I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 137 Chase all over the Nine Heavens and Earth, and I will...kill you too.

Chapter 137 Chase all over the nine heavens and ten places, and I will... kill you too.

Cheng Bi's voice echoed in the courtyard.

Everyone looked shocked when they heard the words, and there was a feeling of taking it for granted in their hearts.

That Yang Yuan...deadly died!

It's just that at this moment, in their hearts, they all subconsciously ignored Yang Gang's act of destroying the corpse with a knife.

This is strength!
Yang Yuan dared to do such a despicable behavior, and he deserved to end up dead without a whole body!
"Father, father..." Feeling Yang Gang's gaze faintly looking over.

Yang Jing's knees softened, and he scrambled and hid behind Yang Tianyou.


Yang Gang didn't even bother to look at him.

Turning around, he looked at everyone in the fire department.

"what about you……"

"Since Qingyun youth has returned to the capital, the matter here has nothing to do with the Ministry of Fire. This time... I have offended you." Tail Vulcan general Zhu Zhao sighed, bowed to Yang Gang with both hands clasped fists, and then turned and left with the people.

Everyone was stunned again.

The Huobu, who was so powerful just now... just left?
Yang Gang didn't stop him, but just watched the backs of everyone in the fire department.

half an hour.

He turned his head for the third time and looked at the Minister of Rites - Gao Chunyu.


With a bitter face, Gao Chun sighed: "The old minister of the Ministry of Rites, I have seen the disciples of Qingyun Pavilion."

"I heard that you want my mother to move to the Ministry of Rites?"

Yang Gang looked indifferent.

Just looking at his expression, everyone could feel that under the plain expression, there seemed to be a monstrous killing intent brewing.

If not restricted under the rules.

If not this is Shengjing.

Today, one of them counts as one, and I am afraid that none of them will be able to get out of this small courtyard, and they will not be able to escape that bright knife.

The reason why the sword demon is called the sword demon.

Everyone has experienced his decisive will.

At that time, Yang Gang could bear the humiliation for his mother for 17 years, but once he broke through the Qingyun, he would rather exchange the name of the whole life for the promise of the sage, and also take his mother out of the cage of the Yang family.

In the end, in exchange for a filial piety that touched the sky, Qingyun conferred the gods.

He did so much hard work, all for his mother.

Now they dare to touch his Ni Lin, wanting Lan Caiyi to return to that cage.

Everyone showed bitterness on their faces. They knew that today would be a hard job, but they had to listen to the order of the sage!
"Brother Yang"

Gao Chunhe twitched his beard, and said helplessly, "This time the order is from the Holy Monarch. Although I don't want it in my heart, but also, but also..."

"No more."

Yang Gang said coldly: "You want my mother to move to the Ministry of Rites? Yes. Then you... move the Ministry of Rites here."


Gao Chun and stunned.

"I said, I want my mother to move to the Ministry of Rites, that's fine. Let's move the Ministry of Rites—directly to Changting Street, to my... shop!" Yang Gang repeated, speaking lightly. .

But silently clenched the Blood Drinking Demon Knife in his hand.

all of a sudden.

A powerful and unparalleled killing intent soared into the sky.

All practitioners in Shengjing couldn't help paying attention.

This knife demon...

Could it be that for the mother today, another blood flowed like a river?
"Move the Ministry of Rites... over here?"

Gao Chunyu felt a heavy pressure on his heart.

He looked at Yang Gang with astonishing murderous intent, and couldn't help smiling wryly in his heart.

Among the people present, he has the highest status.

Having been in Da Zhou's officialdom for decades, he would naturally not be intimidated by a few threats.

But if he insisted on the previous order, he would be completely hostile to Yang Gang... If this arrogant man grows up, he will have at least 1000, or even 5000 or [-] years to live.

the most important is.

In fact, in his heart, he also sympathized with this pair of mother and son who had endured for more than ten years.

"That's it."

Gao Chunyu sighed, "Since Qingyun youth asked, then I will follow your wishes. Move the Ministry of Rites... over here."


"Master Gao..."

Everyone was stunned.

Yang Tianyou's eyes widened even more, and he couldn't believe that this was what a minister of the Ministry of Rites said.

Although the four parts in the world are not as good as the eight parts in the heavens, the masters of Shangshu are also some of the top people in the world!
How could he succumb to Yang Gang's lust?What does it mean to move the Ministry of Rites here?
"Noble book!"

Yang Tianyou said anxiously.

"Chen Shilang."

Gao Chunyu ignored him and suddenly looked serious.

"Yes." A man bowed his head and took half a step forward.

"You go and prepare, and move some documents from the Ministry of Rituals, as well as the relevant staff here. In the past few days, the old man has been working in this woodcarving shop..."

The people around were in an uproar.

The Minister of Rites Gao Chun and His Majesty the Holy Monarch stood behind him, but because of Yang Gang's strength... he gave in!Although, only a small number of people from the Ministry of Rites were moved here...

Yang Tianyou's face completely sank.

There was a gloomy look in his gloomy eyes.

He has only been away from Beijing for a few years, why... everything here is so strange?
Just Yang Gang, a rebellious son, why... everyone is helping him?
Why did he disintegrate his offensive so easily with a few words?

Yang Tianyou didn't want to think about it.

It has only been a month since Qingyun struggled to cross.

The majesty of the sword demon is still in sight, who will touch its edge?

Although he had heard about Yang Gang's reputation after returning to the capital, he had never really experienced the tremendous pressure that Qingyundu's determination brought to the people of Shengjing.

at last.

Yang Gang's eyes turned to Yang Tianyou.

This one was once the titular 'father'.

The little transparent Jing Zhaoyin Liu Quan let out a long breath, secretly thankful, "He didn't look at me, he didn't look at me... Luckily!" '

"Yang Tianyou."

Yang Gang said in a deep voice.

"Nizi." Yang Tianyou gritted his teeth.

He looked at Yang Gang, wishing to drink his blood and eat his flesh.

After leaving Beijing for a few years, the moment he came back, there were tremendous changes.The efforts of several generations were all burnt because of this rebellious son.

Yang Tianyou never thought of it.

A bastard who used to be like a good-for-nothing has grown to this extent in just a few years!

"I really want to...kill you!"

Yang Gang stared at Yang Tianyou with murderous intent in his eyes.

It seems that he wanted to kill this former 'father' with a single blow.

But Yang Tianyou was not to be outdone, he stared at him and gritted his teeth.

I don't know where he got his confidence?

"Two, please listen to me."

Gao Chunyu opened his mouth and said: "The debate on theory and law has been set in three days. You have conflicts at this time, and you really can't explain it in front of the holy king. Why don't you...let's stop here for today!"

"So far?"

Yang Gang tilted his head, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he walked out of the shop step by step and walked up to Yang Tianyou.

Grabbing his skirt, he slowly lifted him up.

"Nizi, what are you going to do?"

A trace of anxiety flashed across Yang Tianyou's face.

He finally felt something was wrong.

This Yang Gang...does he really dare to harm him under the watchful eyes of everyone?

Yang Tianyou wanted to struggle crazily, but found that Yang Gang, who was facing him at this time, was unable to break free at all due to his strength in the realm of primordial spirit.

Yang Gang's hand was like a rock, just holding him like that.


A loud slap shook everyone's minds.

Yang Tianyou's eyes were dull.

The five palm prints on the left face quickly swelled up.


Under everyone's surprised and joyful eyes, Yang Gang raised his hand again and slapped it back.


Yang Tianyou's eyes were dim.

He stared blankly at the 'son' who had never seen a single glance in 17 years.

It's so strange, it's so hideous.

The five blood-red palm prints on his right face swelled rapidly, which was exactly symmetrical with the left face.

"Brother Yang."

Gao Chunyu, who has studied ritual studies all his life, couldn't help closing his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to see this scene of father and son fighting each other.

But he still said in his mouth: "Enough is enough, after all, he is still the Earl of the Great Zhou. Even if he deserves what he deserves...too much has been done today, and it will be detrimental to the legal debate three days later."

"The Earl of the Great Zhou."

Yang Gang looked at Yang Tianyou and sneered.

"Don't worry. He won't be soon..."

Yang Tianyou finally came to his senses, and said in a cold voice: "Hmph. If you consider yourself to be Shengjing, if you say you're an earl, then..." 'Crack! ' Another crisp sound made Yang Tianyou's eyes glaze over.

But he was completely fooled.

Yang Gang threw him heavily on the ground.

Stepping on his chest, he gradually exerted strength, "There is no fire department, no ritual department, Dali Temple and Jing Zhaoyin are standing behind you, and you, Yang Tianyou... are nothing!"

"It's just an earl of the big week. They didn't remind me, and I almost forgot. You are just an earl, who gave you the confidence to be so arrogant?"

Yang Tianyou's expression changed.

He glanced at Yang Gang in surprise, afraid that he had discovered something.

Immediately he quickly stabilized his mind, and said firmly, "Don't tell me you dare to kill me today? You insulted the Earl of Da Zhou and sued Sheng Jing. You will be spared the death penalty today, but you cannot escape the crime of living! These two slaps on you..."

"Yes. I can't kill you today." Yang Gang sighed helplessly.

Yang Tianyou looked happy just now.

He suddenly heard his voice change, and said: "Although I can't kill you today, but—"

I saw Yang Gang move his leg on one of Yang Tianyou's feet, and suddenly exerted strength.


There was a terrifying scream.

Yang Tianyou hugged his knees and rolled wildly.

"Nizi, Nizi, how dare you... ah..."

His right leg was completely twisted, and the joint bones of his knee had been completely crushed by Yang Gang's foot.

"Today, if you trespassed on your private house, then I would have crippled your leg, so you deserve it?" Yang Gang squatted beside Yang Tianyou, with a bright smile on his face.

It's just that the smile imprinted in the eyes of Yang Tianyou and Bai Yanhui was so terrifying.

"Father and son! You murder father and son!" Yang Tianyou raised his head and stared at Yang Gang, the hatred in his eyes almost turned into substance.


But he has nothing to do with Yang Gang.

The people present included the immortals from Qingyun Pavilion, Hanxiang from Doubu, everyone from the Ministry of Rites, Dali Temple, Jingzhaoyin... and all the forces from the Yang Mansion and Bai Mansion.

But no one dared to stop Yang Gang's behavior.

Everyone just stared blankly.

"Are you still naively thinking about letting the Holy King uphold justice for you?"

Yang Gang sneered and said, "Don't be stupid, the Holy Monarch's gaze is on the nine heavens and ten earths, never these sleazy dogs in the world. Do you think of yourself... as a thing?"

"If I really kill you today, so what?"

"It's a big deal to change one life. But the biggest possibility is that you die. And I... was imprisoned in the fairy prison and endured thousands of years of suffering."


Yang Tianyou's expression froze, and a frightened look finally flashed in his eyes.

"rest assured."

Yang Gang leaned into his ear.

Softly "comforting": "Your life is not worth my sacrifice."

"These things today are just interest. I won't let you die so easily! I won't... let you die so cheaply for the hardships that have been imposed on our mother and child in the past ten years! How can I let you die first, so many damned people are not dead?"

"I will let you watch them die in front of you one by one."

"Dead until... only you are left."

"Nizi Nizi" Yang Tianyou murmured, his pupils dilated completely.

He finally understood.

This is a lunatic who is desperate for his mother!

A total lunatic!

In the two lifetimes, both mothers suffered from insanity.

Let me ask Yang Gang like this, how can he not go crazy when he encounters a life like a pig and dog in two lifetimes?

If there is anyone at this time, stand in Yang Tianyou's perspective.

You will find that Yang Gang's eyes are reflected in his eyes, which seem to be possessed by demons, with traces of scarlet blood, which seem to be ten times, a hundred times more evil than those evil spirits he saw in the north!
"Don't worry Yang Tianyou, my good. 'Father'!"

Yang Gang leaned over to his ear and said in a low voice: "The revenge of taking one's mother is irreconcilable. The hatred between us, even if we pursue it all over the world, I will... kill you."

"You can't run away! You can't run away hahaha"


Bursts of crazily goofy laughs were like magic sounds filling the ears, continuously piercing into Yang Tianyou's ears.

It made him have a splitting headache and almost went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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