I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 133 'Master~~' 【Subscribe】

Chapter 133 'Master~~' 【Subscribe】

When Yang Gang drove the carriage and took Li's mother and son to the General Military Mansion, a group of officials from Chentangguan had also arrived.

"Hahaha." A burst of laughter came

A middle-aged man in yellow came up first, "Huang Qifeng led all his colleagues from Chentang to welcome Zongbing Yang."

"I've seen Mr. Huang." Yang Gang's heart shuddered.

"You don't need to be too polite. From now on, Mr. Huang will be a commoner after retiring from his official position. From now on, he will call Mr. Yang when he sees Zongbing Yang!" Huang Qifeng laughed loudly, looking very happy.

"By the way, you come from Shengjing, how about the old master and other teachers on Qingyun Mountain?" Huang Qifeng asked suddenly.

"Well. Good, good!"

Yang Gang's heart sank slightly, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

It turns out that Yang Ru, like Huang Qifeng, both came from the famous academy on Qingyun Mountain in the holy capital.

It's no wonder that they were able to rise to the top without practicing exercises, and became the guards of Chentang Pass one after another.

I don't know if I can hide the little ink in my stomach from Huang Qifeng, a great Confucian.


Everything seems not as bad as imagined.

Huang Qifeng didn't know if he had been trapped in Chentangguan for a long time. He was very happy to resign this time. He didn't discuss knowledge with Yang Gang.

A reception banquet ended, and Yang Gang survived safely.

the next few days.

The handover of official positions between the two was also very smooth.

Huang Qifeng handed over the official seal and a pagoda to Yang Gang with a serious face.

Said in a deep voice: "Receive this official seal and pagoda, you must guard one side for the sake of the Great Zhou, and don't let the monsters of various water systems disturb the peace of Chentang."


Yang Gang took the two heavy treasures with both hands, feeling the heavy weight on his hands.

Shortly after.

Huang Qifeng left without a trace of nostalgia.

Yang Gang took over the position of the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan and took over the [-] navy.For a moment, there was a dreamlike feeling.

And on this day.

He also entered the study in the backyard of the General Military Mansion, looking at the furnishings in it and pondering slightly.

"West Lake Painter..."

After these days, he also found out clearly that the guards of Chentang Pass were all Confucian generals in the past dynasties.His predecessor, Huang Qifeng, was even a great Confucian...

Does this have any connection with that painting fairy's previous life?


Yang Gang only felt a sense of drowsiness and fell into sleepiness.

There was a flash of light.

A figure of a woman in green clothes fell from the picture of a green snake on the wall.

She has a slender figure, with a curvy figure, and a tight bodice around the blue dress, which is in stark contrast to her slender waist. Her pair of long legs are even more astonishingly long.

Just like the person in the painting, the exaggerated curves of the figure are as extreme as the world.


She has no face.

Under the black hair, there is only one red lip, and the eyebrows, eyes, and nose are all blank.

"Is this the new guard of Chen Tang? It seems that he is also a member of the Confucian school. Although he has no cultivation, his Confucian luck can help me practice..." The soft voice of the woman in Tsing Yi sounded in the study.

She stared at Yang Gang in a daze for a while.

Suddenly a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's a good thing you haven't become a Confucian, otherwise... Xian'er wouldn't dare to come out!"

Hua Pixian smiled happily, so good that the body that exploded trembled slightly.

"You seem very happy."

A voice suddenly asked.

"Of course, after I become enlightened, I can..." Hua Pixian's voice froze suddenly.

Staring blankly at Yang Gang who didn't know when to open his eyes.

"you are not……"

"I'm not asleep, am I?" Yang Gang had a smile on his face, holding a golden exquisite pagoda in his hand.


Only one cry was heard.

A wisp of white smoke flashed in front of Yang Gang's eyes, and he immediately lost the beautiful figure of Hua Pi Xian.


His eyes swept across the study, and he frowned immediately.

Huapixian's body must be in this study, but the room is full of paintings and calligraphy, trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"There is."

Yang Gang's heart lit up.

According to the formula taught by Professor Huang Qifeng, he introduced the power of the Linglong Pagoda into his body.


A steady stream of divine power of luck, like the magic power above the legendary fairyland.


Yang Gang laughed immediately.

There was a flash of blue light in his eyes, and his clear and celestial eyes scanned the calligraphy and paintings in the study.

Soon, he locked onto the picture of a green snake on the wall next to the desk.

"Come out."

There was silence in the study room, and there was no response.

"Heh~~~" Yang Gang chuckled, raised the candle on the table, and walked slowly to the green snake picture.

"Hua Pi Xian, it is rumored that he is a creature of calligraphy and painting, who can imitate all things, but his body is weak. Tell me... if I burn this painting on fire, can you still hide it?"


A whisper.

The green snake picture in front of him suddenly flashed a blue light, shooting into Yang Gang's eyes.

But he raised the pagoda and emitted a divine light to suppress it easily.

"It seems that I won't be able to teach you a lesson!"

Yang Gang looked cold.

The Linglong Pagoda suddenly burst into divine light, projecting into the picture of the green snake.

"Ah—" there was a scream.

next moment.

A ray of blue light fell to the ground and turned into the figure of a faceless woman in green clothes. The exaggerated curves of her figure twitched on the ground, seeming to be in great pain.

She begged in a low voice: "Please, don't shoot! If my body is destroyed, the thousand years of penance will be turned into nothingness, please let me go..."

"Let go of you?"

Yang Gang said: "What if I let you go and play tricks with me?"

"No, I don't dare, I really don't dare!" Hua Pixian begged bitterly, her body twisted and deformed in pain, as if she was about to turn into a wisp of green smoke.

She regretted it very much at this time, Huapixian is very special, she has the ability to hide and transform before she is fully enlightened, and her attacking ability can basically be ignored.


Seeing this, Yang Gang finally put away the Linglong Pagoda.


The woman in Tsing Yi lay on the ground, panting.

It's just that although the figure is attractive, the blank face without facial features is a bit weird.

"Tell me. What is your origin, and why have you existed in the study of the General Military Mansion for so long without being discovered?"

"The slave family... the body of the slave family is this ancient painting."

Huapixian said sadly: "It's only because 1000 years ago, it was recorded in a painting by a book boy who climbed the mountain, and then it was collected by a great Confucian. He hung on the wall and watched the painting and writing of the great Confucian from time to time, so he was able to give birth to a trace of spiritual wisdom."

"The fairy of painted skin can change all things and deceive anyone in the world. The soldiers of several generations of Chentangguan are all great Confucianists. I have silently absorbed the literary spirit for a hundred years, and I am about to attain Taoism. The reason why they didn't find me is because I have no body. You have such supernatural powers..."

"I see."

Yang Gang was stunned.

Painted Skin Immortal was born thousands of years ago, absorbing the energy of culture and gaining the Tao, can change all things, and hide the breath to deceive anyone.

But it couldn't fool his clear and celestial eye.

Yang Gang finally understood why the painting fairy of West Lake was connected with General Chen Tang.

But in this life, she is the protagonist.

If you want to catch the blue dragon behind Huapixian, you really can't kill her easily.

"Green Snake... Green Dragon... Heh, it's getting more and more interesting."

Yang Gang sat down on the stool in the study.

He said condescendingly, "What's your name?"

"Xian'er, Bai Huaxian." Bai Huaxian gasped.

"Okay, from today on you, you can follow me." Yang Gang said.

"Follow you?"

Bai Huaxian raised her head subconsciously and looked at Yang Gang.

"Why, don't you want to?"

Yang Gang narrowed his eyes, speaking dangerously.

"Yes, my lord."

Bai Huaxian lowered her head and bowed her head and ears with a docile look.

"What do you call me?" Yang Gang frowned.


Bai Huaxian lowered her head, biting her red lips firmly.

Finally, he managed to utter a weak voice, "...Master."

"Hmph." Yang Gang snorted.

Looking at Bai Huaxian who bowed his head and knelt on the ground, his eyes flashed.

At this time, Bai Huaxian was bending her beautiful figure, and a trace of cruelty flashed in her heart.

'When I find Sister Qing'er...and draw the most beautiful face in the world, then I can truly become enlightened.At that time... I will make you, a hateful villain, look good! '

Bai Huaxian, who has what she considers to be the most attractive figure in the world, thinks so.


A gust of wind blows, and the candles flicker.

Yang Gang was slightly taken aback.

I just felt that the surrounding time and space began to oscillate and gradually stagnated.

"Become 'Yang Ru', subdue Hua Pi Xian, this life is temporarily over." He thought to himself.

[Associated with the previous life 'Qiantang Fisherman' - 'West Lake Painting Immortal']

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.Take Yang Ruo, the guard of Chentang, and replace him. I will take care of your wife and daughter.Ru Xianshi, I accept it. 】

[Evaluation: Upright. 】

[A cyan opportunity has been transformed. 】

"Be upright..."

Yang Gang raised his head silently, watching the moon in the sky shine on him.

Sure enough, he walked upright and sat upright, and he was evaluated by Ming Jie Changhe, and he did not feel sorry for the passing "Brother Li".

But next...

The deduction of the long river of fate, don't make any fools!

One after another pictures flashed, and the fateful river began to deduce.

[You participated in the study of the previous life and experienced reincarnation.He has a little understanding of Dazhou Shinto and official spirit, and feels the unprecedented great ambition of Shengjun. 】

[Evaluation: Shinto Xiaocheng. 】

[Accumulated in previous lives, gained the power of three years of Shinto research. 】

[It's the first month of becoming the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan.You subdued Huapixian 'Baihuaxian' and began to train him.Bai Huaxian didn't follow from the beginning, but later she accepted it, yelling "Master" very obsessively.However, you always keep a vigilance in your heart. 】

Yang Gang frowned slightly, always feeling something was wrong.

[Second month.You re-cultivate martial arts, satin bones, Tongmai, golden body, true astral... thousands of miles a day.And from Bai Huaxian, he learned the method of hiding breath and changing, and combined with the "nine changes of water movement" obtained by Qingyun Pavilion, he derived eighteen kinds of changing techniques. 】

[The third month.Your art of change is small, you named it 'Eighteen Changes of Qingyun'.Bai Huaxian saw that you are very talented, and her attitude towards you became more and more docile. 】

[The fourth month.You taught Li Yu how to practice every day, and the little guy got a resource bonus, and finally stepped into the threshold of practice.You noticed that the way Mrs. Li looks at you seems to have changed...]


Yang Gang took a deep breath, feeling bad.

Mingjie Changhe, what are you doing!
It's fine to teach Bai Huaxian a little bit, but if something happens with Mrs. Li...

Yang Gang has always been reluctant to have emotional entanglements with others in his previous life. He did not go beyond the North and Zhao Ling. If he fell into the trap of Mrs. Li, it would be too... a loss!

[The seventh month.Li Xiaoyu has a small success, you start to teach him the Daxue Mountain Demon God's bone kung fu, this is the ultimate kung fu technique of three transformations of the bone bone.At the same time, you find that the little guy often sneaks out of the house to play, and feeds the red koi that has always been full of spirituality by the Qiantang River. 】

【one year later.You feel that you have completely tamed Bai Huaxian, so you often take him to visit the West Lake, silently waiting for the doomed green dragon to appear. 】

[One year and three months.You found a 15-year-old book boy who often collects herbs in the mountains beside the West Lake.If you inquire a little bit, you will know that the Shutong's surname is Xu Mingxuan. 】

[One year and five months.Bai Huaxian has always refused to confide any information about Qinglong. You whipped her with the power of the divine way, but she still refused. 】

[One year and six months.Bai Huaxian suddenly changed her attitude and seduced you in every possible way, her enchanting figure is very alluring.It's a pity that you were unmoved, and said coldly, "A faceless monster also wants to tempt me?" ']

[Bai Huaxian was unwilling, silently looking forward to finding Sister Qing'er: "As long as I imprint my sister's face, I can truly become enlightened.At that time, Yang Ru...hum' in her heart, only Sister Qing'er is qualified to be her 'master'! 】

Seeing the deduction of the long river of fate, Yang Gang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then sneered.

A mere painting skin fairy, you also want to seduce him?Do you really think that the figure you drew is the most beautiful in the world?

Jiang Jiang's long legs are the best in the world!

[Two years and three months.Under your cultivation, Li Yu stepped into the realm of Tongmai.His comprehension of marksmanship seems to be not bad... Mrs. Li has become more and more charming after two years of living in wealth.But the way she looked at you gradually became wrong. 】

[Two and a half years later.You have finally fully controlled the Linglong Pagoda, the supreme treasure of the divine way.During this period of time, Mrs. Li has often come to your study room to bring you soup, ask you about your health, and the tenderness in her eyes seems to be turning into honey. 】

"do not!"

Yang Gang looked anxious at the deduction of the long river of life.

"Hold on, it's only half a year away, you must hold on!"

This one is related to the previous life, which is really too strange!

It feels like a world full of love in the world of mortals, and everyone is wrapped in the word 'love'.


A light flashed in Yang Gang's heart.

It was at this time.

The last one [the third year.You suddenly realize that this is a world of infatuation, and everyone is bound by the strong worldly atmosphere of the Jiangnan water town.But in your eyes, you seem to see a fairyland technique, the follow-up of a treasured book of earth treasures. 】

[Thinking in your heart, if you can understand the other side of Hongchen Yidao and Zuowangjing here...]

(End of this chapter)

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