I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 135: All the old, weak and disabled immortals in Qingyun Pavilion are here!

Chapter 135: All the old, weak and disabled immortals in Qingyun Pavilion are here!

Everyone followed the sound, and the person who made the sound was actually the current Duke Weiyuan of Duke Weiyuan's mansion, Bai Yanhui.

"These two got mixed up."

"Bai Yanhui is uneasy and kind! Isn't the lesson Yang Gang taught them before not enough?"

Under everyone's gaze, Bai Yanhui slowly stepped out.

Taking a step forward, he bowed and said, "Your Majesty. There is a conflict between etiquette and law in this matter. Since it is difficult to decide, it is better to argue with reason. I suggest that this matter be handed over to Jing Zhaoyin, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Rites. The three parties will conduct a joint trial to distinguish right from wrong based on reason, to give justice to the Yang family, and justice to the people of the world!"

"As for Lan Caiyi...with the eyes of all the people in the world looking at her, she probably won't receive any grievances. Why don't you let her go back to Yang's residence first, and follow Da Zhou's husband and wife etiquette."

This statement came out.

The people present were shocked immediately.

He looked at Bai Yanhui in surprise.

It seems...he really made up his mind to take back all the humiliation that day on Qingyun Ferry from Yang Gang.

But with such low means, while Yang Gang was not in Shengjing, he oppressed a mad woman and child...

Bai Yanhui, does old Mr. Weiyuan know what you're doing?
"Where's old Duke Weiyuan?"

"I heard that since the last Qingyun crossing, I have been bedridden all the time, I am afraid that time is running out!"

"It's a pity that none of the immortals in Qingyun Pavilion will go to the court, and it was so pretentious by these two people!"

"Will His Majesty Shengjun agree?"

"I'll wait. Let's wait and see."

The courtiers talked a lot.

It's a pity that the matter has nothing to do with him. Yang Tianyou and Bai Yanhui cooperated with each other.

Even if they don't like it anymore, there is no reason to intervene.

for a long time.

A voice finally fell from the upper part.


The ministers were in an uproar.

But the next moment.

The voice representing the sage said again:

"The sage said: Lan Caiyi is not compatible with the women of the Yang family. It may be inconvenient to take her back to the Yang family. For the time being, she will be under the care of the Ministry of Rites. When Yang Gang returns to Beijing, she will have three debates and tell the world."

"Thank you Shengjun!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

Yang Tianyou and Bai Yanhui saluted one after another.

The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

In today's match, although their goal was not completely achieved, the basic goal was still achieved.

"The decree of the holy king."

The ministers had no choice but to agree.

Some aggressive people stared at the two even more indignantly.


After a while.

The news spread throughout Shengjing, and the whole city was shocked.

In the White House.

Old Duke Weiyuan vomited three liters of blood when he heard that, his face was grim.

"Unworthy descendants, unworthy descendants... I am ashamed to treat my ancestors!"

The backyard of the White House.

In the boudoir, Bai Suqing suddenly broke free from Bai Huaxian's embrace, and quickly ran towards the Hongchen Carved Fish Shop.

In Yang Mansion.

Everyone was overjoyed and celebrated wildly, as if their revenge had been avenged.

Only Yang Chan was biting his lip, looking at their celebration, he felt so strange and disgusting.


She seemed to remember something, quietly left from the back door, and went straight to the Hongchen Carved Fish Shop.

And at this time.

The Ministry of Rites, Dali Temple, and Jingzhaoyin also led by Yang Tianyou, marched mightily towards the intersection of Changting Street and Changting Street.

Today's Shengjing is destined to cause a huge disturbance.

A terrifying knife light streaked across the sky.

Yang Gang's eyes were bloodshot, and he flew towards Shengjing as if he was crazy.

this moment.

He only hated that he didn't have a pair of wings, so he could fly directly to Shengjing and return to his mother.

"If I have brother monkey's somersaulting cloud, and the golden light of Zongdi... No matter how bad it is, I have a fairyland mount, and I can rush back to Shengjing within today!"

"Quick! Faster!"


Yang Gang tried his best to fly, and his energy gushed out as if he didn't want money.

However, at his current speed, he felt that Sheng Jing might need the next day.

Then...it was too late.


There seems to be a breeze between the sky and the earth.

Gently push Yang Gang behind his back.

He only felt his body lighten, and his speed suddenly increased several times.

"Son, heaven's rules limit... I can only help you this way." The voice of Fang Jibo, the celestial master of Qingyun Pavilion, rang next to Yang Gang's ear.

"Before noon, we must rush back to Shengjing!"

The voice was ethereal and gradually dissipated.

"Noon...Thank you, Uncle Feng!"

Yang Gang's eyes lit up, and then he became very serious.

I silently said in my heart: "Aunt Hanxiang, you must hold on!"


Inside the Hongchen Diaoyu shop.

Han Xiang sat upright in the main hall with a calm expression on his face.

Yang Chan stood by her side, her face full of anxiety.

What Yang Fu did has completely overturned the impression in the girl's heart.

Even if he was slightly dissatisfied with Yang Gang's previous killing, his sympathy for Yang's mother surpassed others at this time.

"Master, what should we do? People from the third department are coming, and they will definitely hurt Aunt Lan! How about...how about taking Aunt Lan and leaving first?"

"I'm dragging them here!"

Yang Chan anxiously pulled Han Xiang's sleeve.

"No hurries."

Han Xiang looked out of the store calmly, her goddess-like aloofness had become more intense recently.

The world is like dust.

In her eyes, the frivolity of this world is becoming more and more filthy.

"But..." Yang Chan looked worried.

"Cicada, this is Shengjing."

Han Xiangan sat like a mountain, and said quietly: "This matter has attracted the attention of the world. Where do you think we can go with colorful clothes?"

"Holy Monarch..."

Han Xiang looked at the sky, the moonlight in her eyes was extremely deep.

There was an imperceptible snort in his mouth.

Time passed little by little.

at last.

There was a commotion in front of the store.

The Ministry of Rites, Marble, Jing Zhaoyin and Yang Tianyou... have arrived.

A crowd of people filed in.

At the first glance, I saw the cold fragrance sitting on the table, with a temperament like a goddess.

"I've met the God General of Doubu, Sword Immortal Fuyue."

The crowd saluted.

"Everyone, why are you here?" Han Xiang calmly sat in front of her like a master.

A proud aura emanated spontaneously, and everyone felt as if a moonlight was blowing on their faces, blocking everyone's way.

"Fairy, we are ordered by the sage to come and invite Yang Gang's mother, Lan Caiyi, to move to the Ministry of Rites, and wait for Yang Gang to return to Beijing to discuss this matter of 'father and son competing for mother'." The speaker was the Minister of Rites, Gao Chun and.


Han Xiang nodded slightly, noncommittal.

But there was no intention of giving way at all.Everyone wanted to go to the backyard, except for climbing over the wall, they had no choice but to go over her.

At this time.

Yang Tianyou stood up.

"This matter has nothing to do with the fairy, please read your name as master and apprentice with Yang Chan, don't make it difficult for us."

He glanced at Yang Chan beside Han Xiang, and said in a deep voice, "Cicada, come here."

"Father... I don't."

Yang Chan glanced at her familiar yet unfamiliar father, gritted her teeth suddenly, and stood firmly beside Han Xiang.

She stands here today.

It has nothing to do with the right or wrong between Yang Fu and Yang Gang, but I just don't want poor Aunt Lan to be wronged again.

After entering the Ministry of Rites, who knows what will happen to Lan Caiyi who can't take care of herself.


A trace of anger flashed across Yang Tianyou's face.

Immediately, he looked at Hanxiang, who was calm and breezy, and said in a deep voice: "Fairy Hanxiang, this is a matter of my Yang family, please don't talk about it. Now, please get out of the way..."

There was a hint of warning in the voice.


Han Xiang still looked calm and breezy, and suddenly slapped a piece of land deed on the table.

"Is this enough?"

Yang Tianyou's eyes fell on the land deed, and his pupils shrank immediately.

That was actually the title deed of Hongchen Diaoyu shop!

Isn't this store under Yang Gang's name?How did this land deed come into Hanxiang's hands?

"Could it be that you..." Yang Tianyou suddenly said.


Han Xiang let out a soft hum from his nostrils.

She is ice-snow smart, coupled with Yang Gang's solemn entrustment before leaving, how could she not take precautions in advance?

After Yang Tianyou came yesterday, she had already used her relationship with the Doubu overnight to replace the shop under Yang Gang's name with her own.


Anyone who wants to get through here needs her consent.

Han Xiang directly put down her words and said, "It's okay to take Caiyi away. When Yang Gang comes back, he will meet you. Then, you can go and ask him about the knife in his hand. Do you agree or not?"

The cold voice was icy cold.


Yang Tianyou's face suddenly sank like water.

Behind him, the Ministry of Rites, Dali Temple, and Jing Zhaoyin all looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, Fairy Hanxiang, an outsider, would be so difficult to deal with!
If there is a conflict with her, it is tantamount to a conflict with His Majesty Shengjun's new fighting department.The eight divisions in the sky and the four divisions in the world are of different ranks, even if they had ten guts, they wouldn't dare to do it directly!
And if you wait for Yang Gang to come back...

Everyone present had seen his murderous nature.

Who dares to face this natural sword demon?The sum of all the people present was not enough for him to chop alone.

In their hearts, Yang Gang's deterrent power was much stronger than Han Xiang's.

"Uncle Zhongyong, what should we do now?" Minister of Rites asked in a low voice.

Picking up Lancaiyi is an order from the Holy Monarch.They didn't dare to fight against the Doubu, and they don't have the strength now.

For a while, it was a dilemma.

"It seems that we have to wait for Shengjun to respond." Minister of Rites sighed.

And this time.

Yang Tianyou winked at Bai Yanhui behind him.

At the same time, he shouted to Hanxiang: "God General Fuyue, you are a member of the Doubu, and you dare to openly disobey the will of the sage. Could it be that you want to go out of Dazhou and join the heretics of the otherworldly fairy mountain?"

"After today, Hanxiang will resign from the Doubu and plead guilty to the sage. Don't bother the loyal and brave." Hanxiang stood there with a flat expression, surrounded by the moonlight, with a goddess-like noble temperament, let People dare not lightly commit crimes.

Yang Tianyou's eyebrows twitched, the "Uncle Zhongyong" in Hanxiang's mouth was so harsh to his ears.

The scene was deadlocked again.Han Xiang is willing to make such a sacrifice for Yang Gang and Lan Caiyi?

Time passed little by little.

The golden crow in the east is gradually rising, as if it is about to climb over the head.

And the order of the sage king that everyone was waiting for has not appeared for a long time.

It seems that even he is unwilling to participate in the trivial affairs of this world.

"Accept the order of the God of Fire Virtue."

Suddenly there was a loud shout.

Yang Tianyou's expression suddenly brightened.

A group of people suddenly came from a distance.

They were dressed in Huoyun long robes, their auras were hot, and strands of Huoyuan Qi emerged spontaneously.

The first person has tiger stripes on his forehead, like a cloud of fire.

He stood in front of Han Xiang.

He said coldly: "Shenjun Huode has an order, Dou Bu Hanxiang, intervening in the disputes of the world is against the purpose of my eight departments. Now that Doumu Shenjun is not in Shengjing, the Huode Shenjun issued a decree on his behalf, ordering Hanxiang to return quickly Doubu, don't delay."

"Tail Vulcan general, Zhu Zhao."

Han Xiang's face darkened slightly.

He said coldly, "When did Huobu reach out to me, Doubu?"


But Zhu Zhao didn't answer, he drew his hand, and a powerful aura suddenly emanated from his body.

Everyone around retreated.


"This Vermillion God General is actually an expert in the Immortal Realm!"

"It's not good! Won't there be a fight?"

"Why did the Ministry of Fire get involved in this matter, could it be..."

"Sigh... I heard that the first generation of Zhongyonghou of the Yang family had an old relationship with the Lord of Fire Virtue. This time, he may have used such a great favor."

"It's just for a blue colored robe?"

"It's just a blue dress... I think it's for that sword demon Yang Gang!"

Facing Zhu Zhao's strength.

Han Xiang's expression was calm, she was wearing a moonlight palace costume without wind, and an aura rose from her white body to fight against it.

It is also a wonderland.

Han Xiang, who has been stagnant in the Yuanshen realm, has stepped into the fairyland at some point.

Zhu Zhao's expression changed slightly.

Then he said coldly: "Han Xiang, do you want to fight against the decree of the god?"

"So what if I resist today?"

Han Xiangyue narrowed her eyes and said coldly.

all of a sudden.

Everyone in the fire department behind Zhu Zhao was surging.

The scene is on fire.


A long laugh suddenly sounded from the sky.

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously.

He only heard an angry shout: "If you want to rob someone in front of this old man, have you asked me about the immortals in Qingyun Pavilion?"


The sky is changing, and a long river of blue clouds hangs down.

In everyone's horrified eyes.

One after another, powerful old men, some with brooms, hoes, or even benches, landed on the roofs around Hongchen Diaoyu Shop one by one.

They all stared at everyone in the fire department with serious eyes.

"One...two...five...eight...ten..." Some people counted with dull eyes, only to find that they couldn't count their ten fingers at all.

The immortals of Qingyun Pavilion...

Didn't they stab into the fairy nest today?

The old man with the broom at the head took a step forward and shouted in a deep voice:

"All the old, weak and disabled immortals in Qingyun Pavilion are here. Let me see who will pass through this gate today!"

A breath of fairyland firmly pressed on Zhu Zhao, the Vulcan general at the end, and all the people in the fire department, his face suddenly became gloomy.

 I really can’t write today. I washed my hair last night, and now I have a splitting headache and have been retching...

  Brothers, please let me go, alas... Seeing that I have been in the sun for a week, I have never stopped asking for leave.Today is still more than 2 words in 7000 chapters.

  It's almost 12 o'clock, I hope everyone can vote for a guaranteed monthly pass, and take advantage of the double monthly pass.

  Sincerely wish everyone a happy new year, everything goes well in 2023, and wealth is prosperous!
(End of this chapter)

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