I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 140 The laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty are unfair, so they must be changed! [4200-word chapt

Chapter 140 The laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty are unfair, so they must be changed! [4200-word chapter]


The spirit beast suddenly turned its head.

Dingding stared at Hanxiang for a while, then suddenly opened the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"The heavens and the earth are orderly, and karma results. This deity is in the cycle of eternal life, looking at you."

"You don't want to... lie!"

Hanxiang's eyes suddenly flashed a dull look.

According to the legend, the celestial beasts of spirits understand everything. Although it is not so exaggerated to see everything through the long river of time, as long as you want to know something, you can 'see' the approximate result through the flower of karma.

Could it be...the self in the previous life, and that nasty little thief, will really become a couple in the end?
In an instant.

The light shines ahead.

There seems to be an illusory portal that connects the heaven and the earth and goes deep into Qingyun Mountain.

In the clouds and mist, a grand and solemn school is faintly visible.

The Lingming Immortal Beast looked at Hanxiang, as if waiting for her to step into it, with a mischievous look in its eyes.


Nod lightly.

The cold fairy blushed and stepped into the All Saints School.

Treasure Pavilion at this time.

The debate among the people is intensifying, and the smell of gunpowder is full of gunpowder. It seems that there must be a complete competition in this day and age.

Those who supported Yang Gang had a slight upper hand.

However, because Yang Tianyou took advantage of the loopholes in the previous edict of the emperor, he has been holding on to the fact that "Lan Caiyi" is Yang Tianyou's wife, and occupies the "orthodoxy" in the general sense of the law.

The two sides are still arguing.

There is a reason, the more you argue, the more clear you are.

But because of this, the contradiction became more and more irreconcilable.

Many people gradually frowned.

His eyes subconsciously looked at Gao Chunyu, Minister of Rites.

In this debate, if the two sides can't gain the upper hand, the final result may still require the Minister of Rites to come to a conclusion.


Before Yang Gang used force to overwhelm others, which side would he lean towards?

Even if Gao Chun and Yin Yin sympathized with Yang Gang's mother and son, he is still an official of the Great Zhou Dynasty, representing the orthodoxy of etiquette.

Entrusting one's own destiny to an unknown is still a stone in one's heart that cannot be dropped.

Yang Gang couldn't help looking out the window.

I silently said in my heart: "Auntie, everything... just please!"

Qingyun Mountain.

Han Xiang stepped into the school full of books.

I saw the corridors, pavilions and towers here, engraved with calligraphy and painting articles, and there seemed to be the sound of sages reading aloud in my ears, penetrating the past and the present.

Fallen leaves are flying, and the fragrance of books is everywhere.

There was a burst of children's laughter in front of them.

Han Xiang concentrated her thoughts, and turned around the corner of the student corridor.

"In the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently good..."

"Da Daosheng, reincarnation is now..."

"Everything has animism, and its nature is the same..."

In the yard ahead, a group of children gathered around the knees of a kind old man, obediently holding scriptures and classics, and reading them Lang Lang.There are also a few people in the yard, walking around under the trees, laughing and playing very happily.

The harmonious picture is like a picture scroll, slightly rippling by the spring breeze.

A feeling suddenly arose in Hanxiang's heart.

As Yang Gang said, the old man in front of him is indeed the kindest old man in the world.

"Han Xiang, I met the old master."

She bowed her head respectfully.

At this moment, Han Xiang is dressed in a moonlight palace dress, adorned with peach blossoms, as if meeting a respected elder, she looks very gentle and virtuous.

"There are guests coming~~~ Children, you all study here obediently, and grandpa is going to receive the guests."

The old man nodded his bamboo stick on the ground, got up and said.

"Yes, Grandpa!"

Several children immediately responded in unison, looking very well-behaved and sensible.

Straw shoes step on the fallen leaves in the yard.

The old man walked up to Han Xiang and smiled kindly: "Little girl, come with me."

He walked forward, shuttling through the student corridor.

Han Xiang listened to the bursts of reading aloud, as if countless scholars were full of vigor, and seemed to hear ancient sages talking lightly about the truth in her ears.Like a dream, like a dream, like far away, like near...

next moment.

Her gaze flickered.

Before he knew it, he had already stood in a magnificent school.

I saw the display of all the saints in the hall, and the classic articles exuded literary spirit, like stars in the sky.

Han Xiang was in it.

I just feel infinitely small, like a mortal standing on the ground looking up at the endless stars in the sky.It also seems that this great hall is infinitely large, like heaven and earth, containing all things.

"What's the reason why the girl came here?"

The solemn voice of the old man came from the front.

Han Xiang looked at his back.

The old man was sitting on the ground with his back to her, facing the portraits of the saints in the hall.

this moment.

From the old man playing with children just now, his painting style has changed suddenly, with a deep and long-lasting breath, just like the source of the world's literary spirit.


Han Xiang lowered her head subconsciously, but she didn't dare to look any more.

But softly said: "Han Xiang came here to make a holy vow for his nephew Yang Gang in the next life."

As soon as the words "please make a holy wish" came out.

With a bang.

The All Saints Academy shines brightly, and it seems that countless figures have condensed from reality, returned from the void, and emerged from the long river of history.

"You girl, how do you make a holy vow?"

The old master's voice was majestic and distant, as if it came from the void in the sky.

"Among all the saints, there are also women. Why can't Hanxiang ask for a holy vow?" Hanxiang replied firmly.


Hearing this, the old master nodded slightly satisfied.

above the void.

All Saints Academy, the word "enlightened" seems to have flashed.

But at this moment, Han Xiang didn't seem to notice it.

She continued to speak: "Han Xiang is here, not for herself, nor for Yang Gang. It's for... the justice of heaven, and the enlightenment of all ages!"

In a bang.

Wenhua bloomed again in the void, and words like "benevolence", "righteousness" and "reason" flashed one by one.

"Hahaha, well said!"

The old master couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

The majestic figure finally turned around.

all of a sudden.

Han Xiang felt that the pressure from all directions was gone, and an aura of kindness and kindness emerged spontaneously.

The old master in front of him seemed to have transformed from a majestic and dignified saint back to the loving old man just now.

"That kid Yang Gang asked you to say these words, right?" the old master said with a smile.


Han Xiang didn't dare to hide anything, and replied respectfully: "He said that after this incident, he went to Qingyun Mountain to study poetry and classics hard, escaped from the world, and refined his demonic nature."

"Pursue a demonic nature?" The old master was obviously taken aback, and then slowly said: "All the saints have already known what he wished. You... go down first."


Han Xiang saluted slightly respectfully, then turned to face the gate.

Although he didn't understand what it meant, he didn't dare to refute the old man's meaning.

It's just a heart that can't help but feel a little uneasy.

The majesty of the holy monarch is nine heavens and ten earths, and immortals, gods, demons, demons, saints... all avoid their edges.

Will the sages of hundreds of families who hide from the world on Qingyun Mountain agree to her request?
"The old man has a personal question..." The old master's voice came from behind again.

Han Xiang paused and turned around in surprise.

"Why did you and that child beg me?" The old master blinked mischievously and teased.

Han Xiang was taken aback for a moment, her face flushed slightly.

Response: "Return to Master, he said... When I was young, I met you."

"He also said that you are the kindest old man in the world. If your child is wronged, you will definitely not sit idly by!"

"Uh ha ha ha"

The old master was slightly startled, as if recalling that little figure back then, angrily jumping up and hitting his knee.He vaguely remembered that it seemed that it was only because other children robbed his toys.

But I taught him... Peace is the most important thing.

"Yes, yes, a good boy."

The old master looked at Han Xiang with more gentle eyes.

He waved his hand and said, "Go, go, children, go and fight... Your matter, the old man agreed on behalf of the saints."

"Yes, Master Xie!"

Han Xiang suddenly smiled.

At this moment in the solemn school, a ray of bright moonlight seemed to flash.

Waiting for the fairy-like beauty to leave the school.


The door slammed shut.

The All Saints Academy did not fall into darkness because of this, and the radiance of the saints emerged from the void, like lamps that illuminate the way forward for the human race, illuminating the hall as if it were brightly lit.

"Everyone, did you hear that?"

The old master restrained his smile on his face and said sternly.

"It seems that it has been thousands of years, and no one has laughed in the All Saints School." A sigh sounded in the void.

"It's been boring for a long time, and it's really boring." Another voice said.

"The old man has read the few poems and essays written by that child, and they are indeed quite strong. No wonder he dared to jump up and hit the old master's knee." There was a hint of a smile in a voice.

"I've been hiding from the world for thousands of years, maybe it's time to go down the mountain and walk around." A clumsy voice said.

"Hmph!" A resolute voice sounded, "I'm waiting to hide from the world, but the sage wants to enshrine the gods on top of us... Sooner or later, the long steps of Qingyun will be overturned!"

Voices sounded one by one.

The solemn and solemn All Saints School seemed to come alive.

The old master turned around and looked at the holy capital at the foot of Qingyun Mountain, with a smile on his lips.

He murmured softly: "Go, go, all go! Help that poor child... go to this world, and comfort the righteousness that is about to fall. Go and bring a trace of righteousness to those children."


"Respect Heaven, Earth and Master!"

One after another figure made a promise.

In an instant.

Mandarin blooms on Qingyun Mountain.

Projections of ancient sages and sages walked out of the All Saints Academy and projected towards the treasure pavilion at the foot of Qingyun Mountain, Changting Street in Shengjing.

And this time.

The atmosphere in the Treasure Pavilion was already like a raging fire cooking oil, almost on the verge of burning.

The two sides insisted on their own words and could not argue.

Gao Chun, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, felt a huge pressure with his face sinking like water.

at last.

He waved.

The curtain of the back hall was drawn.

I saw a great Confucian with profound aura sitting on the high seat in the original auction venue.


"The great Confucian scholars in Shengjing are all here!"

Everyone's faces became serious at this moment.

The higher-level forces in Shengjing, some people representing the highest knowledge of the Great Zhou, have entered the arena!

Among them are weak old men, masters of Yuanshen who have stepped into the Tao of cultivation, and even some powerful people who have entered the fairyland with Confucianism and Taoism.

However, today, they only represent a worldly great Confucianism that they have learned.

Represents - impartiality.

The faces of the people on Yang Gang's side suddenly darkened.

Those present here, no matter how supportive they are of the ethics of "monarch, minister, father and son" in the world, when the past encounters of Yang Gang's mother and son are exposed, they can't help but feel sympathy for the two.

However, these great Confucian scholars are all profound in knowledge, but they can abandon the sympathy in their hearts, and they will not have any bias when discussing the Tao.

Da Zhou ruled the country with justice and was impartial and selfless.

If you really argue with legal principles...

This time, Yang Gang is in danger!


From the very beginning, the dialectics of the great Confucians seemed to be one-sided.

This time, they did not stand on any side, but each argued for the rationality and feasibility of the son and the father competing for the mother in the law.

And when this dialectic is completely divorced from sensibility.

Just like the ruthless laws of Dazhou, they are enough to defeat the theory presented by Yang Gang.

Gradually, there seemed to be a Taoism and principles intertwined, impenetrable, like the rhyme of Taoism in a fairyland, which enveloped the voices of all the great Confucians.

People gradually could not hear the content of their arguments.


Jiang He tugged on Yang Gang's sleeve.

He gave Yang Gang a look, indicating that the situation is not good, as if to say: Do you want to transfer Yang's mother away first?
"No need."

Yang Gang patted the precious sword on his body.

He looked at Yang Tianyou whose face was gradually showing complacency.

If he was really powerless, the blood-drinking magic knife cut off Yang Tianyou with a single blow, and he risked everything to live in that fairy prison for thousands of years, which would also solve his mother's calamity.


If you do this, all the previous calculations will lose their meaning.

Thousands of years later, the Yang Mansion has multiplied several generations, and it is extremely nourishing, and those who were once sinful have already passed away in the long river of time.

That's... so cheap for them!
There was a shock.

It woke up many distracted people in Zhenbao Pavilion.

Everyone looked at him.

"It's over for me to defend myself," said a great Confucian.

Everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Is it finally over?
"Brother Huang, the results are to be announced." Gao Chun, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, said.

He looked at the representatives of the great Confucian scholars, the censor of the Great San Juan Law Office, the Great Confucian of Panzhu——Cheng Zhufeng.


Cheng Zhufeng nodded slowly.

His eyes looked at the calm Yang Gang, and then at Yang Tianyou who looked slightly pale.

He said sternly and selflessly: "We will wait for the decision, the result of the dispute between Yang's father and son over his mother... Based on the law... Lan Caiyi is still Yang Tianyou's wife and concubine, there is no doubt..."

Everyone listened intently.

At this time, Yang Gang seemed to have never heard of it.

His gaze was fixed on the outside of the Treasure Pavilion.

Look at the end of the street.

A graceful and goddess-like figure, dressed in moonlight palace attire, with fluttering belts, walked slowly towards him.Han Xiang suddenly stopped and smiled at Yang Gang.

this moment.

There seems to be a clear moonlight, like a clear spring flowing into Yang Gang's heart.

"Aunt~~~" Yang Gang's mouth twitched, and at this moment, a bright smile suddenly appeared.

Cheng Zhufeng's voice continued to reach his ears.

"Therefore, according to the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the mad girl Lan's family was sentenced to belong to the Yang family. Everyone... Do you have any objections?"

"There are objections."

A upright voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Yang Gang.

"Yang Gang, what objection do you have?" Cheng Zhufeng said in a deep voice.

"My law to Da Zhou."

Yang Gang straightened his chest and said in a thunderous voice, "I have objections."


Countless people were in an uproar, looking at Yang Gang with dull eyes.

For a moment, I wondered if my ears had heard wrong.

Didn't he mean that he had objections to the judgment this time, but that he had objections to the laws of the Great Zhou...?

"The sage has a saying: if you don't correct your mistakes, it's too much." Lang Lang's voice sounded.

Yang Gang stood in the center of Zhenbao Pavilion.

Looking around, he said solemnly: "The sage also said: if you see something good, you will move, and if you have a mistake, you will correct it."

"I think Da Zhou's laws are unfair."

"If the law is wrong, it must be changed!"

"I, Yang Gang, this is what I want to revise today - the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty!" A firm voice sounded like a resounding sound.

It was as if a stone was thrown in the hearts of everyone, stirring up countless turbulent waves.

"He... what did he say?"

Gao Chunyu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, Cheng Zhufeng, the official censor, Dali Siqing, Jing Zhaoyin, Yang Tianyou... Countless people all looked at Yang Gang dully.

He... He actually wants to amend the laws of the Great Zhou!
Where did he get the confidence to dare to revise the laws of the Great Zhou that have been impartial and selfless like the way of heaven for countless years!

How dare he!
 Wait a minute, there is another chapter tonight, and I am trying to code! ! !

  Brothers who have a monthly pass vote, the monthly pass will be doubled on the last day!

(End of this chapter)

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