I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 130 Enmity with the Dragon Clan

Above the nine heavens, the endless sky.

When Yang Gang cut the last knife.

In the void, a blue long sword was confronting dozens of dragons.It is a dragon clan that has existed for thousands of years in the fairyland of the earth.

Leading by a cyan dragon.

It has even reached the realm of the immortal monarch, wrapped in the power of creation, like a real ancient dragon.


These real high-ranking members of the East China Sea Dragon Clan were stopped by a blue long sword.

To be exact, it was not just Li Chunyun's blue long sword.

Behind Qingyun Xianjian.

There were still three figures standing there, a black-bearded strong man who looked like a savage, holding a bowl in his left hand and holding a dragon inside.A figure like a deer, feathers like a peacock, holding a wheel in the left hand and a fan in the right.

last person.

Surrounded by a strong official luck of the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty, he held a golden pagoda in his hand and spun exquisitely in his palm.He is the outgoing general of the Great Zhou Chentang Gate——Zhou Chengruo.

When Yang Gang fought the Dragon Clan to death in the East China Sea, Da Zhou didn't ignore him.Qingyun sword fairy Li Chunyun traveled hundreds of thousands of miles, and escaped his natal flying sword into the nine heavens, stopping the real fairyland power of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

Feng Bo and Yu Shi from Qingyun Pavilion also came.

Chen Tang's guard, Zhou Chengruo, even held a Shinto pagoda in his hand, and his luck implicated the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At this moment.

All the fairylands of the Dragon Race in the East China Sea all looked dignified.

Master Feng Boyu of Qingyun Pavilion and the others don't need to care about it, and Li Chunyun from Xianyun Yehe only came with a fairy sword, so they don't need to care too much.But Zhou Chengruo, who was an official of the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty...

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

They still don't have the courage to confront the mighty Great Zhou Xianchao head-on.

Many people silently supported Yang Gang behind his back, the mythical arrogance who has been No. 500 in Qingyun for [-] years.

This battle is a temper for him and a recognition for him.

And Yang Gang did it, even far exceeding many people's expectations.

"It's time to end, what do you guys think?" Zhou Chengruo who was standing in the center of the three said suddenly.

He glanced at Yang Gang who was thousands of miles away.

If that knife was cut on the Dragon Clan Earth Immortal, the price would be too high, which he didn't want to see.Rather than hurting both sides, enough is enough.

This statement came out.

Zhou Chengruo held the Linglong Pagoda in his hand, and his whole body was shaken with divine power, as if representing the supreme majesty of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which shook the nine heavens and ten places.

All the dragons in the East China Sea felt their hearts sink and the pressure was like a mountain.

half an hour.

The leader Qinglong finally nodded slowly.

"Let's end it. I, the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, have always supported the majesty of the emperor. There is no need for the old guys above the earth immortals to participate in the battle of the younger generation."

He was just about to make a move to stop the battle below.


"it is good!"

Zhou Chengruo smiled slightly, and threw the pagoda in his hand directly.


Qinglong's expression changed, as if he was very dissatisfied.

However, Qingyun Xianjian was shocked suddenly and stopped him.Trying to stop it, but it was already too late.

in a blink.

The Golden Pagoda leaped thousands of miles and landed on the East China Sea.

There seemed to be a thunderclap in the sky.

Yang Gang, who was cutting out with a single knife, raised his head subconsciously.

Then I saw a huge golden pagoda, which seemed to carry countless heavy immortal luck, and was severely suppressed on the Longmen Grottoes.

Hum~~~ Invisible ripples oscillated.

In an instant.

The auras of earth immortals rising from the East China Sea and the aura of the old dragon king of Xingyue Island were suppressed together.

The Divine Dao of the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty is the most precious fortune, the majesty is supreme, and it suppresses everything forcefully.

"This...this is..."

Countless people on the bank of the East China Sea raised their heads one after another, their eyes shocked.

When a pagoda fell, it suppressed all the dragon clans in the land of immortality in the East China Sea.


The boundless coercion didn't seem to have any effect on Yang Gang.

He slashed out without any hindrance.

A huge round of Da Yen turned into a saber light, and went straight to Ao Xingyun, Dragon King of Xingyue Island.

"Grandfather save me!"

A frightened light suddenly flashed in Ao Xingyun's eyes, and he withdrew and flew back.

But Yang Gang's saber is named 'Burning Heaven', it is like a sun falling to the earth, so how can it be so easy to hide?

In the blink of an eye, the knife light passed through the bodies of the dragons, and went straight to the golden dragon body of Ao Xingyun.As soon as he was about to be chopped down on him, there was an angry voice on Xingyue Island in the East China Sea.


It seems that there is a powerful Longwei flashing away.

The ancient jellyfish spirit orb in front of Ao Xingyun immediately burst into brilliant blue light, enveloping him.

Despite being separated by a long distance, and being suppressed by the Great Zhou Qi Luck, the old Dragon King of Xingyue Island, who has thousands of people in the Earth Immortal Realm, still wants to save his descendants through hidden means.


Yang Gang let out a deep cry, held the knife in both hands, crossed countless distances, and slashed fiercely on the huge blue light circle.

A layer of blue water ripples.

The jellyfish spirit bead shone brilliantly, and barely blocked the fatal knife, but it was also on the verge of breaking.


In the distant nine heavens, there was a resounding dragon chant.

"Today, my Dragon Clan in the East China Sea has suffered heavy casualties, and I have paid a sufficient price. If you are willing to stop, today's enmity will be eliminated. We only want that dragon evil..."

Yang Gang's expression turned cold suddenly.

At this point, do you still want Li Xiaoyu?


A hearty laugh suddenly fell from the sky.

Yang Gang was slightly taken aback.

Only the voice of Qingyun Sword Immortal Li Chunyun sounded.

"Little brother, just kill me today! The little loach in the East China Sea dares to touch my big Zhou Tianjiao, so he must think about the consequences! Today I, Li Chunyun, have a sword here, and I will see which loach from all over the world dares to pass through this dragon gate!"

"Okay. Thank you, Brother Li."

Yang Gang withdrew his gaze and looked at Ao Xingyun who was full of surprise, his eyes suddenly flashed endless murderous intent.

It turns out...he was never fighting alone.

It turns out... behind him has always been the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty, countless great immortals!
Although he had already expected it in his heart, Yang Gang was still slightly moved by his help to Li Chunyun and others.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea is undecided, and they still want Li Xiaoyu.

Then Ao Xingyun's life today, even if the ancient ancestor dragon came, he would kill him too!

The light of the day's sword became more and more decisive, and the golden crow's blood between his eyebrows was burning, as if it was going to completely burn through his forehead bone and enter the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness in the spiritual platform.


Fen Tian slashed out with a saber.


There was an earth-shattering dragon chant.Ao Xingyun screamed and fell, the ancient jellyfish spirit pearl in front of him was knocked into the air with a 'ding' sound, and sank to the bottom of the endless deep sea, no longer able to protect him.

His golden dragon body writhed in pain, and the seven inches below the dragon's head was cut almost in two.

The whole faucet almost fell off!

The dragon's blood stained the blue sky, it was extremely tragic!

Dozens of fairyland real dragons around watched Yang Gang helplessly, and led Li Xiaoyu towards Ao Xingyun step by step, but they were shocked by his ferocity and did not dare to move at all.

Behind this ruthless sword demon who seems to have never entered the fairyland, stands the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty.

He seems to be in the realm of the primordial spirit, but his terrifying power has already surpassed the ultimate power in the world... comparable to the fairyland!
There is even the mysterious blood of the Golden Crow...

He obviously has so many hole cards, why didn't he show them earlier.

Pretend to be a pig and eat a dragon...

Yes, it must be so!He did it on purpose!
Today's catastrophe for the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea is all because he showed the enemy a weakness...

a time.

Countless resentful and gloomy eyes stared at Yang Gang, who walked up to Ao Xingyun's head step by step, slowly raised his long knife, and was about to slay the dragon on the bank of the East China Sea.

"stop it!"

"How dare you... how dare you..."

"If you go down with this knife, you will become an enemy of the dragons in the world... the sword demon, Yang Gang..."

"He's so ruthless! He's even more damned than Long Nian!"

"Damn it!"

A sound of dragon chant and mournful cry echoed over the East China Sea.

All the dragons in the East China Sea looked up at Jiutian, expecting those powerful dragon ancestors to show up and uphold justice for them.


The sky was silent.

The eyes of the dragons in the East China Sea became dim and disappointed one by one.The Dragon Ancestors of the Earth Immortal Realm, and even the incomparably noble Azure Dragon Immortal Lord... can't make a move?

Could it be that they just watched, this sword demon Yang Gang slaughtered his real dragon of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon King of Xingyue Island... completely trampled the face of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea into the dust in full view?

"Heh, heh~~"

Ao Xingyun was dying, looking at the long knife above his head with a wry smile.

Today... is he actually going to die under the most common ordinary iron knife in the world?

"I'm not reconciled..." Ao Xingyun roared unwillingly.

From the beginning to the present, he didn't understand what he did wrong.Why did it end up like this!
It's just a human soul, it's just a humble dragon...

Why is it that no one dares to stop Yang Gang in the land of the dragon clan by the East China Sea, surrounded by real dragons all over the sky.

The immortals of the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty... deceived my Dragon Clan too much!
"Not reconciled?"

Yang Gang's knife stopped suddenly, and he and Li Xiaoyu stood on top of Ao Xingyun's dragon head.

He suddenly raised his head and asked, "Brother Li, what is Dragon Evil?"

"Hmph, Dragon Sin?"

Above the sky, Li Chunyun's voice was like gold and iron, coming from the Qingyun Immortal Sword.

"Damn dragon evil! That is the red lotus demon body, the body of the ancient karmic fire... If you can restrain the dragon clan, you are dragon evil. Aren't all the immortals in this world all dragon evil? An arrogant little loach, you just kill it!" That's it!"

The voice is domineering and ruthless.

This Qingyun Sword Immortal who has been famous for thousands of years is also a ruthless person.If the methods are not ruthless, how can they wander around for nine days and feel at ease?

"it is good."

Yang Gang nodded, expressing his understanding.

A knife fell. .

A huge head suddenly flew into the sky.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea was shocked, staring blankly at Ao Xingyun's crying eyes, and gradually lost his mind.

Yang Gang's ferocious and decisive voice echoed in his ears.

"If it is said that as long as the dragon clan is slaughtered, it is a dragon evil! So what if Yang will be a dragon evil in the future?"

So what about being a dragon?
A sluggishness flashed in the eyes of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, and a chill came over their hearts.

But it's not over yet.

"Little fish." Yang Gang said suddenly.

"Yes." Li Xiaoyu straightened up suddenly.

Suddenly losing his most important playmate, the little silly child seemed to have matured and firmed up a lot.

"Today, our uncles and nephews peeled off the dragon's skin and pumped out the dragon's tendons. How about sharing the stewed meat and stew?" Yang Gang laughed.

"it is good!"

Li Xiaoyu's white eyes stared at the dragon corpse in front of him, it seemed that there was a flash of hatred.

They want to kill me, hurt Uncle Yang who protects me, and take away their big fish...

Dragon Clan, damn it!
At this moment, the seeds of hatred for the Dragon Clan were deeply planted in the heart of the innocent child.

Under Yang Gang's teaching... Li Xiaoyu understands that the only way to resolve his enmity with the Dragon Clan is to peel them off one by one!
Ao Xingyun's dragon body fell from the sky and half sank into the sea.

Everyone stared blankly at Yang Gang and Li Xiaoyu.

Seeing them standing on the dragon's body like that, they peeled off Ao Xingyun's dragon skin piece by piece, and pulled out the dragon tendons... The sharp long knives were chopped off one by one, and it was covered with the hot blood of the dragon clan.

Strands of dragon blood seeped into the shattered knife, and it gradually became a sinful knife full of sins of the dragon race, with streaks of blood-red color on the blade!

And at this time.

Li Xiaoyu pressed his small hands on Ao Xingyun's body, and inexplicably, balls of red lotus flames rose from his palms.

He was skinning Ao Xingyun's corpse, and his speed was only slightly slower than Yang Gang's!

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