I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 131 The West Lake is dry, and the Leifeng Pagoda is down!

"Dragon evil..."

"It's all dragon evil!"

Countless aquariums in the East China Sea looked at Yang Gang and Li Xiaoyu, feeling deep palpitations in their hearts.

over nine days.

The real dragons who confronted the immortals of the Great Zhou had endless anger in their eyes.

Today... is really a disgrace to the Dragon Clan!
Countless people just looked at Yang Gang and Li Xiaoyu like this, and dismantled Ao Xingyun's dragon body into a skeleton.It wasn't until the end that the uncle and nephew realized that there was too much dragon meat and they couldn't handle it at all.


Under the dull eyes of everyone, the two picked and picked, and finally took a few pieces of dragon meat, dragon tendons, dragon liver and dragon heart, and threw the dragon corpse that had been dug into an empty shell into the sea.

"Let's go, let your father kill a chicken at night, and then make a dragon and phoenix soup!"

Yang Gang carried a pair of dragon horns on his shoulders, pulled Li Xiaoyu up, and walked towards the coast in such a grandiose manner.

The sky filled with dragons and countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals could not stop him a single point.

They hate it!

I wish I could kill Yang Gang, drink his blood, and eat his flesh.

But they were afraid of the majesty of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the cruelty of Yang Gang...but they didn't dare to move.

"Are you OK."

Li Jin appeared in front of the two with disheveled hair and a Drizzle Sword in his hand.He looked worriedly at his chest, and the blood hole between his eyebrows that had been scalded by the blood of the Golden Crow.

"It's okay, the mere loach family, you can't do anything to me!"

Yang Gang shook his head and smiled.

The wound on his chest was healing, and the unburned blood of the Golden Crow was also collected.However, the small hole between the eyebrows that was scalded like an eye could not be healed no matter what.

The power of the real fire of the sun remains in it, and there seems to be only a thin line between it and the mysterious spiritual platform in the brain.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Li Jin's lips trembled, but he didn't know how to say the words of gratitude in his heart.

How can a word 'thank you' repay such a great kindness?
Three people stand in the sea.

Looking at the messy sea, Li Jin couldn't help but have a hint of hidden worry in his eyes.

They have offended the Dragon Clan, who must retaliate...there will be endless troubles in the future!

"Qingyun Pavilion, Li Jin."

Suddenly, there was a steady shout in the sky, full of divine power.


Li Jin raised his head subconsciously.

"Now, I will hand over my post to you. From now on, you will guard the East China Sea for my Great Zhou Chentang Gate, and you will not be neglected!" Zhou Chengruo's voice was as majestic as a god.

The thousand-foot pagoda in the sky slowly fell, turning into an exquisite pagoda and falling into Li Jin's palm.

At the same time, an official seal fell in the air and fell into his other hand.

"Take this water army command talisman and hold this Shinto pagoda. You can order Chentang's [-] water army, and one tower will be sacrificed to suppress the aquarium in the four seas. You need to remember the mighty kindness of the sage, and overcome all obstacles for my great week and guard the country!"

"Official, obey orders." Li Jin bowed his head deeply, and worshiped in the direction of Shengjing.

Then slowly got up.

One hand official seal, one hand pagoda.

For a moment, he only felt that he was entrusted with a heavy mission.

Before coming to East China Sea, Li Jin thought that the guard of Chentang Pass was just an ordinary official position.

Come to think of it now.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea... the body of the dragon of his third son...

Your Majesty Shengjun, all the immortals in Qingyun Pavilion, have already expected today!
The light all over the sky dissipated.

It's all over.

Powerful one after another disappeared from the nine heavens, and the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea also left dejectedly.

"Let's go."

Yang Gang said something lightly.

Turning around and holding Li Xiaoyu's hand, he walked on the waves and walked towards the coast.

Li Jin took a deep breath.

He suddenly puffed up his chest, and his expression became majestic with the naked eye.

From today onwards, he is the guard of Chentang Pass by the East China Sea, representing the majestic face of the Great Zhou, holding the Linglong Pagoda of the Divine Dao in his hand, and can no longer be humiliated by anyone.

If the Dragon Race of the Four Seas dares to invade... Li Jin should use a pagoda to suppress it!
for a long time.

The countless crowd watching the battle on the coast still stood there dumbfounded.

Today's battle was really soul-stirring, and the shock was indescribable.

The last words Yang Gang left before leaving kept echoing in everyone's ears.

"One year later, the dragon gate will reopen. My nephew who is a 'dragon evil' will come again..."

After a year, I will come again!

At that time, the real devil boy will enter the sea, step on the huge waves, and slay the real dragon!

This year.

Yang Gang will train Li Xiaoyu well, regardless of past life or present life.

If a year later, the Dragon Clan would still forcibly take away the Dragon Transformation Body of the Destiny Koi.

The red lotus demon body, the body of karmic fire.

Yang Gang will tell them what is the real dragon evil and what is the troublemaker... Nezha!

Chentang Pass.

Located thirty miles upstream of the mouth of the East China Sea, it is a big city built along the water.

Yang Gang and Li Jin and his son flew forward all the way.

Li Xiaoyu kept looking back at Donghai, reluctant to part.

"Junior Brother Yang, this is the most incompetent of my three children, male and female, with a white life rank. Sigh..." Li Jinchang sighed, and said with a face full of shame: "This time we are two fathers and sons. , I'm really sorry for you!"

After the battle between Yang Gang and Ao Bai ended, the subsequent events should have nothing to do with him.

But for Li Xiaoyu, Yang Gang fought bloody and was seriously injured. Li Jin really didn't know how to repay this kindness.

"The wounds on your body..."

Li Jin looked at the blood on Yang Gang's body and expressed concern.

"No problem."

Yang Gang shook his head, "Most of the blood is from the dragon family. With my physique, those minor injuries have already healed. The punch that the magician punched in the chest... eat some dragon meat, and the bones can be reconnected in a few days."

"I will personally go to the Demon Palace to repay the revenge of this fist."

"Then between your eyebrows..." Li Jin looked at his forehead hesitantly.

"Is this..."

Yang Gang scratched the blood hole scalded by the blood of the Golden Crow with some headaches, and said: "The power contained in the blood of the Golden Crow is too pure, it may take some time for this wound, and it will not be until I refine the true sun fire in it." It will be better."

"Really... is it all right?" Li Jin still looked a little uneasy.

"It's really all right."

Yang Gang laughed.

His golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations is indeed domineering, unless he is hit fatally, a few minor injuries are nothing to worry about.

If not, he wouldn't be so desperate!

This time, Li Xiaoyu took Yang Gang's hand, raised his head and said seriously: "Thank you uncle."


Yang Gang rubbed his head, and suddenly said: "Little fish, can uncle carve a big fish out of this dragon horn for you?"


Li Xiaoyu was surprised.After only being separated for a while, he already misses his own big fish!

"Of course it's true." Yang Gang laughed.

Take out the long knife soaked in dragon blood, and slowly carve on Ao Xingyun's dragon horn.

After a while.

Chentangguan is close at hand, and Yang Gang's little red fish has also been carved.

"Look, do you like it?" He handed the Hongchen fish to Li Xiaoyu.

"I like it, I like it so much!"

Li Xiaoyu almost snatched the pendant from Xiaoyu, stroking it lovingly.

His white eyes were trying to open wide, as if he wanted to see the appearance of 'Big Fish' clearly.

Li Jin and Yang Gang looked at him, they couldn't help smiling, their faces full of gentleness.

"White life rank..." A gleam flashed in Yang Gang's eyes.

Right now.

There seemed to be a sound in the Long River of Consciousness Sea Fate, and it was slightly shocked.

He sank into his mind secretly, and easily caught a newly born white life-rank mortal fish.

[Currently optional past life: Qiantang fisherman]

[Qiantang Fisherman: A small fisherman by the river, who spends his whole life with koi.The white life stage (not fully awakened), can participate in research, can reverse the chaos of yin and yang, reverse reincarnation, and obtain causal opportunities. 】

"Not fully awakened?"

Yang Gang was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, in Li Xiaoyu's previous life, not only was he a white life rank, but even a mere white life rank was not fully awakened.

As the son of Immortal Swordsman Li Jin, one can imagine how poor his talent was before.

But... where did the red lotus demon body, the ancient karmic fire body come from?
Yang Gang originally wanted to enter Li Xiaoyu's previous life and teach him the exercises.

But a white fate...

Do not!

What about the white order?Don't you even have a previous life?
thought here.

Yang Gang secretly made up his mind, even if it is a white life rank, he can teach Li Xiaoyu's previous life to be a master of how to train a dragon!
Here is adjacent to the East China Sea, and there are many creatures of the Shui tribe in their past lives.

At that time, let out some small fishes in the world, and find a dragon's past life to practice the "dragon training technique" in advance.

Well~~~ It's decided, let's do it!

"Uncle, what do you think if the big fish really forgets the little fish after it becomes a dragon?" At this time, Li Xiaoyu was so addicted to playing Hongchenyu, he raised his head and asked Yang Gang.

"Do not worry."

Yang Gang patted him on the shoulder and said affirmatively: "Didn't those dragons say that you are the body of a dragon? When the time comes, you tame her again and ride her as a mount. She will naturally be obedient and remember again." from you."

"Oh. Then...after going back, will uncle teach Xiao Yu'er skills?" Li Xiaoyu looked expectant.

"Of course."

Yang Gang suddenly laughed.

Time flies.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Jin took over the garrison of Chentangguan from Zhou Chengruo, and his family finally arrived in the city and slowly settled down.

And because of the East China Sea.

Yang Gang had the idea of ​​taming the dragon in his heart, so he opened a Hongchenyu branch in Chentangguan.

The location is not very good, even a little secluded, which belongs to the nature of ticketing.

In the past two days, he quietly carved a lot of red dust fish, and after he left, he asked Li Jin to ask someone to take care of the small shop.

From now on, he will sit in Shengjing and occasionally send some red dust fish over for sale.

Two days later.

The Hongchen Diaoyu branch opened silently, and the business was a bit deserted. It only sold five or six small fish pendants a day, which was far less prosperous than when it was in Shengjing.

But Yang Gang didn't care.

And what he didn't know was.

Sheng Jing at this time.

A woman who looked exactly like Bai Suqing walked into Hongchen Diaoyu Shop.

"It's you."

It happened that Han Xiang was sitting here, and she frowned suddenly.

"I'm not Sister Suqing." The woman saluted Yingying, gentle and weak: "The little girl is here this time, one is to inform the result of the battle in the East China Sea. The other is..."

Han Xiang looked puzzled, and a cold moonlight suddenly flashed across her eyes, and she stared at the woman for a while.

Then he asked in surprise, "Your previous life...was a painted skin demon?"


Silent night.

After Yang Gang taught Li Xiaoyu, he just came back from Li's house.

Sitting at the desk, he couldn't help frowning a little deeply.

"I seem to understand why Li Xiaoyu's talent is so bad!" Yang Gang pressed his fingers on the table bit by bit, and murmured: "Success is the red lotus demon body, and defeat is the red lotus demon body."

"It can be said that Li Xiaoyu's talent and savvy are not at all. But after leaving the Destiny Koi, his power seems to be unsealed, and it grows stronger every day."

"But he seems to be getting more and more unlucky. He can almost choke to death if he drinks dragon broth..."

"Destiny Koi..."

Yang Gang frowned at Chen Si.

According to his estimate, the bad luck brought by Li Xiaoyu's red lotus demon body, if he hadn't been brought up with the destiny koi since he was a child, he would have died unexpectedly.

Even Li Jin in Wonderland couldn't protect him from this kind of bad luck that was rejected by the world.

"The current Li Xiaoyu doesn't need to be taught and he won't be weak in the future."

"But if Kong has the strength, he will only be a reckless man in the future and be played around by others. And I can't stay in Chen Tangguan for long..."

"It seems...the only way to find a way is to enter the previous life."

thought here.

Yang Gang closed his eyes, his mind sank into the river of fate.


The red dust fishes sold in the past few days appeared one by one in front of him.

Yang Gang swept his gaze, and suddenly let out a 'huh'.

Among a group of white red dust fish, there was a little fish with a purple halo.

It is shaking its head and tail, swimming freely.

Yang Gang's mind froze.

[Previous life currently available: West Lake Painter]

[West Lake Painting Immortal: It is difficult to paint the skin of a painting fairy, but it is difficult to paint the bones of an infatuated painting dragon.The purple life stage (not fully awakened), can participate in research, can reverse the chaos of yin and yang, reverse reincarnation, and obtain causal opportunities. 】

"So lucky? After selling it for a few days, you met a fairyland purple fate?" Yang Gang was a little surprised.

"This life of the West Lake painting fairy seems to be a love disaster!"


He fell into deep thought: "Chentang Pass, West Lake, Qiantang River... There is West Lake beside Qiantang, and the beauty of Jiangnan is in the world. Isn't this Qiantang West Lake in the Chentang water system?"

"I just don't know how much awakened this West Lake painting fairy's past life is now?"

Right now.

A white mortal fish swam over and touched Yang Gang's neck like a kitten.

【Discover the related order】

[Qiantang Fisherman—West Lake Painting Immortal.Both belong to the same era and can enter at the same time. 】

[Currently choose a life trajectory: [-]. Fisherman in the south of the Yangtze River.[-]. The guard of Chentang——Yang Ru. 】

"Huh? Associated life rank??"

Yang Gang was slightly surprised and lost in thought.

This time, he unexpectedly encountered two strangely related fates!

Because of the relationship between the two fates, he can also directly see the life trajectory of the first life and choose his identity.

Doesn't that mean that if he didn't change his fate and chose the previous life of a fisherman in the south of the Yangtze River, he would be near Li Xiaoyu's previous life after he was born.And if you choose Chen Tang guard...

and many more.

What is the relationship between the painting fairy of West Lake and his general Chen Tang?

Could it be that he entered this life to become the former guard of Chentang Gate, suppressing with the Divine Dao Pagoda in his hand...

Yang Gang's eyes fell on the little fish in 'West Lake Painted Skin'.

[West Lake Painting Immortal: It is difficult to paint the skin of a painting fairy, but it is difficult to paint the bones of an infatuated painting dragon. 】

"... Qinglong?"

"This is a bit interesting!"

Yang Gang looked thoughtful.

A smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth, "If I become the guard of Chentang, I will take Li Xiaoyu as a adopted son and apprentice in his previous life, and then I will suppress the green dragon that Huapixian admires under the pagoda, and slowly tame it into a mount."

"Finally, what will happen if you give Li Xiaoyu the ability to train dragons?"

Think of this.

Yang Gang's smile became more and more intense.

Unexpectedly, in this life, he can actually become a gatekeeper boss, domineering.

Immediately, the images of individual characters were gradually connected together in his mind.

At the end.

A very classic fairy tale suddenly popped up in Yang Gang's mind.

"West Lake is dry, Leifeng Pagoda is down!"

His eyes lit up suddenly, he clapped his palms and got up to walk, saying to himself: "I am me, I am not me... Although the life stories of these two lives are different, they are very similar. Yang Ru, the guard of the pond!"

"The story of this era will be constructed by myself..."

Thinking of the possible scenes in the future, Yang Gang immediately looked forward to it.

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