I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 139 Debate of theory and law, the battle of the three realms! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 139 Debate of theory and law, the struggle of the Three Realms! 【Subscribe】

"I will force him to ruin his reputation!"

"Forcing him to embark on a path of betrayal and being completely cast aside by everyone in Dazhou."

"At that time, everything will come to light." Yang Gang said quietly.

The breath on his body was calm and breezy, as if he could not feel the slightest bit of hatred.

"I understand."

Hanxiang nodded slowly, "In this holy capital, if you want to kill a lord, you can only follow the rules. When you grow up, you will no longer be as impulsive as before!"

"Auntie, I've never been impulsive except because of my mother." Yang Gang couldn't help laughing.

After cutting off love, he is extremely affectionate.

During this period of time, he seemed to be getting more and more impulsive, even crazy.

In fact, in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, the primordial spirit is often like a bright mirror, hanging high in the sky.

It's just that his mental calculations are getting more and more profound, as if he wants to see through the layers of fog and directly point to the essence of things.

The layout of all this actually started as early as when he left Beijing.

And his style during this period is all for others to see!
"Then, how do you plan to win the debate of reason and law in three days' time?" Han Xiang smiled when she heard this.

In my ancient past life, you, a bad boy, dared to bully the Goddess and look directly at the Golden Crow.At that time, you were very impulsive!snort!

thought here.

Han Xiang couldn't help but glance at him secretly.

"I think……"

Yang Gang leaned over and put his mouth close to Hanxiang's ear, and said in a low voice, "I want to ask my aunt to help me..." His voice became smaller and smaller until it was barely audible.

for a long time.


Han Xiang raised her head with surprise in her eyes.

Covering her red lips, she whispered: "The one on Qingyun Mountain, how can I get him to move?"

"I don't need him." Yang Gang shook his head.

Still whispering in Hanxiang's ear: "You just need to say that after Yang Gang's incident, he became a member of Qingyun Mountain, studied poetry and classics hard, escaped from the world, and refined his demonic nature."

"He is the kindest old man in the world, the source of etiquette."

"If there is injustice in the minds of students all over the world, they can look to him to uphold justice."

"Go and beg him."

"He will agree..."

"Really?" Han Xiang was somewhat disbelieving.

Immediately, there seemed to be a flash of lightning in the moon-like mind.

"You have gone through so much trouble just for one Yang Tianyou?" As clever as she was, she suddenly thought of something, "Could it be because of Sheng..."

"Be careful."

Yang Gang's finger appeared on Hanxiang's lips like lightning, covering her next words.

The eyes of the two looked straight at each other, and the light shone.

Han Xiang gradually realized.

At this moment, she felt that Yang Gang in front of her eyes had finally really grown up.

Now he is more than impulsive.

Instead, he has really grown up, and even has a lot of manliness in him.

It's not right for me to regard him as my nephew and nephew.

"Auntie, I leave everything to you."

Yang Gang put down his finger.

He stood up silently and looked out the window.

Behind Yang Tianyou, perhaps it is not Shengjun.

But what the Holy King calculates is the world, and he regards the three realms as a chess game.

Yang Gang didn't know if there was any random move by him in this process.

The reincarnation is far away, and the world is like chess.

Now he is still too insignificant in the face of the most powerful person, immortal, and god in the three realms.

Yang Gang still has a long, long way to go to reach the point where he can look directly at Shengjun.

"Auntie, the majestic saint... is not without enemies."

"Huh?" Han Xiang showed doubts.

Yang Gang turned his head and smiled slightly.

"For example, those bedbugs who always spy on the human world... Shamo."

He rubbed the increasingly deep marks between his brows.

A lingering fear flashed in his eyes.

The battle on the way back to Beijing, if not for the blood of the Golden Crow.I'm afraid it's him... It's bad luck!

Long time.

Three days have passed.

This day is destined to attract the attention of the entire Shengjing, and even most of the world.

The son competes with the father for the mother. This kind of legal dispute has never happened since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It can even be said that it has never been seen before!

The laws of nature and human relations, and the justice of the judiciary, must be clearly debated today, and an explanation must be given to the world.

No one knows why the matter has developed to such an extent. It seems that there is a huge driving force behind it, pushing everything to this point unconsciously.

In the Treasure Pavilion.

The two parties involved had already arrived early.

However, today is not only their battle.

It is also a dispute between the Ministry of Rites, Dali Temple, and Jing Zhaoyin.

The Zhenbao Pavilion at this time is like a huge debate meeting, gathering all the secrets of Shengjing and the eyes of the whole world.

Officials from the four divisions in the human world came, and many people from the eight divisions in the sky also came.

There are also rich and noble families in Shengjing, princes and generals.

Even civilians, merchants, and heroes of the rivers and lakes were selected by the Ministry of Rites to enter the arena.

Under the impetus of Xianting.

This is no longer just a dispute between Yang Fu and Yang Gang.

It is a battle between justice and morality, which concerns the hearts of the people all over the world.

If Yang Gang wins, the hearts of the people will return to Zhou.

If Yang Tianyou wins, it will be able to demonstrate the power of justice and the justice of heaven.

There is only one person who doesn't think so.

in the spotlight.

An old man with white beard, holding a whisk, came slowly from afar.

The crowd is automatically separated.

Everyone sees it without disrespect.

Shouted: "Meet the old Taibai Pavilion."

"Today's debate, you can take care of yourself. The old man is here... just to serve as a pair of eyes for His Majesty Shengjun." Taibaixing Jun stood quietly on the side of the head, neither sitting down nor speaking.

He just looked at Yang Gang quietly.

I couldn't help but think of the words of Shengjun three days ago, "After this incident, let him enter the court as an official and take charge of the judiciary... how about it?" '

how is it?

Since the sage asked, there must be a reason.

Yang Gang's entry into the court was basically a certainty.

Unless... there are surprises beyond everyone's expectations today.

said before.

If Yang Gang wins today, the hearts of the people will return to Zhou.

However, if Yang Tianyou wins today's lawsuit, it will demonstrate the power of the judiciary and the justice of heaven.

But how to demonstrate the justice of the judiciary, let Yang Gang enter the court, take charge of the judiciary, and gradually train him to a higher position?
Lord Taibai Xing didn't know.

So he also came today, wanting to personally witness this debate of theory and law that may change the Three Realms in the future.

"The debate of reason and law, begin!"

With the loud voice of the Minister of Rites, announcing that this lawsuit that affects the world has finally started.

"Today, both sides insist on their own opinions and dialectical principles. If people outside the hall have ideas, they can also speak out freely."

One by one, officials from the Ministry of Rites, the general judge of Dali Temple, and the master book of Jing Zhaoyin came out.

They are the people with the most experience in solving cases in the world, but today they have to stand in the camps of both sides, arguing with their own reasons, and discuss whether Yang Gang's mother should belong to Yang Tianyou's nominal husband.

After leaving the mansion with Yang Gang, he, his parent and son, will take care of him.


As soon as Yang Tianyou came up, he made rude remarks.

"You disregarded etiquette, killed your relatives and father, killed Yuan'er, and broke my father's leg. What qualifications do you have to support your mother?"

At this moment, Yang Tianyou had completely disregarded his own face.

Since he last met the 'person' behind him three days ago, Yang Tianyou was ready to risk everything.As long as he can force Yang Gang into the abyss step by step and win his beloved mother from him, everything will be worth it.

Yang Gang sneered when he heard this.

Looking at Yang Tianyou, his eyes were like blood, and there was a hint of killing intent flashing like a madman.

"You keep saying that she is your wife. In the past 17 years, have you ever treated her well? Have you ever seen that our mother and son live in your Yang Mansion, what kind of life is not as good as pigs and dogs?"

"On Qingyun Ferry that day, your mistress of the Yang family has publicly denied that our mother and son are not from your Yang family, so we have severed the kinship."

"Now, you still keep saying that you want to take your wife back?"

"How vicious are you, no one in this world is blind!"

"Yang Tianyou, if you insult my mother again, Yang Gang, in this life, will hunt you down for nine days and ten places, and you will suffer a terrible death!"

"Nizi, how dare you!" Yang Tianyou was furious, roaring like a mad lion.

At the beginning of the debate, the two parties have already been in the same situation and out of control.


One after another, people outside the venue spoke.

Bai Yanhui took the lead and said:

"Presumptuous! Husbands and wives share human relations. This is the law of heaven and earth. You forcibly took away Lan Caiyi, which violated judicial justice and is simply absurd!"

At this time.

Jiang He stood up and said in a strange way: "Then your White House postponed your marriage many times back then, looked down on a legendary genius, and finally got divorced and slapped in the face. Is it justice?"

"Hahaha, I see, you want to use judicial justice as a weapon to exercise your own power!"

"I bother!"

A mouthful of saliva flew up and sprayed directly on Yang Tianyou's face.


Yang Tianyou was taken aback, and blankly wiped away the thick phlegm on his face.

I don't understand why Jiang He spat on him when he was arguing with Bai Yanhui.


One after another they spoke.

There are relatives of Yang Mansion and Bai Mansion, and friends who are attached to them or have been friends for generations.

And Yang Gang is like this, and everyone from the Jiang family and the Doubu are also helping.

a time.

It turned out that the officials from the Ministry of Rites, Dali Temple, and Jing Zhaoyin couldn't get in the way.


Gao Chunhe, Minister of Rites, slammed the table.

With a bang.

There seemed to be a strange aura covering the audience.

Follow the law.

For a while, people below the Yuanshen realm couldn't open their mouths.

They suddenly remembered.

The minister of the Ministry of Rites who has always been low-key is also a great Confucian in the world.

"Now, please invite the Ministry of Rites and Dali Temple to discuss the first issue: After Yang's mother leaves the mansion, should she live with her father or be raised by her son."

"Yes, my lord."

The officials of the three ministries immediately straightened their chests and began to speak in an orderly manner, expounding their respective arguments.

They quoted scriptures, from ancient legends and allusions to modern filial sons and fickle couples, and began to judge this debate of reason and law.

Everyone outside the venue listened quietly.

Some people looked at Yang Gang and gradually became sympathetic.

What happened to their mother and son over the past 17 years was completely exposed to the world.Everyone's hearts could not help but lean towards Yang Gang.

Yang's family is ashamed of the word loyalty and bravery.

It's simply... worse than a beast!
Three poles in the sun.

The Golden Crow gradually flew overhead.

Just as everyone in the Treasure Pavilion was arguing endlessly.

On Qingyun Mountain.

An incomparably beautiful figure, like a goddess of the moon palace in the nine heavens.

He was also walking towards an academy in the mountains step by step.

There are countless sages and great talents hidden in the world.

The human race has overcome obstacles for countless years.

These sages and sages who have long been hidden from the world are all existences that can be ranked in the halls of the scholars and enjoy the worship of the human race.

And today, some of them also set their sights down the mountain.

Silently watching the debate concerning the Three Realms.

The sages and sages... are the source of propriety and law, and the creators of Tao and reason.

But today's debate at the foot of the mountain is based on the foundation they created in the first place.

When Hanxiang stepped onto Qingyun, many people already understood her reason for coming.

Some people move their minds, and some people's hearts are like still water.

But there was a spirit beast that appeared in front of the mountain gate and blocked Hanxiang's way.

"The Academy is a place of saints and sages. What is your identity? Dare to come here and enter this All Saints Academy."

"Fuyue Mountain Hanxiang, I have seen Lingming fairy beasts."

Han Xiang looked at the fairy beast, and saw that it was all white, like a group of beasts in one body, gathering the beauty of all things into one, with a tiger head, a single horn, a dragon body, a phoenix tail, and a unicorn foot...

"People under the mountain, answer my words."

The voice of the Lingming Immortal Beast was majestic, like thunder.

"I'm him, aunt..." Han Xiang said softly.

"not enough."

Lingming fairy beast shook his head, his voice was heartless.

Han Xiang understands.

In this Qingyun Academy, all scholars from all over the world in the outer courtyard can enter.

But what she was going to enter was the All Saints School, where the old man was located.

She has no real kinship with Yang Gang, so it's not enough.

"I'm him..." Han Xiang hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth.

Said: "I am his... Taoist companion."

The voice fell.

On Qingyun Mountain, there was a sudden silence.

The Lingming fairy beast watched Hanxiang quietly, with a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything in the world, and the sea of ​​suffering reincarnated.

for a long time.

It chuckled, but still shook its head: "Without evidence, it's still not enough."

still not enough...

Han Xiang was stunned.

Think for a moment.

He sighed helplessly in his heart.


Practicing together is a Taoist companion.Friendship will never change, and they are also Taoist couples.

She was ready to break some taboos, but in the eyes of the spirit beasts, it was still not enough.

Han Xiang understands.

Everything is due to what I want, and the cause and effect are too great.

The Lingming fairy beast knows everything in the world, so naturally he doesn't want to let it easily enter the academy, disturbing the last peace of the three worlds.

"If nothing happens, please go down the mountain."

The voice of the spirit beast was still so cold and heartless.

Say it.

It turned around.

It seems to escape into the void and return to the mountains.

"In my previous life, he and I were a couple..." Han Xiang's cold voice suddenly sounded from behind.


In an instant.

It seems that there is a flower of fate blooming on the head of the spirit beast.

(End of this chapter)

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