I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 138 Entering the court as an official and in charge of justice?

Chapter 138 Entering the court as an official and in charge of justice?
fairy garden.

Lingxiao Palace.

A majestic figure with nine heavens and ten earths, as if sitting on the throne of the treasure hall forever.

Still the same as before, quietly looking at the distant world.

Above the nine heavens, the peak of the immortals.

"His Majesty……"

The white-bearded old man bowed quietly and stood below, as if he had something to say.


After a while, he didn't get a response from Shengjun.

"Your Majesty..." The white-bearded old man sighed slightly, and said in his heart: "Your Majesty seems to have forgotten, he has completely forgotten...that child is 'her' son..."

for a long time.

There was still silence from above.

The old man felt helpless.

He could only salute and back down slowly.


The majestic voice made the old man stagnate suddenly.

"His Majesty."

The white-bearded old man turned around and bowed his head deeply.

"You said... After this incident, let him enter the court as an official and take charge of the judiciary... How about it?"

The white-bearded old man froze, and his expression flashed with astonishment.

Then bowed his head deeply again.

"Your Majesty is mighty, I dare not say anything."

A deep chill suddenly rose in his heart.

Ever since Shengjun cast his eyes on the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, his mind has become more and more difficult to see through.

Let Yang Gang enter the court with a resolute temperament and take charge of the judiciary... It turns out that His Majesty did not forget those past events, but that he had already planned in his heart.

He counted nine days and ten places.

What is calculated is the world, the extremes of the earth, and the peak of the immortals, the three worlds of heaven, earth and man!

a long time.

There was no more sound from above.

The white-bearded old man understood that what Shengjun wanted to say had already been said.

He didn't put his mind on this small holy capital at all, and he didn't put his mind on this world where the world of mortals and worldly desires formed a huge net.

Nine heavens and ten earths, reincarnation in sea of ​​suffering, 600 million eons... As the only person who has a little knowledge of the situation of the Holy Monarch, the old man understands the figure in Lingxiao Palace at this moment.

Just one of its billions of thoughts, just a small projection.

And the sages only look at the final result.

"Three days later, the debate on reason and law."

The old man walked out of the treasure hall, looked at the bustling city of Shengjing, and sighed slightly in his heart, "I still need to satisfy him this time, so that he can agree to enter the Immortal Dynasty and enjoy offerings!"

"Filial piety touches the heavens, and Qingyun enshrines the gods. Now that child is indeed qualified to hold an important position."

"Is this also what His Majesty Shengjun meant?" The old man wondered in his heart.

The sacred heart is like the sky, and as deep as the sea.

As the closest person to His Majesty Shengjun, the old man felt that in his life, he had never penetrated his thoughts.


"no, do not want!"

"No—!" Yang Tianyou hugged his head tightly, rolling on the ground in pain.

The people around couldn't help being stunned.

What did Yang Gang just say to Yang Tianyou?
It actually caused such a huge stimulus to him!

Han Xiang looked at Yang Gang with scarlet eyes, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

Stepped forward and gently held his hand, a ray of cold lunar power flowed into Yang Gang's body like a clear spring.

A soft voice rang in his ears: "You just...infected his soul with your own soul?"


Yang Gang was slightly taken aback, and his mind, which was about to go crazy, seemed to clear up a little bit.

Feeling the power of the sun from Hanxiang's body, she knew it was because of her.

A gleam flashed in the eyes of a madman, and he turned around and said gratefully: "Thank you, aunt. You are right, I infected his soul with the soul."


Han Xiang was a little puzzled, "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

She didn't understand, where did Yang Gang learn how to infect other people's primordial spirit.

What is even more unclear is, what is the significance of Yang Gang's doing this?
Apart from making Yang Tianyou feel pain for a few days and deepening his hatred, it seems that there is no other use.

Practitioners in the Yuanshen realm, unless the Yuanshen is separated from the body and suffers severe injuries, the Yuanshen locked in the Lingtai is actually not that vulnerable to injury.

This is the practice of injuring one thousand enemies and three thousand yourself.

"Don't worry, aunt, I have my own plan for doing this." Yang Gang shook Han Xiang's hand and whispered in her ear.

"Well. Auntie believes in you."

Han Xiang subconsciously hid her ears, her breath was a little disordered.

"Let's go."

Yang Gang took Han Xiang's hand, turned around and walked towards the shop.

halfway through.

He paused, let go of Hanxiang's hand, and said to the many old immortals in Qingyun Pavilion on the roof: "Thank you for your help today, seniors, the kindness of saving my mother, I will never forget it in this life!"

In other words.

This is a great favor that will never end.


All the elders in Qingyun Pavilion laughed loudly.

"We are all old guys who are dying. We have nothing else to ask for. For the rest of our lives, we only look forward to you young men. If we can become ancestors, we will have no regrets for the rest of our lives!"

Say it.

The figures disappeared one by one, turning into streamers of light and casting them towards the Qingyun Pavilion in the north of the city.

The Yang family's children hurriedly helped Zhongyong uncle Yang Tianyou, and hurried home, all of them looked heavy.

Only the Ministry of Rites and Dali Temple were left looking at each other.

"Master Gao, what should we do?" Dali Siqing asked.

"Hey... find some people first, wait three days later..."

Gao Chun, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Zhenbao Pavilion, who happened to look aside, saw a figure looking upstairs, "Hey, this loft is not bad! These few days, how about we borrow this Zhenbao Pavilion for temporary use?"

"good idea!"

Jing Zhaoyin and Liu Quan clapped their hands in agreement, then raised his head high, and said proudly: "Hey, the head of the Zhenbao Pavilion. Come down! Don't hide, our family has already seen you!"

"My lord..." The head of the Zhenbao Pavilion immediately wept.

The Zhenbao Pavilion is about to become the battlefield of this "debate of reason and law". After three days...the foundation will not be flattened by that sword demon, right?

And at this time.

Outside the inner city of Shengjing Xianting, there is a stretch of towering buildings.

Temples, fairy palaces, pavilions and pavilions.

Eight resident in the sky.

Temple of Fire.

Master Yuan Tianshi of Qingyun Pavilion is looking for a cup of tea with God of Fire Virtue.

Yuan Tianshi was dressed in Tsing Yi, with an aura like abyss.

He was sitting at the table, and he was making tea instead of the guest.

The God of Fire Virtue on the opposite side is like a ball of fireworks, gathering and dispersing from time to time. Only when the teacup is lifted up does it transform into a human figure. Swords, wheels, smoke, seals, pots and other magic weapons of fire are looming in the fire cloud behind him.

The two immortals drank tea quietly without saying a word, but their eyes seemed to see through the void, witnessing that Yang Gang turned his head again and again, drinking away everyone in Dali Temple, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Fire.

Like a rising star, it illuminates the holy capital.

At last.

What Yang Gang said to Yang Tianyou also drifted into their ears like a breeze.

Yuan Tianshi lightened his hand, but found that there was no water in the pot.

The water seemed to be drunk by the two of them, and it seemed to be dried up by the endless fire energy, and there was no drop.

The great celestial master of Qingyun Pavilion smiled slightly.

The teapot fell lightly on the table.

He said softly: "Since there is no tea today, Yuan will stop nagging about Immortal Flame."


Lord Huode raised his palm to see off the guests, still sitting in front of the table.

"Goodbye." Yuan Tianshi nodded.


Lord Huode nodded calmly.

Looking at Yuan Tianshi who got up lightly and walked away slowly, two groups of flames seemed to burn in his eyes.

"The dispute between the eight tribes, the decline of the Qingyun ranks... After waiting for thousands of years, the three worlds of heaven, earth and human are finally going to be chaotic!"

"Do you want to start with Yang Gang... Your Majesty the Holy King?"


The night gradually deepened.

Today's cold moon is like a shy daughter's house, hiding in the clouds and never showing her head.

Yang Gang and Han Xiang sat in the room, comforting Lan Caiyi who was frightened today, watching her gradually fall asleep.

"Yang Tianyou's appearance today seems to have greatly stimulated Caiyi." Han Xiang said quietly.

"Auntie, do you know what happened to them back then?"

Yang Gang looked at Han Xiang and asked.

"I don't know."

Han Xiang shook her head.

"Your mother and I are sisters in the previous life. In this life, I awakened my previous life early and cultivated in a place outside the world. By chance, I got the edict of the sage and went to the world to experience it. Only then did I know that Caiyi has a calamity in this life. "

"Then I took Yang Chan's child as my apprentice, thinking I could take care of one or two. However...the filth in the world is beyond my imagination, and I haven't been able to help him in the past few years."

A trace of shame flashed across Han Xiang's face.

"Auntie doesn't have to say that."

Yang Gang shook his head and said: "Since you appeared, the situation of our mother and child has not improved, but it has not worsened. Without your deterrence, I am afraid...there are two more unnamed graves on the barren hills outside the holy capital. "

"Do you think..." Han Xiang's eyes flashed, "The situation of your mother and child is tricky?"


Yang Gang nodded slightly.

He pondered and said: "My background, my mother's identity...maybe the source of all this. Of course, the culprit of all this is that former loyal and brave Marquis, Yang Tianyou."

"Without his tacit consent, how could the people of the Yang family oppress our mother and son like this?"

"What do you think?" Han Xiang asked.

Han Xiang really doesn't understand, even if Lan Caiyi is crazy and has lost some reputation in the Yang family, Yang Tianyou shouldn't have such hatred.

"On the way to Shengjing, I met some 'people'."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Gang's mouth, "These people alone may be enough to put Yang Tianyou to death. In order to deal with 'them', I was even seriously injured and paid a certain price."

"But I didn't say anything, but pretended not to know, and I didn't show any signs of injury."

"Why?" Han Xiang was slightly startled, and looked carefully at Yang Gang, but did not find any signs of injury on his body.

"I want to fish." Yang Gang said.

"After three days?" Han Xiang asked curiously.

"No. I want to catch a... big fish."

Yang Gang shook his head slightly, and said deeply: "I want to know why my mother suffered such a serious mental injury back then. I want to know what secrets exist between our mother and son."

"I want to know more, if the blood in my body is the dirty blood of the Yang family."

"I still don't know if there is any blood relationship between me and Yang Tianyou." As for the words of the woman in Yang's mansion, few people really believed them.

"What are you going to do?" Han Xiang looked slightly serious.

"Ask Yang Tianyou directly, he will definitely not tell."

Yang Gang said: "Thus, after three days, I will win, but I will not completely defeat them. I will step by step... to force the Yang family to death. They are forced to have nowhere to go, and Yang Tianyou has to rely on the power behind him..."

(End of this chapter)

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