I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 136 'Yang Gang, You Killed Foot! '

Chapter 136 'Yang Gang, You Killed Foot! '

"The old guy from Qingyun Pavilion..."

Tail Huohu Zhu Zhao looked ugly, and said: "This is my Doubu's business, what does it have to do with your Qingyun Pavilion?"

"It's really irrelevant."

The old man with the broom laughed, and Zhu Zhao couldn't help but relax when he heard the words, but he heard him say again: "Since it's nothing to do, just take that little girl Hanxiang away. What are you still doing here?"

He suddenly drank.

Taking a step forward, the aura of fairyland surged on his body, and he put on an aggressive posture, "Could it be that my old guys in Qingyun Pavilion are protecting a family member of a younger generation, and they also want to report to your fire department?"

"What did you say?"

Zhu Zhao's face was completely gloomy.

The atmosphere was suddenly tense.

Dozens of people from the Huo Department behind Zhu Zhao took out strange treasures and formed formations, their breaths became one piece, and they were able to compete with several fairyland old men.

There are also high and low levels of cultivation and status among the eight gods.

This tiger general is one of the five great generals of the Ministry of Fire, Zhu Zhao, the tail fire tiger.

At the same time, he seems to have also practiced the XingXiu Shinto, which can receive the power of the stars in the sky and bless his body.

The people around subconsciously retreated.

Qingyun Pavilion, one of the eight divisions in the sky, is one of the eight divisions in the sky. Is it possible that today, because of a blue dress, it will completely tear its face and start fighting?
"What, still want to do it?"

The old man holding the broom sneered: "The thousand-year-old king is 8-year-old tortoise. I have lived for almost 1000 years, and today I will risk my old life to protect Lan Caiyi. If you want to do it, you can try!"

When everyone heard the words, their expressions became serious.

These old immortals in Qingyun Pavilion, who are near the end of their lifespans, behaved so aggressively.

At this moment, it is no longer the time to reason, but to compete who has the greater energy behind the two sides.

Although the emperor has ordered.

But if they can drag Yang Gang back, everything will be different.

These ten or so Qingyun Pavilion old fairies, although they are old and at the end of their lives, can really fight for their lives, and everyone must be prepared to be dragged into the water together.

Counting on the God of Fire Virtue to make a move?

Don't forget, Qingyun Pavilion also has Master Feng Boyu, and that Heavenly Master Yuan who guards the road to Qingyun...

It is impossible for them to end the battle at this level in person.


Abrupt mutation.

I saw a commotion coming from the backyard of Hongchen Diaoyu Shop.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and their eyes subconsciously looked around.

He was stunned to find out that Yang Yuan, Yang Jing and others from the Yang Mansion led people over the wall and pushed away a group of maids, trying to force their way into the house where Lan Caiyi was.

"What do you want to do?"


"court death!"

Han Xiang, Yang Chan, and the immortals in Qingyun Pavilion had gloomy expressions, and a murderous intent flashed in their eyes... Even the tail fire tiger Zhu Zhao, their faces were all ugly.


After today's scene, because of these idiots in the Yang family, the Huobu's face can be regarded as completely lost!

But seeing this situation, Han Xiang and the others didn't move, they just looked at Yang Yuan and the others with a sneer on their faces.

next moment.


The bloody knife light flashed.

A blood-colored long knife suddenly appeared in front of the door, as if it had a spirit, it slashed seven times in a row at Yang Yuan, the fourth son of the Yang family, and the knife was fatal.

An arm flies up.

puff~ puff~ puff~
Another arm flew up with one or two thighs.

Right now.

The Blood Drinking Demon Knife was stunned for a moment, and seemed to realize that Yang Yuan, who had turned into a stick, had nothing to chop.

Then point the blade at his torso.

"Stop!" came an angry shout.

puff~ puff~ puff~
The lower half of Yang Yuan's waist flew up, and then, a hideous and painful head flew into the sky together with the half of his body.

"Far away!"

Yang Tianyou roared angrily.

He wanted to save him, but there was nothing he could do.

Han Xiang's aura spread all over her body, stopping Yang Tianyou, who was about to move.

"Yang Gang, how dare you kill people with a knife and mutilate brothers and sisters! You... deserve death!" Yang Tianyou stared at the long knife with his eyes tearing open.

Zhu Zhao looked cold.

Slowly raise one hand.

Now that the Blood Drinking Demon Knife moved, it even took his life.

Then, for today's matter, they also have an excuse to do it.

Qingyun Pavilion...

If those arrogances in your pavilion were all in Shengjing, my Ministry of Fire would still be afraid of you.But now only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled came...

"Do it."

Zhu Zhao's hand suddenly swung down.


Everyone in the fire department behind them surged with aura, forming a star array, and the magic weapon on their bodies was in broad daylight, instantly attracting the power of the stars in the sky.

In an instant.

Waves of power that resembled a fairyland erupted from them.

This is the divine way of the Great Zhou, the power of divine luck conferred by the holy king!

Suddenly, a hand came out of nowhere, gently holding the handle of the Blood Drinking Demon Knife.


In an instant, the blood-drinking magic knife burst out with a shocking light.

The owner of that hand held the long knife and suddenly slashed forward.

The sharp blade is like cutting a piece of white paper.

The aura condensed by the stars, fire and clouds in the sky was pierced by this knife.

Zhu Zhao's movement of ordering his hands was stagnant.

Staring blankly at the figure that suddenly appeared, heart palpitations surged in his heart.

Behind him, a sky-shattering sword was like a long river, extending from the small courtyard to the outside of Shengjing.

A thousand miles away, it seems so close.

"What a fast speed. What a beautiful sword light... Qingyun Pavilion, sword demon." Zhu Zhao murmured.

In the sky.

The Golden Crow flew over its head little by little, and let out a loud and long cry.

Yang Gang holds the Blood Drinking Demon Knife.

Slowly turned around and looked at the people in the Hongchen Diaoyu shop.

There was a drop of divine blood between his brows, shining brightly, like the sun in the sky illuminating the faces of everyone present.

A dense aura suddenly poured into everyone's heart.

The shocking murderous aura followed Yang Gang's turn, as if a fantasy world of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood rushed towards his face.

Everyone took three steps back.

Sword Demon Yang Gang finally came!With Uncle Feng's help, and regardless of the power of burning Golden Crow's blood, he finally rushed back to Shengjing at the most critical moment!

Zhu Zhao stood at the forefront, facing Yang Gang's aura directly, with a dignified expression.

For the first time, there was a trace of hesitation in his heart.

As an enemy of the first mythical arrogance in 500 years, the Huode Shenjun decided to make a mistake for the past affection of a loyal and brave uncle?

"Sword Demon...Yang Gang!"

"He's finally here!"

"There's a good show to watch now."

"How is it possible?" Yang Tianyou and Bai Yanhui looked at each other, with a hint of disbelief in their eyes.

Bai Yanhui's lips moved slightly,
The sound transmission said: "Brother Yang, those 'people' you arranged, didn't they stop him?"


Yang Tianyou shook his head slightly, looking at the strange Yang Gang.

The sound transmission responded: "The strength of those 'people' is more than enough to kill an Earth Immortal. This Nizi kills an Immortal at most because he thinks highly of him. On the way back today, he should definitely die!"

"Could it be...they didn't stop Yang Gang? Brother Yang, what is the origin of those people you arranged?" Bai Yanhui guessed.

For some reason, there was an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

Yang Tianyou shook his head slightly, apparently unwilling to tell Bai Yanhui.

Thinking of what happened in the Northland, Yang Tianyou looked at Yang Gang, with a serious killing intent flashing in his eyes.


The news channels of these two people in the East China Sea are obviously far inferior to some well-informed people in Shengjing.

However, Bai Suqing, who has a connection with Donghai, did not tell his father about Yang Gang's record in Donghai this time because of the disagreement between the Bai family and Yang Gang.

It made them misjudge Yang Gang's strength.

And this... the impact it will have on the Yang family and Duke Weiyuan's mansion in the future will far exceed their expectations.

"Uncle Zhongyong, Yang Tian You."

Yang Gang turned his head and looked at Yang Tianyou coldly, with murderous intent looming in his eyes.The 'things' encountered thousands of miles away from Shengjing flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help a sneer in his heart.

"It turns out that your spirit of 'loyalty and courage' comes from this!" He sneered in his heart, but temporarily held back his murderous intent, and did not choose to say it at this time.

It's too late to say everything.

And this time.

The pieces of Yang Yuan's corpses were barely falling.

Yang Gang's eyes suddenly turned cold.

In the eyes of everyone, he swung his knife violently.

Under the strong pressure, Yang Yuan's corpse turned into countless blood foam.

The small courtyard was filled with blood and flesh, and it rained down on everyone from the Ministry of Rites, Dali Temple, and Jing Zhaoyin, as well as on Yang Tianyou and Bai Yanhui.


Yang Tianyou's eyebrows twitched.

His whole body was bathed in Aiko's flesh and blood, and his face was blood red.

"Didn't you say that I mutilated brothers and sisters? Today, I will mutilate for you to see, so what?" Yang Gang's voice as calm as water resounded around.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a bit of coolness in their hearts.

This sword demon has such a strong attitude and strong killing intent!
Jing Zhaoyin Liu Quan's legs went limp, and he leaned against his colleague, his expression pale, "It's broken, it's broken... Today, isn't this evil spirit going to kill us all here?"

"Brother Liu, rest assured, we are all important ministers in the court, we should...should not." Cheng Bi, the minister of Dali Temple, swallowed his saliva and forced himself to be calm.

"Yang Gang, you have come at just the right time, you son of a bitch."

Yang Tianyou said in a deep voice: "You have committed a heinous crime by mutilating your siblings and slaughtering the Yang family. Today I will report to the Holy Monarch, and I will take you into custody in Dali Temple for interrogation! As for your mother, the Holy Monarch has already ordered it to be handed over to the Ministry of Rites..."


Yang Gang didn't wait for Yang Tianyou to finish, he let out an angry roar.

The terrifying air wave lifted his figure and pushed him straight out of the shop.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

"Yang Gang is here today."

Yang Gang turned his head to look at Dali Temple Minister Cheng Bi, and said coldly: "If Dali Temple convicts me, let someone... take me into the prison."

Say it.

He opened his hands, looking like he was ready to catch.


Everyone present didn't move, but felt a heavy pressure on their hearts following Yang Gang's words.

"Ah, this... this, this, this..."

Dali Temple Minister Cheng Bi was tongue-tied, and he felt a huge pressure rushing towards his face.

He is a civil servant in the world, even if he has some cultivation, how can he withstand the pressure of Yang Gang's corpse mountain and blood sea?

"Excuse me, my lord, am I guilty?"

Yang Gang took a step forward, holding the Blood Drinking Demon Knife, his loose hair couldn't hide the sun-like light between his brows.

Seeing Yang Gang getting closer and closer, Cheng Bi, Qing Qing of Dali Temple, seemed to be ready to slash his forehead with a knife at any time.

He suddenly came back to his senses.

"Not guilty! Not guilty!"

He shouted in shock: "Then Yang Yuan was lawless, broke into the private house without authorization, and was killed by the treasure of the town house. Yang Gang is innocent, and Yang Gang should be innocent!"

(End of this chapter)

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