I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 132 Killing an official and pretending to be an idiot

Chapter 132 Killing an official and pretending to be an idiot
A layer of purple light, like the gauze skirt of a beautiful girl in the south of the Yangtze River, slipped from the eyes.

Yang Gang opened his eyes.

Find yourself in a boat with a wooden paddle in your hand.

Surrounded by sparkling green water, there is a beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Don't you want to choose your identity?"

"Strange, how should I choose?" A trace of doubt flashed in Yang Gang's heart.

After he entered the related past life, he originally wanted to choose the identity of Yang Ru, the guard of Chentang, but found that he came in directly.There is no chance of any choice at all.

Or appeared on a boat and became a fisherman?

Yang Gang sniffed his nose and smelled a strong smell of blood.

A sound came.

"Hahaha, this family of three is too defenseless!"

"I don't even know the reason why wealth should not be exposed. We brothers deserve it!"

"It's a pity that Mrs. Feng Yun, if it wasn't for the tight time, I really want to take it back to make the brothers happy..."


An exclamation sounded: "Brother, look at this appointment document. This scholar is actually our new guard at Chentangguan?"

"It's broken, something serious happened!"

There was confusion in my ears.

Yang Gang looked for the sound.

The three big men in the canopy were full of ferocious faces.

On the ground lay three corpses with wide-eyed eyes.A man, a woman and a child died in a miserable state, all of them had their necks broken.


Yang Gang stared blankly at this scene and couldn't help scratching his head.

He has just arrived, and the new guard of Chentang Gate is... dead?
"Big brother!"

At this time, only one person said furtively: "What do you think our brother will kill the official and pretend to be the official? Brother, you will replace this scholar and become the guard of Chentang Gate. We have this document, don't we..."

"Makes sense!"

The big man in the head said excitedly: "If it succeeds, we will be rich and prosperous for a lifetime, what kind of water bandits are we going to be?"

"Huh? Killing an official and impersonating him?"

Yang Gang's heart moved when he heard this.

"Brother, there is another one here." A water bandit suddenly pointed to Yang Gang at the bow.

"Kill the fisherman who punted the boat, and don't let the news leak out!" The water bandit boss had a grim face.


Yang Gang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

He got up slowly, holding the wooden pulp like a knife, and walked towards the boat tent step by step.

"Why don't you run away?"

The three water bandits looked at each other in astonishment.

next moment.

Then they saw a wooden-colored light flashing before their eyes.


Three short screams.

I saw three heads flying up and falling into the cold river in early spring.

"Killing an official and pretending to be a post, and you don't even look at the sloppy faces of you, when the official system of the Great Zhou is free?" Yang Gang sneered disdainfully.

Then he looked at the three corpses in the canopy.

One of them was about [-] years old and had a good appearance. Although his face was ferocious before he died, he could still feel a strong scholarly spirit.

da, da~
Yang Gang walked to the edge of the boat and looked at his own reflection in the water.

Can't help but look thoughtful.

The shadow in the water is about [-] years old, with dark skin tanned by the wind and sun, but his appearance is somewhat similar to that of the soon-to-be guard general of Chentang, Yang Ru.

"I see."

Yang Gang couldn't help but clicked his tongue, and immediately found it very interesting.

It turns out that the choice mentioned in Mingjie Changhe is really a choice.

The water bandits killed Yang Ru's family, trying to kill him.He fights against the water bandits and chooses to replace Yang Ru, so he can become the new guard of Chentang - 'Yang Ru'.

And if he chooses to report to the official, he will still be the ordinary Jiangnan fisherman.

In the long river of fate, all chances and coincidences are not accidental.

The Yang Ru family is also pitiful.

Although he was about to become the guard of Chentang, but because he hadn't taken office yet, he couldn't get the protection of Da Zhou's official luck, and he didn't have any cultivation, so he suffered such a disaster.Among them, there may be some factors of longevity.

Otherwise, how could the three water bandits be able to kill the general guard of the Great Zhou?

After a while.

Yang Gang took off Yang Ru's clothes and copied the letter of appointment in his arms.

After changing his clothes, his temperament was completely different from before.In addition to the slightly dark skin, it can be regarded as a dignified appearance.

After arriving at Chentangguan, as long as you deal with it properly, you may really be able to deceive a group of Da Zhou officials who have never been masked.

"Now that I have my identity, where are Li Xiaoyu's past life and that painting fairy's past life now?"

Yang Gang pondered slightly.

Suddenly, a broken memory flooded into his mind.

Fisherman Yang Er, whose parents died early, has only one friend, Li Qing.

Three years ago, Li Qing died at the hands of water bandits, leaving orphans and widows living on the banks of the Qiantang River.

As a good friend, Yang Er often rowed for more than ten miles to see the orphans and widows, and occasionally helped them live a difficult life.

Now Li Qing's child, Li Yu, is six years old. He was brought up by his widowed mother, and his life is very difficult.But because of her beauty, she is often molested by the bums around her...

"I understand!"

Yang Gang suddenly realized.

Qiantang fisherman... Isn't that six-year-old little Li Yu the same as Li Xiaoyu's previous life?

He acted immediately.

Clean up the corpses on the boat, take off the clothes of the three of Yang Ru, and salute.

Then temporarily changed back to his original clothes, and rowed to the Li family in his memory.

"Arrangement of fate and coincidence... What a wonderful thing! My brother Li, who has never met, let me take care of your wife and children from now on! Don't worry... I will bring them a lifetime of wealth. Yang If you are upright, you will never go beyond the slightest bit!"

After half an hour.

Yang Gang arrived at Li's house by the Qiantang River.

"Sister-in-law, are you home? Open the door!" Yang Gang knocked on the door and shouted.


There was a soft low cry from inside the door, as if very vigilant.

"It's me, Yang Er."

Yang Gang said loudly.

"Uncle Yang is here..." The wooden door creaked open.

Yang Gang saw a Jiangnan woman in rough clothes appearing in front of him. She had a slender figure and a fair face, but her hands were very rough.


Yang Gang was certain in his heart.

There is basically no problem for such a woman to pretend to be Yang Ru's wife who is not very attractive.

"Sister-in-law, where is Xiaoyu's child?"

Yang Gang came in and asked.

"He, he went to catch loach. The weather has just turned warm, and the loach is active in the field. That kid is sensible enough to catch some loach to supplement his family..." Mrs. Li said softly.

"The slave family was weaving just now..."

She turned to look at Yang Gang.

But he found that he had already sat down carelessly and poured himself a bowl of tea.

His face turned slightly rosy, and he said softly, "Uncle Yang, what are you here for today? Don't give away any more money, fish and shrimp, the money from the slave's weaving is already enough for family use."

"I came today to give you a fortune." Yang Gang turned his head to look at Mrs. Li, and immediately laughed.

Some weird smiles made Mrs. Li uneasy.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Mrs. Li held her heart in one hand, slightly flustered.

But there was no intention of running away.

Yang Er has taken care of her meticulously for the past three years. If he really made some rude requests...she doesn't know how to refuse.

"rest assured."

Yang Gang didn't think about that.

Turning around, he opened the package on the table, revealing several sets of clothes inside.


Mrs. Li exclaimed when she saw it.

He said in a panic, "These clothes cost at least a hundred taels of silver, right? Where did uncle get them, return them quickly!"

"Sister-in-law, listen to me."

Yang Gang then stated his plans one by one and told Mrs. Li in detail.

There is no way, to replace Yang Ru's identity, the cooperation of Li's mother and son is still needed.

And in this way, Li Xiaoyu's previous life can also be bound by her side.

After a while.

Mrs. Li was stunned in place, her forehead was dripping with sweat.

"Uncle Yang, this assassination of an official...is a serious crime of beheading!"

"Why panic, I didn't kill Yang Ru, so you don't have to feel bad about it!" Yang Gang comforted.

"But..." Mrs. Li still hesitated.

"Nothing but."

Yang Gang resolutely said: "Don't think about yourself, you should also think about Xiaoyu. He is not young anymore, what should he do when he studies in the future? What about getting married? If he is talented, he can embark on the path of cultivation in the future... ...It needs countless wealth!"

"Take this risk, but you can get a lifetime of wealth. Sister-in-law, you don't want that child, Xiao Yu, to be a fisherman for the rest of his life, and one day he will die in the river like Brother Li, right?"

"This, this..." Mrs. Li's expression gradually changed.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyu will be my own son from now on when we arrive at Chentang Pass. I will never marry again in my life, and I will treat you mother and son well!" Yang Gang said again.

"Dear son."

Mrs. Li subconsciously looked up at Yang Gang.

Then he quickly lowered his head, his face flushed.

"Then, then it's all up to Uncle Yang to decide."

"it is good."

A smile suddenly appeared on Yang Gang's face.

In this way, there is only one guard left for Chen Tangguan.

Hope...all goes well!

Shortly after.

Li Yu, who was catching loach, also bounced back.

When he opened the door and saw Yang Gang, he was taken aback for a moment.

Then his face was full of joy: "Godfather, you are here!"

"Well, Xiao Yu, good boy!"

A smile rose on Yang Gang's face, and he hugged Li Xiaoyu's previous life, laughing loudly.

after one day.

The "family of three" packed up, put on the expensive clothes worn by Yang Ru's family, and headed towards Chentangguan.

along the way.

Yang Gang kept telling the mother and son some details about how to deal with it.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The three of them finally arrived in front of Chentang Pass.

The general guarding the gate in front of the city took a few glances at the document handed over by Yang Gang, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Xiaoguan has seen adults."

He stretched out his hand, and said respectfully: "My lord, please go first, and I will send someone to notify Huang Zongbing to prepare to meet your lord."


Yang Gang took back the document and nodded calmly.

After several lifetimes of life, he has an aura of calmness and prestige, which makes people believe that this is really a Shangguan from the capital.

Chentangguan was divided into civil and military affairs.

There is the government office of the state government and the commander of the navy.

The guard of Chentang Pass is the commander-in-chief of the [-]-strong navy in the Chentang Water System. He has been appointed by the Xian Dynasty in all previous dynasties.

Now all the Shui tribes in the vicinity have been in peace for thousands of years, and the recent generals of Chentangguan are all Confucian generals.Although he has no cultivation base, he is very suitable for the official spirit of Shinto, and controlling a pagoda of luck is enough to suppress the Chentang water system.

No one would have imagined that Yang Ruo was accidentally killed on the way to take office, and the bold Yang Gang took advantage of the loophole.

Of course, how long he can hide it in the future depends on Yang Gang's fortune.

Shortly after.

Chentangguan General Military Mansion.

Inside the study.

A Confucian general is painting in the study.

A soldier outside the gate rushed to report: "Master Huang, the new commander-in-chief has arrived outside the city!"


Huang Qifeng paused slightly, still waving the wolf hair in his hand to paint.

Without raising his head, he said: "You go and prepare to meet him first, the official will come later."


The soldiers saluted and turned to leave.

After a while.

Huang Qifeng dropped the brush in his hand.

Looking at the 'West Lake Wind and Rain Map' on the desktop, I couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

"That's right! The new general is finally here. Mr. Huang can return to Qingyun Mountain and read the classics under the old master's lap! After 50 years of hard study, he became a great Confucianist. Huang is ashamed of being cultivated by the old master..."

"Hahaha, okay, let's drink a hundred cups with Mr. Yang tonight!"

He put down his pen and ink, turned and left the study.

After Huang Qifeng left.


On the wall next to the desk, a picture of a green snake spewing letters flashed for a while.

A woman in Tsing Yi appeared in front of the desk, fascinatedly looking at the 'West Lake Wind and Rain Map' on the table.

She opened her mouth and took a breath.

There seemed to be wisps of faint cyan energy rising from the painting, which was sucked into her mouth.


The woman looked at the picture of the green snake on the wall, and a deep infatuation flashed in her eyes.

"Don't worry, sister, Xian'er will become enlightened soon. Xian'er will come to find you soon..."

 There are still 3000 away from the 300 monthly pass, you will not do it, will you?Tut tut...

(End of this chapter)

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