struggling red dragon with one hand, and attacking the sharp claws of a golden dragon above his head with a knife in the other.

Then, unable to free his hands, he puffed out his chest and forcibly resisted the invincible magic fist of the magician Pang Yuan.

Everyone only heard the muffled sound of thunder coming from Yang Gang's chest, and there seemed to be endless power stirring in it.

His uplifted chest was sunk by a punch.

Everyone's eyes were shocked.

It's just a child, a fish... why is he so desperate?

What kind of beliefs and experiences are worth his efforts?
Yang Gang's chest was deeply sunken and his ribs were broken.

Even the golden body of the Hundred Tribulations Demon God, the pinnacle of the world, could not withstand the pair of iron fists of the magician Pang Yuan.


He is still holding on.

The chest tightness was like a drum, like a thunderstorm.

"Uncle...Uncle Yang...what's the matter with you?" Li Xiaoyu stared blankly, his vision was blurred, and he felt an inexplicable trace of sadness welling up in his heart.

"Junior Brother Yang."

Li Jin couldn't bear to close his eyes, and murmured: "Give up, give up... There is no need to sacrifice yourself for my child!"


"Today...you've done enough!" He suddenly roared up to the sky, his beard and hair fluttering, and finally broke through the mirror at this critical moment.A spiritual bridge of heaven and earth is formed from the spiritual platform above the head, and a third step gradually extends out.

Li Jin finally awakened out of the third life, reached the bridge of heaven and earth, the third level of fairyland.


Everything is too late.


With a sudden force, Yang Gang finally lifted the golden dragon above his head into the air.

A trace of pity flashed in Pang Yuan's eyes, but he still resolutely launched the last fierce attack.

"Those who stand in my way - die."

A pair of magical fists suddenly exerted force.

Outbursts of jet-black rays of light.

Yang Gang has his firm belief.

In Pang Yuan's heart, there is also an obsession that has been lingering for decades.

There are many things in this world, there is no right or wrong, but everyone's position is different...


Yang Gang's chest suddenly collapsed.

Pang Yuan's pair of invincible magic fists completely fell into it.

"Oh...why bother?" Everyone couldn't bear to close their eyes.

But the immortals of the Dragon Clan laughed heartily, their eyes were extremely sarcastic, and they laughed very freely.

The Sword Demon, who had harmed countless of their fellow clansmen, was finally about to die!And it's to protect their Dragon Clan's Destiny Koi, it's really... so stupid!
But is it really stupid?
Is it stupid?
"I said……"

Yang Gang raised his head slowly, looked at Pang Yuan coldly, "No one...can stop what I want to protect!"

His chest was pierced by a sharp broken bone, and an endless stream of blood slid down his arm drop by drop, and flowed onto the long, bright knife that was slowly raised.


Yang Gang once again firmly raised the long knife.

His clothes were stained red with blood, and his figure exuded a sense of solemnity and determination...

Today, he wants to let the world know.

The sword demon, the reason why it is called the sword demon.

It's because...he will never give up in any life he has experienced!
"The world of mortals slashed - cut!"

The sharp light of the knife was extremely light, as if it was cut out without any power, the blood-stained blade imprinted the stunned gaze of the magician Pang Yuan, and then drew a beautiful width, and landed on the center of his eyebrows with a 'jingle'.

such a close distance.

No one in the world can escape this knife.

This knife seems to have no power at all.

But it seemed to contain some kind of invincible belief, a firm belief that would never give up, and it was heavily chopped on Pang Yuan's clear altar.

Pang Yuan knew that there was a loud bang from the Hailing Terrace, as if the sky was falling.

In his field of vision, the whole world seemed to be shaking.

"This is... the real Hongchen Yidao?" He looked at Yang Gang in astonishment, and slowly fell down, falling into the boundless sea.


Pang Yuan slowly closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

He was unharmed.

The Lingtai Sea of ​​Consciousness was completely chopped to pieces by Yang Gang's knife.

From now on, he might not be able to make further progress in the fairyland in his life.

No one thought of it.

Yang Gang has lost his physical strength, but he still has the unparalleled swordsmanship.

This mortal sword condensed all his painstaking efforts in the previous life, and has already transcended the shackles of the physical body.

After 70 years of silence, Fang cut out his faith with a knife.

Not beheading the body, only beheading the spirit platform.

Yang Gang's understanding of Dao of the Sword is completely extraordinary.

The magician Pang Yuan carelessly thought that Yang Gang was sure, but in the end he was defeated by this knife.


Pang Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed across them.

"Without the magical power of the fairyland, I still have a physical body. My physical body and my pair of iron fists can still be invincible in the world!"


A faint sigh sounded in Pang Yuan's ear.

The swordsman in the cloud, Lang Baiyun, holding the sword in the cloud, stopped in front of Pang Yuan.


Pang Yuan was stunned for a while, and then said coldly: "The essence of the Destiny Koi is the most gentle in this world. It can be used to make alchemy with the blood of the Golden Crow, and the harmony of yin and yang has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. There is hope to save Nian Xi."

"Are you going to betray Nian Xi? Are you going to betray your own belief?"

"I do not have."

Lang Baiyun shook his head and said: "But exchanging the lives of others for the rebirth of Nian Xi is not my way."

"Get out of the way. This is your last chance!"

Pang Yuan took a step forward.

"Stop it." Lang Baiyun raised the long sword in his hand. For the umpteenth time in his life, he saw the sword pointed at the magician Pang Yuan.

"Then I'll kill you and take the koi pearl."

With a bang.

The two fateful opponents once again fought decisively together.

Lang Baiyun supported the ice coffin, and swung his sword up.

Suddenly sighed faintly.

"At that time, the bright moon was there, and it once returned according to the colorful clouds. It is difficult for the bright moon to get drunk again, and the colorful clouds will never return. Nian Xi... You left this farewell song at that time, did you expect today?"

"Xi'er, I'm sorry for you... After today, Brother Lang will come down to accompany you."

The voice fell.

The sword light in the cloud suddenly became decisive and fierce.

At this moment, Lang Baiyun, the infinitely guilty swordsman in the cloud, already had a death wish in his heart.

And at this time above the dragon gate.

Yang Gang has fallen into the siege of dragons again.

After repelling Pang Yuan and Ao Xingyun, he tried his best and finally came to a desperate situation.But even so, he still beheaded several real dragons in a row, which shocked all the dragons in the East China Sea.

I didn't dare to go forward for a while.

Yang Gang stood in the void, drenched in blood, and staggered.

The dragons around were eyeing him covetously, trying to take his life completely.


The Dragon Clan will never allow such a mythical arrogant to leave the East China Sea, leaving behind endless disasters.Otherwise, wait for him to fully grow in the future...

Faintly, the Dragon Clan already regarded Yang Gang as an existence that must be killed just like Li Xiaoyu, the evil dragon.

After this bloody battle, the two sides have forged an endless feud.

"Hahahahahaha, you... come on! Fight!"

Yang Gang laughed like a madman.

As soon as the words fell, he took the initiative to attack, exerting the last bit of strength in his body, and chopped a fairyland real dragon with the second level of the Shenqiao into two pieces.

The surrounding dragons fled in all directions, looking at Yang Gang vigilantly.

This sword demon is completely dead end.

Now it's just a matter of guarding against his final blow, lest he be dragged into the water with him.

"Want to consume me?"

Yang Gang looked at the Donghai Dragon Clan and kept sneering.

"Catch it without a fight, Sword Demon. Today, you will surely die!"

Ao Xingyun looked stern, looking at the dragon's body in two pieces on the sea, he felt his heart was bleeding.

"Okay, come here. If you want me to catch you without a fight, do you dare to stretch your head over, little Donghai loach, and try my last knife to see if you can cut off your head!"

Yang Gang still kept sneering.

At this point in the battle, he was indeed at the end of his rope, without a trace of strength.


Although Yang Gang fought like a madman, his mind was always clear-headed.

He is a sword demon, not a reckless man.

He still has a hole card, which is useless.


The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea also has the Immortal Realm, and those old dragons who condensed the Dharma of the Dragon Platform have not made a move yet.

And the sequelae of that trump card...

"Today I, Yang Gang, stand here, let me see who dares to step forward!" Despite some scruples in his heart, Yang Gang is still as arrogant as before, aggressively stimulating the other party.

"Today is the arrival of the Earth Immortal and Earth Immortal. With my last knife, I can exchange one for another. Come!"

He was buying time, regaining his strength.


Ao Xingyun had a look of disbelief: "Do you still have the strength now?"

It's just that the tone is clearly full of temptation.

The more Yang Gang was like this, the less he dared to go forward.

The magician Pang Yuan's Dao foundation has been destroyed by the sword demon. Even if he has the ancient jellyfish spirit bead, the defense treasure, how dare he bet his life?
"Heh~~ Don't believe me? You can try."

Yang Gang's face was full of rebellion, and the blade pointed directly at the dragons in the East China Sea.

He continued to shout: "Who are you guys coming?"

A word out.

The dragons of the East China Sea looked at each other in blank dismay.

Who is coming?

Who dares to come!
For a while, everyone was afraid of Yang Gang's previous power, and no one dared to be the first to step forward.

Above the sea and sky, beside the East China Sea.

Dozens of fairyland real dragons were shocked by Yang Gang's fierceness.

This Qingyun youth, the sword demon Yang Gang, has already proved with his own ability that he really has the invincible spirit of "I am invincible under the fairyland, and I am invincible above the fairyland".

For a nephew in a later life, he can do this to this extent.

If he is really driven to a dead end, who knows what he will do?
"A bunch of trash... Loaches."

Holding the long knife in his hand, Yang Gang paused every word, his face full of disdain.

The most common long knife in the world seems to have poured his firm belief into it. So far in the battle, although the blade has been cracked inch by inch, it is still indestructible, and it seems to be able to cut through the hard scales of any dragon.

"hold head high--"

The big koi carried Li Xiaoyu on its back again, and persevered against the ancient dragon gate, bumping into it again and again, and being thrown away again and again.

This big fish has different but very similar beliefs from Yang Gang.

It came here this time, it seemed that it wanted to take Li Xiaoyu, who was dull in aptitude, to jump into the dragon gate together, and be reborn.

Seeing its unwillingness to give up, Yang Gang felt a little moved in his heart.

"Little fish, come down."

He suddenly said: "This ancient dragon gate, after all, is the home of all dragons in the world, not you. This is its chance. From now on, uncle will teach you skills, and you will definitely be no worse than this big fish in the future."

"Even, it's no worse than any dragon clan in this world."

"Well, Xiaoyu listens to uncle."

Li Xiaoyu nodded obediently, and turned over with difficulty from the big koi's back.

"hold head high--"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came down, the big koi suddenly stopped moving.

Surrounding Li Xiaoyu, they kept spinning.

"Big Yu'er, would you like to go to the Dragon Gate?" Li Xiaoyu patted its head.

"Ang woo~~"

The big koi looked at Li Xiaoyu innocently for a while.

He suddenly shook his head, pressed against Li Xiaoyu's neck, then lifted him up, and turned around directly.

For the sake of the child who grew up with him, this big koi with undeveloped intelligence is willing to give up the opportunity to enter the ancient dragon gate and completely reborn!
"Big fish..."

But at this moment, Li Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and seemed to have made up his mind.

He pushed the big koi's head and walked towards the dragon gate step by step.

"Be good, Big Yuer. Uncle Yang has promised me that he will teach me skills in the future... I will learn powerful skills in the future. After you enter, you will become a dragon. You have to become as powerful as me! Go ahead! , go... Big Yuer, be good!"

"Woo~~~" The big koi didn't know what scruples it was, and kept trying to back away.

But Li Xiaoyu's hands seemed to have an inexplicable force, the big koi, whose strength was clearly countless times stronger than Li Xiaoyu's, couldn't resist his pushing and shoving.

In this way, Li Xiaoyu pushed into the ancient dragon gate step by step.


A golden light suddenly radiated above the sea and sky, and the ancient world on the Longmen Grottoes became clear countless times in an instant, as if it was about to turn emptiness into reality.

next moment.

A powerful suction came.

The golden destiny koi could no longer resist and was sucked in bit by bit.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Ao Xingyun suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, extremely happy.

"Go in, finally go in! Hahaha I forgot to tell you that after entering the ancient dragon gate, the Destiny Koi returned to the blood and gave birth to wisdom. One year later, when she came out of the ancient dragon gate, she would be completely reborn and become I am a member of the Dragon Clan."

"She will completely forget the past, and even regard you as a dragon...as a deadly enemy."

"Stop wishful thinking. Long Nie, everyone deserves to die!"


Li Xiaoyu froze in place as if struck by lightning.

"No! Big Yu'er won't forget me, no!" He reacted suddenly and shouted into the dragon gate.

"Big Yu'er, when you come out... definitely, definitely remember me!"

"hold head high--"

The big koi turned its head vigorously, nodded to Li Xiaoyu, and gradually disappeared into the world of Xiaoqian where the ancient dragon gate manifested.

"Big Yu'er, you must promise me!"

Li Xiaoyu's voice kept echoing in the void.

next moment.

The golden light all over the sky converged inward, and the ancient dragon gate disappeared without a trace.Only the Longmen Grottoes, which were stained with dragon blood, remained blood-red.

"One year later?"

Yang Gang glanced at the location where Longmen disappeared, and frowned slightly.

"it is finally over."

Ao Xingyun spun around excitedly, staring at Yang Gang.


He took a mouthful of fairyland dragon yuan and spit it on the ancient jellyfish spirit bead.


In Xingyue Island in the distance, a powerful aura belonging to the realm of the earth fairy slowly rose.

Immediately, many cultivators who lived by the sea all the year round turned pale.

This breath... is that old dragon king who lived in Xingyue Island for thousands of years!
He finally couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to make a move!
"Yeah, it's finally over."

Yang Gang suddenly laughed.

Ao Xingyun couldn't help being startled when he heard this.

Then Yang Gang took out a box from his arms and opened it slowly.

Immediately, a powerful pure yang force shocked all directions.


Yang Gang opened his mouth and spat lightly.

A drop of Golden Crow's blood glowing with golden light rose slowly from the box, and stuck to the center of his brow.

A wisp of green smoke rose, and Yang Gang's eyebrows were actually scalded with a blood hole by the heat of the Golden Crow's blood.

all of a sudden.

The golden sun is really hot, illuminating the entire Longmen Grottoes.

Above the Longmen Grottoes, between Yang Gang's brows, it seemed as if a second huge sun had risen.

The sky trembled.

Only in the sky.

Rays of sunlight crazily gathered here, as if the golden crow on the hibiscus tree far away from nine days cast a dazzling beam of light here.

It landed in the center of Yang Gang's eyebrows.

this moment.

Yang Gang suddenly turned his gaze to Ao Xingyun, and then to the distant Xingyue Island.

"I have a knife, which originated from ancient times. The old dragon king of Xingyue Island... dare to try it!"

The voice reverberated between heaven and earth, and he was actually directly challenging the Old Dragon King of the Earth Immortal Realm who was far away on Xingyue Island.

next moment.

Yang Gang suddenly swung his saber and slashed at the dragons in the East China Sea.

"Fen Tian...one knife."

A knife fell.

It was as if a great sun had risen above the sea and sky, bringing the entire East China Sea back to ancient times.

This sword originated from ancient times.

This knife... has entered the fairyland!

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