I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 134 The Counterattack of Zhongyong Bo Yang Tianyou

Chapter 134 The Counterattack of Zhongyong Bo Yang Tianyou

After the deduction of the long river of fate, Yang Gang fell into deep thought.

"In the Northland Magic Gun, I learned to forget feelings. In Wangchen Immortal Lord, I learned to forget feelings first and then to be extreme. In the past life of West Lake Painting Fairy..." He couldn't help but think of a person in his mind.

The swordsman in the cloud waved the white clouds, was extremely affectionate, and then forgot about it.

This path coincides with Yang Gang's understanding of the treasure trove of Zhawangjing.In his thinking, the Zuo Wang Sutra should have two sides. If you want to step into the fairyland with the Ksitigarbha Treasure, you should be extremely emotional, so that you can be extremely Tao.

Only by understanding the way of sentient beings and ruthless ones, can one comprehend the sutra of sitting and forgetting oneself.


He looked at Mingjie Changhe, and suddenly a purple chance burned, turning into a wisp of smoke and falling into the Changhe.

What will the purple opportunity obtained by Immortal Wangchen in his previous life bring him?

"The next time I enter the West Lake Painting Fairy, that green dragon should be born... Now, it's time to go back to Shengjing."

A peaceful night passed.

But for many people, many memories of previous lives were awakened in this night's dream.

"Uncle Yang!"

Early in the morning, Li Xiaoyu appeared in front of the courtyard, and threw himself into Yang Gang's arms with a look of surprise.

The cute little face rubbed against his arms, raised his head and said, "Uncle, I awakened a little memory of my previous life yesterday. There is also an uncle who is as good as you who taught me marksmanship, and I have learned the skills! Xiaoyuer is not stupid , Xiao Yuer will be able to protect herself from now on!"


The little guy broke away from Yang Gang's arms, held a small wooden stick, and waved it with style.

"Okay, not bad!"

Yang Gang said with a smile.

It is indeed a good way to enter the previous life to teach Li Xiaoyu. The result of this night is ten times better than that of this little guy who practiced hard for a few days.


Li Xiaoyu stopped suddenly, raised his head and said innocently: "You said that Uncle Yang in my previous life, could it be your previous life?"


Yang Gang couldn't help being taken aback.

Sure enough, it was Tong Yan Wuji, Li Xiaoyu guessed right after random guessing.

But Yang Gang would not admit it.

He rubbed the little guy's head, and said: "It should be a coincidence. Xiaoyu, everyone's awakened past life experience should be kept as secret as possible. Let this be our little secret, okay? Don't tell others."

"Okay. I won't tell daddy! When the time comes, give him a surprise! Hey~~" Li Xiaoyu opened his big white eyes, and seemed to have begun to look forward to his father's shocked expression after his strength was exposed .

"Little fish, I have to go."

Yang Gang said suddenly.


When Li Xiaoyu heard this, her little face immediately pulled down.

"Xiao Yu'er doesn't want uncle to leave, Xiao Yu'er can't bear to part with you!" He grabbed Yang Gang's lapel and said reluctantly.

"Xiao Yu'er, my uncle has one more important thing to do when he returns to Shengjing." Yang Gang comforted him, "I'll come back to you in a few months after my uncle finishes that matter, okay? You can indulge in fun and slacken your practice!"

He looked to the sky.

After such a long time, the Yang family...should pay some real price.

"Uncle Yang, don't worry, Xiao Yu'er will definitely work hard!"

Li Xiaoyu patted his chest and said firmly.


He immediately said in a low voice: "Uncle is gone, there will be no one to teach Xiao Yu'er skills."

"Don't you still have Uncle Yang from the previous life?"

Yang Gang rubbed his head, and said: "You should first learn the skills of the previous life with that Uncle Yang, and when the Dragon Gate reopens a year later, Uncle will take you back to fetch your big fish."


Li Xiaoyu nodded heavily upon hearing this.

His face was full of anticipation.

Looking at his expression, Yang Gang looked forward to it too.

One year later, can Li Xiaoyu really reach the level of 'little Nezha' in his mind?
Even if it's only a little bit... It can be regarded as fulfilling his dream.


When Yang Gang left Chentangguan.

Sheng Jing at this time.

Duke Weiyuan.

There are two women with exactly the same appearance who just got up and sit in front of the mirror to make up.

Bai Suqing looked at the completely identical self in the mirror, and said helplessly, "Xian'er, why did you become like me again? You went to the Red Dust Carving Fish yesterday... We have clearly agreed, and we will have nothing to do with each other from now on."

"If he knows that you have been there, he will underestimate me for no reason..."

"Okay, sister."

Bai Huaxian put her arms around Bai Suqing's slender waist from behind, and put her two identical pretty faces together.

She caressed Bai Suqing's face and said, "I have revealed my identity, so I won't be mistaken."

"Sister, I awakened some memories of my previous life last night! Xian'er reckons that I will meet you soon in my previous life... I will definitely lead you to fully awaken the 'Zhu Qinglong' life rank!"

"Really?" Bai Suqing turned her head suddenly, a little excited.

The cyan dragon tail under the skirt swayed unconsciously.

"En." Bai Huaxian couldn't help touching it with her little hand.

"Xian'er, stop making trouble!" Bai Suqing slapped her hand away.

Seeing this, Bai Huaxian rolled his eyes.

Leaning over to Bai Suqing's ear, she exhaled: "Sister, Xian'er heard that Yang Tianyou, the loyal and brave Marquis, returned to Beijing yesterday!"

"Marquis Zhongyong is back?"

Bai Suqing couldn't help being taken aback.

"And...Xian'er also saw yesterday that the first thing that Zhongyong Hou did when he returned to Beijing was to go to the Hongchen Carved Fish Shop, and wanted to take Yang Gang's mother back to the Yang Mansion."

"What!" The news was too sudden.

Bai Suqing was surprised and said, "It was the emperor's order for Yang Gang's mother and son to leave the house, how dare he resist the order?"

But he didn't notice Bai Huaxian's hand, and finally touched her dragon tail again.

"It is said that Yang Tianyou's reason was 'Although Yang Gang left the Yang family, Lan Caiyi is his wife'. He wanted to take his wife home to take care of him, which is only right and proper."

"Then what happened afterwards?" Bai Suqing asked.


Bai Huaxian smiled mysteriously, and said next to her sister's ear: "I was blocked by Floating Moon Sword Immortal Hanxiang. But early this morning, I heard that Yang Tianyou had entered the court. Yang Gang was so decisive against the Yang family. I'm afraid I won't let it go..."

"This Yang Tianyou, is he looking for death?" Bai Suqing asked in surprise.

Yang Gang's forbearance and determination have long been known to everyone in Shengjing.Yang Tianyou went so far as to provoke him, trying to bring his mother back to Yang's mansion, deliberately touching her against her scales.

Haven't they received the results of the Battle of the East China Sea?

Bai Suqing frowned.

She always felt that this matter was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Grandpa... Yang Tianyou... What secrets are you hiding?

A blade of light pierced the sky.

Yang Gang was on his way to Shengjing at this time.

After he entered the realm of Yuanshen, his flying speed increased by another point.

"However, I'm still a bit worse than Wonderland now. This is a shortcoming and needs to be made up for."

"In ancient mythology, those powerful men ride dragons and phoenixes, and mounts of exotic beasts. Maybe... I should also get a mount instead of walking!" He thought to himself, and quickly raised another point.

After not seeing his mother for half a month, Yang Gang already misses her a little.It's just that it still takes two days to go to Shengjing.

Right now.

Suddenly there was a thin voice transmission in the wind.

"I am Fang Jibo of Qingyun Pavilion..."

"Uncle Feng?"

Yang Gang listened carefully to Uncle Feng's sound transmission in the wind, and after a while, his expression completely changed, his eyes were gloomy with strong murderous intent.

"Yang Tianyou, Yang Mansion. You...you will die!"

The sword light suddenly accelerated.

Yang Gang did not hesitate to burn his true gang and soul, and flew towards Shengjing with all his strength.

At this time, the Great Zhou Xianting.

Lord Ling Xiao.

Zhongyong Hou Yang Tianyou finally met Shengjun.

He knelt down on one knee and reported respectfully: "The reason why I have postponed my return to Beijing this time is because of the resurgence of war in the northern land. Thanks to the help of the survivors of the giant gods, I have completely pacified the northern cold sky region and wiped out the demonic primordial spirit." Thirteen statues, one true demon in the fairyland, regain a piece of lost ground for Da Zhou!"

"Your Majesty, I am honored that Yang Tianyou will make up for his mistakes and restore my Yang family's hereditary position as the Marquis of the Yang family. From now on, I will be determined to do my best for my great Zhou foundation, and I will not hesitate to die!"

The voice fell.

Lingxiao Temple was silent.

Everyone stood in the hall with their heads lowered, waiting quietly above for the majestic sage king to make a decision.

Restoring Yang Tianyou's title is not an easy task.

Although the Yang family was dismissed because of its guarding of the Northland, the main cause was the rise of Yang Gang.

Filial piety moves the sky, and Qingyun enshrines the gods.

It is the sage king who takes into account the hearts of the people of the world under the rules set by himself, and must make concessions for it.


But Yang Tianyou wanted to use the power of the Northland to counteract it, it was really a bit whimsical.


A loud shout passed down.

"The sage said: In the war in the north, the merits and demerits of the loyal and brave uncles are balanced. The matter of cutting the nobles is irrelevant because of the lack of family education. This is it!"


Yang Tianyou lowered his head, a trace of unwillingness flashed across his face.


He suddenly raised his head and said: "The Holy King is honored. I have one more matter, please ask the Holy King to uphold justice."

There was a moment of silence above.

It was that voice again.


"Thank you, Shengjun."

Yang Tianyou saluted respectfully first.

Then leaned over and said: "I have a wife and concubine named Lan Caiyi. Although she temporarily left Yang's house because of her rebellious son Yang Gang, she is my wife and concubine after all, and the relationship has not been broken."

"I petition to take Lan Caiyi back to the Yang Mansion and take good care of her."

The voice just fell.

The surrounding officials seemed to explode.

"This Yang Tianyou, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Could it be that you want to fight against Yang Gang's pride that day, this move is simply a heart-breaking move!"

"Yang Gang came here as a mother, if he takes him back to the Yang Mansion with such a reason, mother and child will not be able to see each other from now on... Isn't he afraid that Yang Gang will go crazy?"

"Perhaps, his purpose is to drive Yang Gang crazy, and take this opportunity to catch him!"

"It's crazy! The current Yang Mansion, what qualifications do you have to wrestle with Yang Gang? Behind him is the immortals standing behind Qingyun Pavilion!"

"Shameless you! You are shameless!!"

"Your Majesty, I do not agree!"

"Your Majesty, I do not agree!"

"Yang Tianyou's heart can be punished, and he is extremely shameless! Your Majesty must never agree, let the filial sons of the world feel cold!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! It would be better to restore the Yang family to the title than to let Yang Gang lose his mother and make a big mistake!"

The courtiers were so excited that they raised their voices one after another.

Almost none of the hundreds of people supported Yang Tianyou.Even a caring person dare not speak out under this group of sentiments.


What responded to them above was an unspeakable silence.

It is reasonable for Yang Gang to leave the mansion with his mother.

It is the law that Yang Tianyou wants to take his wife back to the mansion.

This time, it was a conflict between the 'principle and law' established at the beginning of the establishment of the Great Zhou.

Even His Majesty the Holy Monarch, whose majesty radiates to the nine heavens and ten earths, seems to be in a dilemma.

Everyone knew that Yang Tianyou had sinister intentions, but he couldn't refute the reasons he used.

Yang Tianyou kept his head down.

The corner of his mouth secretly curled into a smile.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."


A voice sounded from the hall.

Everyone looked at him one after another, and suddenly frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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